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]***&: """ " IT '» ■; lyij &U the-:otep_ at good prices,^ given in; ,£GM ' block of \and with largo value 388 *ffiaPMli2s!t&-~ |Vj Before going out drink ,a cup of X/t years, Is. Od. for 11 years, 2s. 3d. for 21- - (OS %& tT ____, '\j gjii. years; about 220 acres in grass, 30 acres -. egnM BS J/ . iiH - unffim ia aJ ■' under plough; aIL easy plougtable, ..veil.: B.Wl] {fa fir 1 Bfestf fTy/&& M watered; when improved cany a beast to .- Iftil/JF Wms h'M UPIS S'n HB H u)Bh (E* ffml H- acres; house 7 room's j all necessary"'".; \W iIH/U I 0,. Hi Iffl f&-M uLJs! S3 feT™ M 0 (ffl/lj outbuildings; about 10 paddocks; Price, : ; Kwfl ' W slpfil M I J»i -Hi ilreli' js® h| m fiss|a AyJ JCI3 10s.; mortgage, .£BOO at .6 peri cent. '• {lAS ' ■i'**® "®* *©m WISE'S ® v&i)' Awf foT 1 year, and ,£2OO at 6'per .cent."for"-" jKV 'Jj*% V v - !*"•' • i '" , i • >wj» ■18 months. Terms, ,£7OO down;- balance Ml m is&\ /SSv (SBSW 5 years at 5 per cent. Can bo purchased Is H M M]h m 'H !5i '!» at A 1 10s. per acre. F. 0. RULE, Land VvE vliSi? H>3ilf l»8!S fl&Sr lUtr Agent, Otorohanga. , Mi -it r, .■<• •-«. • • W* W( SiH ,;Wi ■ GO-AHEAD. GO-AHEAD Pl' It fortifies ttie system against fatigue ■< *(P|l PAEKAKAIiIKI. ra ~ • Md *•*»•»«»•""*<; li - iPfeftw mfSS stin. ■ - IMAS ('A delicious beverage. -' f *" '• liiJFSI Government for a Post Office, I have. iW/. rhAfln-Wa..c a 1 « .'•/» js • limj several choice Sections on either side of ■: TO • eap Because a little goes a long way. M the above Section on the Main Roads For . 111 ABk J"" 1 ' jrnccr (or a «mpl» 1 GEORGE ANYON, Wp, \JU ANTED to Exchange, Napier, .i ... ** VHawko's Bay Residential Hill Pro* —-i— perty, value for Nevr Plymouth! . _ " iiiiMHiiiiiiiiiißi T ™ property. Napier property half acre/ Wm* "The World's Best". . aethur b. gibson,- : ..-.^.v-" n.i'ii-f.j' -' P.O. Box 155, New Plymouth, Or, Te Rangi, Oolensb Avenue,. Napier. 111 tetm «<«». J TTAWKE'S .Bit LAND.-325 Acres,;";" B H i H HPVfI •. Al L.1.P., 1G miles Hastings by good ■ ® m EWct rtkra torn Ms B W|# ; level road. First-class grazing or cropKa Kii ISBhI BM§j Ea • ■£& ■ ping. Land grows good turnips. Prac- ■ ' \ . : w -- ' tieally flat and all ploughablo; 3'sheep '. LARGE STOCKS - MODERATE PRICE buildmgs. Rent, ss. lOd. per acre,"less 10' v i per cent. Goodwill, .£B. Terms. 815 x 105 Cover ......... £514 6 Tube £111 6 ,w.« P. m'cormick V 880 X' 120 £7 15 0 „ £2 0 0 \ BAT py B gS ' ■ 30 X3j • „ £4.19 0 . „ .'£l 6 0 . DAIR^LDASE. N.z, AgentS— TTft ACRES, Rongotea, 9' leasa , 1 ' ■'' •.'} - j JL aO, at low Tont; oil in grass but. 21. ■ BRITISH GENERAL' ELECTRIC CO.. LTD. ' acrea in crops; all ploughable; 11 pad-p +.i nnnn a utui -j. « .* • docks, well watered; 5 roomed-house, goo<f ' - Tel. 3329. 8 Willestoil Street. ,WELLINCTONi I sheds; carries 60 cows and young stock, B Price .£BOO, i! 400 cash required. Apply , • LOWEST MILEAGE' COST ' ; I WANGANUI RIVER. Jro^mi^wia^H>"ntf-»uwMWK«wmMiiraHiMHuri^w<»ijji»i>im#-,iMJui t .u«»ii»ria«aM«u l OWA ACRES, with three-milo frontage " J acres' ' S ! Btocked' with sheep and cows, For Sale ..A S&UB REPUTATION' . . • | ' .. , , v. , , .. | ANDERSON AND. BROAD, LTD., g achieved by a proprietary medieme can only be raised on the firm found- | Land Agents & Grain Merchants, I ation, the bed-roak, of Public Satisfaction. Advertising, alone, eannot | ' MARTON. . 5 make any article popular, To obtain, and retain, a place in the publie |'. CHANCE FOR YOUNG FARMER. ' I favour the preparation itself must be possessed of very reed merit Fop I ' ' • -r-'_ • 8 the lengthy period of seventy years Beeaham's Pills have been before the '1485'' hSle publie. They have to-day, a solid—andeontmually widening—reputation | blue papa formation, 300 graced, telanw v. h ,as a reaily reliable remedy for those ailments which eommonly affect" E ' bush; 2i sheep country, 4-roomed oottage | the liver, stomach, bowels and the digestive system generally. Among ' and yards. Goodwill, £i 15s. per acre, c themany medieines put forward for this purpose at the present time;- j, • AND SILK ■ - .|| Beeeham'sPilis are easily first. A splendid achievement based upon e Wanganui. 6 tie long test of seventy years! . This fact, in itselfrecommends , | — m rArMiivfiThtb rat,-pf I phkj* • (rasa am® F3 BB /JH im tm im *' J ' LOWER HUTT. S WET- MiT Mi® MJ3 Mm MgiMM £? §!*? § OK ACRES (ir. Woo,k or small lots) of V ? M$ s! ttf 3 bp Mina iafcS tmW/fis rSw S ' ™ the ricliest'land ii tho Hutt Val- | SfSSSI Mas jETTih ~ a ley; 6-roomed residence in good Tepair, LS ' _• •' r_A.- ! - and allnecessary, outbuildings. This block .. 1 ' /Enfr IS fia B' W&"' 5- having a large frontage is suitable for " 8 Iffl IS! BS .t subdivision. Price.on application. ' I . SHORT AOT) FRASER, , . ■ j , - ' ■: PetoM. - . Sold In taxes, ÜbelW, price loid. (36 pills) I/iJ (56 pills) & 2/9 (163 pllh). " ' " Jj "watmato Prtres ■ —— : ~ ' ■ "gjVREEHOLI) FARM, 100 acres, well sub- ; i J Iti ""'■■•"■ 111 ' jP divided by boxtlorn fences; 5-room- . Ed house, good outbuildings, 14-bail ,itilln' cowshed; half mile from sea beacli, on ■•ffft. - ■ - ■ /% \ ty. Main Roid, 6chool end factory opposite jjj f ■ arm ". 101 terms. Almost the first tiling, to consider when equinping a new is the range. A. good ono saves work, worry, and time. If you get & "Champion,"' you get , ; 1 '*IF\>4 rT&ll Ml| a range thoroughly up to date. A , .... ...... . „ ■oHiiPiei; ; '■ has all Hhe.latest improvements-oven right>ide or left, fire which can be • •• •• pJ—I. i •'jf jStilßtßlSsM•.•• •-' opened out if desired, tip-up grate. Oven, heats quickly and; evenly. Oooks ■ • „ '' perfectly-rcakee, scones, meat—everything, Beautifully finished, ' ' Write for Eroe Catalogue giving Testimonials. ■ " • ■ GRINSLEY & CO., LTD., Manufacturers, Dunbdin. ;' 'that tack.r''' S ,J|| BOlldlUg liiHirt-bl-Mk awaj J m m "'Materials. (HIGHEST EFFICIENCY.) ' }«*• •• ; j| j-M resal ROOFING ("the roofing with life.") "The Power is Within Yoa^i J-M REGAL DAMPCOURSE. J-M WEATHERTITE BUILDING PAPER. Ito Become a Trained i ; J-M ASPHALT-SATURATED FELT. | Accountant—Why Don't i,, J-M REINFORCED REGAL ROOFINC. j You Do It ? ------1,1 Bmnvf q OQ jj C aQ o ' r< j; n j r y bocli-kttfper'all yonr ■ m I « » / it» _l« i >r* i W life: you inow the wondfrful posVibtlitics you Samples and Particulars on Request; , | i»»i <kc«i ot yoM)jfc» Voi) iuvb.tbs •••'•'' I PROPER TRAINING.. "M ' JAMES, W. JACK 1 There are Too Many 1 170 FEATHERSTON STREET. ' I n i i Kl ,r I. fl j • - _ . v. : ... -. I | Book-keepers-Nottnough p r "" ----; - - | Trained Accountants ji' H 1 [ • ." _ . ' ... ' .jSf 1 Accounlancy"—We nill train you-and titlp . Wken Grandma Went to | youAyjur i»d«««K?w...Mjfo« «m «»4 . ' I rf * .. » to-day, we will allow you a special reductioo fiJj . • i —kfty years ago—she made it one ot her jj|§ ' .of 1070 off our scheduled prices. . . |j first duties to replenish tKe home supply of . ■ 1, f'c If Sw >■ For even half a century ago I ! HEMINGWAY & ROBERTSON'S || i tried-and-proyed family remedy for correspondence schools, limited, Rf : . . coughs ana colds, influenza and chest trou- customs street, auckland. ..«a J .PIBmSI'■ 1 D. : W; VIRTUE' When the firit sign of throat or chest trouble ap- | & C 0.,"... ~ I pears—lake a- dose at once. It s quite safe for S ■ everyone, for (here is no opium or other narcotic | 1 VICTORIA SIREET, WELLINGTON. \\ ftfM !nit ' m. aiccesitol because it's |e«d — | GRAIN, FLOUR, PRODUCE, AND '/~li , beca n e !' I s !Ucce ssful its imitationr ate | COMMISSION AGENTS, /1 legion. Don t let anyone sell YOU the "just- . •+I- li iXrtl ft r >y/ //~ w-good." Two sizes—the. larger is most | "~~ I.LtII economical. 30 S 'SyITE CARRY Large Stocks of FLOUS I J kinds of Produce, and will — "• tion. „ _ __ Agents for the New; Zealand Flour and' . WasSa Day WitllOMfi ©PMjlgery. Produce Agency Co.. Ltd. That's your happy lot if you use the splendid cleanser, "No Rubbing." V : : ! ; .You could have nothing so effective or so pleasing in its results. ' n ' ■ 1 Just you try j' T" ~ ~ """"'"'"'l "NO RUBBING" LAUNDRY HELP FOR A 011 your next wash, you 'will be delighted with the way it does all the • _ • work and leaves you free. The Price is Is. 3d. packet, sufficient for ® eight washings. _■ K p ll'BH' EEa E_ E- hV Tms is an extract from one of numerous testimonials: — Mrs. K.- ' •■' Y I. Barnes,-Auckland,-says' ■ "No Rubbing" is by far the best washier I have ever used. BBIHIC ONLY Makes, the clothes lovely and wlrito, and sa,ves all rubbing. I shall recommend it to all mv friends."- A ESS 0 P? M Try it TO-DAY! .SJArLES a ' I Wf' ' • 40 and 42 MANNERS STREET. 'Phone '443.' / 1 Wb' TOißiP(®Glß 293 CUBA STREET. 'Phone 2524. 'AOKNOWEEDQIiD BY, 'ALU 1 ltd, 163 RIDDIFORD STREET, 'Phono 1081. ' CONNOISSEURS *- (TO Bli ABSOLUTE^ "THE JiEST. .; (Established 20 Years.) Cheap Storage Acoommodatioa for Qocdfl 1 ! —- of any Description. i Brewery and Offices. BUYERS OF , LEAD, BRASS, EfPIR'S PQRWADniMA MolosusrUi end Murphy Streets. > <0 ZINC, COPPER,- IRON, RAQO, **£■" ® mm ■■■ .*£,;„■ ■ ROPE, 9ni RUBBER, ?Phona 725, Ji; , ' ' V' >■

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Dominion, Volume 8, Issue 2554, 31 August 1915, Page 9

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Page 9 Advertisements Column 2 Dominion, Volume 8, Issue 2554, 31 August 1915, Page 9

Page 9 Advertisements Column 2 Dominion, Volume 8, Issue 2554, 31 August 1915, Page 9