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£ PHASES OF THE MOON. JIAItOtI. Day. Hγ. m. X First Quarter 1 4 M a.m. Pull moon 3 928 fl..m. I.att quarter 17 0 j a.m. No\r moon 2,1 J 35 p.m. I'ii'st quarter 30 10 6 p.m. irooiV. Moon rises to-day, G. 27 p.m.; tots, 12.21 p.m. Thursday. TIDK. To-day, 8.Z9 a.m.; 8.57 p.m. To-morrow, 9.16 a.m.; 9.42 p.m SUN. Buu rises today. 5.15 a.m.; sets, 0.15 p.m. ARRIVALS. TUESDAY, MAEGH lo XIK.AU, 5.5. (7.50, 2« tons, Hh.v, Irom Nclfon nnd Motuolia-. OKEPUKr, B.s. (7.45 a.m.), 627 ton?, Dowimrst, from Nydin Bay. KJUJNEDY, s.B. (9 a.m.). 2X tons, Sluart, from Puponga. , MABAR.OA, s.s. (9.C0 a.m.), 2598 tons, Horn, Trom JjyLt«lton. TARAWEBA, s.s. (10.10 a.m.), 2003 tons, Cameron, Xrora Auckland. Ciisbornc, ami Kapior. KAI'ITV. s.s. (1.5 p.m.), M 2 ton?, fi a w.vcrs, from Vfanganui. A.UKXAKDKU, s.s. 0.36 P.m.), 377 tons, Wildman, from Tcrakohe. WAIBA.U, s.e. (2 p.m.), 1« ions, Tendore, from Blenheim. KAPUNI, s.s. (3.60 p.m.). 250 ton?, fiibeon, Trom I'atwi. PUTIKI. s.s. (0.50 p.m.), W7 lons, from Wo.ugniiui. TCTANIiKAI. s.s. (4.5 p.m.l, from Cook Strait. PATEfiNA. f.s. (11 p.m.), 1212 lons, T.rwin, from Kclfon and Picton. TVOOTTOiV, s>'. (10.15 p.m.). 151 lons, 1-arscn, from DEPARTURES. TUESDAY, JJABOH 1.5. OPAWA, s.s. 112.5 p.m.), 110 tons, Nicholas, for Blenheim. NTKAU. b.s. 15.5 p.m.), 2-18 tons. Hay, for Seleon. RIPPLE, s.s. (6.50 370 tons, Carlson, for Napier. MARAROA, s.s. (7.50 p.m.), 2598 tons, Horn, for LytteHon. Passengers: >S;Joon— Misses Sutherland. Harding, Laura KordInu, 1. U'Kaugk E. 11'NiiUK.h.t, Mummory, Jturphy, Gordon, Mesdamcs Mackenzie, But<:liffe, Sorenson. Blake, Baker, Cairo, White and child. Francis and child, Messrs. Jfoekenr.ic, Captain Lillcy, NoTFCoat, Sulcliffe. Sorenson. Wareott. Best. Shepherd, Weaver, Tennant, Simmond, Smith, Hencry. MVEIUNA, s.s. (10 p.m.). 4758 tons, Balo, for Lyttclt-on. EXPECTED ARRIVALS. H.awera, Pat««., Mareh 14. KuroT, KciTcistlo, Mareh 14. Opawa, Blenheim, March 14. Maori, Lyttelton, March WKaitoa, Kelson, MarcJi 14. Kamo, Greymouth, March M. XRakuta, Greymouth, March 15. Oorinna, New Plymouth, March 15. Kaitima, Wcstport, March 15. Quoen of tho South. Poxton, March 15, TVairau, Blenheim, March 15. Patecna, Nelson, Pio-tou, March 15. Kikau, Kelson'. March 15. Mararoa, Lyttelton, March 15.11 Waverley, Patea, March 15. Defender, West Coast, March 15. Wakatu, Lyttelton, Ifaikoura, Mar. 15, HiiTeripa, Lyttelton, March 15. Victoria, Sydney, via northern ports, March 16. .Tohn. Timaru, March 16. Piitiki, Wanganui, Mareh 16. Kapiti, Wati B anui. March 16. Blenheim, Havclock, vSounds, March 17. Kapuni, Paten., March 17. Waimea, Wangranui, March 17. Defender, Hokitiko, March 17. Ripple. Gisborne, Akitio, Napier, Mar. 18. M.a.pourikn,. West Coast. Nelson. Mar. 18. Tnrawra, Dunedin. Lyttolton, March 19. Calm, Lyttelton, March 19.

PnOJECTTD DEPAnTURES. .TTan-era, Pat-ca, March H. Komaia, TVestport, March il4. Putiki. Wanganui, Moxoh l>l. Opawa, Blenheim, March 14. Pateena, Nelson, March 14. Maori, Lyttelton-. March 14. Kaitoa-, Nelson, March 14. Kennedy. TVcsthaven, March U. Blenheim. Havelock, Sounds, Majch 14. Aioxander, Nelson and West Coast, Mar

Wavcriey, Patea, March 14. Kapiti. Wonganui, Maro 14. ■ Orcpuki, Ijyttelton, Timaru, Marc 14. Komnta, Westport,. March H. Norii JJUon, Cook Strait, March. 14. Canopus, Anokla.nd, March 14. Jubilee (hulk), Auckland, March R Corinna. Dunedin. Jlardt 15. Kapuni, Patca. MaKih 15. Queen of the South, Foiton, March 15. lYairau. Blonheim, March 15. Wararoa, Lyttelton, March 15. Nikau, Kelson. March 15. Jtonowai, Napier, Gisborne, Auckland, March 15. Waliatu, KaikouTa, LytteltoTi, Jlar. 15. Kip.i,, March 15. •"nhti. 'Waj'.gamii, March 16. ■"■ictoria.. Ljrt.tclton, Dunwlin, l[a.rch 16. K:<mo, Greyaiouth, Itarch 16. Wiiiuwa. Jtehon and 'West Coast. Mot. 17. Tfjaivera, Napier, Gisborne, Auckland, Maro l». OiMICUB, Bluff, ?.faTCll 19. iSaunUii. IT,-tivU«-i. March Ifl. Hippie. ■ , Tapi°r. Gieborne, MVircli !». lfcT.oi;ril<h. XtiMn, West Coast, Alar. 20.

KOVEMEHTS OF STEAMERS. j'x-yr:RCoi;O7ruii sebyicb. BIYEJMJ'A. left Sydney March 8, and arrived We;lii!£ton March IZ. Leaves W* linfton alter goi-r.K to Lyttclton on Mftrch 15. imd due Sydney March. 19. MANUKA, Isares Sydney March 15. and doe Wellington March 19. Loaves Wellinsion afjer going to Lyttelton on Mexoli 22 for Sydney direct, and duo Sydney Jlaroh 26. MOKIUKI, arrived Sydney March 12 from ■Wellington direct. Leaves Bydncv oil March 22 for Wellington direct, and flue Wellington March 26. Leave.? Wellington nfter Bointr to Lyttelton on March 29 tor Sydney direct, and due Sydney April 2. VIOTOHIA, left Sydney March 7, and axriTed at Auckland March 11. Tjcft Auckland March 13, and len-veR Gisborno March. 14, end Napier March 15, and duo Welliuirton March 16. leave? here samo do.y for Lyttelton, nnd D.unedin. WntITEKA, left Wellinatotv Mwch 12, pnd .leaves Auckland M'nrr-h 16 for Sydney direct. Due Sydney March 20, and leaves Sydney for Wellington, via northern norts, on March 21. Due Auckland March 25. and Wellington March 30. Leaves here same day for south. WESTEALTA. leaves Melhonrn<> Ms.roh 31 for Wellington direct. n,n<! due Wellington April 5. Leaves Wellington- Ai>ril 7 for Melbourne. Tia Eouthern ports. TO-DAY'S BEBTHAGE WfiT. The. follov.'ins h«rth3 havo been allotted to vessel? duo fcore to-do-y:— Kaitoa, f-'o. '0 Qrar.n'e Wharf. ODanr.T., ?T;i. 1- 'iiortW Queen's Wharf. Maori, Ferry Wharf. Kamo. Ta.ranaki Slro*t Wharf. Kiirow. liailK-.,y Wharf. Hawera, Glassow Wiliarf. BY TELEGEAPF.

COASTAL•r'JESDAT. MAJ!GH V. ■ AUCKLAND. Sail!-<!.--K!ora. (3.25 p.m.). for Knrotonsu. jrA.PIED, Arritf/l.—Wimmora (E. 15 a.m.), from Weilingto)). NEW PLTMOUI-β. Arrived.—B«.ra,TTa. (4.45 a.m.), from Onehunja. Sailed.—Kn.ramii (10 a.m.!, for Wcttpovl. BLENHEIM. Sailwl.-Opaira (8 p.m.), for Wellington. NELSON. Sftil«i.--Coriniv* (7.45 p.m.), tor Kew Plymouth: Kaitoa- (7-p.m.), for Wellington. KAIKOUBA. Ai-rircd.—Wakatu (6 a.m.), from WcllinsLTTTELTOX. Bailrd.-Mf.raroii (E. 55 p.m.), for Wellinßton. DTJNEDIN. Arrivcd.-GA-lui (11.10 a.m.), from BluB'; Kahike, (6.30 p.m.). from . Wcstport. Sailed.—John (1.30 p.m.), for Waujranui Bailed.-Monowai (4 p.m.), for Auckland. I'si-sscngers: Sfl loon—For Wellington— Carter, Normal, Hetcan, iShowman, Qiiinn, Cameron, Laidkiv, and child, Smart, Stott, Levi and 2 children. Misses Carter. Inglia, Truman,' Lackey, Sina-rt, Kileonr, Mcßsra. Carter, Norman, Taylor. Iviltoiir, Qui'nn. For Napier—Mrs. Hodpo and infant Mr Price. For Gisbornc-Mcsdamos Trydo, ■ Cud&ow, Harris, Mr. Harris. For Auckland— Mesdamen Kiistber, Robineon and 2 nluMrcii, Kimlilcs. Misses Rej-uoldg, Knieht. Krttle. Mwsrs. iioninfoii, Cookrrlou. Hill, .Munn. Tliorapson. Keret. Martin, Lieut. Champ'laloup, Capt-uin Dnslhcrs; In slecrasc.

with the -bee, tfnndcrlnnd, and Stag as Ihr only other competitor.-. It seems thai now thih-thc most important, racii of Ihe reiratta.-is lo fall through, as when Ilic Janet, lias gone there will lit: only the .Suiiderhind and the I,oc left, as the StiiK was recently wrecked. Especially since tho war bns the passiriK or our wind-jam-mer Heal been evident, and diirinn the lost, two years several of the liuest sailors in Australasian waters have chiuitred hands from Auckland owners lo shipping men on the other side. TUTANEKAT IN PORT. The Government cable steamer Tutanekiii arrived iu port, at about •! p.m. yesterday, ai'd berthed ol No. % (north) (Moscow Wharf. As far as the finest for tho old cablo id concerned, no success tvas rant with. As mentioned previously in THE DOMINION, when the; cable was brought, to the, eiirfaco, oue <mi<l was somired and buoyed, but tho other end broke, and hn« not. yet, been recovered. W.hilo dragging for tho lost cable another cable was brought lo the. surface, but was sunk again. The Tulanekai tten sent a wireless messeco to Wellinuton, n.nd found tbat. tho ciblo they had picked up by necidenl, was detective, so it. was again brought to thr- surface an<l. severed, the two ends being buoyed. What is t-o be "done in connection with theso cables is to be <!i?ctased thifi morning, and a.flcr taking i/i provisions the. Tutancka.i -will probably leave again for the scene \a continue the work or repairing tho cables. WItIXK OV COOI.OOS. jMcesrs. .l,:ing)cy Bros.' coaster. Coolocui, one of Ihe best known vessels in the New flouth Wales coastal trade, lies aslmrc jM>ar the northern breakwater at the Manning River, , iu a position that it appears certain she will become a. total wreck, says an Australian paper. So far fciv particulars have... been made nva.ilfl.bln. but it appears she was itnvard bound from Sydney w.hen she was c:irriwl ashore, and almost immediately began lo iill up. Tho position being serious tho crew decided lo effect, a Inning, which to aohiovW without a. uiteh. The Cooloon is a. -wooden steamer of 239 tons gross and Ml tons net register. Sho wae built at the Manning Tiivo- in 1904. Her principal dimensions are:— Ticnei-h, 127 ft,. 4ii;.; breadth, Mft, 3in.; and depth. Bft. Bin. rt was only recently that the Katbkil (ex Arrah-ua-Pogue) went aehorc nt the. snmo place, but she was successfully refloated. INCREASED COST Ol' , SHIPS. "Hoyd.'s List Weekly Summary" of January 5 somo interesting cases, which, indicato how tho value of tonnaco has been enhanced by war couditione. The steamer Hercules was built in 1903 for £42,000. In 1904 she, was sold for i>32.250; whilo year sho brought X6S.CCO, and this yoar wne sold for £250,000. In 1913 tho Askelad changed owners Tor £14,500; but has since become, apparently worth £158,500. Even sailing ships, have, increased beyond all expectations. A typical insta.nco is that of tho Vnldivia., which has no'* been deemed, to he north £22,500; although in 1912 sho could only bring £1400. COAL STOPPED PROJt NEWCASTLE. During last month 181.M1 tons of coal •was shipped at Acwcastlo for inter-State ports and Now Zealand ports, as compared -with 206,014 tons for tho corresponding period last, year. Details:—"Victoria., 91,008 tons; South Australia, 53,215; Queensland, 13.073; New JealaM, 12,345; Tasmania, 12,200; total, 161,841 tons. DEATH OP A WELL-KNOWN SMTP-ING IDENTITY. Captain William Eaton, a. member of tho Marine Board of Queensland, died in a private hospital on February 27, tho cause of deatn bciuj tetanm. Captain K«ton was a well-known mariner on tho Austro.lian coast. !Ue hiui a stirring lifo' on the western seas, and prior to coming to Queensland was employed by tho shippine firm.of H'llwr;i.Uu, M'E«charn, of Melbourne. On March, 26, 1915, Jio was appointed a member of the. Mariae Board of Queensland in tho place of Mr. T. G. Johnson. lie had acted as a. member of tho board on two occasions covering a period of about 15 months during tho absence of two members. Tko deceased, -was a master mariner of considerable experience on the coast, and held a foroignBoinc extra master's certiiicatG. Recently ho met with a tram accident, receiving injuries to his left hand. He afterwards attended two meetings of the Marine Board with his hand bandaged. Tctaniiß developed later on, and i'.e entered a private hospital, where ho died.

The cutler Stag, which, ivent aehorc at Waihekc during the recent gale in tho north, has been abandoned as a. complete wreck. The auxiliary scow Excolsior, -which Trent ashore at OniUei in the recent cyclone, has been repaired, and is now in commission ngain. Messrs. Biddiclt 13r05., •vrho own tho Excelsior, state that tho damage was trivial. The Victoria is to leave Auckland today, and is-due hero on Saturday. Sho ■will sail on Saturday evening for Dunedin direct.

The Ngahcrc is timed to come off the -lip lu-Miui'i'uw, and the litn. will cu on lor cleaning. The Ivniliina- is expected to AYcHimrt at 1 p.m. to-day for Wellington. The; ICiiii discharges coal and timhrr at. Minimal , to-ds.?, line should get away tomorrow for Grcymouth.

11. is liopcvcL to set, tho Knni-itiL away today Tor Wcstporl to load back to Wellington.

Tho Kamo is iluc here about 4 o'clock tins morning from fircymouth. and on completion of discharge will leave for (1 ley mouth to airain load for Wellington. The barquenline Alcxa left Newcastle, on I'ridny last, n cargo ol phosphates for Auckland. She should arrivo n-L Auckland ahoul the end or the month, and after discharging will Joad timber for Sydney.

The Jfßiikul.a was lo have loft Greymouth Inst night ivilh a full cargo of coal. Kim should arrivo hero to-moJ-row morning.

Mr. .1. W. Inkslcr. third mate of the Mararoa. has eomo ashore. .

The Ilincnioa. was-working at Ngunguru yesterday, and to-day should gel lo Cape Brolt and J!.iisscll.

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Dominion, Volume 10, Issue 3027, 14 March 1917, Page 10

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SHIPPING NEWS Dominion, Volume 10, Issue 3027, 14 March 1917, Page 10

SHIPPING NEWS Dominion, Volume 10, Issue 3027, 14 March 1917, Page 10