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'. LAND NOTICES. * 4400 Fwshold, Tmmnald; 2000 acres 'in ' .best ol mixed EnflliaS 5 roomv well erected and in., good .oidar;?B-Tooined Howe, g^formV^ ohlneS * WKht 2 86(8 .fteep yarda. d£ J ; picKeriea nnJi i? a *j a shed. .store-house and shed, good cowahnrf. " Kffl® Tmi£l,% c H rd: 0^ rrle ? 70 cows; all has been ploughed, SiS mraJ; Ja 4 68 to BOh ° <>1 ' toWMti P. St* ■ nnns msUJ ?■ 100 fitoJ SSF* S{L mmW - .""h »» 4-roomed Hom, j* I riot land, well watotS* 1 ! S. ng, i la ¥ > S 0! l ' WeU -' ouMmied ! «U level. 4 fBICE. i^tnT 100 T wanaki;.well-improved Dairy • Farm near ComV *t,a •H Jim been plongh^nTwwn°down"S°SSt ?f°p e ',J*}* Bl "* l ' ««l outbuilding*! ■ Oarr ipi?i oowa «d youM rtSk beat of EngluU gra umt I. paddootai *iUUS, <825 per aoro; JESSO to Jim cash inquired. * ' j NEWTON KING, • ! .. :• : I- whole property is exceptionally well -k * 9 . a rich chocolate loam • - ', subdivided into 8 paddocks BuLimm r« CrC ? ? and is well fenced'and ■ d every convenience cowshed' iconsist- of fiist-cLas s 7-roomed House, with ' fj ? nd »H other uecisary (wtbuildinm■ also wasllllol ise - ~ 1 mile from school and factory ™es o£ tpwn ' and 1)ar «l)" ■ - stock and will winter them wS—SO mil no 1 the following ■■'.! •- °Bly .£l9per ®:*, muting cows, 3 heifers,'and 107 sheep. ' ■ •:: e .for a 3i^ >0 '^«<>#*^:Similar'-class oficwnitij; years at 5J per cent. ' aß . are a « eas s r as one could desire, ; jESOO «jsh, balanco for 5 !t A e r»~vt?°a I,O J° n S/o' l the market. .• • • 1. ! 0 WAIRARAPA FARMERS? CO-OP. ,- —■■ . LAND ' Estate and finance agents, patttattm ■, „ '846 ' paddocks w n C n Se Aj{ 0 T T?. me 5 v P \°" school..-Good' building, lY SMSJ*~ f-«SSsß^iek&sßftfflwa ESr™"" s & : 7 barton AND CO, OTAKI BAILWAY. ■"•■■■ . - ' oon ACEES N fi l r<f^i l ; NT T WA i, 1 f? T0 DAIRYING PROPERTY SNIP. . " ' • 230 /••carrv one mil© from creaniery; will easily ;" fit) and ioTsheeD?This c^ r tn '° , acr ®f J stock now on. place-100 cows (80 in pri « leading Waikat?' town- "H-P^SSW ani 3 mUes from acw Tmnm \ i. ' cliiziatej adjoining country eelline- at Der J nOMPRTSTW' A m' S^T7! ND JS DA'RY FARM, AS GOING-CONCERN. : ' 1 • \j irnJ-flB. y.-- ACR -ES.of Freehold landfall fiat and plonghable, and aU in tconcwwT W • f Us ?' , 6 ' lTO,nl, d; H°B6 e , bathroom, scullery, cowMa • ■ PIITPV II^^ 111611 6 i<fcn? i.®—'' well fenced and ■ ■ followlt s£?k C sn &o^ r ca f mwrei This price inctades-the , , S^. 6tO Fo k r' bepaTator ' ha> " rake ' 2 ! ■ SMITH, ' ' ' ■ BOX 59. FEUDING. . - , 500 wni°-I'r creamery •1J miles, railway sta-' : im-ir,v,' ; r iS.acrra faanips;• few-acres>;6lielter.bnsh, I»laitce in'eiass •>' SOOacrcs-.plougiiable.-of which. 120, have been ploughed; subdivided-into' ' dencn^ 2 not 21 dry sheep, besides cattle. Best- ' rooms, hot and oold water, etc.; woolshed.'and all necessary outbuildings , Pnce reduced to otw wishes,to join , the Forces. Easy terms S t,iven. , Apply, at. once,, to .'. I . KNYVETT AND - PRATT, < . STOCK AND STATION AGENTS, FEILDING. • : • FOR QUICK SALE. l : 1 000 At,RE 1 S ' S°?d papa sheep country ; all well grassed and splendidly fence! d V" <. j and subdivided; fences totaraposts and' Englisli' wiro. Comfortable > v ; Homestead and outbuildings. At present wintering. 1000 .breeding, ewes: anl laree number of cattle/ ;Sihiated 26 .miles from railway by ; good metal road and IV '' ;Wshl ,£6.105. per-acre., Very veasj. terms arranged, reason for selling, owner joining Expeditionary Force ■ V ■ -'®®MTOmL ; 'AND:CO,, ' j LAND:AND ESTATE AGENTS, 155 FEATHERSTON . ST. WELLINGTON. • • -FOR SALE. . . v.. —*• BLACKSMITH'S,, CARRIAGE, AND MOTOR WOBKS BUSINESS,' Z .V ; situated m.-a-central position in. a growing, town, , which is the centre of o ' largr and prosperous district., Up-to-dato building,-134 by, 64; corner Bection; illhealth?the only;Teason-for selling. ■ ' , ■. .> PRICE, which includes the Freehold of a-valuable property and. goodwill oi |J the .business, dßl3oo. Terms, cash, balance can remain for five yeare* Stock *. ' .and plant, at -valuation; F«r further particulars, apply to s P. TULLOCH, =?fe NZ--0 ' ' - •\. ' : ' : "—' — : FOR SALE-SHEEP FARM. ' vliyn ACRES, close to'good market town, in Hawko's Bay; well watered, ailfl ■ •" nearly all ploughable. PRICE, iJI3 10s. per acre;- £1000 cash. , • CAMPBELL, THOMSON & CO., 1 ' - DANNEVIRKE. "I "I AA ACRES, Freehold, situated iu the best part of Hawke's Bay, within' easy •} .J--"-"'-'. distance of;,railway, .'and; prosperous township, by . 1 ■ good motor road. All liniestohe country; easy hills and flat. 'Large portion'plough- • able. Excellent rape and turnip land. Nine paddocks, splendidly watered; The property wintered 2100 sheep, of which 1400 were breeding ewes, besides cattle. Good ■ ' house, woolshed, and outbuildings. PRICE, il4 10s. per aero. - Terms: vS3OOO casli, balance arranged. ■ ." . . ■ - HUNTER AND CLARE THOMSON, s LAND AGENTS, NAPIER. ' ' ' DAIRY FARM-EASY TERMS.' ' j •> FOR SALE. • . "I A A ACRES Freehold, near Palmerston N<>rth,'. well i implored; good 6-rocmed XU V house, stables, cow-bails, trap-shed and harness-room. About 30 acres been stumped, and portion-ploughed. . Easy: distance two factories, eto. ■■ ■ '{■ PRICE, - per acre ; : i£4oo cash.' Would consider leasing to approved tenant. ■ ORBEEL - AND CO.. . LAND SALESMEN, . PALMEKSTON /NORTH. 0 • £3 15s.,PER ACRE. 3:SHEEP PER ACRE - " : ' ■ 1 90 AA GOVERNTMENT Lease. Bent 6d.- per acre, 850 acres best grasses, winterinß ; & .-WW well 2300 siheeiv 100 cattle, and severalhorses. Balance of land in light bush; 12 divisions, new 5-r. house, woolshed, yards, etc.; 12 mi'ies by ' level road : from good township and station, .13 miles to weekly stock sales; school : 4 miles; • will carry when all grassed 6000 sheep, plus cattle. Only ,i£3 15s. per acre, 'ilortgages,and 5 tier" cent; v Long terms, in exceedingly cheap property of-great pros- : 'pective.value.v l Full particulars from .1 » • ESTATE AGENT, MASTERTON. . T7IOR LEASE, LEASE. LEASE, inth purchasing clause, TWO FINE FATTENING JE 1 ; FARMS,VBOO and OOO'/acres respectively, situated centre of WAI-; . ,KATO, value 512,000 each; .and consisting of. RIGH DRAINED . SWAMI' LAND, mostly graced and. and with all necessary building?, i 1 Both iiese proper-, • " 'ties' ; are fattening: large quantitws.of, stock and aro 'situated handy 'to freezing works ' and railway.;, It/is very seldom.the'.opportunity occurs in'the Waifeo.for leasing first-class-properties :ot ; this .desoription; Both these'farms have assured prospective •i value for 6ubdivisional"purposes, aud'ithefullest investigation is: courtw. Sound V '' .parties having the necessary 'capital- to 'stock (say ,£ISOO to f .£2000) will: find ifc in 1 - ' their interest to inspect without loss of time. Fuller particulars to principals onlr ' \ ironi MILBURN AND CO.. ■ - 83 QUEEN STREET, AUCKLAND;' . - ' i' TSo CS MANA'WATU PROPERTIES. I*/! ACRES, Freehold, situated about 3 miles from Levin by good road; all good - . iu ' .land,': and well watered.- .All been heavy bush country; £38 10=. par acre, .£7OO cash. V, ', : •'■ : . pfk ACRES, situated close to Levin by good road; creamery, school, railway, etc., :■ DU handy. All-flat and yell watered by> races; good houso.and outbuildings; well divided; nice home as well as good farm. Prico JE2700; J2700 cash, balance S . 9 ner. cent.' -Fullest particulars -v ' ■ PARKER AND VINCENT, LEVIN. ' HERE'S A GREAT CHANCE FOR THE DAIRY OR SHEEP FARMER! IDEAL'COUNTRY. NO DROUGHT. i A(\l ACRES, all in best English grasses, subdivided, 7 paddocks,,fences; : . trl/X greater part ploughable; five-roomed- house, all conveniences; woolshed S (25 x 30i„ 8-stall cowbhed; three miles from railway, school, and P. 0., by good metalled road; 200 acres freehold, remainder O.R.P. : Price, .£ls'per acre,- £775 cash, balance 5J per cent. Adjoining farm sold recently .£2O per acre. E...C. SPARKSMAN, . i ' ■ S iLESMAN, EKETAHUNA: .•' t ! HEALTHY LIMESTONE COUNTRY. HILLY AND UNDULATING. GROWS S. , SPLENDID SHEEP. . • ; y (ZA A ACRES, Freehold, about 5 miles from-Railway-Station, 7 miles from good 041-11, town; carrying capacity, 1000 Bheep and 150 cattle; good house, * and all • necessary outbuildings. This property is splendidly watered and subdivided., Sur« : prospective value in near future. Never-Changed hands before. Price, £H 100, . C. C. -ROSS, AND CO., ' . . LAND AND ESTATE AGENTS AND SHAREBROKEHS, :■ . 1 ■ ' '. MASTERTON. AAA ACRES, Freehold, excellent Grazing or Dairy Farm, 3-}0 acres, in grass, ' ■4:U\|. remainder good bush, about. 300 acres easy ploughable, a considerable por. i tion has been cropped, 18 paddocks well 'fenced;'.. House of fi rooms, washhouse, bath. j iconV etc., cowshed; itidd milkiiig machine, implement shed, loose boxes,. piggeries; ■ etc.; also House of 4 rooms. Prie ,£l6 per acre. .HQsy terms, arranger; ; Stock and implements may-bo taken at' Valuation. ' > . , :-.v '. !.■ KING; AND STIBBS,' : ' | AUCTIONEERS, ETC., ELTHAM. 1 SHEEP AND CATTLE.FARM, NELSON. SHEEP AND CATTLE'FARM ?. : , -FOR SALE. ' : iTSiNE of the most , profitable propositions,of, the kind near Nelson, consistin» o! I ■ vJ*. 1500 acres Freehold; 160 acres flat, rich soil, balance mostly low hillvof whirfc ' 2. 6oms 350 acres easily ploughable, and part now in turnips. A . Bargain. • Eite» 5 terms. Apply --. •-. -,r -i -~.:..; *..■ ■; 'J. PORTER HARRIS & BON, > ' . LAND AGENTS, NELSON. ' ' ■ TIP-TOP FIELDING FARM. . " " OrtA ACRES, freehold, 4 miles from the best in North' Island- hull } UUU fiat ond half beautiful rolling country, all easy, ploughable; permanently' f watered,'well' fenoed. and'subdivided; about 30 acrrt.good Native'shelter bush largi ■' 1 plantations," etc., good . homestead, suitable vfor bweding' arf' ' , ! fattening:, splendid carrying capacity. Full wport on application, JE2I per acre. -4 s . iMiOO cash. -: -.' ■■■ V-: v.- ■ : i ' A. H. ATKINSON AND CO;, LTD.; Printed and, Published by Archibald-liando. 'Tainui Terrace,'Lyall Bav for tfcfi " > Wellington Publishing Company, Limited, at the'Begistered Offini of th« Com.' / uany, Dominion Avenue,'. Wellington, Saturday, Septeiafcer 4,1915, •

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Dominion, Volume 8, Issue 2558, 4 September 1915, Page 16

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Page 16 Advertisements Column 6 Dominion, Volume 8, Issue 2558, 4 September 1915, Page 16

Page 16 Advertisements Column 6 Dominion, Volume 8, Issue 2558, 4 September 1915, Page 16