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— GRAND NATIONAL MEETING ACCEPTANCES FOE. TO-DAY". By Telegraph—Press Association. Christchurch, August 18. Following are the acceptances for the concluding, day of the tiraml National Meeting:— ■' AYLESBURY' STEEPLECHASE, of 200 sovs. -■ About two miles and a Ikowai, list. 81b.; Nita, list. Sib.; AVellwood, lOst. 131b.; Traditor, : 10st. 121b.; Otupai, lOst. 51b.; Kaupokonui, lOst. 31b. ; Mawtoii, Ost. 131b.; Fairy Finn, Ost. 121b.; Critic, 9st. lllhr.; Kerekohu, Ost. 71b.; Tariki, Ost. 71b.; Precious Metal, Ost. 71b.; Debonair, itst.Wlb. HEATHCOTE HANDICAP, of 300 sovs. Seven furloi)g3.—Osenhope, list. 31b.; Meltchikoff, lOst. Olb. ■ Battle Eve, lOst.; Kingfonn, lOst.; Goidenlyte, '.'st. 131b.; Heeltap, Ost. 81b.; Comely, 'Jst. 31b.; FabrikofF, 9st. 21b.; Ogier, Ost.; - Gnome, Ost.; San. Sebastian, 'Jit.; Caraid Dileas, Ost. ' HUNTEIiS' PLATE, of 110 sovs. One mile and a half.—Sabrenui, Vint. 131b.; Kingsway, 12st. 91b.; Compulsion, 12at 81b.; Bill Terry, 12st.; Cron Park, list. 101b.: Northern, list. Rib.; Tiirehawt, list. 51b.; Prehex Garde, list. 41b.; K»iwhakahaere, list.; Dear Annie, list.; • Korangi, list. STYX HURDLES, of 200 sov.i. Oner: round and a distance.—Sk-inht-of-I'laiid, list. 1IJI).; Worcester, Ost. 13ib.; Trirern':, 'Jst. 121b.; Spectral, 9st Sib.; Frcs. !ht. ilh.; Sartosta, Ost. 31b.; Union Jack, Ost. Mb.; Sport, Ost.; St. Curio, Ost. SYDENHAM HURDLES, of 500 wvs. One milo and three-quarters.—Muster Kegel,-.'list. 01b.; .Crib, list. 31b.; Art, list. 21b.; Purscliller, 11st.; Harbour Light,.-lOst. '.101b.; Marconi, lOst. 91b.j Tararu Jack, lOst. 51b.; Gladful, Ost. 131b.; Leonta, Ost. 121b.; Kilmeny. flit. 91b.; Sleight-of-Hand, Ost. 711).; Golden March,' Ost. slb. LINCOLN STEEPLECHASE, of W)0 sovs. About thilee miles.—Braoburn, 12st. 31b.; Ngatoa, lOst; 111b.; Bransnolo, " lOst. 101b.; Queen's Post, lOst. 91b. j Tarera, lOst. 01b.; New York, Jflst. 91b.; Fagot, lOst. 81b.;. Merry Lad, lOst. Oil).; Idealism, lOst. lib.; Bravest, Ost. 131b.; Black Sea, Ost. nib.; Lady Bibbero, Ost. 71b.; Captain Mackny, Ost. 71b.; Recharge, 9st. 71b.; Tkowai, Ost. 71b. REDCLIFFS HANDICAP, of 200 sovs. Seven' furlongs.-War Tax, lOst. 71b.; San Sebastian, - lOst. 71b.: Varnish, lOst. lib.; King Star, lOst. 21b.; Kukri, lOst. lib.; Sir Tarka, lOst.; Multum, Ost. 121b.; Melford, Ost. 01b.: Antwerp, Ost. 011).; Fiorv Cross, Ost. 91b.; Achiileus, Ost. Oil).; Treadflre, Ost. 31b.; Samiel, 9st. 2lb- ; Monevmaker, Ost. lib.; Canrobur, Ost.: Ballyhar,'Ost.; Grand Idea. Ost.; Riga, Ost.; Bomb, Ost.; Golden Prince, Ost.; Higliwater, 9st. SELWYN - HANDICAP, of 250 sovs. Six furlongs—Encore, lOst. 111b.; Battle Eve, lust. 31b.; Heeltap, Ost. 111b.; Derby Day, 9st. 81b.;:'Obsono, Ost. 51b.; Marsa, Ost. lib.; Yes, 9st. 111).; Pyjama, Ost. 31b.; Caraid Dileas, Ost.'3lb.; '.Peronilla, Ost.; Twelfth Night, 9st.; # Sir Malt,. 9st.; War Tax, Ost.; Icilnia, Ost.; Malvolia, Ost. NOTES AND COMMENTS !By Glencoe.l Canterbury's winter racing carnival will be' brought to a conclusion at Ricearton to-dny. Proceedings, says our special corvesoondent, will commence with the Aylesbury Steeples, two miles and a half. Tho two top weights, Ikowai and Nita, are sure to be fancied, also Critic, who was racing well when ho fell 6u the opening day. Ikowai is a <safa conveyance, and has pace, so perhaps he may carry the most money on tho machine. Oxcnhope, who is reported to have changed hands yesterday, will be a runner in the Hcathoote Handicap, seven furlongs, and as there is nothing of the class lif Sundown engaged lie may go out a f.trong order. The rnm that fell yesterday will not assist the Obligado gelding to get the extra furlong, and Comely, who had very bad luck on Thursday,

may wear him down at the finish. Melt-, chikoff and Heeltap are aiso N likely to show up well over this distance. The Hunters' Plnte, vliich is it Hut race, has drawn a good held. Sabreuut won the Hunters' Hurdles on tile opening day; anrt tho winner of this event has in past years generally scored in tho Plate, but this year Sabrenui may find it beyond bini to concede 1011). to Compulsion, a winner at/Timaru. The Dunedinowned golding will he ridden by Air. J. Barr, who scored on Crib last year. Sleight of Hand has been engaged in both hurdle races, but he will start in the lack event, in which ho scored so decisively on Thursday. The race oh tho middle day will work a big improvement in mm. A really good held is engaged in. tea Sydenham Hurdles. Master Kegel'is top weight, with a considerable rise, and if tho two hard races he has had haro not got to the bottom of him he is bound to shape well. In the National Hurdles nothing had a chance with the Aucklander at a mile and three-ciuansrs.Tho nearest to him at this stage was Golden March, - who now meets him" - on' much more advantageous terms. Pu'rsefiller, Marconi, and ICilmony will all - have their chances freely discussed prior to starting time. Braeburn will be practically a fresh horse in the Lincoln Steeples, and despite his big weight he is sure to be fancied, and .Merry Lad's form in the National Steeples enhances tho prospects, of BracIjiirn, as the Sir Laddo gelding'badly defeated the Napier-trained \ r.mmat at (jrcenmeadows. War Tax, who is to be ridden by Dee- ,' ley, maybe at a very short price in tho Jlodclilfs Handicap, in which a big field of hacks will compete. At seven furlon;.'* on Thursday. Sir Torka had tho opposition in the Sumner Handicap badly 'tfatcri, and he may bring about tho downfall of the favourite' to-day. Varnish has a risfl of 181b.,. which should stop him. Iu the concluding event Marsa. with only 'Mb. above the minimum, is expected by many to improve considerably oil Thursday's form, while Derby Day is another that appears to be improving with racing. Marsa will be ridden by A. H. Wilson, who is in tho first ilight of horsemen in tho Southland district. His many friends will be pleased to hear that G. Price, who trains for "Air. Highdcn," has made a satisfactory recovery from the nunor operation houudenvent on Tuesday evening.... Though she has run well iii several cross-country events, the .victory of Queen's post in'the Beaufort Steeplechase at Jtlccarton marked her first success over the big fences. NOTED STEEPLECHASER By Tclcsranli-Prees, Association-Copyright (Hoc. August IS, 9 p.m.) Sydney, August 18. Tim Moolnn, the steeplechaser, is being returned to New Zealand. SALE OP BLOOD STOCK By Telegraph—Press Association. Christchurch, August IS. At the blood stock sale to-day Oxouhopo made aOOgns.; Otitpui, GOgns.; Mar. gerino, 3lisgns.; De Murska, 20gns.; Pet. rovna, 50gns.; Sterina, L'agns. Recorder was passed in »t 285gns., and Bon d'Or at 230gns, TROTTING METROPOLITAN CLUB'S MEETING. By Telegraph—Press Association. Christchurch, August 18. Tho Metropolitan Trotting Club's August Meetuig concluded to-day, in dull weather, but before a good attendance. The totalisator handled .041,030, making J!lfl7,'l81 for tho meeting, an. increase of .£10,588. over tho corresponding meeting last rear. aii'mvjNTrcn handicap. tvo miles—l Commander Bell, Use?., 1; 3 Maewood, 17sec., 2; 4 Bow Bells, Msec., 3. Also started: 2 Treasure Seeker, Usee.; 8 Mokau, 13sec; 6 Mies Salisbury, 16scc;

5 Dubosc, 17scc; 7. Havana, lOsoc; 9 Demiiore, .20secv; . 13 Jameti Madison, 20sec. AVon by forty yards. Time, -imiii. 52sec. " • ■ - ■• . . FEDERAL HANDICAP.. One mile and a lvalf.—Hi ti cargo M'Kimiey, ssec, 1; 4 Sungod, Usee, 2; 2 .Tamarisk,. sftec, 3. Also started: 6 Brown Bell, lsec; 5 Louie Drift, Gstc.; 3 Prince Poole-, Iteec. AVon by throe lengths. Time, 3min. 3 Msec. NATIONAL Car. Two niiles.-l Erin's King, oscc, 1; 2 Admiral AV'ood, scr., 2; '4 Adelaide Direct, 4sec, 3. Also started: 5 Evelyn, 3sec.; (i Succeed, Gsoc; 3 Tommy C, lsoc.; 2 Komi Pointer, 2sec. (coup]ed*witli Admiral AVood), scr. AA T on by .a length.. Time,-4min. 41 l-sscc; CANTERBURY HANDICAP. .' Two miles.—2 M'atehliglit, ssec, 1; 5 Capriccib, 7see., 2; 3 Bellilowcr 2sec:, 3. Also started: 7 Stanley's Child, scr.; 1 Agathos, -Jsec.; 10 .S'ungod, sscc. :'8 Ariadne, Gsec; (i Yarrayillo, 7sec; !) The Bronzewing, Usee.;. 11 Harold Devon, Dice.; 4 Voter, lOsec. AVon .by tbreo lengths. ■.L'ime, 4min. 41 l-osec. ALDINGTON HANDICAP. Two miles. -3 Auckland Girl, Msec, 1; 3 Electrocute, .Jscc.,-2; 4 Red Heather, Sscc, 3. Also started: G Red Child, 2sec; 5 'Master Raymond, • 4sec, and' Imperial Crown, 13sec. (coupled); 9 Tniganini, Oscc.; "7 AVhispering "Willie, lOsec; 2 King Capitalist,. lOsec; 11 Flamingo, ISsec.; 10 Rummy, 13' sec.;. 13 Olive L.,' 13sec.; 12 Treasure Seeker, 13sec.; 14 Paul ITuon, 13sec;; 1 AVoodchild, 13sec|. Won by -two lengths.-' ' Time, dmin. 'il 4-ssec. : ISLINGTON HANDICAP.: -Two mii*s. '—Jf Makomako, 12sec, 1; L. Sir Tulhum, Dsec, 2; ; 2-Moneymaker, Gsec, 3. Also started; 7 Red Mac, Bsec.; 12 Ariadne, lOsec.; 11 Irvar, Usee.; 5 Gold Crest, Usee.;' 0.1.C., Usee'.;- 10 Specification, Junior,'Usee.; 3 Harold D., 12sec; G Moorland, t2sec; 8 Vendetta,- 12scc. AVon by a bead. Time, 4mm. 44sec. LIGHTNING HANDICAP. One mile. —3 Prank'■ Tra'cey, 24yds'. behind, 1; 5 Sherwood. 24yds. behind, 2; Eccentric, 30yds. behind, 3. -Also started: 8 Terra Nova, 12yds. -behind; 7 Franzalena, 12yds. behind.;- G Cello, - 12yds.. behind; Sydney AV'ilkes, 12yds. behind; 1. John Dillon, 12yds. beliind; 4 Rona Pointer, 3Gvds. behind; 7 Don .Caesar, GOyds. behind. AVon-by half a length. Time, 2mm.. 17sec. 'John Dillon refused to leave the mark. FARIvAVELL HANDICAP. One roilc--8 Jdiiiston, 24yds. behind, 1;.9 Red Mac, 12yds. behind,.. 2; Fraudocia, 30yds. "behind, 3. Also started: 3 Law Chimes, scr!; 1 Disappear, scr.;' G Yarravillc, 12yds. behind; 11 Mamlnrciio, 12yds. be.hi'nd; 1.0 .Mountain Rose,. 12yds,.behind; 5 Adonis, 12yds. behind; 13 Bulgaria, 12vds. behind';: 2 Bellis, 12yds. behindj UDwdemonn. 12vds. beliind; 4 St. Kevin, GOyds. behind; 12 Solo, GOyds...behind. "Won by four lengths. Time, 2min. IDsec. PACING ' ' A'WORLD'S TvECORD. (Editor's' Tnlcsram.) . (Ucc. August .18, 0.20 p.m.) . New-York, August 17. . Napoleon Direct, mile.on the Columbus track in lmin. 59.iscc, establishing it world's record. [According to the pacing records Dan Patch paced a mile on September. 5, I'M. iu linin.'sssdc, aud Directum I paced a mile without a pacemaker on September 1, 1936, in lmin. sßscc.[ FIXTURES. Aug. 15, 17, aiidlS-C.T.C. Grand National. - . * Aug. -23—Dannovirke K.C. Steeplechase. Aug. 21-Nortk Tarauaki Hunt Steeplechase. Aug. 2G—Pakuranga Hunt Annual. Aug. 30—Manawatu Hunt Steeplechase. Sept. C—Marten .T.C. Spring. Sept. 13—Pahiatua B.C. Annual. Sept. 14—AVoodlands Hunt Annual. Nov. 4—New Zealand Cup.

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Dominion, Volume 9, Issue 2854, 19 August 1916, Page 13

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I . THE'TURF Dominion, Volume 9, Issue 2854, 19 August 1916, Page 13

I . THE'TURF Dominion, Volume 9, Issue 2854, 19 August 1916, Page 13