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.'•• ' ■'■■''■■'■'''■ If' '■ "' ■:''« Tlf • HP 1 hh?OfL<i of confidence so jealously guarded ( f j /"C. IF *jL hi '■ i l' Islcsifii iSiiS by - hc " HousoforQuaiity '" )iv 4 i&yiq:;ANYhousewifecaneasily 4'' <3t! SjffiPf WSI ' fejftS fHfr-^ Akeep her home clean'^^^W^^' 1 dll dIUSr Ud.UI %ip> reputation for excellent quality %W and briJit by devoting a_' :li4J *—- -, I I I &n ."■.*'" 1 'little attention to'her furniture, woodwork, floors and lllYllfV 1 T" * wi - . jBBi ' I linoleum. All they, need is an occasional application of ", . JLU^U . I / § lip-top Values, in JUb i Johnson's Prepared Wax. This cleans, polishes and pro-; I .. . \ • • i u > jn JIWSf* 8 tects the finish, adding years to its life and beauty. ~., :,. I t | Hosiery and Uloves 1 ;f | Tohnson's Preoared Wax imparts a hard, dry, glasslike' | | ladies'--heavy knit colonial all-wool, stockings -splendid for i ■ r 1 e l i ■'•'■' j. j'j .f-l,:i:k, fc/.(Wire im'wi'tire ' " J M hard wear, in grey, lovat, khaki, fau.-*nd heather. 4s. 6d. pair. . M ....■ polish Of great DeaUty and durability. . ItCOVdS Up marS . § i HEATHER MIXTURE SPORTS' STOCICINGS-In plain or ribbed cashmere, also m and small surface scratches-preserves the vsmish-and, I-' There , sajoy al , itsown ina rub a ii over . I ■■ •■•■■ •-■' prevents checkingand cracking. ~ : w}th Valer j Talcum after your bath; Until ' | gTOCKINGS _ A assortment| jn , | . I YOU have had thlS IUXUry yOU tiave not \ M grey to the darkest steel shades. ss. 6d„7s. 6d.,85. 6d., Bs. 11d.. 9s. Ed. pair. • M iMSIBPIWIiWI known the full delight Of the bath, '■ , fif LADIES' 2 DOME BLACK KIR GLOVES-With white points and seams; ex- § ft" MW§*miiWkmWWWL\ \ ■ .''•■' ' '■ «l ' ■ tromely smart and serviceable wear. 12s. 6d. pair. *J /#JliMlraUmllM AW •" - ' ■ . .V'-v; ■ ■' W ■ " TAN NAPPA 2 DOME OR '2 BUTTON GLOVES-Well cut and splendid for ■ gl . " ' > I ■■■-.-■»•» hard wear. , .. 15s. 6d., 17s. 6d., 18s. 6d„ pair. ' (Jl . 1 Ml ."CHAMOIS [IKDE"-A beautifully fine imitation suede glove, with smart 2 tone' , W =a= ' f«s\/n\ Sff" - 'I ' ' j fall "points and very similar to real suede when on'th'o hand; in pongee, beaver, • ' flfl '' :: ' : 'rKSIftRKIW If/ $$Jl| ' ' '■ So good for the fkxn it is, too. Soothing, j M ■■~ ; . fl d , BOOUI , t off i • | jui —iu t-iujv-iua « , a . healing, delightful. Doesn't it seem reason- j W y ■ ■• W-' L2.*«,„SJ] 1 able that what is good for baby's delicate j KM v pui-ohaoo of *i op oven If ..... &qM!C! and FaStC j sat iny skin will be equally goodfor yours. I | | J ,| .... Johnson's Prepared T ax contains no oil consequently it j ! | D.I.C WELLINGTON i ■■' does not gather or hold the.dust and it never becomes soft I'■ j ffl • .:••'■ . . i ■ | Valeria Talcum is delightfully fine and soft, | '~~~~ — ■ ■ =: " ■•—^=^_ «Jta ValS f« "Swd^*S" _ IllWd HF« Offlirl as paste. Use pa.ste for all. floors-wood, marble, tile, lino- It contains healing and antiseptic.substances f . r\r |pn pp •. ODiT\C 1 "*IWtS ! UHtdd JmAKILY | leum, etc. We advise the liquid for polishing- furniture, • . 1 ... to benefit the skin. . :.: T| Mr\H P. ■'Ijlxl AT'iniiiunu'rAnTV'"''! 'woodwork, leather goods, etc. J" : : . : \£\J L*zl\&-*1~& WIXVU * Al MINIMUM COST! ,;'■■■ A Dust-Proof'AutO[Polish y.L .;, ■ . r'. " -~1; ■-. 1, ' .: 'IU Willis :Street S"S°fcWSS Automobile owners will find Johnson's Liquid Wax the "'"' ' i V\t f £Y" • 6eU "wh/iipqai I most satisfactory polish for their cars. It sheds water and ' 1 • ;'• , , ± ' '~• .- .f - v I AT ißDs«m»i.i.«i.- PR,CE f'u, dust and makes a«wash»last twice as long. Protectsand P^ 68 ? t vTbSo dav g UTCaI ■ 7 Uf, i,UID preserves the varnish. -Write for-our folder on-« Keeping • babyor for you. Try a box to-day. j _.. 1, _■■ Ai.-wooi jerseys, In P teaf S VourcarYoung»-it's free. , ; •',;•. - ;; Goats, Costumes, Millmefy Tfficoats -n«tr ;'* S.CJohnson^.Son■■'■". '.',. •; ■— - " eavyTweedCoa^S'ls ' ffl_ /Hi 'P'TTiraC ' Black Fox Furs, in new cane RACINE, WISCONSIN, IJ SA. 179 KEMT STREET,, SYDNEY, N"'S.W. fc .;;, Jf FUKo ' * h Ws. From £2 15s. ■• , v '.:■ - ..-;-- .... ■ :.- • . Fur Coats. .>. ,~ •:/ ■From-£29.-.; - -■■ ' >Our display of Purs is unique.for variety and value- the Black Fox 'Fun Best Veldur Hatt/in ' ■ .--: —"--• : " , f-- - ■- . particularly are remarkable for quality and c % Y S' JTk Splendid selection of Cos?!^ • ——: : ——: ■..,,. ' . .- H guineas to 15s; Black Eox Capes, .£8 15s.j Skunk Opossum Capes, ,iZ 15s. "- Blouses, ' "■' : .';; ' : ' ' : ' ''",'" : ' ' " '_■- -- - 1 to 22 guineas; Natural Wolf, 10 guineas to JC29105.; Kit Fox, 12 and U guineas. ' Country Orders sent on approval § ' I We are still able io offer . | UPSTAIKS 102 WILLIS STREET J This/'is the Pcniah! —'- : iviimnery abroad. They Makes home . "■■ A famous' beautiffer' ShHRHbHWE -!T* baD ?! I;; -.. ••V,< t:-- '• -. * a *a«flfl!4 , WlWiv» ' will show the excellent va- V\/LT3fl- vb » a test wanted , The pure high-quality used in Waxshine ensures its giving '■':._:,; ToMmprove your skin and complexion try " \U Coloars ex " '. to Linoleums, Furniture, brightness and brilliance. ; ; : '. :\ ' . Icilma Cream, the world's famous beauti- ■ ate prices. A shipment \ \ elusive designs. I s It restores the them looi. fresh, .fier. This dainty foamy cream is nice to just to hand of American /| In conjunction sparkling; and new. ' : :. | ' ' look at, pleasant, to handle, sure in its • Velours in all colours, at ./ w}th . u f , ;; Motorists, too, are enthusiastic. It renews the shine and sheen . ;:.| ,/• results. The proof of this is that during ■ Fss. ■ '\ ' ' ,f a ,: of their cars, and makes them spick and span. . the war the demand wonderfully increased. ; . ' 4 , /?Vf? f ' / ' * J # - nn ?» tllese r . ••■ , _"■"•' ",.„,'-,. ! ' The millions who use it; daily say it is ' '. ' ... ' _ 6 -r high-gfrade fabGrocers and Ironmongers sell Waxshine. , : unequalled by any of its imitators. ■ ■ rfes are particwTins 1 (6 sizes),. Bdi 1/-, 2/s 3/-, 9/6, 60/.. . | Just a little day by day is all that is • j , ji Mm ' lariy desirable . ' needed to keep the hands attractive, the '-'-■ I W§3 ( n . r n «i.. •' i: I ■ complexion clear, and the face and neck tt fX\ T\ DDACC" CANDLEBTIORS■ H , for. Costumes, Jff \ |. ■ ' prfetty. Get a pot to-day and test it. | KJL/U D£\r\uU , JARDINIERES . M Overcoats, and y« ! * ,tfSß!o, %v '-.-/ff/ 1 '"' ' r That i B both novel and artistic in FRUIT DISHES ■ n'e solicit oar visit ■' / \ iS i iff] (fm( yv/ffl i ' design— comprising useful orna- CHESTNUT • if nJ ' 1' II"'' ' IBll^Hftc'! ™r sms spacpansThompson W Wt!r W ra I ••- Crfiam j] • These-goods have been wanted for ' " f , c ,f, 'II SI \Sf- /•"' —aV»!-"■« , a long timc-the demand will be . KNOCKERS - , Fashion Specialists, . ;» ' mvi J f " : »i«p* - kecn - Bu y now - Etc - Etc ' • 240 lambton quay. ]wm Jiff J?* wS?»?k. tf ".'■ ■ British Uwncii-and[Dtst. Maitu/artiirttl by Icilma _ ___._—--«,>_«--_._.--, iWff \M§mV Co., Ltd.; London, EXGfAXD. AKints for New . !| T \/*V /r • ' «. t, , , , , , _, i ' $$$ ■MB ■•■'■'■•■■""• Zealand: SahnouA&Sbmton.'DahcrsUuiWn&s, ' " ' I ! Y .1 (Incorporating Pfingle's -Ltd.) , , , . I Sill ■ ... • ■ Fiathertfoia Strut, V'cllihtton. X A £ fc»/ _- ; : . ;i ' " ■ "rr '■".•• J•! ' ' I L ■ ' 1 x"' CNIFF UP, QARGUK OP SWALLOW |S Use it daily ana lopk your best |, . art showrooms &. needlework specialists,, nag BRF>ni^r#tß J 4 V 'I M tOQ late fbf If I- \. TO PKOTfrT Yfillß MIIIINFRV! \ .' .1 J |4«r.l WAJU*v»rtlr ll I -fliluWl \ For Stjie, Quality, and Vnlue. W»^«i&W tlnimllrmmlrl||inlT iim ,' , '' , 8 . 1 nost .nOIDIUOIV.. I I iRO Every ladyshonW possess at least one of these I COLONIAL MUTUAL BUILDINGS. toiUUfcW^Lmm^° J V I slrongly constructcd Hat BoMS *" PWtect her I . Wellington. ! „„.,. U / Jwm-Z? Hnts, both when travelling and at home. I ' . ■■ : — ■ btep you in and,sit you ft ~,,, *» I- I „■, ,• i j •- n i *i v. j .i, * I ' : • , • r f..j - . •„„',•„ MY 1 1 r=a. lh.sst listed arc all leather bound, with firm \ " ) . I Jfl L g n 1! TnPk} JtA.W\ tccifvame ß ,and fitted with reliable locks. ( BUTTONS^ -----EVENING FROCKS " i»uA . ant S m. SHAPE. OB,D«IO». lUVMjWUW &U\WsaA& Sauce. Too late! indeed. Prices-£2/0/0, £2/5/0, £2/10/ D I JMe «p from iw own materials. For flhe Prince-oi. Wales Ball' . Ha! Ha! JBm M&Mfl M .« T t« I ™ ™ '' Wo have Justed up a shipment. ttf hoautiful EVENING FROCKS " HolbrookVSauceis just £MKJHM « i V /■ 'NASH & „ SSio, and COSTUIIBS, etc, for -this great occasion. the Same day or n-jrht.' D ' Vffl] T +U A A iu»k! wi-kih, immmiun. b ladiea loqairing eomething "HCCLU.MVB" and "SMART" should sco our W N I \ ' ' PIZER, TOSSMAN, AND COY~ stock jnst landed from New York. Nothing smarter in town. : [ i/ B' I \i \ Cuba Street, WUY your Furo from a Furrier, m • CALL EAELT SS ONLY A LIMITED STOCK AVAILABLE. IS n n /b*. / W I ik* «r «• i ** you wduid buy' your lints-'from « __, „...—.». M /?%,&/'£»• ASB/?»(iC S n Wellington. miM 1 L-J %' Milliner. Coats of Squirrel,- Starmot, -McKAVS:-.SPECIALTY-HOUSE | HOLBROOKS SAU€E « I i A %^. w !S£.rA%% ■ ' , _ , 3.1 hoi RRfiOK"; (-'LBKOOs'S I /" ir <u~*-iffn II a\<v KwfeEttJJ'' ~il I Smoked Fox, Alaskan Wolf. Wo epec■3s4 LacaMoH Qaay (near Stewart Dawson's) a,j worcestersmim sauce, pure malt vineoar(iaM««j. J .(/a' wiiso in Remodoinng, Hepnmng, noiin-

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Dominion, Volume 13, Issue 187, 4 May 1920, Page 4

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Page 4 Advertisements Column 1 Dominion, Volume 13, Issue 187, 4 May 1920, Page 4

Page 4 Advertisements Column 1 Dominion, Volume 13, Issue 187, 4 May 1920, Page 4