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CUP WON BY AMYTIIAS. By Telegraph—Press Aissoriatlon. Dunedin, February 11. Thfl Dunedin Jockey Club's Summer Meeting was opened to-da.v. The weather was fine and tko coursi; in good condition. Tlicre was a record attendance, aTid the sum put through the (otal-sator was <£43,1(30, compared with ,£27,372 cn the first day last year. Results

AUTUMN liUßllLl'S, of '300 sovs. One mile and thrce-ijimrters.—l Barrister, Dst. 91b. Ruthven), 1; 4 San Sebastian, list. 9lb„ 2; (> Wild Pilgrim, lOst. 51b,, 3. Also started: 5 Bore, list. 31b.; 2 Take Down, Bit. 91b.; 3 Prince Delaware, 9st. Sib.; 7 Peerless, Dst. Tib.; 3 Grafton Tot, Dst.; 9 Brooksdale, 9st.; 10 Onlooker, Dst. Won by six lengths, third horse four lengths back. Tune, 3niin. 19 3-ssec. GLADBROOK HANDICAf'. 0f,500 <-ovs. One mile and a quarter.—2 Belgian King, Dst. (R. S. Bagley), 1; 3 Pninuin, ',\t. 1,111)., 2; 1 Glentanner, 7st 71b., 3. Also started: i Mandrake, Dst. 51b.; 7 Calaurin, Dst.; 9 Nautical, Sst. 131b.; 10 Marching Order, S.-t. 91b.; G Thislleerown, Ps|. Di'b.; !j lliss Camouflage, Psl.; 8 S:\i'tc,-inart, 7sl. 91b.: 11 AchiHeus, 7st. 71b. ; 12 Dina Bald, 7st. 71b. U'nn by a head, third horse four lengths away. Time, Smin. 9 3-.V>cc.

I'Um.ICVNS' HANDICAP, of 700 sovs. Six furlongs.—l Sunart, 7>.t. (ill), !J. Andrews), 1; 2 Mtislard I'oi, 7st. Rib., 2; I Some Kid. ist. -lib.. 3. Al-o started; .') M'rlnHa. "si. !)!b.; 3 l.'adial, list, ill).; H lvilbiv;nn, Ksl. I.'ilii.; ill Ki!i:uvne. .'si". !2!b.: G P'ik-'i'aiue, S-'i. (lib.: I Muv hike. 7st. 31 h 'cuinlcd will) Sni'int); I) i;«i|sliire, 7«t. lib.; 7 Kw:inn> River. 7.-; l.: II Link Vp, 7st.; 13 Trcnllutm llnsp, ; 12 Gle'isponse. 7st. Won by a slioi 1 length, third horse three lengths .-.way. Time. Iniin. 1.1 -l-iisee.

AITUKXTK'F,*' IT,ATE. of ;wi ravs . Pi\- furlongs.—S l.adv Links, t?s|. li'lj. M'Donaid), 1; i .liusset, S*t. 21b„ 2; !) ?-t. 21b., 3. Also Marie;!: fj Ant. Bst. •lib.; 7 Ronefonn, ifct. -lib.; 5 Herbert, Pst. 21b.; 3 Anton, M. 31b. : 1 Se.xliy, Bst. -ill).; 10 Frastone, Bst. lib.; 2

Sleepiiolmo, 7st. 131b. A Von by four lengths, third horse a neck away. Time, Imin. 11 l-sscc. DUXEDIN" CUP, of 150(1 sovs. One mile and a half. 1 Amythas, 9st. 11b (J. Campbell) 1 ■1 Nightraidor, 7st. slb 2 3 Eleus, Sst. 31 b 3 Also started: 5 Kovkc's Drift, Sst. 1311).; 7 Hoyal Star, Sst. 91b.; G AVarlove, Tst. 12i'i).; 2 Hose Wreath, 7st. (Jib.; 8 Claverhouse, "st.

The favourite'was always in a handy position, and at the home turn came away and won by four lengths. A length separated second and third. Time, ?min. 32 2-ssec., a record for Iho race.

CH.YMPAGiNE STAKES, of TOO sovs. Six furlongs—l Winter Wind, !Kt. JMb. (E. C. Porter), 1; 2 Listrnin,' Post, Bsl. •ill).. 2: 5 Windermere, Sst. 71b., 3. Also flartod: 4 liuena, Sst. 71b.; 3 Mantua. Sst. 71b. Won by four lengths.- third horse four le list lis- back. Time, Iniin. 15 3-ssce.

BERWICK HANDICAP, of *iOf» sovs. Seven furlongs.—4 Braid, !M. Sib. (T. ff:ininhrie>), 1; 7 Etta, Bst., 2; (i Twinkle, Sst. 31b., 3. Also started: 3 All British, (Ist. 13!!>.; 5 Admiral T.ilbot, M. 71b.; S 'Sleepy Head, 9st. 51b. f 9 AVarfnrm, S=t. 91b'.: 12 devolution. S?t. 111b.: 11 Z«nhlan<T. 9st. 31b.; 10 Russet. Sst. :i!b.; 1 Checkmate, Sst. 31'ij.; 2 Bright Spot, Sst. 3ib.; 15 Dorian, Svl-.: II The Boss, fist.; 13 Crtli'mrn, Sst. Won by half a length, third horse three lengths away. Time. Imin. 30 l-^'c.

STEWARDS' AATHTTKR. of SOD fori. One mile.—l Silver I'oak, Sst. 3!l>. (TI. S. Baglcv), 1: 9 Don Pacifico, Set. 131b., '2; 5 Kilkce, 9-t, sil>.. 3. Also star ted' 7 .!mvrangong. !'st. IMb.; 4 Bombproof, fist, nil).; 8 Samiel. f't. Mb.: 6 Bells-hire, B>t. lib.; 10 Sedd-cl-Bahr, 9?t. lib.; 12 John Barleycorn. Sst. Rib.: 11 Bobert: Bell. f ; st. 71b.; 'ill Thaddcus. Sst. :11b.: 3 Miisuna, S*t.; 3 Starlike, Sst.; 14 Botanist. Sst. Won by half a length, third horse threepi rts of a length back. Time, Im'.n. 42 l-ssec. WEIGHTS FOR SECOND DAY. The following weights have fccen declared for the second day:— OWHIKO HURDLE HANDICAP, of 259 sors. One mile and a half.—San Sebastian, 12st. lib,; Bore. list. 61b.; Barrister. I lst. 31b.; Wild Pilgrim, lOst. 111b.; Take Down, 9st. 131b.; Prince Delaware, 9st. 121b.; Tnticorn, 9st. 111b.; Peerless, 9st. slb.j Trickery, 9st. lib.; Graflnii Tot, 9st. 31b,; Turehaiu, Pst. 31b.; Brooksdale, 9st. 31b.; Glenwood, 9st.; Ked Pal, 9st. • Whipcord, flst.: Palincia, 9st.; Wilden Loch, 9st.; Ambassadress, 9st.; Onlooker. 9st.

WARRINGTON HANDICAP, of 200 sots. Sevan furlongs.—Belgian Ivng, lOst. lib.; All British, Jlst. 91b.; Mandrake, 9st. 51b.: lied Tape, fist. 4-11).; Chneronia, Sst. 131b.; Eight Balls. Sst. 131b.; Calaura, Bst. 131b.Marchin* Order, Sst. 81b.; Thistle Crown, Sst. 81b.; Premium, Sst. 71b.; Muzklp, Sst. fill).; Foo Chow. Sst. 51b. j RpTolutinn, tot. 81b.; Lady Superior, Bst. 31b.; Miss Camouflage, Sst. 31b.; High Heels, Sst. 21b.; Etta, Bst 21b.: Twinkle. Rst. 21b.: Checkmate. Sst. 21b.; Bright Spot. Bst>. ?.lb.; Glentnnner, 7st. 1311).; Castellan, 7st. 131b.; Sartomart, Sst. 9b.: Greekson, 7st. 71b.; Dorian, 7st. 71b.; Achilleus, 7st. 71b.; Wild Night, 7st. 71b.; Apt, 7st. 71b.; Larissa, 7st. 71b.; Roniform, 7st. 7!b,; Colilmrm, 7st. 71b.; Mvstified, 7st. 71b.; Lady Pellas, 7st. 71b. PLYING HANDICAP, nf 150 sots. Six furlongs—Miehaela, Sst. 111b.: Arrowsmith, Sst. Sib.; Radial, 93t. Gib.; Kilbrogan, 9st. 1 l'b.; Kilboyne, Sst. lllb.;' Sunart, Sst. 81b.; Hokelaine, Sst. 81b.; Bon Sncc, Rst, 41b.; Mustaid Pot, Sst. Sib.; Rose AVreath, Sst. HI).: Mortham, 7st. 121b.; Silver Peak, 7st. 91b.: Plight Commander, 7st. 911).; Some Kid, 7st. 81b.; B-ambproof, 7st. 71b.; Benefit, 7st. 71b.; Murihiku, 7st. GJb.; Redshire. 7:'t. Sib.; Tortrix. 7st. 51b.; Swanro RiTer, 7st. 31b.; Robert Bell, 7st. 21b.; Pyjania, 7?t. 21'b.; Trciuenn. 7st.; Algi<lus, 7st.; Glcnstmse, 7«t.; Knectml, 7st.; Link Up, 7;t.; Trenthnm Rose, 7st.; Sleepy Head, 7st,; North Sea. 7?t. A HOPEFUL HANDICAP, of 300 sovs. For two-year-old 1:. Five furlongs—Winter Wind, Iflst. Gib.; Listening Post, 9st. Gib.; Windermere, 7st. 91b.; Mantua, 7st. Sib.; Dal Segno, 7st. 81b.: I;n«t Word, 7st. Gib.: Ruen.i, 7st. 5!b.: Sunshower, 7st. DTJNEDTN JOCKEY HANDICAP, of 750 sots. One mile and a miarler.—Ma=cot. 9st. 21'b.: ICilrush, 9st. 21b.; Rorke's Drift. Sst. lllb.; Eleus, W. 101b.; Royal Star, "st.; Nightraider, 7st. 131b.; Tin Soldier, 7st. 121b.; Burransong. 7st. 111b.; Belgian King, 7sf. I0 : b.; Warlove, 7st. 91b.; Ro=o Wreath. 7st. 91b.; 7oso Pink. 7 c -t. 31' l),; Sedd-el-Bahr, 7st. 21b.; T'l'ght Commander, 7st. 21b.: Gletishinc, 7st.; Mandrake, 7st.; Cla\-orhou c o, 7st 7.4 , v,„K.„| Tc( .

WATHOLA HANDICAP, of 200 sbvs. ftix furlongs.—Sunart, lOst. 1,11b.; Braid. 10st. 51b.: All British. 9=l. I.llb ; AHdus. Dst. 91b.; Warform. 9st. 41b.: Eight Bells, 9st. 31b.; Chaeronia, 9st. ,11b.; Ard--1»T« 9<i. ''II).: Slee"" llnnd, Sql. Adelina, Sst. 1211).: Foonhow, Sst. 111b.; Lady Links. Sst. 111b.; Muzzle. Sst. 101b.Pax. Bst. 81b.: North Sea. Sst. 81b.; Revolution, Sst. Sib.: Etta, Sst. filb.: Furling, Sst. Gib.; Twinki", Sst. 01b.; Checkmate, Sst. oil).; Russell, Sst. .lib.: Sartomart, Bst. 31b.; Castellan, Sst. Sib.; Cattaeh, Sst 21b.: Saxby, Sst.; Grcekson, Sst.: Wild Night. Sst.: Queen Ruth, Sst.; Herbert, Sst.; Sheepholm, Bst.: Grim .Toke, Sst.; Adjustment, Sst.; The Boss, Sst.: Bontave. Sst.; Grnznrk, Sst.; Proeeeder, Bst.; Anton, Sst.; Freestone, Sst.; Cape Brett, Sst.; Pallah. Sst.: Frenchman, Sst.: Dina Bold, Sst.; Red .Tack, Sst.; Blazeaway. Sst.; Apt, Sst.: Roniform. Sst.: Pretty Bell, Sst.; Lady Pallas, Sst.; Caliburn, Sst.

ABBOTSFORD WELTER HANDICAP, of 250 sovs. Seven furlongs.Gnraccnck, 9st. 1.31b.; Tin Soldier, Dst. nib.; Hurrnnßonsr, Pst. 811).; Silver Teak, flst. Gib.j Bombproof, (Ist alb.: Kilkce, flst. 31b.; Snmicl, Golden King, Ost.; Don Pacifico, Bst. 131b.; Bellshire, Sst. 11lb. j Borodino. Sst. 1111).; Benefit. Sst. 111b.; Sedd-el-Bahr, Sst. 101b.; Claverhoiise, fist. 81b.; Psilanion. Sst. 21b.; Warform, 7st. 131b.; Snmo Kid, 7st. 131b.; Robert 8011, 7st. 121b.; John Barleycorn, 7st. 121b.; Recorder, 7st. 111b.; Trcmena, 7st. 101b.; Starlike. 7st. 1011).; Calanria, 7st. 1fllb.; Thaddens, 7st. 01b.; Manama, 7st. 71b.; Link Up, 7st. 7H>.; Glojpsiioiisc 7st. 71b.:' Thistle Crown, 7st. 71b.; 7st. 71b.; Take Down. 7st. 71b.; Marching Order. 7ft. 71b.; Nautical, 7st. 71b.; Zephland, 7s t. 71b.; Pax, 7st. 71b.; Hardshot. 7st. 71b.; Bright Spot, 7st. 71b.: High Heels, 7st. 71b.; Botanist, 7st. 71b.; Mystified, 7st. 71b. HAZLETT MEMORIAL PLATE, of 800 sovs. One mile.—Radial, lOst. lib.; Michaela, Sst. 121b.; Gamecock, list. Sib.; lulbrogan, Sst. Sib.; A my! has, flst. Slb.j Rose Pink, flst. 51b.; Tin Soldier, 'Ist. •lib.; "Rose Wreath, Ost. 21b.: Kilboyne, flst 11b.; Arrowsinilh, flst. lib.; Sunart, flst. lib.;'Borke's Drift, 9st. lib.; Eleus, flst lib.; Starlike, flst.; Swanee "River, Sst.' 121b.; Prinnim, Sst. 81b.; Nightraider, Sst. 51b.; Miss Camouflage, Bs.V 51b. JOCKEYS SUSPENDED. By Telcurnph—l'rcf» Association' Christchurch, February 11. At a meeting of the Stewards'. Committee of the Canterbury Jockey Club yesterday the jockeys' licenses of George Young inul Harold Young were suspended,

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Dominion, Volume 13, Issue 118, 12 February 1920, Page 6

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DUNEDIN RACES Dominion, Volume 13, Issue 118, 12 February 1920, Page 6

DUNEDIN RACES Dominion, Volume 13, Issue 118, 12 February 1920, Page 6