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Mr. Newton - King reports :-At Stony River on July 6 tho yarding was small. 6ales were made at tltofallowlnirauoUtions:—Lambs, Ms., "21s. 2d.; m-lamb ewes, lis 24b. 6d.; two-tooth wethers, Z7s.. mixed weaner heifers, £2 lis.; mixed weaner steers, 345„ £2, 125.; wa°er bun*?, 24b. 6d.; store cows, £5 £5 175.. «>• sf, 10s • 'bulls, £4 10s.; empty heifers, £t> £*' £fi! £7: in-calf cows. £14. At Wauvakaiho, on July 9, store cows made £3 155.,-£5 10s.; fat cow, £8 155.: two-year Jersey steers, ti ws., in-calf heiferb". £8 ss„ »! ■-; springing 'heifers, £11. £13. to £16: dairy cows, £13, •£l4-103., £17 10s. At Stratford, on July 6, on account of Mr. D. Hyndman: The smdll herd of cows sold well, realising art 1 average of £22; weaner Jersey lieilers made £8 .to £8 .10s.; a sow • made' £10 Mb.; do. m tk £13 to £13 10s. At Lowgarth, on July 5, sale of : pedigree stock was held on account of \ "Messrsi J. W. J. Gardiner and S. D. Bolley,' and a sale of grade cows, on ] account of Mr. N. Burke Top prices for ! the pedieree cows ranged from 50 to 70ps. i Top prices for bulls ranged from 26 to ' 64gns. Mr. N. Burke's, grade cows sold ' particularly well. This herd of ® aver- ' aged £23, top priceß ranging from £25 to i Sli 1 " "Weaner heifers made from £3 18s. 'to £4 13s. Pigs: Slipt. 20s. r store pigs. XS - 35., £2 65.; sows, £6 to £10 15«.; one mare realised £53; geldincrß, £6 ll) i' : <£37- pony, £410s. and £1210 a. At Bahotu ion July 7 a clearing sale of dairy cows i was-held on account Mr. Bua Bi'hop. ; Thils herd .of 80 cowso averaged £19 15». •The herd contained a lair snrinlthng ot ! good Jerseys, which sold particularly well, • prices for this , class ranging mostly Irom ; £25 to £33. The top price realised for • tho herd was £40. Priccs for other classes ' ranged £14. to £20; n thrcc-yciir Jersey bull made £29; two-year, do., £6 to ! £7 10s.; hoggets,' £22. At Bird Boad, 'Stratford,, on the same day on account 'Mr." J. Willis. 37 cows sold at prices, rang- ; tag'mostly from £21. to £29. Tlic_ whole ! herd averaged £19 103. In-calf heifer?, made from £11 to £12; sows and Utters. £(,- 10s. to £12: sows. £8 10s„ £9: store . pigß,-255.; gelling, £47-. £14; one man, i £39; pony, £5. On July. 5, at BteatfoiA. ion aooount of 3Tr. ,T. G: "Falder, the herd •of 33 oowb averaged £15 3b. The top prices realised ranged from £18 to i,a. •in-calf heifers sold-well ranging from £21 ' lOsir .to'' £23.' and:.from £5 2s. , to £8 55.; i for-.'inferior sorts. , Other quotations: Geldincs, £8, £36; mare, £18; mixed sheen. : £18; sows, £9 10a. to 12kns.; boar, £1 '.11b. id. At Dou&lar. a sale of pedigree ■ and' registered milking Shorthorns was held; on account of Mr. Arthur Needham. Buyers were in attendance'from all-parts , of;the .North Island, there also _being a ■few ; ,from the South Island, good prices ! being obtained, and the cattle eventually ■ beina well distributed. Top prices for 'the oows ranged from 30 to 60gns. The • Tierd Eire Lord Kitchener was sold for S2ognß. The top prices for tlie heifers ' ranged • from 25 to th© bulls* to New Zealand Farmers' Co-op.-D}«-:i tributlng Co., Ltd., report having held one lof the most successful clearing sales, wat haa taken place in the Raneltlkei dißstrict for some years on account of Mr. H. 'L; Gower, of Leedstown, Ma-rton. ' Buyers wore jn attendance from Baetihi, ■ aria'the Main Trunk, "Waverley, Feilding, :and Palmerston, and record prices were i obtained for all classes of stock. The /whole of tho stock came forward In exi cellent' oondition, but the special feature '■of the sale-was .the draught horses, I which- - were brought forward practically 1 in/show condition, and rralised up to £71.-

Competition for all classes of stock was i exceptionally keen, and the whole sale 'went with a swing from start to finish. ''Appended are the principal sales:—Sheep: (163 four and five-year ewes in lamb b.f. .' rams, 1 433. 6d.; 239 ditto, 395. Ed.; 251 fourI tooth owes in . lamb b.f . rains, 38s. td.; 351 ! mixed-aged ewes in lamb, Romney rams, |?8s,;:i01 two-tooth wethers, 355.; 210 ewo ■ hoggets, 30s. 6d.; 74 fat and forward ewen, j Z2h.; -25 b.f. hoggets. 255.; 75 wether Hog;eetß,-' L Z4s.- 2d.; medium hoggets, 205.; 9 ijiomney rama, ,3gn.; 15 Southdown rams, ijarn.v Cattle: Dairy cows, £26 10s„ £26, - £22.105., £20, £15, £14, £13 10s., £12, £11; Jersey bull, £20; three-year dairy heifers, 14 at £14 55.; two-year ditto, 5 at £13 15i„ : 10 at £9 55.; 4 fat cows, £9 10s.; 4 18j month Holstein heifers, £6 155,; 18 breed- : ing- cows, £5 6b.; 5 Shorthorn weanetß in .calf, £11; 3 empty heifers, £6 55.: .19 •mixed weanerß, £5 5a.; 17 38-month steers. '£7 15s. Horses: Bay mare Bloss, 9 yearn, i£sl; bay mare Gip, 9 years, £71; bay ! gelding .ficotty, 7 years, £71; bay geidine, . Nugget, 6 years, £70; harness'gelding, £2/; (chestnut mare, unbroken, £15; boy'g pony, i £17 10s. Implements ■ and sundries: Two- •: stand Wolsetey shearing plant, £44; 12 . tons. pressed hay, £90; 2J h.p. Anderson : engine, £70; M.H. binder, £50; M.ff. combined drill, £46; 4 tons oaten chaff. £50; 4-horse wagon, £39: tip-dray, £28'105.; seed-sower, £29' rubber-tyred gig, £35; ordinary gig, £15 - 10s.; lime-sower, £32; 9cwt. plain wire, £33 IDs.; diio harrows, ; £20; fliain harrows, £19; d.f. plourii. £10; mower, £14; corn-crusher, £15; cyclone netting, £4 6s. per roll; wirc-nettine. £2 15s. fier roll; • potato-planters, £11 and £12 os.; Booth M'Donald stripper, £18; breed--lng sow, £10; fowls, 30s. per pair. The ; same firm alßo report havinp: held their fortnightly sale at Marton • on Monday, .when a large entry,of cattlo and a fair . yardinjr of sheep came forward. The rough weather during the end of the week was responsible for several lines advertised not coming forward.. Sheep Bold well up to previous sales and cattle were considerably firmer. With the exception', of a few dairy cows, tho whole yarding was .disposed of. We quote:-M.S. hoggets, 235. to 235. 1.0(1.; b.f. hoggets, 21a. BdTcull liosrgets, 10s. 6d.; fat ewes, 305.; l'olled-Angus weaner steer, £5 75.; ditto heifere, £5_55.; empty cows, well bred, £6 Bs.; in.'.. Pollcd-Angus woaners, medium sorts, £4 35.; smallor and poorer condition. £3; dairy cows, £10; empty ditto, . io ss. .. Tho New Zealand Loan and Mercantile Agency Co., Ltd., Dannevirke, report the followipff sales for tho past week:—At Woodville, on July 12, ffe held our fortnightly sale, when -wo had a fair yarding of cattlo but no sheep, Tho cattlo were mostly dairy sorts of medium quality,. but we were succesolul in miitting'the major portion of our entry. We quetn — Springing heifers (backward). £11 55.; dairv cows. £15 15s. to £11 10s.; yearling bull, £5 15s. At Dannej-irke, on July 16, tho demand for both sheep and cuttle was keen, and all classes nr stock yr.itlcd met with a ready sale. Wo (iUoto:-M.s. hoggets,. 27a., 255. 6d.; dairy ccws. £10 10s.; 2i-ycar Bteers (good condition). £10; 20month steers (good colours), £6 Is.; mixed colours, £3 19s„ £2 17s. 6d.; empty htifers, £6"JOs. At Kiritaki, on' July 13, in. conjunction with the. H.B. Farmers' Co-op. Association, Ltd., we conducted a very wocessful clearing salo oil account J. H. Lory. Tho herd, recognised aa a one of the most solect in the district, comprised mostly' Jersey cows, including a few pedigrco boasts. Tho whole herd, exclusive of pedi- . grees, realised the satisfactory average of £20 13s„ whilo ipedigrco coiva made up to £50, individual prices being:—£3l, £30 15s„ £29. £28, and down to £10; springing heifers, £20. £16 10s„ £13 155., £12 2s. 6d.: empty-heifers,. £8; and a-seloct lino of weanor heifers, £10'Zs;; • 4-year bull, Molinas Twyliah, 36gns.; 2-yea.r bulls, JOgns., Jffgns.: yearling bulls, £22 10s.. £12; b.f. hoggets. 305.: pigs (slips), 405., 31s. The Now Zealand Jioan and Mercantile Agency Co.. Ltd... report:—At Wanganui Bast, on Wodnesday, wo had only a fair ontrv of sheep and cattle. There "wa-s a good attendance of buyers, and competition for was particularly,.keen. STo quote :-lat and forward mthen, 375-i

fat owes, 31s. 3d.: mixed sei hoggets (medium).. IJ5b. Id.; 2-yoar steers, £7 As. Tho New Zealand Loan and Mercantilo Acenoy Co.. Ltd., Palmerston North, reports—On Wednesday we held a we of dairy Btock on account of Mr. J. W. Stuckoy, Himatansi. Thero was a good attendance, and the cowa were a fine lot, and Bold freely at tho following prices:— Best cots, £28, £30, £32 to £33; Eood cowb, £21 10a„ £22, £24 10a. to £27 10s.; fair cows £16 to £20 10b.; cull and lato cowa, I£9 109. to £12. On account of other vendors :-Oowb, £16 to £27 10s.; good aaruiEine heifers, £25 to £25 10«. _ Tho New Zealand Loan and Mercantile Aaency Co.. Ltd.. Palmerston North, report;—At Himatangi, on Wednesday, wo Bold a herd of cows on account of Mr. Arthur Sexton, prices being very satis* factory. Good cowb, £27 to £29;-fair cows, £20 to £25; aged cows. £16 to £19. Measrs. Abraham and Williams, Ltd., report:—At Feilding, on Friday, thero whs good attendance of buyers, consequently both BheeD and cattle were keenly sought for. Wo had a fair yarding, and the followinp prices were realised:—2-tooth ewes, r.w. Itomney rams 395. to £2 Ib.-. 3-tootn to 4-year ewes, r.w. S.D. rams, £2 3b. 6d.; 4 and 6-tooth empty owea. 285.: 2-tooth empty ewes (eooid), 30s. 3d. to 35a. 10a.; cross hoggets. 19s. 6d. to 21s. 2d.; woolly hoggets, 36b.; fat ewea (fair). 295.; Bprmg cows (poor), £6 10b.; 6pring cows (fair), £9, £13; spring heifers, £5 10s„ £7 15b. to £10 10b.; store cows, £2 15s„ £3 15b.; 2J-year steers, £8 17s. 6d.: Jersey bull, £5 12s. 6d. The New Zealand 1 Loan and Mercantile Agency Co., Ltd., Palmerston North, report:—At our Palmerston North sale on Thursday wo had v. small yarding. The attendance was poor, owing probably to tho weather, and stock waa hard to quit. Wo quote :-Aged owes in lamb, 205.; dairy oowa, £14 to £14 10b.; aged do., £7 10b.; yearling heifers, £4; HoUteln bull, £210s.

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Dominion, Volume 13, Issue 252, 19 July 1920, Page 8

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LIVE STOCK SALES Dominion, Volume 13, Issue 252, 19 July 1920, Page 8

LIVE STOCK SALES Dominion, Volume 13, Issue 252, 19 July 1920, Page 8