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• ■ LAND NOTICES, . ' FOR IMMEDIATE SALE OWING TO OWNERS LEAVING FOR MILITARY SERVICE. • 1 KQlft A . CEEB - FREEHOLD, IN NOBf H TARANAKI, EXCELLENT SHEER muZ p » N L D CATT LE COUNTRY. 1100 aotaa .have been laid down in bat oft !™n ™ D * ls f' l grasses; will fenced and divided into 18 ihoep-proof paddock*; all! k.i.. wa ■"} .b7 streams; about UK) acre* rioh alluvial, flata. and/ oajanco good hills on papa formation. Comfortable 7-roomed house, woolshed, fit. wa up with i-stand Lister chearing maohine and 4 h.p. engine. Barn and stable, ?^P7 B ™. and-substantial cattle yards. Fronting main road. Motor road to. .X™!j',;? bou !'' one mile, from township, post office, school, hotter factory, and «^r J J 9 miloa •* tnmitw works; daily mail throughput the year by motao oomoei stores deliver goods as required. Winters 1600 sheep and 200 head catties dS^M*? 801 , 1 ' ««Pable of improvement. Price, £8 per aore. About 20W »?-«i « he # <* c»ttle, farm implements, house furniture,'«ts., • can be-taken fimen* A l Wqni | r * d ' Temß ea8I « A GENUINE INVESTMENT for shee* d SK^ 48 ! T J**NAKI' DAIRY FARM, containing 237 acres, «U im?row M, and near ooast. Level and well watered by permanent nmning- atrsams, > wT* WiSi with miUliD « ■»•««*. outbuildings The tap H. «hin .nJii d J Uv , lded ,nto convenient paddocks, handy to cheese factory, townm«fh?nf <» by 8 00 4, m o t< "' «>»<»• Tenure Preehofd. Price, J325 per acre, APPL?' 800$. reasonab!o torDlfl ar * offered - offnerß Uaving for camp. NEWTON "RTTNtfi- AUCTIONEER, LAND AND FINANCE *-* »i . a vil , JL\JLLI U, AGENT, NEW. PLYMOUTH* •. A FIRST-CLASS SHEEP ' FARM,I CLOSE TO GOOD MARKET; . ' 350 A 2 R J jS ' 280 of which are ploughable, 6 acres now in crop, v ■v,«L til'j buah > Glance 'in Stood' English -grasses.-'- "SuMivdedinto 20' Si?™! i very well watered. Carrie* ajshrep and 100 bi&' cattle, Uood 7-roomed house bathroom, and scullery; dairy,- storeroom, uashhouse.Wor' shed, harness room, stables etc.; 18-bail cowshed, concrete floor. Telephone' laid tory.' PRICE-i30 Om • e °° d Sch ° ol, ' ono . mil ° f r °m railwayand ho-' CASH, £2000 or less to good man.'. Balance .arranged.' For further particulars applyTHE HAWKE'S BAY FARMERS' CO-OP. ABSN., LTD. B DANNEVIRKE. nn ~ a™™ m EXCHANGE FOR SHEEP. FARM. '\- t ' --. ' 308 j-2' j n . u , re L-I-P...rental.JßJ94 per annum, all well grassed and sufc w«ii w iJu' Ab ,° ut m aores ri ' n flat, balance undulating country, all nnmtJJ T H CTee } s ! 90 cows, been milked, on proporty besides carrying lar™ number of other stock. Homestead consists, of modern 10-roomed house, h. cWc t t l '. Rnd , ttll conveniences, whare,' stables, implement shed, milking S„*' Situated only 1} aules from post office, dreamery and school, railway station 1 mile. Price, .£2O per acre. Equity, Mi6{). Owner requires a sheep, farm to carry up to 1000 sheep} Hawke's Bay district preferred. No. Ml io> full particulars apply \ ■■'--, H. F. M'NEILL & CO., ' trr LAND AND ESTATE AGENTS, 155 FEATHEESTON STR EET, WELLINGTON. ■ ■ ... ,~ lmra OWNER'S SONS GONE TO THE WAR. . . 42ft A , u<JiS) > , hantl y to Wellington, by good roads, railway handy, \\ mil'ee trom school. There is a new house of 5 rooms, scullery and all outbuildings; a so cottage let at ss. per week. P.O.- telephone bureau on property, also bi-weekly mail, worth £75. per year. Farm .is well divided—so acres flat bal" ance easy hills Wintered 400 sheep and 50 head cattle, besides horses. Stock can' be taken at valuation. - ...■', .-:...■.. ~ PRICE, £7 10s. per acre. Cash required £500 only. ■. A-splendid chancer Write or call. .-■ — ■.::■;... H. ,H, COOK ■■"-&'■ GO.:' ■ ..■-v> , FARM SALESMEN; 24iGREY STREET, WELLINGTONFARMS FOR. SALE OR EXCHANGE. ' T 100 ft CEKS ' twotnircls in grass, I ' carrying 1100 sheep, besides cattle, good. •*■""" 4-roomed house and convenience, woolslied and yards. -Price,- only--43 17s. 6d. per acre. Stock'at'-valuation.- Equity £3500. Exchange'for .dairy, farm, ttA K ACRES, two-thirds grass and cropingj balance.-heavy milling bush, in-. eluding GO acres felled ready for burn; 300 acres ploughable, . 8 pad. docks, well fenced and watered by river, cottage, where, and jutbuildings. Frica-- ' £12 per acre. Equity, £3500. Exchange for small farm'or hoiise property;. ' H. -.G RUTTER "& CO., - AGENTS, 35 PANAMA STREET, WELLINGTON. ' EXCHANGE FOR GOOD RENT-PRODUCING PROPERTY OR BUSINESS. • CIOO ACRES, all flat irnd ploughable, well fenced and watered. Fully 400 acres "fiO have been ploughed, balance is -rough native feed and manuka. Situated in tho best part of the Ha'-vke's Bay district. . ■' NEW HOUSE of G rooms, bathroom, pantry, scullery, washhousc, copper and tubs,,hot water, and gas in every room, man's room, chaff room, etc., etc. PRICE, £15 per acre, with the following thrown in:—6oo breeding ewes, 19rams, 25 wethers, 4 draught horses, drill, Read and Gray double-furrow ' plough, set of 4-leaved tyne harrows, 2 hacks, reaper and binder, drny, sledge, harness, all household furniture, besides 50 acres in oats and turnip 3. MORTGAGES, £6020. EQUITY, about £7000. Particulars can be had from the Agent,'.- •' VICTOR E. SMITH; ; ; LAND AGENT, FEILDING.. ■ . . ' ; GOOD MIXED FARM. -■'•'. Aon ACRES, Title LLP. Rental, £12 per annuhi. Originally all bush coun-i rkOVr try; 350 acres in grass, 20 acres stumped and ploughed; carrying 700 sheep besides cattle; ring fenced; divided into ten paddocks; good house of fiva rooms, bath-room and pantry; situated fi miles from school and post office. PSICB—JBIO ss. PER ACRE. TERMS: £500 CASH, BALANCE 5 YEARS AOJ 5 PERCENT. BARRAUD. AND ABRAHAM, LTD.' ;■ - TE EUITI. ' : .' ' ,' -..'.. . .MANAWATU FARMS. • •: Ofift ACRES, Freehold, all in grass"a , nd'"cropsi' r all ploughable-e);cept : 3o-aores,. iil\}\J \\ milt's from' school, creamery) -etc.'; ''well watered.' < andy-Subdivided. Good 6-roomed house,, h. and 0, water, etc, an'dall outbuildings. Price £35 per acre. Terms arranged. " ." " OCT ACRES, Freehold, all, in grass, ploughable when stumped, well watered by 00 races, and H.P. New 6-roomed house, h. and c. water, cowshed, etc. Price, £37 per acre; £300 cash. Owner will consider an exchange for 20 to 30 acraa highly improved land with buildings. .■h M. MILNE,. - LAND AND| g lo * AGENT ' UNENCUMBERED SHOP PROPERTY, showing clear 0 per cent.,, is offered, in Exchange for DAIRY FARM as a going concern. The shops are situated in most prosperous town, and in every way a most desirable block to own. Tho Price is £4000. Equity £4000. Let us have particulars of your dairy farm. We have numerous inquiries. J. GENERAL STORE, with 20 acres land. Turnover £2000 to £3000. Only; £500 cash wanted. Going concern. -ir»-«-» 1 mm •KNYVETT AND PRATT, AGENTS, FEILDING. ' . ■ . . _ ~ —- SALE QR EXCHANGEr ACRES,about 800 acres in grass, balance bush, nana .formation; all- . easy sheep country; post and wire fences; 10 paddocks, watered bypermanent streams; present stock, 1400 big sheep,.besides lambs and cattle TiHe, L.1.P., rent 9d. per acre. Whare, good woolshed; post office and telephone 1 mile.' Price; .25 per aore goodwill. Equity, .£6250. Owner will exchange for about; 30»acres mixed country, Manawatu District. • Apply ____ ■ w '* il ,* GILCHRIST AND KIDD, AGENTS, PALMERSTON NORTH. OiVAA ACRES, freehold, all flat and undulating, nearly all ploughable; 2100 2700 acres in griss. balance in fern ami scrub, .carrying. 3000 sheep and 300 head cattle; all good fattening country; subdivided into about 22 paddocks well watered and fenced; 10 miles from railway station by good.motor.road; good homesteads wTth all necessary outbuildings. Price, --JEW -Msj.jper acre..-Serins aranged.' Owner would consider an/exchange- for ; --ahont 1000 or less, 'in Wanganui, Rangitikei, or Manawiftn' districts, or-Main. Trunk, south of Ohtu kune. Send particulars of-your properties.t'p- -/■."-- -' •■-■- : ■* E.- PARK,-'\-- ••' STOCK AND STATION AGENT, WANGANUI'. ' in 4CRES of very rich, flat land, adjoining Borough' of Feilding; well sub'. 10 divided witli permanent fencing, good six-roomed house, all ary out. sheds, glasshouse, motor sheds, etc., garder, and p orchard j only -from town A picturesque little home. Freehold. .- Price and.terms from N 2 ' FAEMEUS' CO-OPERATIVE DISTEJ.BUTING CO., LTD., . . FEILDING.' :; :;; /'; ,".:.' .■ "~ WANTED A SHEEP FAR M.:.-' ■ . • „L. \BOUT 1000 .VCRES. SOUTH OF WANGANUI, MANAWATU. RANGITIKEI, OR TAIHAPE. , ■ „■-.-. „' _. WE OFFER IN EXCHANGE a first-class place, 190 acres G miles from \\ anpanui, and Residential Property in Wanganui's - Best -Subu b. Ton! equity about £9000. This is vfine opportunity for any farmer 1 ,ngto«m. to Wanganui to educate his children. Tto dairv farm is leased, but possession may be had of the suburban property. Reply to - LEWIS & CO., AGENTS. WANGANUI____ . ' , PART LIMESTONE BUSH COUNTRY.-£IOOO TO I GOI IN. / AQ(\ ACRES, 2 miles to railway, all undulating country, half limes tone,, well 460 watered, fences new, property wintering 900 breeding cwe.v 50 head ££ niiles Masterton. C. C. ROSS & CO.. ESTATE AGENTS AND SJTARKBKOKKRS. MASTERTOW. ~„ n «rm?<? close Wellington; finest sheep country in North Iw fiKO *S W m»' land obtainable. Most of the land consists of a licH OOW I " na j. b^f^,l s™_ obta A , n 30 acres flat and remainder, with th« chocolate loam, ome feet deep. AWa * « ]s _ winteri 2bi gh ra?e on beide b s° wiW irop. 'Sonld carry 3 sheep to acre. Bi^cr^tor l^^^ ■X MTOTYRE•.--•&:,: CO.; SaTEAGENTS AND BROKERS, 215-217 LAMBTONQUAY, WELLI.NGTOtJ IfANAWATU FARMS. . „~ *ri?v<? sihmtpil "5 miles from township,, i. milo fnctc». J: well .subdivided! fif) AC E'J 1 w» voung stock. House of fi rooms.' lownhed-concreted, wa"r Sd y on Mel .C 42 10s. P« acre. Terms, £600 Cash. Balance -on easy] cil,raaPP,yt ° BARTON AND. CO., -■■■,■ ■ OTAKI RAILWAY.'i«7r»n?FS ' ! ciiated Taitn, 4 miles from I/iwer Hutt Station,. 12 mii«s fre« ; 571 Wellington by main through road, to which' the property has,a double frs itaue •'abnnt 7 aores of hill, balance level. 11-roomedl house, exc Us;re of hall, £«n toro room, laree shed, cowshed, etc. Tins is a splendid woponSfnr 1 dairv farmer. With milk nt anything up to-1«. per ga110n,.,; verv fine income can be tn'^n-off the property. 'Great rfnontitr.of gTW»n .feed sold off the Place in the Wellington market. : Price. £5150. ' Easy, terms «• : J,"»«l- mii'V.t consiHni- .«nod fir*t mortgage -b'« dennsit or nart-pavment: ..Apply jT e . F, WiLfljVJtl.f Or Wellington District Agento, ~_, ■-— ~ ] SMAHI GRAZING-RUN LEASE,' OAnn ACRES, nearly all well improved; good dwelling and : other buildings, OUUI/ Carrying capacity, 1! sheep. Rent, £50 per annum, .with, right of renewal; 4 per cent, on unimproved value. .- PT! ICE £ti 10s. per acre goodwill. A bargain. '.'■'"..• THOMSON' & CO., r "' r PANNE YIRKE.

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Dominion, Volume 11, Issue 58, 1 December 1917, Page 16

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Page 16 Advertisements Column 6 Dominion, Volume 11, Issue 58, 1 December 1917, Page 16

Page 16 Advertisements Column 6 Dominion, Volume 11, Issue 58, 1 December 1917, Page 16