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The Defence Minister stated in the Houso of that the second section of the Twenty-seventh .Reinforcements had arrived at a port of call, and that the health of the troops was excellent. A complaint against the lack of facilities lor tho drying ot clothes at Tauherenikau Oan\p was liindo in the Houso of pesterday by Mr. G. E. Sykw. Ho said that nectl for tlieso ia'cilitios had been great in UlO recent wet weather, and ho asked tlio Defence Minister to see that sufficient provision was made. Sir James Allen: I am not aware of insufficient facilities for drying clothes at Tauherenikau. I will make inquiries into tho matter. Tlio Tire Brigade was called to 15 Portland Crescent, Thorndon, shortly sifter 8 o'clock last ovening, to extinguish a fire in a washhouse, caused by the "ignition of a film in a small kinematocraph machine. The only damage done was to the washhouse. Tho following officers liavo been authorised by tlio Military Commandant to administer the oath of allegianco and to attest in accordance with the provisions of tho Expeditionary Forces Act, and for tho purposes of tho Military Service Act:—Captain AVhampoa Eraser, Unattached List (b); Lieutenant Janus ri. Campbell, Unattached List (1)); Lieutenant William CI. Ponntney, 16th (AVnikato) Regiment; Lieutenant A. J. A\ r . jffiddlefon, N.Z. Expeditionary Fowo.

A man named Alexandor M'Pherson was admitted to tlio Hospital last night sull'oriug from a fractured skull, tin 1 result of a fall from a ci'ano 011 the wl'mrf. His Honour Mr. Justico Hosking, sitting in Chambers yesterday, granted a decree absolute in tho divorco proceedings of John Henry Pearson against Dorothy Pearsoa and Harry "Wiggins. Mr. T. 11. Wilford appeared for tho petitioner.

In order not to clash with Anzac liny (April 25) it was decided by tho exccutivo of the New Zealand Municipal Association yesterday that tho biennial municipal elections should bo hold ono week earlier than tho last Wednesday in April (as provided for in the statutes), and that tho Government ho asked to make tho necessary amendment in tho Act to meet that desire.

At tho last meeting of tho Gisborno Chamber of Commerce Mr. \V. 0. Long urged tho necessity of telephonic communication between tho mainland and the Portland Island lighthouse. Ho stated that such a convenience would bo valuablo lo tho shipping and commercial people. In tho cou* se of tho discussion it was pointed out that representations on tho subject had been mado to the Postmaster-General in 1912, when an estimate for the work liad been prepared. Tho estimate of the cost was and •CSO a year for maintenance. The chamber decided to renew its requfst lo the Government for tho installation.

One matter of 110 little importance to the community at Jargo was introduced into tlio deliberations oE tho executive of tho New' Zealand Municipal Association yesterday by Mr. 11. Baldwin, Mayor of the Lower LLutt. That was tho differentiation in the amount of the subsidy paid by tho Government 011 amounts contributed to the funds. Tho amounts paid range from 225. 9d. lo tho X paid in the Ua 5 if Islands to 12s. 3d. m the £ paid at Waiapu, Cook, Wairoa and Patca. Auckland managed to get ]Js. 3d. and Otngo '20s. 3d., whilst Wellington only got lGs. 3d., and North Canterbury (Ciiristchurch) 15s. 3d. in the ■£• 1"® average subsidy paid by the Government was 17s. Id. in the £. Sir. Baton argued that such difierent.iation should not exist, but there should be a level subsidy all over the country. Mr. i>nodgrass (Nelson) said that he had been successful in getting 2-ls. m the J. from tho Government, and that was not 011 a gift. A delegate: "You must have got on tho right side of the Minister to do that" Mr. Baldwin: "Well. I wish we could do it. We find the Minister very tough to handle." 1 It is reported, says our Maskrlon correspondent, that the headquarters of Iht, 17th Kuahino Regiment is to bo remo\ed. from Masterton to Woodville. Trentham Camp will shortly be the richer for an attractive piece of ornamentation of permanent historical aluc. Some time ago it was proposed to pieparo a series of flower beds at the en trauco to the camp, and have each 0 them named in commemoration or one 01 the battles in which the New /ealanders hare fought in the great .|rar. lho Y M.C.A. agreed lo interest itself 111 obtaining substa'ntial_ markers for the 'wU and at its suggestion Messrs. and Sons generously undertook to pie paro free 1 f cost stones which were donott'd by Messrs. Hansford, Mills, and Hardie, contractors for the Government Buildings. About a score of thesesloncs are now ready. They are rough blocks of New Zealand marble, about Jt. b\ ltt„ With polished sides an,the "?. the battles 111 sunken gold lettei.-,. I heu appearanco is most handsome and olfective, and when established in places there is no doubt t'hey will prove of striking interest lo a'.l visitors lo the camp. Tho Auckland "Star" says that complaints are made of cattle-stealing on an extensive scale. Referring to a Kltcr from tho Auckland executive ot tlio Farmers' Union 011 this subject at a meeting of tho Morrinsvillo branch, Mr. il'Alpine stated that ono man near Morrinsville had recently lost twenij-ii\o fat bullocks, and that tho executive was ot opinion that hundreds of cauls veie going the same way.

A slight fall of snon; occurred in tlie neighbourhood of Maslertoii on .Monday afternoon.

Tho Oamaru l'resbylerv on Tuesday unanimously sustained a cull from Hampden to tho Itev. 11. H. Blair, ol' Leeston. Tho Christchurch Presbytery will meet oil Thursday to deal with tho matter. Eleven ai;rests were made by the Christchurch polico on Saturday, mating tho total number of arrests during Grand National Week forty-nine (says the "Lyttelton Times"). Tho'majority ot tho arrests wero for ■ drunkenness. Between tho war and curtailment of ruein", this year's National "Week shows a'°big reduction in arrests by comparison with tho previous years. Ono of tho heaviest National Weeks experienced by tho polico was in 191k when 130 arrests wero mado, chiefly drink cases. Pome remarkablo disclosures concerning a Maori's dealings in motors were made in tho course of a meeting of creditors of Muteno Mita, of l'etane, held at Aapier. Bankrupt, examined nil oath, statod tliat Ho was a l-etuirnetl soldier and camo back wounded. Ho Had been back about twelve mouths. When ho camo back ho had some money and thojisfht ot going into the taxi business. llh that end in view ho purchased a car He ran for liiro between Namer and Pelane. Ho iliou«lit lie would do better at Kotorun. and took the car up there. Ho Rot e CI2OO from the sale of some land, fpent on a motor-cyclo and sidebar, and spent J2500 while he was at Polo™*whero he was sent by the Government to recover from wounds. In Jfarcli last ho bought a motor-car, and as a diversion started playing cards with the resist that in one day (Sunday) he ijO. To meet this debt he accented £>0 and gave a mortgage over his car for ,£IOO. Next Sunday at cards he lost JIB. all the remaining cash ho had. He returned to Napier with tho car, sold it for taking a smaller car in part exchange, Wi«2 - ,l 5 cnsll - < '" 1 110 I tho purchaser that tho car was moitgaged. Ho intended to pav his snmbling debt, though ho hail an idea, that lie could not. get into trouble owing to tlie law on that point. He was of "P™" 1 ! that "they just took him ™ Official Assignee said lie had telegraphed to Potorua claimin? a car seized b> ono Johnston there, and received a reply to tho effect that the mortgago was perfects regular, and that no claim on tho car was admitted. Tho assignee was empowered to take what steps ho thought necessary to protect the interests of the creditors, and to realise the estate should it "become necessary. Mr Witty presented a petition to tho House of Representatives yesterday signed by the president, secretary, and councillors of the New Zealand Locomotive Engineers, Firemen, and Cleaners' Association, who, on behalf of the members of the association, ask that legislation be introduced to amend the Industrial Conciliation and Arbitration Act in order to permit tho association to register as an industrial union of workers, and come witliin tho provisions of the Act in its entirety, in like manner and in all respects similar to members of industrial unions of workers who aro not employed by tho Crown or any Department of tho New Zealand Government. Tho following is an extract from General Orders issued by tho military: Claims have been received from stair oflicers and n.c.o.'s for forago and grooming allowances, who liavo alreadv been granted tlio JCIJO per annum for tho upkcop of a horse. It does not appear to bo clearly understood that tho allowance of .£3O per unman for tho upkeep ot a horso must cover all expenses in connection with tho same—that is, forage, shoeing, stabling, upkeep of saddlory, covert, and grooniing-kit. There are degrees of meanness even in thieving, but it would euroly bo difficult to get much lower down tho Gcalo of meanness than to thieve from a send-off social to soldiers. No fewer than 31 cups, saucers, and basins were stolen at a send-olf to tho soldiers We<li!es<Uiy night (states the Timarii ' Herald ). Tho takings at Hie Mastcrlon Patriotic, Shop during tho "past fivo weeks have amounted to over Ji2OCO. THERE'S MONEY IN THAT IDEA! That littlo time-saving device you "made yourself!" There may bo lots of money in it—fortunes have been mado out of very simple ideas. But there's such a thing as being forestalled—as many a man has found out to his loss. To-day is tho time to act—dn so! Get our Preo Book "Advice to Inventors!" Henry Hughes, Ltd., Patent Agents, 157 Featherston street, Wellington—A<ht,

A petition from tlio Auckland unregistered dentists was presented to Parliament yesterday by Mr. J. Payne,_ praying that legislation bo passed this session to enable men with practical knowledge of dentistry who liavo served with registered dentists for a certain term of years (say five) and who are able to pass a practical examination in the various departments of dental scienco to be registered as dentists, and practise in any part of tho Dominion on tiieir own account, and that tlio first of such examinations take place within tlio next six months.

Tlio opidemic of diphtheria was referred to yesterday by the chairman of the Willis Street School Committee,' Mr. 11. A. W. M'Kenzie, in an address w Hie pupils before they entered the school. Ho advised the children to see that tl'eir parents kept some sulphur in the house. If any of them had tne slightest feeling of toreness in the throat they should have sorno of the sulphur blown on to tlio root of the tongue, through a quill or a rolled piece of paper. By doing that they would probably prevent tho disease. Tho schoob wero thoroughly fumigated during tlio last vacation, and the committee would have tho same dene again during the coming vacation.

A meeting of tho Philosophical Society will be held in the Dominion Museum tliis evening, when a paper will be read by Mr. H. D. Cook, M.Sc., on "HyilroKlectrio Development in Tasmania." Tho lecture will be illustrated by lantern slides showing tlio bend works and plant of the Tasmania Government, and ai account will be given of the various purposes to which electricity is being applied. Holders of red tickets in connection with the Sydney Street Soldiers' Club dances are reminded of the meeting to bo held at the club room this evening at 5 o'clock.

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Dominion, Volume 10, Issue 3170, 22 August 1917, Page 4

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LOCAL AND GENERAL Dominion, Volume 10, Issue 3170, 22 August 1917, Page 4

LOCAL AND GENERAL Dominion, Volume 10, Issue 3170, 22 August 1917, Page 4