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Dominion Day, which occurs on Monday, September 27; is'to bo observed as a hqliday by the. State Schools. An. unusual accident occurred at Hataitai yesterday afternoon, when Mrs. Donnelly, a visitor" from Hawcra. was blown' by the force of the wind against a tramcar. She was knocked down, and sustained injuries to her head and face. Slio was removed to the Hospital, aiU the report from that institution la<t night was' that her injuries are not serious. An incipient fire in a' horse-stall at J; Keir's" stables, in Abel Smith Street, was responsible for the Fire Brigade being called out'at about lmlf-past six yesterday ovening. Beyond' a horso's leg being slightly burned, 110 damage was done. "If a few of the people who are worrying how to help the war along could sit down and write a pago to all their friends they would do • more. good than even sending socks. Whim a mail arrives everyone is happy and contented. . .• . We tucker - very well really, and have lots of jam. Our daily ration is: bully 120z., biscuits Moz., bacon (good) 40z., jam 40z., pressed vegetables Boz., .ton and sugar, rum twice weekly 2oz. tobacco weekly."—Extracts from' the lotter of a New Zealandor at the front.' Wairarapa farmers assert that the past winter has; been ouo of ' tha best for stock and agricultural pursuits that has ever been experienced.*- Tbo occasional showers of warm raiu, followed by bright, sunny days, have matorinllr assisted the lambing, and have given tk® crops an excellent start. ' t "Thore bo laiid rats and water rats, land thioves and water thievos—l mean pirates," said raorry' old' Sliylock ill "Tlio Morohant of v<!i:ice." Had he been a horticulturalist ho would probably have mentioned that there are garden and park thieves. That is the experience of tho City Council, whose efforts to beautify Central Park (the area betwoen the Brooklyn tram route and Ohiroißoad) aro being nullified to so'mo extent by thieves who_ root up: the care-fully-planted. slii'ubs in quantities tuid cart them away. Councillor Frost (chairman of the Reserves Committee) believes that the robbing of Central ■Park is being done systematically, as the quantity taken is too great for one pair of hands to handle, and he believes that tho thieves must have employed a caijj iii their nefarious work. Should the offenders bo traced, it is hoped an example will bo made of them. Chevrolet.—Whereas Chevrolet cars .arc equipped with enclosed overhead vaJVes, let all people know that it necessarily follows'"that these cars combine lower fuel consumption, less heating, less carben deposit, more pow-or-tlian any Other ear ou. tlio market—size of eiigine considered. To obtain proof it is only necessary to visit tho Dominion Motor Vehicles Garage, 65 Coiivtenay Place, and 44-16 Tory Stress—Advt,

Tlio honorary treasurer of tho New' Zealand Patriotic Society acknowledges a cliwjiio for £100 from Mrs. M-,yard ' to the funds or tho sooifciy. * During last month tliuro were two bankruptcies in tha City, there being nqxio for August- of l.ut year. . ior'lhs tifst oight months of 1915 there have ' heen 11 bankruptcies in Wellington, compared with seven fin- the same period of 1914. ' Replying to a question in tho House ■ of Representatives yesterday, tho Do* fence "Minister isaid' that. parents or. other next-of-kin of. wounded soldiers returning by the Tahiti about September 10 next would biTallowed to travel y free .by railway to the port-s at which''■ \ their relatives would .'-.disembark., Tho ' samo arrangements as ivoro mado when. f the Willochr,i aS-ived would bo mado'-' when the Taihiti came back. At'a meet ing of the Carterton Cham* '' bor of Commerce it was decided to request' the Government to acquire Car-' ter's run- under the Lands for Settle* ment Act, when the present leaso expires. It was also decided to ask the: • Carterton Borough Council, Wairarapa ' South Countv Council, 'and I'arkvala 1 Dairy Co.', to suppoat the resolution.' . A Press Association telegram froffl Dunedin states that the price of butter will bo reduced from to-day 'by 2d. pep -; lb., from Bd. to Is. (xL a nig outsido demand at present, but this,-it is thought, is only momentary, and a further reduction is probable; ■ Tho Napier Borough Council decided on Monday night to issue free tram passes to all returned) soldiers.—Press Association. \. , ' . At yesterday's meeting of tlio Eduoa- ... tion Board - a letter was received en*?;-.- 1 olo«ing & resolution passed by'the New Zealand Farmers' Union Confcrenco to the effect that book-keeping bovfticludcd in tho syllabus of tlie State ; Schools.. Tho chairman THon. .T;' G. .W. Aitken) said that he did not thiiik the bookkeeping learnt in a . primary - school. Would bo of much service.- Tho Chief Inspector (Mr. Flemiug)-sajd that book- >.' keeping was. not a subjeot'in'tho prim- 7 ary schools, but it was in the second- . ary schools. It was not. mado_ a com- .« , pulsory subject. It was divided to «end tho letter on- to,;the -Education. Department.. . ? ■ • At yesterday's ifloeting of the Edu« cation Board, the chairman (Hon. J v G. W. Aitken) ? reported thatvt.'hc City.' members of the board had visited Sea- . toun ond found there come 30 children • of school age, who wore not attending the public school, and it was high time that the board thought of-making- ' some provision for tlieni.' He. moved, and it- was agreed, that tho Department.-■ be written to for a grant for -a building to servo as a side school to tlio Worser Bay School. .' ' • ' A fourth steamer, the. British-India s.s. Carpentaria,. with an insulated -. capacity of 93,000 freight -carcasses.-' has been' secured by the Shipowners';. Committeo to load' meat. in. New. Zealand during tho month of September. This is additional to tho-throe vessels announced yesterday as to load moat here in Soptomber-Octobor. : It is-proposed to placo in tho Wadestown School an-honour board,; inscribed : with,the names of-pupils'of tho-'school : who havo gone to the war in Europe. Over twenty 'former scholars have already; gono,' two'or three of whom have lost their lives, while-the total number from tho northern suburb in the'lighting'lino is over fifty. The scholars have warmly taken up tlio idea- of honouring the . names of their comrades,< and tho School Committee, at- .its meeting last night, approved tho . project. . . Dr. A. K. Nowman, (Wellington East))., lias given notice to ask the Primd Minister whether tho Government, will sot up a commission of exports, to seo what can : be done to repress • tlio' persistent alarming growth of cancer in' New Zealand, as it kills more persons evory year than any other disease. 7. An unexpected windfe'l-which, enabled ' tho Customs and Railway'decreases to ■be made up was instanced by Mr. C. J.' : Parr when speakiiig on'tho Budget last night. Tho stamp and' death-duties, he said, came to £217,000 more than was estimated, and it was a piece of good fortune. "And while we don't wish any people to die," continued, Mr. Parr, "in order to make this'record, we,hopo tho magnificent figures under this head will bo full kept up." : (Laughter.) . A private message received ill Wellington yesterday states thatr Sergeant E R. V. Petrio (Ted), eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. E.'Petrie,'23 Epimi. Street,.is at the. base' hospital suffer- _ ing from a wound in tho foot. No olh- - cial advice has. boon received.. Sergeant- Petrie, who-is only 20 years of , age, was born in Wellington, educated \/ at To' Aro School,- and afterwards at Wellington College, ilo was ono ot tho 20 cadets chosen to represent Now Zealand at tlie. Toronto: Exhibition >n 1912. He was closely associated with the lato ; Captain Frandi. bemg'colour' sergeaiili of No. 31 Senior Caaet^. with- til© contiugent . to, • Samoa, . • eerving eight months there with. :the Field Engineers. On rnt-urning he went with the 4th Reinforcements as a pri- , vate,- aferwards being to corporal, then to . sergeant,-m tlio bt-lt Ot«go Battalion. . , . • At i the meeting of the Education Board yesterday, the secretary GIj. Stewart) read 'al.letter from the Government stating that tho totaljimount. subscribed by the school .chddren ; or New Zealand for motor'ambulance equip- \ ment for the front was £2289, which tha High Commissioner (the Hon. T. Maokenzie) reported had been expended on live cars costing £450 each.- The cars had been dispatched to Egypt for. tlio use of the Expeditionary lorce. aiid it was proposed-to hand over the baLneo to tho fund for v sicl and mounded - soldiers. : Trooper W. R. Pjle, of tho Otago Mounted Rifles,- who w® k.Ud tion in the Dardanelles,, was well knwn \n Wellington as a member of the Orion-t-nl Football Club, for which club ho played as wing-threc-quarter. « in turn represented Southland, Ti cllin(,ton, Canterbury, and South Island, in football field. A Trooper Pyle. was on tho staff of the Bank of New South. Wales, and waa in tho Duiiedm branch afc tho timo wlion lio Zealana with the Main Expeditionary -: Foim. lie was educated at the A\aitaki High Pvle, iwas tho sccond son of Mr. William "Pyle. of St. Bathans, - Dunedin. Ho lias twodirotliers om of,; whom is at present at tho Dardane Us, mid the other is in camp at lauheri,. nikau. ■ ■-. mm? USA -FAVOORITE WITH MILTDISPATCH RIDERS—AND tf has bomotirae; been said, with mueK truth; that the business test is the best test of any motor.; War is the grimmest Kifsiness of rfanbnd, and. the military-motor-oyolist stakes his_ life, veiv often, Sn tae reliability of_his monn{.; Her. is ivhat Sergeant R. E- Schofield,. R E., fen or instructor of tho Motor-cycle See ■ tfon at Aldershot, has to, say :-"Nearly evwy dispatch rider that bas cone to the front ias passod..tlirouKli my hands, and - I am therefore in a i position to' judge ' how the different makes .of machine are in favour. /The. B.S.A. is by far away the favourite, and it has' yet to happen that a B.S.A. has failed to act up to it» well-earned repute./. . . I may state that BO 'dot cent, of the maohmes here , are BS/V.'s." A .motor-cyclist with the Second Cavalry Division, British Expedition, nrv Force, writes in a private letter: "The - roads are hellish. . . - My. B.S.A; is the ■roods. -I neTor have .to touch it. -Thev are the bikes, my boy. They knock the and any ,other mako you liko to mention into a cooked hat." There aro plenty of other letters from the front, all to the same effect. We are-landing 20 ■of the •, latest model B.S.A. s ©x 6.B..'Marlborough x ' this week, and oan give immediate delivery. They are ideal machines for 'either solo or side-car service, and their reliability is famous. The h.p. is 4}, and the three-speed countershaft'gear is fool-, proof and wonderfully efficient.' Adams, - .Ltd., Christchurch, Woncanni,- PaJmerston North: Sutherland ana Eankine, Wei- - lington) Tourist Motor Co., Haftinra, Ajenta fe B.S.A. Motoi^.-Advt,'

. In tho Representatives yes.terduy, Mr. J. A. Young (Waikato) gavo .notice to ask tlio Minister of Fi- ./ ance: Whether tlio proposed. 50 per , cent, increase in the graduated land tax as outlined in the Budget is intended as a war tax; so, why are-land-owners, m tile country specially singled out for.siteh patriotic saorifico as against v.thejsity and town large landowners, wl:.o ill-this respoot will bo allowed to cscapo scot free, especially as it is proposed to levy an incomo tax on incomes deprived from the'cultivation of the land ?" ■ In tlio case of term holidays, tlio Wellington Education Board decided yesterday that /though: the' week's holiday practically commenced after school time on the* Friday, the schools ehonld not . "'re-opeiV; until; tlio following Tuesday /Week/ in order: that scholars and teachers may get the- fullest benefit from the ■ second week-end. ' " Salaries of State school teachers are based on average attendance: When a new city school is established it has at once to be filled to capacity if its : teachers are to receive emoluments 'equal : .to those,paid to old-established'schools with a full roll number. That this may _ entail hardship on the innocent is, adv duccd iu' the '; case" of the Brittpmart Street, r .the : big,:iew school,at Berhampore. The attendance now is qnil,o satisfactory, but for. the month,'or two ./• during which it was filling the'attendances were naturally not so good as in tho case of the older-established schools, ' yet' those attendances are not only to ; bo taken as a basis of teachers' salaries for this year, but will weigh in the average attendance on N wliich, next year's ■ salaries will bo.apportioned. This matter. ' was explained to tho. Education Board , • yesterday -by. th? chairman (the Hon. J. G.'. W. Aitken),-who.pointed out.that the now seliool had filled up whilst the - other schools in the vicinity were* quite' full.' ' pointed;. ; out, the ' disabilities under wliieh; .the teachers at Brifctomart Street laboured, and stated thaflio had - informed a- deputation that waited on the Finance Committee' that Teprosenta- • tions would bo-made to tho Education : ' Department. ;He moved in this direc- . tion, and the board agreed; ... / Tlio Wellington Education 1 Board has ■ /accepted the following tenders:—Extensidirof porch and painting at Waiha- : keke, Mr. H. "Humphries, £34;. school painting Manakau, 0. Sawyer, £12; septic tank, drainage, etc.. at .Laiis'downe, 'Pickering Bros., £158 10s.; 'sell jot painting and repairs at Maurice-, ville, J. Kite, .£33; septic tank, drainage, etc., Walton and Smith, £104. "That tlio board prefers to subsidise . moneys raised for asphalting J rather .;than' for 'a ' kinematograph,".,'"ivas/the " text,of-a resolution passed' by the Wellington Education Board yesterday. Decided , objection ivask expressed at .< yesterday's meeting of >•• Education Board to a proposal ;'to ergcii Baleyards opposite the Lansdowrie School (Wairarapa). Sir Walter Buchanan voiced strong objection to the proposal,- . and concluded his remarks by reminding, the board that, the Public-Health Department'had strong powers', to deal with such matters. The chairman (tho Hon. J. G.AV. Aitken) said that tlio board would: attend to the matter. It . Was Stated, that, the' local ; i also objecting, to , .tlie; saleyardi. being erected on the site, opposite the- school. Tho obstinate refusal of, a, tenant iicirned Martin to quit a house ~. ht Np. 6 Tiii 'Street, culminated in the ; Magistrate's _ Court -. yesterday iji ' a charge of-being a rogue and a yaga-'- : bond preferred against him. The evidence' showed that Neilson had occupied .the .house'for some time, but for the :■ past three, or four months had', failed ( to. pay", 'any,'rent. Tho." agents,' Baker, Bros., had given him repeated notices ~ to quit, l and eventually served him with a writ of ejectnient. vNeilspn, eventually said lie would ; get out of the house, and later remove his goods: When' Neilson was found sleeping in the-house some ■ ,-da.vs later. .Baker .Bros, threatened .•police- interference.- Neilson -failed to'. 1 take heed„and was eventually arrested in tho house at 1 a.m. yesterday Morning.- .The warned Neilson.. . :.of;ithe consequences'of going near-the . libuse again, and convicted! and ordered' liim to come up for sen(ience when called i upon. • ■ / . Tlie principle involved in J tbe engage-- ' ment by one Education Board of a teacher ill the employ of another, ;■ and securing such services by - advancing sucli'teacher..more - than one..'grade, was touched on at,-tlio moiithly meeting of the ■ Wellington Board yesterday.„ In .'■' ;a [ocal instance a'teacber aboiit to. leave ■ the, board's employ had been advanced l.wo _ grades by the board into whose ■ service he was going, an action which ■ if taken by the Wellington Board with- ' in .itself would have 'caused discontent throughout the whole of tlie servipe, The principle: in general . adoption .be.tween boards, was. tliat a; teacher, on transfer should not ; be raised' more than one grade, v, On . the motion" of Mr. J; Kebboll, it was decided that all the ; ; Education: Boards be lvritteu to regarding _the matter, emphasising tlie injustice that might be done by this not being adhered to.

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Dominion, Volume 8, Issue 2555, 1 September 1915, Page 4

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LOCAL AND GENERAL Dominion, Volume 8, Issue 2555, 1 September 1915, Page 4

LOCAL AND GENERAL Dominion, Volume 8, Issue 2555, 1 September 1915, Page 4