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auctionsIMPORTANT SALE OP FARMING •/ land.WEDNESDAY, 22nd SEPTEMBER, ...... At Noon. Freeman r. jaokson and go., . -/LTD., favoured with : instructions from- tho Executors of the lato- David Struchan, will offer by public auction, at Wanganui, as above, the well-known LORNTY ESTATE; situated two mil&s from' the Okoia- Railway Station, School, and Creamery, and* seven miles'-:-from .Wanganui, by level metalled road. Tho Property is all-in grass and well watered; and has been subdivided into two farms of— ~ LOT 1—522 Acres. LOT 2—502 Acres. There is a dwelling and about 200 acres Df ploughable land on each section, and the property has been so subdivided that present fences aro on the boundaries. The sale is being held in order to wind up the estate, and offers an excellent opportunity of obtaining a good farm, which can be still further improved, and is handy to. town and markets. Terms .and conditions at sale. Plana may now be obtained. -. .PRELIMINARY NOTICE. ;.. , UNRESERVED CLEARING SALE, ' GLADSTONE ROAD,. LEVIN. SATURDAY, .25th . SEPTEMBER,'I9IS,' . At 12 Noon. N-Z. LOAN AND MERCANTILE • AGENCY COY., LTD., have received instructions to sell on account of H, E. Worbovs, Esq., who has sold his farm, the' Whole of his Dairy Stock, Implements, and Furniture, comprising 25 dairy cows and heifers , Horses and Furniture Full Particulars Later. , [MPORTANT - SUBDIVISIONAL SALE, LEVIN TOWN HALL, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 1, 1915, 11.30 a.m.. HEAVY DAIRYING & FATTENING ■ '■ Land. ; On Account M. H. E. Gorringe, Esq., Levin. ! SECTIONS, RANGING FROM 40 TO • - 80 ACRE 5....... D ALGETY AND CO., LTD., hare received instructions from M. H. E. 3orringc, Esq., to offer as above portion ►f his well-known Te Marangai property, iituated 35 miles from Levin by good notor road. . . Tho property comprises about 113 acres, iriginally heavy bush land, the greater lortion having been stumped and plough■d. Excellent dairying and fattening . land, deal situation, splendid climate, mostly ow. undulating country. Every paddock veil watered, half-mile from railway and ireamery, three sections each haying good [welling house, one section with good wished and bails. > Tho easiest of terms will be given, viz.: in PER CENT. ' Cash on fall of .X v hammer; PER CENT, on Ist January, 1917; . Balance six years at si.per cent. . . ■ Tho Levin district'is lioted for its mild ,nd-gonial climate, and excellent quality if land. ! ■ -' ; - The property grows, splendid grass and o_ot -and.;grain' crops,, so a rare oppdrV unity is 'now afforded to those in-search if: high-cliss land to secure a fair area n the most -reasonable terms. Lithos now; in course of preparation. ILSO, AT' SAME TIME AND PLACE ON ACCOUNT OF NORMAN KIRKCALDIE, ESQ- ; IDEAL OR STUD FARM. This property consists of 84 acres adjoining Lake Horowhenua; all ploughible; divided into 8 paddocks; G-roomed louse, trapshed, and concrete cow-bails 'or G cows. High pressure water from Levin' Bor>ugh laid on toj-boundary, one mile from Levin Post' Office. . TERMS: .£ISOO CASH; BALANCE DVER MORTGAGE TO BE ARRANGED TOR 5 YEARS; AT 5i PER. CENT. CHOICE SECTION FOR ORCHARD. This Section consists of 12 acres splenlid land within 15 - minutes Levin Post Office. : ; High pressure water .laid on to boundary..-, Very fine : section- for a retired man,- poultry, or fruit grower. TERMS: 20 PER CENT CASH; 5 PER CENT.' 12 MONTHS, 5 PER CENT. 2 YEARS, BALANCE 51 PER CENT. FOR FIVE YEARS. HOUSE CONTAINING FOUR ROOMS. We 6hall also-offer on account same owner, 4-roomed house and 3 aero of land within 3 mile Levin Post Office. TERMS: «£SO CASH, BALANCE OVER MORTGAGE: 5 YEARS AT 5i PER CENT. ' For further particulars apply to DALGETY AND CO., Ltd., .Wellington, DESIRABLE HAWKE'S BAY PROPERTY FOR SALE. QAI K.'-ACRES, Freehold, situated 30 OUJLO miles from Napier, motor road, undulating and hilly country, limestone formation, large portion ploughable. This country grows good root and grain crops, and with the. plough the carrying capacity can bB very much increased. There is a good 7-roomed house, 6tables, chaff house, woolshed (fitted with 'machines), yards, dip. etc. The property will winter on grass'47oo sheep.and cattle; is now carrying 5300 sheep. PRICE £6 10s. per acre, stock and plant at valuation. Terms only .£3300 cash on land, balance arranged for a term. D/ 128 .WILLIAMS AND KETTLE, ' LTD., NAPIER. BLAKE AND CO., AUCTIONEEfiS, LAND AND BUSINESS • AGENTS, 53 and S5 LOWER CUBA STREET, WELLINGTON. •'Phones 2504 and 2239, IF SELLING OR BUYING— FURNITURE, PROPERTIES, ETC., Conault Us. .The Largest and Most Central Rooms in Wellington. ■House Seles and Furniture a Speciality. f)QO ACRES. 0.R.P., at 155., 3 miles /ioi4l school, etc. 200 acres in grass, 20 acres crop, all ploughable and well watered, 2-sheep country. House 9 rooms, h. and c. water, all necessary outbuildings, 1G paddocks. Price .£23 per acre, reduction for cash. Mortgage .£2200 for 5 years. Terms; £1600 cash. Is the most Up-to-date farm in'district.—F. O. RULE, ! Land Agent, Otorohanga. CHOICE DAIRY FARM FOR SALE as a going concern, with, milk run worth .£4OO per annum. 76 acres, 0.R.P., cottage, : 4-bail concrete Ehed, separator room, engine room, Btore, etc ; G paddocks, all grass, 2 acres oats, all ploughable, streams and dams, 30 acres, rich drained swamp, 10 choic9: cows,, 1 p.b. Holstein bull, 1 medium -and 1 heavy draught horse, 1 hack and: harness horse l , 66 gall, separator, cans, dray, ploughs, etc,, etc., go with property. Price i 24 per acre. Cash, ■ Equity,_ .£684. One . and a half miles from leading oountry township, f JARNDLEY, JONES AND CO., Agwtg I ..gtoroii&M»r -

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Dominion, Volume 8, Issue 2569, 17 September 1915, Page 10

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Page 10 Advertisements Column 2 Dominion, Volume 8, Issue 2569, 17 September 1915, Page 10

Page 10 Advertisements Column 2 Dominion, Volume 8, Issue 2569, 17 September 1915, Page 10