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[B? Imogen.]



Moss Tor the Hospitals. A number of ladies of West Somerset have beon gathering sphagnum moss on Exmoor; they were not botanists, but they were collecting this special variety of moss at the invitation of the chairman of the county council, for use as dressings in hospitals. When collected it was forwarded to one of the voluntary aid detachments, the workers of which formed tho moss into pads, which were sent to the military hospitals at Bristol and elsewhere. Peanuts lor Sixpence. Yesterday afternoon"" and evening members of the Spinsters' Club wore out in the streets selling sixpenny bags of peanuts, each bag marked with ■"Spinsters' Club for Soldiers' Comforts." As the result of them efforts the club realised the sum of £17 which was to be cabled at once to Cairo for the benefit of the soldiers in hospital. A good many sixponses go to the up of such a sum. as well as much tact, persuasiveness, and perseverance, qualities which have brought much success to tho various enterprises which the club has undertaken for the benefit of tho soldiers.' Mrs. T. Muir is visiting the South Island. • . Mrs. M. 'A. Williams will open a sale of work in the Sailors' Friend Mission Hall in Whitmoro Street on February 1. Miss Marryatt returned to the Wairarapa yesterday from a visit to Wellington. Mrs. Walter Massoy and her sister, who have been staying with Mrs. W. F. Massey at Ariki-toa, left on Thursday evening on a visit to the south. Miss Payne has returned from a visit to Nelson. Mrs. Deiuiiston has returned to Christchurch from a visit to Wellington. With a viow to perpetuating the memory of Nurse Cavell, the Dunedin "Star," with the approval of the Otago Hospital Board,.is raising £400 for the purchase of an up-to-date, motor ambulance, to bear the name of "Edith Cavell," for transportation of fever cases. A memorial tablet in the new Nurses' Home will also be set -up.

A meeting of the Red Cross Military Guild was held in the Mayoress' room' at the Town Hall, Mrs. Luke presiding. A report of the work done during the past month, including tho goods sent to No. 1 Stationary Hospital and to the Soldiers' Convalescent Home at Rotorua, was read by the secretary. It was decided to send an extra 50 pairs of underpants and 50 undervests to tho latter institution, as well as goods already promised. Four cases had been sent by the Hospital Ship Mahenq to No: 1 New Zealand Stationary Hospital, in which were included 104 pairs of pyjamas, 84 one-button bed-shirts, and 57 night-shirts. These were packed in the basket hampers asked for by Colonel M'Gavin. More goods aro to be forwarded early next month. The action of. tho Mayoress in inaugurating Red Cross teas was approved by the meeting, and the hope was expressed that the teas would continue, and that many hostesses would come forward. It was decided to send a sum of money to tho headquarters of, the British Red Cross monthly, this sum being the ' proceeds from tho Red Cross teas.

Miss Coates, president of the Victoria League, requests all those Laving collecting cards for the Interned Russian Soldiers' Fund, to return tlie list before 11 a.m. on Monday. Miss E. Atkinson and Miss Tewsley, of Wellington, intend leaving for the Old Country in March. They have hooked passages by the Orontes, leaving Sydney on March 8.

Wedding at Petone, A pretty wedding took place on Wednesday at the Petone CJmrcli of Christ, Mr. H. Grinstead officiating, when Miss Alice Adcoclc (second daughter of Mr. J. P. Adcock, of Petone, was married to Mr. Harry E. Pettit, youngest eon of _Mr. G. Pottit, also of Petone. Tho bride, who was dressed in an embroidered voile costume and carried a bouquet of roses, was attended by her sistor, Miss Esme Adcock, who was dressed in white silk, and carried a basket of tosos and sweet peas. A reception was held afterwards at Do Lima's Hall, where the usual toasts were honoured. Mr. and Mrs. Pettit, who were tho recipients of many valuable and useful presents, will spend tho honeymoon at 'Palmorston North. Tho bride travelled in a navy blue costumo with hat to match. St. Mary's Festival. There was again a largo attendance at the St. Mary's Parish Festival held in tho School Hall in Boulcott Street 'fast evening. The dancing competition j which had been organised for the occasion proved to bo a great attraction, and the first and second winners, chosen by popular vote, were Miss Lily O'Leary, I, for the Highland fling, sailor's hornpipe, and Irish jig; Miss May Thorn, 2 for the same events. The juvenile orchestra gave an excellent programme, and Master Ben O'Brien, the conductor, is to be congratulated upon the success which attended his leadership. With the permission of the Minister of Internal Affairs, the drawing of the art unions and raffles has been postponed until Tuesday next. The Wellington Pipe Band was in attendance last evening. Mrs. Sutcliffe's many Wellington frionds will be interested to hear that she has been taking small parts iu Ben Greet's theatrical enterprises in the East End of London. Mr. Ben Greet believes that much can be done ill the way of uplifting and enlightening the ignorant masses in the London slums by bringing before them the finest of our plays, and, of course, Shakespearean productions figure largely on his bills. Mrs, Sutcliffa was rocently acting in -a presentation of "llomeo and Juliet," according to news received by a Wellington friend.

Contributions to the flower stall in Eouth's Building, in aid of the Wounded Soldiers' Fund,, are acknowledged by Miss Cooper and Miss Moss from Mr. Marsden, Mrs. Waters, Mrs.: Shine, Miss Danes, Mrs. Russell, Mrs. S. Kirkcaldie, Mr. Wilson, Mrs. Lethbridge, Mrs. Gore, Mrs. Seed, Mrs. Gordon, Mrs- Wilson,-Miss Skerrett, Mrs. G. Tripe, Miss Rathbone, Mrs. N. Kirkcaldie, Mrs. Hamilton, Mrs. Gooder, Mrs, Y Riddiford. Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Burt and family have returned to Eketahuna after a month's holiday at the seaside. Miss Meta Rapley, Miss Lima de Latour, nnd Miss Eileen Piltar left on a visit to Gisborne and Sydney by the a.s. Westralia yesterday. Miss A. Palliser, of Ellice, Street, is to leave for England by the Malwa, leaving Sydney on March 15. By the Ruahino Mrs. Bolleston received a varied assortment of Toilet Specialities, including exclusive Pace Powders. Prices, from 2s. 6d. to 10s. Gd. per box. Solide, "La Eeine," Is. Gd. Imperial Hair Stain, 4s. 6d. Absolutely reliablo and easily applied. And a large consignment of the best quality Hair for Switches, Transformations, and all designs of hair work. Every fhade can be perfectly matched. Private looms. 25G Lambton Quay.—Advt.,

Red Cross and St. John Ambulance, ■d John Ambulance Brigade and Ked Gross Society, Nathan's Buildings, w -r± acknowledge the following gifts:—Mrs.. Hclyor; ; W.C.T.U., 6 tidy bags, 2 cushion covers, 2 chest protectors, 6 balaclavas; "A Friend," 2s. fid.; Anon.," Iyd. net, 6 jug covers; 3 face cloths ,* W.O.T. [J., Napier, 2 body belts, pairs socks, 6 scarves, 8 balaclavas, 20 pairs mittens, 280 eye bandages-, 76 fomentation cloths, 54 diet cloths/114 operation cloths, 8 hot water bag covers, 8 bundles of medicine cloths, 63 bandages ; Mrs. Balding, 4 many-tailed bandages, 8 head bandages, G feeders, 3 balaclavas; Mrs./S. Spragg, 3 suits of pyjamas, 1 pair slippers, 7 treasure bags; Sirs. Hamer, jam; Mrs. Hayes, 1 parcel of books, old linen; "Two Sisters," 3 pairs bed socks; St. John Ambulance and Bed Cross Society. Wancaimi, 2 feather pillows, 12 tins'of milk, 7 pairs socks, 1 shirt, books, old linen; Keilding End Cross Society, 5 dressing gowns, 7 coats, 24_ pillow slips, 26 towels, old linen, 6 shirts, 6 treasure bags, 6 kuee caps, 1 pair mittens, 2 cholera belts ,1 pair socks, 6 balaolavas,, 11 chest Drotectors, 1 scarfe, 2 pair slippers,_ 13 suits of pyjamas, 1 odd coat, 3 pairs bed socks, 75 faco cloths. What He Died For. A pathetic and yet a very splendid story that must make every woman who reads it feel very proud and very grateful is told by one of the -nurses who was working on board the hospital ship Maheno. A big, magnificentlybuilt, and very haildsome Australian, a Sydney man, was brought into her ward very badly wounded—hopelessly so. As bJio was bending over him dressing his terrible wounds, the words came involuntarily from her lips: "What a wicked Bhame that men like you should be so dreadfully hurt." . The words' had no sooner broken from her than- the sorely-stricken man, already dying, turned to her with a smile. "Don't worry about that, sister. That's what wo came for. .Wo knew that we should meet this sort of thing, but if wo keep you' women safe what do. our lives matter?" And even more the sister grieved over the hero.

Miss' Anna Fell and her cousin, Miss Hursthouse, wlio Jjav'e been studying kindergarten work iri London for the past two or' three years, are at present assisting in the Waltham-on-Thamos Hospital for New Zealanders. Miss Marietta Richmond (Kelburn) is visiting friends in Taranaki. Mr., and i Mrs. Edward Nation are. leaving'to-day on a Visit to' Auckland. Sirs. F. Leckie and her family returned to Wellington on Thursday from Heretaungo, where they have been staying for some-time. Mrs. and Miss Estelle Beere" returnedto Wellington on Thursday from a visit to Auckland and Rotorua. ■ . Mrs. Harold Beauchamp, is at present visiting friends in Nelson.' . ;The Solway School for Girls, which lias just been established, 'will commence'its.first .term in February. 'As the Masterton Lady .' Liverpool Equipment Committee-has resolved to discontinue making donations of gift parcels to departing soldiers, the Mayoress (Mrs. Coradine) has decided to undertake the task herself, with the assistance. of 'friends. • ■ Mrs. Gerald Fitzgerald and Miss . Pharazyn left for England on Thursday by th'o .Corinthic. Miss Harvey (Sydney) is the guest of ; Mrs. Wyllio.' » Miss Massey. has returned to Wellington from a visit to'the South Island. ■ The New Zealand Stocking, League will hold its- first -meeting in Wellington on Tuesday, February 1, at 3 p.m., in the board room at , the Y.W.C.A., Fowlds' Buildings, Herbert Street. All I interested are asked to'attend.

_ The Young Women's Christian Association of New Zealand are to hold their summer conference at Broad Bay, Dunedin, from March 7 to 16th inclusive, and'to it are invited all those who are interested in social and religious questions as they affect women and girls. Already tho conference is attracting a good deal of notice, and delegates are expected from all parts of New Zealand. Mr. and Miss Heath , are visiting Rotorua. Mrs. David Nathan is staying at Rona Bay. . Mrs. Hewitt (Palmerston North) and Miss Alice Hewitt are visiting Rotorua. The following guests were at the Hotel Braeburn, Wanganui, during the last fortnight Miss Phyllis Bates (Wellington), Mr. F. AV. Newton (Hurleyville), Mr. and Mrs. Horn (Palnierston North), Miss Stanford (New Plymouth), Mr. Alfred Crooke, S.M. (New Plymouth), and the Misses Crooke (New Plymouth), Miss Iv. Nelson (Hurleyville), Miss 11'. Morgan (Masterton), Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Stansell (Halcombe), Mr. and Mrs. Stoddart (Wellington), Mr. and Mrs. Wilton (Masterton), Mr. C. Cr. H. Rowe (Cambridge), Mr. and Mrs. Short and daughter. (Palmerston), Mr. and Mrs. H. Burn (Hawera), Miss Thomas (Hawera), Mrs. Arthur Gifford (Wellington), Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Gower (Ohingaiti), Mis 6 B. Gibson (Patea), Miss E. Joll (Ha"wera), Mr. H. AV. Simmonds (Auckland), Mr. and Mrs. Mackellar (Wellington), Mrs. and Miss Rolleston (Wellington), Miss White (Duuedin), Mrs. Rigley (Christchurch), Miss C. Fortington (Raorikia), Mr. and Master ConnoT (Raorikia), Mrs. Nicholas Reid (Wellington), Miss W. Millar (Wellington), Miss M. Taylor (PaJmerston North), Miss E. Kenderdino (Auckland), Miss D. Hj.rvoy (Waverley), Mr. D'Arcy, Mr. Selwyn D'Arcy, Mr. and Miss Newman (Feilding), Miss Thead (Feilding), Mrs. and Miss Ritchie (Havelock North), Misses Wilkio (Melbourne), Mr. and Mrs. James Bremner (Dnnedin), Mrs. Howard Christie, nurse, and child,- Mr. N. H. Jack (Well-

ington), Mr. and Mrs. G. H. Nicholson (Auckland), Mrs. R.. Norris (Auckland), Mrs. H. A ; Barraclough (Sydney),, Mrs. and . Miss Norris (Sydney), Mr. and Mrs, Paul and son (Uookopoito), Miss M. Sutherland (Waitotara), Mr'. A. G. Hutchinson (Wellington), Misses Oliver (Hamilton), Miss ?lardcastlc, Miss Dalley, Miss Bran, Rev. Jasper, and Mrs. Calder (Auckland), Mrs. Rochford and sons, Miss Macgregor,' Miss AY. Evans (Stratford), Mrs. Goodwin, Miss Currie (Brunswick), Mrs: Arlidge and Miss Mackissack (Palmerston), Mr. Donald Sutherland (Waitotara), Mr. and Mrs. Tattle and family (Palmerston North). Mrs. Nelson (Matapu), Messrs. 11. Arnold and J. Tidd,y (New Plymouth), Mr. and Mrs. Wilkie (Ohakune), Mrs. (Adelaide). .

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Dominion, Volume 9, Issue 2681, 29 January 1916, Page 10

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WOMAN'S WORLD. Dominion, Volume 9, Issue 2681, 29 January 1916, Page 10

WOMAN'S WORLD. Dominion, Volume 9, Issue 2681, 29 January 1916, Page 10