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ESTLAND'S DERBY UP WINS STEWARDS HANDICAP (B.t Telegraoh-Snecial OorresuondenU Chrlstohurch, Novombor 5. The . Canterbury Jockey' Olub'e■ Spring Meeting opened in glorious weather. Them was a large attendance' and the course was in capital order. The totalizator handled .£53,106, as against £47,499 last year. _All started in the Spring Hurdles, which ehghtly bettor favourite than Don Fran- .. ?v" Dtl Oril) - who wore evenly backed, -it the start Portland Lady, and Compulsion led Naupata, with the others strung out. At the mile Naupata foil and •wio- did likcniao at the four furlongs. ■JJompulsion and Portland Lady were first :lnto the straight, and holdine his own. the Dnnedin lioreo won easily by four lengths, whjj». Don Francisco got up on the post and beat Portland Lady. Oast Iron, Want, San Sebastian, and .Jcannot finished well back. ■There were no intiniries for anything but Rude and Nanna in the Spring Plate. IDB latter won, but she appeared to be a .nit luoky, as Itudc got a bad passage and ;was nearly down in the straight. At the '■ftart Winter Cherry; Platoou; and Thamee .were most prominent, but entering the ■ straight Nanna rushed up on the outSide, and eoon put daylight between herself and tbo field. Rudo shook himself ■clear In the straight, but could not reach Joanna, Black All was a poor third, and in a line came Ascalaphus, Euripos, Sunny '"Olimes, and Kilkee. , ..

A bur field of twenty contested the LinW)od Handicap. The public reduced it down to Galore, White King, and Borodino. At the start Subterfuge and Golden JPrlncG led Borodino. Entering the straight, 'White King shot up, and after a great finish, beat Subterfuge by a head. Spangle, j-who came from a long way back, was and Borodino next.

The Cup. was won. by Itenelatu, with iliis stable, companion' Johnny Walker •next, and Snub in his usual minor position. would go down"with backers but Client, and he started the hottest favourite of recent years. Snub was the only 'other home to carry four figures* In the birdcage the favourite stripped, well, and iso did Eorke'e Drift and llcndra' and .HenolaAiß. The preliminary over, the field |was Boon on its way, after a good 'start. ■Passing the stand Slelght-of-Hand- was in 'charge with Midnight Star whipping the field. At Cutts's the order was: Rorke's iDrift, Sleight-of-Hand, Client, I'araoa. Multifual, Hendra, and Menelaus. Down the back, Snub ran up-to. third place alongside the favourite. At the bottom bend Sleight-of-Hand fell back beaten, and Client ran up to fiorke's Drift's quarters. Entering the straight the favourite took charge, but Tekaand Snub challenged him a few lengths further on. Client l-wae beaten a furlong from home, and sTeka showed out, but he, too, faded, and jover the last bit llenclaus came faet snd jcinst beat Johnny Walter and Snub, with jTeka, Paraoa, Olient, and Midnight Star pn that order. 1 The Welcome Stakes provided another fturn-up, for the Wellington-owned Bo Peep, [took charge at the barrier rise, and, at'tended by Pinmark and Pontoon, she led the whole way. The winner was turned ,ont in great fettle by H. Telford. She is )owned by a prominent Wellington sports;man, who, owing to military duties, was prevented from seeing his colours carried ;to -victory. .. . ... Despite the downfall of the two previous aavountes, ■ the public would not be put 'off E3tland in the Derby. Tho colt stripped well, and was always in a good-posi-ition. At the bottom of tho straight he was pocketed, but Emerson seized' an opening on the fence, and: driving the colt through, he won easily. Gamecock 'made *he pace for a .mile, . but then Silver ■Tongue's rider, went for' a break, and -Impediment went with him. This pair »nd .Gamecock were-together into the straight, :but half-way down, the favourite took j charge and won easily. Silver Tongue beat flmpediment by a head for second place. I Gamecock was fourth.

Form Up and Elocution, who were bracketed on the machine, were the choice of [lackers in the Stewards' Handicap. At '(the start Wrest]er shot out and led Croe. It us and Lingerie into the straight; Halfi way down the running. Form Up. (jot i throng)!, and in the. finish he easily vantinished Croesus. Wrestler juet beat Lingerie,- and then came Nystad, Margerine, land Moutoa Queen.

! The Eiccarton Welter went to Sedd-el- . Banr after" a great finish with Devotion. Glendower was close up third, and Ocier j'Was next. The two ton-weiphts, Gane Awa , and Oienhope. hoth showed up well to the ■ turn, where the weight beat them.


By Telecranh-Press Association.-. • ■ BERING STJEDLE-S, of 3CO sovs. ' Two miles. .-7 Compulßion, lOst. 71b .1 ,4 Don Francisco, 9st. 71b 2 -,6 Portland Udy, 9st. 51b. 3 'Also started:. 2 Crib, 12st. 51b.; 6 San lEehastian, list. 41b.; 3 Naupata, list. 31b.; 19 Cast Iron, Mat. 91b.; 8 Jcannot, lOst. 81b.; II Want, 9st. Blb.

■ Compulsion went to tho front soon after , the start, and -was never headed, Tvinnintr j easily by threo ■ len'ptas. Naupala and Crib fell. Time, 3min. 45 4-ssec. . SPRING PLATE, of 10fl- sot?. One mile. 2 Nanna, 7st. 21b : 1 1 Rude, 7sfc. 4lb .....; 2 •9 Black All. 7st, IMb 3 Also started: 5 Aficalaphus, 7st. 131b , .: 5 Euripos, 7st. 131b.: 13 Olenshine, 75t.131b.; 1! Kilkefi, Jst. 131b.; 4 KUlard, 7st. 13'b.; ■

11 Platoon, 7st. 131b,; 7 Sunny Climes, 7st, lllb.; 6 Thames, 7st. lllb.; 10 Winter Ohcrry, 7st. lllb ; 8 Clavcrhoure, 7st. 71b.; 14 War Star, 7st. 21b.

Platoon und Winter Cherry made the running to the straight, where Nanna took charge, and won by two lengths from Kudo, who was nearly tho same distanco 'ahead of Blaok All. Time, lmin. 40 3-sseo. LINWOOD HANDICAP, of 200 sots. Scvon

furlongs. 2 Tho Whito King, 7st, 81b. 6 Subterfuge, 7at. 51b

7 Spangle, 7st, 51b •■■• 3 •Alro started: 9 Charley, 9st.; 3 Borodino. Bst. 81b.; 8 Bolroclt. Bst. 41b.; 4 Golden l'rincti,.7st, 121b.; 13 Mttlvolio, 7st. 121b.; 11 Theetius, 7at. 121b.; 6 Kimbolton, 7et. 81b.; 1 Galore, 7st, 61b.; 12 Placid, 7st, 41b.; 10 Leaping Burn, 7et. 31b.; 14 Missouri, 7st. 21b • 19 Lovo Token, 7st.; 15 Imarabbon, 7st.; 17 Pall Hall, 7sU; 16 Spyglass, 7st.; 18 Mythology, 7et. . eubtorfugo and Golden Pnnco carried the field along to the straight, where White King joined in and in ft peat finish,' won by a head. Tho third horse was three lengths awaj. Time, limn. 27 :3-ssec. NEW ZEALAND OW or 2000 sots. Two 4 Menclaiifi. Bst. lib. -.•■■• J 4 Johnny Walker, 6st. 71b ? 2 Snub, Bst. 21b •> Also started: ' . . 12 Multifual, Bat. lllh. « 10 Korkcs Drift, Bst. 31b » i&^aS;7st:9ib:::::::::::::: 13. Multiply, 7st 811) • »■ 6 Hondra, 7st. 81b " 3 Teka.. 7st. 81b " 7 Karsa, 7st, 21b ' 8 Paraoa, , 7st. 71b. " 11 King Star, 6st. 131b » 14 Sir Solo, fist. 91b. « 9 Midnight Star, 6st. 71b : " Passing the stand Sleight-of-Hand, Km| Star, and Eorkes Drift were just clear of Paraoa and Client, who were followod by Jtultifual. Multiply, Snub, and Hendra with Midnight Star and 6ir Solo bringing un tho rear. At Outts's Eorkjs Drift wan a length in front of Slcight-of-Eaiid, who was followed by King Star. Client, and Paraoa, Running into tho hack stretch, Client took third place with. Paraoa, Milltinlv King Star, Bnub, and Multlfual han'dV Bnub improved his position going down the back, and at the six-furlong post was alongside Client, the Pa*JW followed by Paraoa. Multiply, Johnny Walker. Mnltifual, and Hcnrtra, with Midnight Star moving Tip. Buuning round thi- turn eieight-of-Haiid dropped out, Eorke's Drift going on from C lent, Snub, and Multiply. When fairly m line for home Teka, Par.aoa, and Johnny Walker also 3Oined in. Client and Rorkes Drift were dono with below tli'o distance, where Snub Johnny Walker and Teta n» M* >" charge. Johnny Walker had the other 111 Bcttled a. hundred yards from home, but Mcnelaus came with a fast run. and rettins' up ft few strides from the post, iat Johnny Walker by a neck, Snub being three-quarters of a. lensth aw aj, with Teka next. Time, 3min. 25 l-sseo. WELCOME STAKES of 1000 sots. For two-year-olds. Colts and geldings, Bst. Sib.; fillies, Bst. Four furlongs. 4 80-Peep i 1 Pontoon j 2 AhriLtedV''V'LMkTC V r."6''sii ; Fanciful, 7 Eleus and Indus (coupled), 5 Doniagoguc, 10 Bonville, 3 Karo, 9 Canamana. 80-Pcep jumped out smartly, and on reaching tho courso proper was out clear of tho field, Pontoon, Canaraana and i inmark being prominent among the others. Pontoon went in pursuit at the distance, but Bho had no ohnnce with 80-Pcep, who won comfortably by nearly two lengths, Finmark being a eimiUr distance away, foUowed by Demagogue, Indus, and bir Fanoipul. Time, 48 3-oeeo. DEKBY STAKES, of 1500 sov;. For threc-vear-olds. Colts and geldings, Bst. lOlb.j fillies, Bst. 51b. Ono mile and a aall. 1 Estland .« I

3 Silver Tongue * 2 Impediment ••••" ,' Also started: 5 Arrowficld, 4 Gamecock, 6'.Mortham. ... Gamecock and Impediment were m the Tan till flvo furlongs from home, when Silver Tongue joined them. Below the distance Estland shot out. and won easily bv four. lengthE, Silver Tongue bein ? a head in front of Impediment. Time, jmin. 39 Wsec.

STEWARDS' -HANDICAP, of 1500 sovs. Six furlongs. 1 Form'TJD,' Bst. 101b , 1 6 Croesus, Bflt. 131b 5 3 Wrestler, 7s.t. 71b *

. Also started: 5 Fiery Cross,. Bst. 61b..„ ,-. 0 9 Nystad, Bat. 71b v J 2 Gazique, Bst. 51b J 7 Seadown. Bst. 31b J 4 Lady Black-. Bst. lib 0 10 Miss do Val, 7st. 101b 0 1 Elocution, 7st. l?.lb. (coupled with, Form Up) J 15 Multiplication,. 7st. 91b -. 0 14 Bjorneborg, 7st. 81b <> 12 Ladoguer, 6st. 131b 0 13 Moutoa, Queen, 7at. !lb 0 E Lingerie, 7st 0 11 Margarine, fist. 131b 0 17- Kilboyne, 6»t. 131b 0 16 Trcmena, 6st. 71b 0 When the field came on the course proper Croesus and Wrestler were well out, from the field. At. the distance Form Up camo with a- good run, and won by a length aud a half. Wrestler was a short length away third, a.nd Lingerie fonrth. Time, lmiri. 12sec. BIOCAUTOX WELTEK HANDICAP, of WO sovs. Ono mile. 12, 9st. 21b 1 1 Devotion, Bst. 81b •. 2 M Glendowcr, Bet 3 Also Btarted: 13 Oxenhope, 10st. 3!b.; 5 Gang Awa , , 10st. 31b.; 3 Cleft, 9st. 51b.; 11 Good Hone, 9st. lib.; 15 Battle Eve. Bfit. 121b.; 9 Wardancer. Bst. 111b.: 17 Bed Book. Bst. 91b.; .10 Heeltap. Sat. 71b.;' 2 Kilrueh. Ist.. 41b.; S Black Ada, Set. 31b.; 4 Kilteas. Sst. lib.; 6 Comment, Bst.; 16 Ocier, Set. Three furlongs from homo fiedd-el-Bahr joined tho'leaders, imd won by a head, tho third horse, being thrce-narls of a length away. Time, lmin. 42 2-s=cc.


Handicaps'for the second day are:— ASHLEY HANDICAP, of 200 botc. One mile.—Black All. 9st.; Glendower, flst. 131b.; The White Kin?, Bst. 111b.; Hude, Bst. 101b.; ABcalanhra, Bst. 101b.; Etiripos. Bst. 101b.; Killard, Bst. 91b.; Kilrush. Bst. 91b.; Thames, Bst. 81b.; Borodino, Ost". 71b.; denshire. Bst. Jib.: Matty. Bst. 21b.: Bellrock, 7st. 131b.; lord Ainslie, 7st. 121b.: Compulsion, 7at. Ulb.; Kilbrogan, 7st. 101b.; Subterfuse. 7at.

Ob.; Placid, 7st. 911).; Winter Cherry, 7st. Ii ! Jf, ulvol ,' 0 ' ,M - ""I-: lloldc-ii Prince. 7m. 7 b.; OliivorhoiiHo, 7nt. 71b.; Kimbolton, 7h1.. 6).; Sisyphus, 7st. 61b.; Leaping Burn, llb.j Miseoiiri, 7si. lib.; Jlndnm Butterfly. 7st.; Whipcord, 7st. : HiMiricttc, 7at.; Hokc laiiie, 751.; Pull Mull, 7k,.; 1,,,,,,-ibbon, 7st,; Spyglass, 7»t.i Pnncba, 7st.; Mian Ainslic, 7et.j Viißcnnia, 7sL; Liifl, 7st.; Carol Singer, 7st. OIUTHItION HANDICAP of 700 sovb. SU fiirlongs-Deaen Gold, lOat. 61b.; Form Up, 9at. 61b ; Kgyut, 9st. 311).; dwells, 9al. 21b.; hstland, Bst. 131b.; OsiMihupc, Bet lOlb • toidpwii, 8*,31b. ; ClMicme, an. 211..; Lady Black, 7at. 131b.; Mms Ac Viil, 7nl, 121b.; Lndy Oonernl. 7at. 81b.: Tip Up, 7st. 81bWrestler, 7at 011,.; Kiljoy, 7st. 61b.; Zuland, 7st. 61b.; Gamecock, 7st. 61b • Daytime. 7st.; Lingerie, 6sl. 151b.; Multiplication, 6st. 131b.; Marsorine, 6st. 131b ; Samiaen, 63t. 131b.; Disdainful, 6st. 131b.; Kilrca, 6st. 131b.; Kilboyno, 6st. 131b.; Jtoutoa Queen, 6st. 1211).; Bramblclye, 6et lllb ; Palamon, 6at. 101b.; Birkcnvale, 6st. 81b ; Charley, 6st. 71b.; Furling, 6st, 71b • Pariform, 6st. 71b.; Tremeua. 6st. 71b.; Nautical, 6st. 71b.; Galore, 6at. 71b.; Vandubb, 6st. 71b.

EPSOM HIGH-WEIGHT HANDICAP, of 400 sovs. Seven fui-lotiKs.-Oxcnhone, lost. 51b.: l'araoa, 9st. 101b.; Lndogciir, 9st. 91h.; Johnny Walker, Sat. 81b.; Til) Up 9si 81b ■ Bjorneborg, 9at. •lib.; Cleft, Dal. 31b • Goniely, 9st. 31b.; Devotion, 95t,.; Day time, 9st.; Good Hope, Bnt. 131b.; Kilhoynu, Bat. 1211).; Battle Eve, Bst, 121b.; Acre, Bst. lllb ■ Multiply, Bst. 1011).; Wardancer, Bst. 101b.; Branibletye, Bst. 101b.'; I'alamon, Bst. 91h.■ Potentiality, Bst. 81b.; Hlack All, Sst, 61bHeeltap, Bfit. 511).; Black Ada, Bst. 51b.; Briar Patch, Bet. 4!b.; Rose l'ink, Bst. «h.j Red Book, Bat. 31b.; Euripos, Bst. 31b.; Aβcsilaphus, Bst. 51b.; Kilrush, Bat. 21b.; Sir Malt, Bst. lib.,- Bon. Bst. lib.; Iv'ilKoc. Bst. lib.; Ogier, Bet. lib.; Gpmment,B3t. lib.; Ardent, Bst. lib.; Kites, Bat.; Glcusliire, Bst.; Sunny Climes,. Bst.; Sir Solo, Bst.: I'ari-foi-m, Bat.; Placid, Bst.; Platoon, Bst. ' .

IBWELL HANDICAP, of 3DO sovb. Four furlongs.—Pontoon, But. 131b.: Finmarlc, Bst. 91b.; Demagogue, Bst. 51b.; Kleus, Bst. 21b.; Karo, Set. 21b.; Oaverock, 7st. 121b.; Persic, 7st. lllb.; Indus. 7fit. 111b.; Sir Fanciful. 7st. lUb.; Long liange. 7st. 111b.; Courtfield, 7st. 111b.; Biamor. 7st. 81b.- Hcornftil, 7st. 81b.; Plastic, 7st, 81b.; Miss Latmir, 7sf. 61h.; Pireaus, 7st, 61b.; Satlsfact ion. 7et. 61b.; Sweet Smile, 7st. 61bCherry Mart, 7st. 61b.; Gipsy Gold, 7st. 61b.; Cotillion, 7st. 61b.; Zia, 7st. 61b.; Sylla, 7st. 61b.; Lockwcir, 7st. 31b.; Risingbaui. 7st.; .Bonville, 6st. 1211).; Oanamana, 6st. 121b.; Gunbarrow, Cat. l?.lb.

JOCKEY CLUB HANDICAP, or 1000 fiovs. One mile.—Desert Gold. lOst. 81b.; Mcnelaus.'9st. 51b.; Form Up. 9at. 41b.; Eeynt 9st. 31b.-, Adjutant, 9st. ; Estland, Bat. 121b.; Fiery Cross. Bet. 111b.: Multifual, Set. 51b.; Rorko's Drift, Bst. 51b.: Can* Awa'. Sst 41b.; Seadown, Set. 71b; Teka, Tst. 21b; John Barleycorn. Bst. lib.; Nystad, 8s(. lib - Lady Black. 7st. 111b.; Silver Tongue 7at 101b.; Mies de. Tal, 7st. 101b.: Sc<l'd-cl-Bahr 7sf. 101b.; Elocution. 7st. 91b.; Ladoeeiir 7at. 71b.; Hendra. 7st. 71b.; Gamecock, 7st! 51b.; Marsa, 7st. 31h.; Bjorneborg, 7et, 31h • Oomoly. 7et. lib.: Cleft, 7nt. lib.; Thaddeus, 6at. 231b.; Margerine, 6st- 13Ui. ; Varnish, 6st. 13Jb.; King Star. 6st. 121b.; Good Hope €3t..111h.; Disdainf-ul, 6st. 111b. j Battle Eve 6st. 101b.; Brambletyc, 6st. 811).; Potentiality. 6=t. 71b.; Black All. 6et. 71b.; Black Ada, 6et. 71b.; Rose I'iuU, 6at. 71b.; Eurinos, 6st, 71b.; Killard, 6st. 71b.; Kilrunh, 6nt. 71b.; Kiltess, 6st. 71b.; Birkenvale, 6st. 71b.; Kilkc. 6st. 71b.; Galore, 6at. 7'b. OAKS STAKES, of 600 eov.v For three-year-old fillies: weight, Bst. 101b. Ono mile and a half.-Elocution. Impediment, Kilrea, Missouri, Vauna, War Star.


By Telegraph-Press Association. Auckland, Kovember 5. AcceptancDa for the second day cf the AvondaJe Meeting are:AVONDALE GDIiNEAS. One mile. For three-year-olds; special weights.-llies Leslie, Pearl do Mont, Demotic, Rock Diamond, b. f. by lilysian-Orecy, Empire, Danscuse, Kathlin, Lady linice, br f. by Kilwiuning-Agcnta, blk. f. by Kuooklavd -Anthea, b. c. by Kuocklayd, b. m. by Knocklayd, Opal, Mehtmore, br. ;. by Robert tho Bruce, Mise Dix, b. f. by Birkcn-hoad-Sister- Frances, BeggaJ-inan, Jlonatour, Red Rock, Ample, Whitford Belle Ohacklc, Vagabond. KINGSLAND HURDLES. One mile and three-quartei-s.-Jlarconi, list. 101b ; Te Onga, Hat. 21b.; Matter Timi, Wet." 121h.j Tenacious, lOst. 71b.; Gluetanus, lOst. 31b.; Takanini, 9st. 81b.; Dancastor, 9st. 81b.; Glendalough, 9et. 71b,* Plonipotcnt, 9st.: Spalperion, 9st.: Swastika, 9at. NURSERY HANDICAP. Four furlongs. -Informal, Set. 121b.; Taimai, 7st. 101b.; The Broke, 7at. 91b.; Aircraft, 7at. 91b.Shining Light, 7st. 91b.; Miss Ellicc, 7et. Mb.;. Kilbcggan, 7et. 61b.; Sugar Works, 7st. 51b.; Hessian, 7st. 51b.; Principal, 7st. 51b.; Lady Mary, 7st. 51b.; Bruce, 7st'. 51b. PLTJMPTON HANDICAP. One mile and a furlong.-Colonel «oult, Bat. 121b.; Kauri lung, 7st. 111b.; Tinopai, 7st. 101b.; Analogue, 7st. 91b.; King Ohiara, 7st. 91b.; Minister, 7st. 31b.; Hythread, 7st. 31b.; Sir Halph, 7st. 21b.; Chuckle, 7st. 21b.; Mcltchikoll,, 7st. lib.; Uncle Ned, 7st.; Golden Qrafton, 6et. 131b.

MOUNT ALBERT STEEPLECHASE. About three miles.-Marton. list. 21b.; Collector lOst. 121b.; Ingenkcndcr, lOst. lSlb.; Fagot, lOst. 101b.; Water, lOst. 91b.; Golden Olow, lOst. 81b.; flauterc, lOst. 61b.; Simplo Sam, lOst, 2th.; Captain Lock, lOst. 21b.; Glenhow, 9st. 71b. ; Miss Queen, 9st. 7Hv; Kingsford, 9st. 71b.; Grey Star, 9sL. 71b. PBE6IJ)ENI"S IIANDIOAP. Six fur-loiigß.-i[jll o' Qowrie, 9st. 81b. : .liopfleld, 8?t. 91b.; Glenroy, BsL. 71b.; Lady Jack, 7st. 91b.; Kitty Bellairs, 7st. 41b.; Torolpro, 6st. 131b.; Arran, 6sl. 301b. ; Colonnade.'6at. 101b.; Soultane, 6st, 91b.; Novation, 6st.

NEW LYNN HACK HANDICAP. Sit furlongs-British Arch, 9at. 101b.; Last Call, Bat. 121b.; lady Paula, Bst. 121b.; Fahriquette, Bst. 91b. ; Bellacity, Bat. 81b • Patetonga, Bst. 71b.; Pink Tie, Bst. 51b.; llosaman, Bst. 41b.; Penniless, Bst. 31b.; Independence, Bst. 21b.; Kercone, Bst. lib.; Monodon, Bat. lib.; ICiriwiuning, Bst.; Jimnna, 7st. 121b.; All Talk, 7sl. 101b.; Sylvasco, 7st. 81b.; Billy Wigge, 7st. Mb.; Lord Kennilworth, 7st. 41b.; Campaign, 7st. 41b.; Persian Prince, 7st. 41b.; (lien Crispin, 7et. 31b.; Blaelifn-c, 75t,.; Keep Watch, fist. 121h.; Revenue, 63t. 121b.; Gold Kip. 6st. 121b.; Multino, 6st. 111b.; Money Moon, 6st. 91b.

KIHOTAPU WELTER ITAiXDICAP. One mile and a furlong.-Ecbel, 9st. 61b.; Glonopal, 9st. 61b.; King Ohiara, 9st. 61b.; Munstor, 9at.; Golden Grafton, BaU 101b.; Toki, flat. 51b.; Pendoon, Bst. 411).; Gold Frau, 7st. 121b.; Alteration, 7st. 121b.; Thrace, 7flt. 101b.; Bowler, 7st. 91b.; La<ly Gltn. 7»t, 91b.; Pre-eminent, 7«t. 91b.


By Teleeroph—Press Association. Chrtstchurch, Noyembcr 5. Handicaps for the Ashhurst iiaciug Club Meeting are:—

HACK HUKDIjES HANDICAP. One mile and-a half.-Niconiar, 10st. 101b.; Mahzoltov, 10st. 111b.; Mattock, 10st, 101b.; Moulu, 10st. 91b.; Atuiitoro, lOst. lib.; Foenmn, 9st. 121b.; Tornea,-9at. Mb.; Blue Thread, 9st. Zlb.; Yarilla, 9st.; Sartolino, 9st.; Warmaid, 9st.; Stroller, 9et.; Powder Fox, 9st.; Subducr, Set.;. Oaekwar, 9st.; Hoatu, 9st,; Multipotcut, 9st.; Pawerowcre, 9st.; I'olthoguo, 9st.; Sir Thomas, 9st.;PaparcsS,9Bt.j Koliiku, 9st.; Sarbonitc, 9st.; llauira, 9st. POHANGINA.IIANDIOAP. Six furlongs.Lady General, Bat. lib.; Orowhurst Bst. 101b.; Trials, Bst. 91b.; Merrie Poto, Bst. 51b,; Sturongo, Bst. lib.; Dribble, Bst.; Bradamante, 7st. 81b.; Jean Laddo, 7st. 51b.; Mystcnal, fist. 91b. •■

FLYING HACK HANDICAP. Pivn fur-lones.-Naiinii, 9st. 41b.; Madam llistori. ' S J- 31b. ; Astrophel, 9st. 21b.; lioyal Chef, Bst. Bib.; lungs Armour, Bst. 81b.; TuruliKiiPlto, Bst. slb.;Hupuna, Bst, 41b.; Idyllic, 831, 21b.; Bio, Bst, 21b.; Birkonetla,' Bat. 21b.; Bloomine, 75t.,131b.; Vermilion, 7st. 12 b.; Humorist, 7st. 101b.; Nnniur, 7st. 101b,; Goldbearing, Vet, 101b.; MctaUum, 7st. 91b.; Trickery, 7st. 91b.: .Tinkler, 7st. 81b.; Mill Queen, 7st. 71b.; Warmaid, 7st.; Kciliiua, 7st.; Skeddalc, 7st.; Street Sinccr 7st ASIIHUBST CUP. One mile and a tcr.-Snub, 9st. 21b.; llaniaroa, Bat. 31b • Liidy Louisa, Bst. 51b.; Orleans, Sat 31b.; Trials, Bst. 31b.; Municipal, Bst. lib • Dribble, 7st. 101b.; Golden Graf ton, 7st 91b • Ohiwia., 7et. 91b.; Ross Pi,nlt, Ist. 81b.; Detroit, 7st. 7)b.; Undecided, 7st. 31b.- Flash Lady, 7st. 21b.; Botanist, 7st. lib.; Master Moutoa, 7st. lib.; Ha'iiniakaka, 6st. 111bMaractotara, 6st. 1011).; Fore, 6st. 91b ■ llorsil, 6st, 71b.; Pall Mall. 6st, 71b.

KOMAKO WEI/PER HANDICAP. Seven furlongs—Polynesian, 9st. 51b.; Maractntara, Bst. 111b.; Hastie, Bst. 111b.; Nicomar Bst. 21b.; Malizoltov, Bat, 91b.; Lady Udith Bet. 51b.; Naimir, Bst. 41b.; Coral Kin" Bst 31b.; Amity, Bst. 31b.; Ohoreka, Sat 31b • Mystified, Bst. 21b.; Kahumanga, 7st. lllb • SartoHne, 7st. 101b.; Elevite, 7st. 101b • Sisnorella, Vet. 101b.; Te Opai, 7nt. 91b.; Sarbonite, 7st. 71b.; Ore Ore, 7st. 71b.; Belgian Maid, 7at. 71b.; Sail Home, Vet. 71b.; Renounce, 7st. 71b.; Vacuum, 7st. 71b.; Nutty Gray, 7st. 71b.

HAUMAI WRLTKIt HANDICAP. Seven furloiigs.-liuily Louisa, Ost. 81b.; Lady General, 9st. 51b.; Municipal, 9st. 41b • Uaumanawhiri, Bst. 121b.; Multaine, Set. 111b.; Botanist, Bst. 101b.; Merrie l'oto, Bat 91bBradaniantc, Bst. 41b.; Master Moutoa, Bst. 41b.; llaiimakakii, Bst. 31b.; Probation, Gat. } t>.; Lady Amai, Bst, 21b.; Jean Laddo, Bst. lib.; Ardent, Bat.; ltushabye, 7sl, 131b • Foaman. 7st. 111b.; Borsil, 7st. 71b.; Mystcrial, Vet. 71b.; Vaeiium, Vat. 71b.

MANAWATU GORGE HACK HANDICAP. Six furlougs.-Noblcman, 9at. lib.: Polynesian, Bst. 101b.; Carlatour, Bst. 51b.; Tiiraueapito, Bst. 21b.; Idyllic, 7st. 131b.; Ladv Edith, 7st. 101b.; nioominc, 7st, 101b.; Ylaiiicau, 7st. lOlb.; Vormilion, 7st. 71b.; Jinmorist, 7st. 71b.; Goldhcaring, M. 71b.; Peri,' 01 \i 7 u t -, 7l ! ),: 01l0rel111 . 'at. 'I').; Amity, 7 ?, t: e> 11 ,...;, -Trifikory, Vet. 51b.; Mystified, 7al. 51 i»- s Jl D l - U ,^ ,CCn ' 7sl - 311) . i P;l11 Jlall . fe( - 131b.; Sir Thomas, 6st. 121b.; Kcimua, 6st. 1211).; Elevate, 6st. 1211).; Kenounee, 6st. 91b.

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Dominion, Volume 11, Issue 36, 6 November 1917, Page 7

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C.J.C. MEETING Dominion, Volume 11, Issue 36, 6 November 1917, Page 7

C.J.C. MEETING Dominion, Volume 11, Issue 36, 6 November 1917, Page 7