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PHASES OP THE MOON. JULY. „ Day. Hr. m. : full moon l • g lt.'p.m. Last Quarter 9 • 4 36' p.m. New moon 16 7 65 a.m. First auarter 23 6 50 a.m. MOON. ' Moon rises to-day, 8155 a.m.; setß, 8,59 p.m, ■' ■" SUNBun rises to-day, 7.10 a.m.; Beta, 4.44 p.m. - , HIGH WATER. ' To-day, 6.32 a.m.;. 7.7 p.m. ■To-morrow, 7.32 a.m.; 8.4 p.m, ARRIVALS, SATURDAY, JULY 17. , WAIBATJ. 6.8. (1.35 a.m.), 143 toni, W, Deiley, from Picton. ■ NIKAU, b.b. (7.30va.m.), 248 tons, R. Hay, from Nelson. MAORI. s.s. (7.55 a.m.), 3412 tons, W. •Cameron, from Lyttelton. ■ INYEROARGILL. s.s. (8.35 a.m.), 224 tons, E, Eden, from Waneanui, KOUTWUr, b.b. (11.40 a.m.), 171 tonß, J. Beatsou. from Napier, DONALD M'KAY, s.«. (6 p.m.). put back. ARAWA, b.b. (7.15 p.m.), 9372 tonß,; E. Lewis, from Port Chalmers.' PATEENA, b.b. (10.10 p.m.), 1212 tons, T. Sewell, from Picton and Nelson, ' ; SUNDAY, JULY 18. A OPAWA, b.b. (1.5 a.m.), 110 tops, W. 'Nicholas, from Picton. WAYERLEY/ s.s. (4 a.m.), 157 toni, W. Srigden, from* Patea. ARATAPTj, brlgantino (4.45 a.m.), 123 tans, C. Holatrom, from Picton. ' WAHINB, s.s, (7.35- a.m.), 4436 tons, A. Edwin, from Lyttoltoii. KAITOA, s.s. (9.50 a.m.), 319 tons, W.Wildman, from Nelson. BLENHEIM, b.b. (10.15 a.m.), 151 tone, G, .Wilkinson, from Wanganui. , KAPITI, b.b. (noon), 242 tons, W. Sawyers. from Wanganui. / • WAITAnGI.' b.s. (12.20 p.m.1l 171 tons, A. Hsk, from Patea. KAPUNI, s.b. '1.55 p.m.), IEB tons, •A. P. .Gibson,, from Patea. KOMATA, b.s. (11 p.m.), 2048 tons, H. Bold, from Westport,

DEPARTURES. ' SATURDAY,'-"JULY 17. DONALD M'KAY, s.s. (11.30 a.m.), Swenson. for New, Plymouth. WOOTTON. fl.fl. (1.10 p.m.), 151 tons, L. ' tiarsen. for Lyttelton. NGAHERE, s.s. , (2.20 p.m.), 1090' tons, H. ' . Dillner. for Greymouth. DONALD M'KAY. s.s. (2.30 .p.m.), Swenson; for New Plymouth. . ' EOHO, auxiliary scow (4.15 p.m.), 99 tons, King, for North Cape. KAHIKA, s.s. (6.50 p.m.), 1148; tons, F. Edee. for Greymouth. NKAU, b.s. (7 p.m;), 248 tons, R. Hay, • for Nckon. ' , MANUKA, b.b. .(7.25 p.m.), 4534 tons/.C. Olift, for Sydney. MAORI. f1.8.i (7.50 -V.m.), 3412 tons, W. Cameron, for Lyttelton. WAIRAU, s.b. (11.30 p.m.), 143 tons, W. \ -Deiley, for" Picton. ■ SUNDAY, JULY 18. . .. . DONALD M'KAY, s.s. (7.40 p.m.), Swenson, for, New. Plymouth. EXPECTED ARRIVALS. Karamu, Greymouth, July 19. ' Singapore, Calouita, July. 19.! ' ~ Garbeta. Auckland. July 19.. City of Winchester, Port Chalmers, ' July 19. "■ ■■ ' ' Baden Powell, Lyttelton, July 20.Paparoa, Wanganui, : July to. .. / J .Kurow, Adelaide, July 20. ..i.C'ri , Maori, Lytteltoni. July 80. . 1 1 ■ Pateena, Picton, July, 20. - Wairau, Picton, July.2o;' ; , 'V' '• Wahine, Lyttelfon,' ;: Jnly'''W. ■ Kaitoa. . Nelson, Jjily 21. •• Ruahine'i" 1 Auckland,'' July, 21i .■- Monowai, rDiinedint July '21. Hippie, Glcborne, July a. ' '' West Mahwah,'Auokland, July 21, Wakatu,, Nelson, July 21. Kennedy,'. July • 21. Walmea, Tsirakohe, July 21. ! Ngajiere, Greymouth, July 21. 'Hawera, Patea, July 21. ■: • Earori',' Lyttelton,' July 22. ' 'T' EOsamond, Greymouth : and Westport, ; - July 22. •. Moeraki, Sydney, July ,28. Durham. Timaru, July 23. ' Echo, Blenheim, July 23. ' Woottori, Greymouth, July 24.

PROJECTED' DEPARTURES. Blenheim, Havelook and Sounds, July 15, ■ Karu, . Lyttelton, July. 19. waitangi, Patea, July 15. ■ Waverley, Patea, July 19. Kontunui, East .Coast. July IJ. Wahine, Lyttelton, July 19. Kaitoa, Nelson, July 19. ■' Pateona, Picton and Nelson, July 11 Kennedy, Foiton, July 19.. ,*. Inverc.argiU,.-iWanganui, .July/W^^;.-.. • Kapiti,Wangariui,.July 19.- ■. • ' Kapuni, Patea, July 19.' / . Waihora,' Dunedin, July 19.' ' Blenheim,' July 19. • Kini,_New Plymouth,' July 19. Maori, Lyttelton, July 20. Nlkau, NeUon, July 20. . Raranga, London, July 20. • Garbeta, Melbourao, July 21; Ripple,' Napier,-Gisborne. Akitio, July 21. Tofua, 'Frißco, July 21. > Wahine, Lyttelton, July H. ft - Kaitoa, Nelson, July 21. Pateena, Picton and Nelson. July 21. Wakatu v Lyttelton, via Kaikoura, July El. ■ Waimea, Nelson aid Coast, July 21 Komata, Westport, July 21. Monowai, Auckland, via ports, July '22 Paparoa, London, July 25. oversea steamers. .. 'AkOSTA; (A. and A.), left Newport News (June 15 for ,yttepon, Dnneflln,, and aus. tralian norts. Due. Lyttelton July 19. ■ CANADIAN PROSPECTOR (Murray, Rosertß), 'left Juhe<24 for N.Z. "via Australia. Due Wellingtonv&tJir, 20. GARBETA (N.Z, and A.),'left,<Newport' News June 7, for Auckland, and-,Welling-ton. Due here July 19. .', KAB.AMBA (S.S. and A.), left Panama •July l; Due Wellington- Aw. 1. LKITRIjf (N.Z. and ' A.), left Liverpool ■May 22 for Auckland and Wellington. Du« hero July 24. MATATUA (S.H.A ) left ,London June 21 for Auckland, Wellington, Lyttelton, and Port Ohalmers. Due here August 19, . NORTHUMBERLAND, arrived New T6rk June 8 to load for New Zealand and Australia. Duehere. July 19. -PORT CHJRTIS (C and D.). left Panama July 11. Due Auckland Aug. 3. '■ . ..PORT. SYDNEY (0. and D.), left London June 19. Due Atfokland Aurnit 22. PAKEHA (S.S. hnd A.), left United King, aom May 22 for Melbourne,- Sydney, and Brisbane (via Caps Town). Due' In N z for loading July 25.' . PORT ALMA (O. ind D,), left Colon June {4. Due here July 26. PORT DENISON (0.1).), left. London May I for Australia, Auckland.' Napier, and Wellington. Due here' July 28. i ® .9 0 ' 1 ' Southampton Kay 27, for Auckland and Wellington. Du« . hero.July 19. RIJfUTAKA.tN.Z.S. Co.), left Southampton June 18. .Due Wellin?ton Aug. 8. WJST MAHWAH (Gen. S.O. Oorpbration ®f ' e " San June 12 for Auckland. Wellington, and Australian Sorts. Due here July 21,

TO-DAY'S BERTHAGE LIST., llahana—No. 1 Queen's Wlharf. •' Singapore-No. 2 Queen's Wharf. Lily—No, 3 Queen's Wharf. Nora Nlven-N0..3. Queen's Wharf. Kim—No. 4 Queen's Wharf.-Waverley-No. 5 Queen's Wharf. , . Invercareill-No. 5 Queen's Wharf. Gaxbetar-No. 6 Queen s Wharf Waitangl—No. 7 Queen's Wharf.' Koutunui-No. 7 Queen's Wharf. ■ May Howard-No. 8 Queen's Wharf. 9 Queen'a Wharf. Kaltoa—No. 10 Queen's Wharf ' Kennedy—No. 11 Queen's Wharf. Pateena—No. 12 Quen's Wharf ' ' Blenhoim—No. 13 Queen's Wharf.' • 16 Queen's Wharf. Wahino—Ferry .Wliarf. Hinemoa—ferry Wharf. Kennedy—Perry Wharf, Aratapu—Perry. Wharf. Waihora—Railway Wharl. • Komata—Railway Wharf.' , Karanru—Railway Wharf. . Rarangaz-Qlasgow Wharf. , Argyll3hire-Gla»gow Wharf. Hula—Glasgow Wharf. Kapiti—Glasgow Wharf. Kapnni—Glasgow Wharf. Arawa—King's Wharf. - ; ' City: of Winchester-King's Wharf, Opawa—King's Wharf.. Kurow—King's Wharf. , 'Karu—Pipitea Wharf. . Philomel—Thorndon brcnßtwork. Firebrand—Thorndon ' breastwork. Mapourikar-At the elld. " Magic—At tho Blip. BY TELEGRAPH, OVERSEAS. _ „ , MELBOURNE, Juno Bailed— Kaiapoi (Saturday), for Wellipgion. , NEWCASTLE, 11 ■ Arrived.—Rakanoa (Saturday), from Now Zealand. ■„ ' . . XiONDON, My 17. Balled.—-City of Corinth and Borderer, for .Auckland. . • COASTAL. SUNDAY,- JULY 18. . AUCKLAND, Arrived.—Westmoreland (10 a.m.). from Wellington; Arahura (3.16 p.m.), from Glsborne; Port Alma* (5.15 D.m.), from New YorK. • flailed—West Hahwah (10 a.m.), for Wellington. ONEHUNGA. Arrived.—Eimu (8.30 a.m.). from Now Plymouth. GEEYMOUTH. Arrived.—Ngahero W T>.mJ, from Wellington, fa? Wellington)

LYTTELTON. Arrived—Breeze (6.10 a.m.), from Wanganui; Maori (7.10 a.m.), from Wellington; Orepukl (8.45 a.m.), 'frpm Greymouth; Kamo (11.15 a.m.), from. Greymouth. PORT CHALMERS. Arrived.—John (2 a.m.), from Wellington; Tarawara (3 p.m.), from Bluff. Bailed. —Oity .of Winchester (8 a.m.), for Wellington. SATURDAY, JULY 17. AUOKLAHD. Arrived—Kaiwarrs (5.40 p.m.), from Mahatea Island: Mokoia (4 p.m.). from, south; Wanaka (7.39 a.m.), from Napier. Sailed.—Gatbeta (7 a.m.). for Wellington; Atua (1 p.m.), for Sydney. PORT AHURIRI. Arrived.—Eippla (1.40 a.m.), from Wellington. 1 ■ PATEA. Arri'ved.-Kapnni (9.15 a.m.), from*? Wellington, NEW PLYMOUTH. Arrived.—Oorinna (8.30 a.m.), from Nelson. ~ WESTPORT. Sailed.—Poherua (9.30 a.m.). for Lytteltonj , Kamona (10.40 a.m.), for Auckland. LYTTELTON. Arrived.—Waline (7.40 a.m.), from Welling- . ton; Sofala (8 a.m.), from Wellington; 6torm| (7.15 p.m.), from Picton; CanojpJß (7.50 p.m.), from Westport; Baden Powell (11 p.m.), from Wellington. Sailed.—Manaroa (1.40 p.m.), for Westport; Wahino (8,20 p.m.), for Wellington; Walporl (8.30 p.m.), for Auckland. • TIMARU. ' Arrived.—Calm (9.45 a.m.), from Port Ohalmem PORT CHALMERS. . ' Sailed.—Weatralia (8 a.m.), for Bluff.

MANUKA BAILS PORi SYDNEY. Shortly after seven o'elook on Saturday night the Manuka left for Sydney, .carrying aboard the .New Zealand Rugby team to tour .New South -Wales. The passenger lißt is as follows:—Misses Ackland, M. Arbuckle, Pinkerton, Mackay, E. S. Gibson, Dannepale, R. P. Rees, Morrison, Dnn-. .tin, Stewart, ■ Darcy, • Edie, v Robinßon, Sweeney, Henderson,- Woods, 1 Shannon, Brown, * and Kertorf, and Nurse Everett, Mesdames Ackland, It' Donald, Baxter, Wattß, Lawrence, Cross, Eason and child, Jones, Bhaofclock, Nye Barthrop, •Mowbray, Ohapman. Campbell, Hasoll. Roberta. Burgeßß, MacEwan, Sherman. Jt'Donald, Daniel, Sweeney. Norton, do Luen. Pickard,.NewBtabb; Penton, Beckett, Brown, Roberts, Saunders, Kiefer, and Gillman, Messrs. Prathen, Hemingway, Goodman, .Tibbs, Mowbray, Scott, Smith, M'Manus, Sparked Hooton, Parker, Smart, Enson. Addington, Cooper, M'Donald, Baxter,. Ensor, Yial, M'Bwan, Hill, Gross, Lawrence, Robinson, Mitchell. Richards, Watts, Joneß. Shaoklock, Barthrop! Newbray, Pepperlll, P. L. Bone, R. L. Bone, Chapman, Campbell, Hmcll, Roberts, Burgess, MaflEwan, Simon, Orußt Inglis, Norton, Beckett, Ravenwood, Summerhayes, Coira, Aahtori,- E. Roberta, Stanley, Blow, Haycock, English, Belless, Shearer, Steele, Rogeen. 0. Brown. Wilson, Wist. Carroll, Moffltt. Jacobs, Storey, Tilvard, Algar, Bndoloy, O'Brien, Donald JTLean,' Baird. Pletcher, Duncan, 'Atkinson. Smiley. Penton. Jamsel. Cox. Mills, Lisle, Prentice. Nnwstabh. Keefer, Gillman, and . Revs. Dolaney, O'Neill, and Liston, Maßter; Lawrence.

'. KAHAKA TO .BERTH TO-DAY. The Shaw,'Savlll and Albion liner Mahana, which arrived in tho stream on Friday night, -was visited by the Port Health Officer (Dr. ..Faris),/ and as a result the immigrants sufferine from scarlet fever and a, number of "contacts" were landed [Riif Somea: Inland on Saturday. ' During ithe voyage out no deaths occurred from scarlet fever; The vessel was thoroughly fumigated,, and she should berth at. No. 1 south Queen's Wharf, this morning. Tho .Immigration Department advises that ar-rangements-have been mado to provide ' accommodation for all the passengers. ' AFTER EIGHTEEN YEARS. The Waiatu, which U due here on Wednesday from Nelson, jourheyey to the latter port with a load , of'case oil from Lyttelton. Thiß is the first time that the Wakatu has visited Nelpon since 1682. It is interesting to note that the Wakatu was built at Nelson in 1878, and was the' first boat to be built at that port.' From' the time of her launching until 1892 the Wakatu traded regularly in and out of Nelson. She was then a much smaller vessel, for in 1888, at .Wellington, she was cut in two and a section of 18ft. was added to her length.. The Wakatu has beon engaged on many parts of the coast. For some, years she traded around Banks Peninsula. but lor Eame time now she has run btffiween Lyttelton, Kaikoura, and Wellington. ' N.Z. SHIPPING CO.'S UNITS. The Nerw Zealand Shipping 00. advise that the. Eimutaka left Panama on July 13 for. .Wellington, and Bhould arrive hero •sflout-August 7: or 8r ..The -Remuera left Kingston on July 14 in continuation of her voyage home; The Kaikoura arrived at Montreal on July 10, and is loading for New Zealand ports. ■

; ■ KCROW FROM ADELAIDE, A .wireless message has been received from the'captain of the Kurow, en route [rom Adelaide, stating. that the vessel is expected to-arrive here this morning. BLACKBALL COAL CO.'S COLLIERS. Owing to the Paparoa and Ruahine being delayed, the Ngatpro proceeded to Timaru from Greymouth on Saturday. Tho Nga-here-.will load coal at Greymouth, • and is:due back here on Wednesday. A. AND A. .-VESSELS; The Wangaratta, belonging. to the A. and A. Line, left Newcastle for Lyttelton oa Friday. She will load at the southern port for New York, thence proceeding to Timaru' and v Wellington. ■ She Bhould arrive here at the beginning of August to coal only, and will sail for New York, via .'Panama, on 3. The Borderpr-left. Newport News for Wellington*, Dunedin, Melbourne, and Adelaide on July 9. - She also loaded at New York, and is eipeetcd at Wellington on August'.'ls. " TO LOAD AT NEW YORK. " The-C. and D. qteamer Port Napier has been fixed to load at New York for Aiiokland,'Wellington, Lyttelton, Dunedin, and Australia. She ia expeoted to sail on August; •I, and will be followed. 1 by the Port Stephens about a month later, for the same ports.' ' |

.MOEBAKI FROM SYDNEY. The Union S.Sr Company's Jloerakl is .due to leave. Sydney to-day, and iB .expected here on Friday or' Saturday. A ITCOH-TOWED, BARQUE. - It is improbable if a sailing vessel has been towed from ono Australian port to another more than the French barque Boieldieu. whioh is to load coal at Newcastle for Chile. • This vessel ran ashore near Corny Point, South Australia. After being refloated, she was towed' to Adelaide, where her cargo of wheiit was discharged. There being no docking l facili. ties in Adelaide ahe was towed to Melbourne for the repairs necessary through her grounding. Arrangements have now been made to tow her from tho Victorian port to Newcastle, ' " ' MESS-TABLE GOSSIP. Mr. Hi L. Tapley, agent for the Canterbury 8!8. 60. at Wellington, returned to tho southern port on Saturday. The company's Wanganui aeont, Nr. O. P. Millward, who has also heen on a visit to 'Wellington, returned homo on Saturday. Mr.- T. Robinson has signed off tho Invercarprtll as mate. Mr. D. J. Watt has joined the Neahere as third engineer, vice Mr. O; C. Miller. Mr, Cromer has left his position of assistant purser on tho Manuka, and haß been succeeded by Mr, E. Morgan. OaDtain Berquißt is to replace Captain Dowell as acting-master of the Ngatoro.

The Bteamer Donald M'Kay, which, left Welllniton at 2.30 p.m. on Saturday for New Plymouth, put back to port at 6 p.m. owing to-a minor mishap to hor machinery.' Repairs were effected yesterday, and the veisel got away at MO' o'clock lost ni?ht fnr tho Taranalsi port. The Karu is expected to leavo Greymouth to-day, timbor-laden for Lyttelton und Wellington. Sho should reach here on Thursday.

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Dominion, Volume 13, Issue 252, 19 July 1920, Page 7

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SHIPPING NEWS Dominion, Volume 13, Issue 252, 19 July 1920, Page 7

SHIPPING NEWS Dominion, Volume 13, Issue 252, 19 July 1920, Page 7