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StoGk ° f PUr6 Undresseti Ma^P °- M jL J M»P^^ U * W fe \ lam and Lon ß cloth Unde ™ ear se " - -- :: - —— — : " $ 4)/\ Ivif 7/ I\!\\ oured at 33 1-3 rd (6s. Bd. in the £) ■• • . - M 'dpi* Iv/Al I'l'S Disoount. The make and style of j s certainly the most opportune purchase we || fMli ''tII V £• JN*3 theee Coods are Aij the embrold- . '- .. K1 ■ las and laoes used for trimming are have ever received. Our London Buyer secured || ' excellent. The savings are far •• . 'P$ M greater than end-ofseasen sa.e Up=tO=flate 4003161 ■ . I o<3 J"x SBr" prices. ' . * z /M, I <\ 'Jvi Smart Ladies' nightdresses- at 25 to 33 l°3rd per cent, under English"Ware? f! 1 ' WfA ' house Prices. A perusal of this list will testify | 'ffi ill wl I 7s. Cd., 7s. lid., 9s. lid. ■ . , ~ ' ... , ji';j 1 iK'Vfi- smart and wflson's L.c. chemises- to the savings now offered. Literally, hundreds p I !F' Worth ss. 6d., ss. lid., 6s. 9d., 7s. & ■. . H 1 SMSi ' lid" tuA'ss ft , ;?*'™" 3s ' o f Solden sovereigns will be saved to the partio | 1 \mkWM • Smart and Mlson'sL.O.''Ladies , KNI6kERS- ' . ..... h i \Wmy/\ " worth 25., 2s. Bd., 3s. 6d., 3s. 9d., ipants in this ... $ 0 \'WIM& ' '■ 4s- 6d., ss; 6d. Now Is. 6d., 2s. • . J\fJ «$ \l%uKss 2d., 2s. 9d., 2s. TlGy 3s. 3d.; 3s. lid. ««« . ■„ , »W inTTir-ivmA vl 1 IX#&f Smart and .TKfilson's L.C. Ladie,' COMBINATIONS- fiDR'AT" MiWJAIM H I! 'hCV/$V Worth & lid., 7s. 6d., 10s. Bd. Now illlCAr DAfillAlll ' li 1 Ull !• ll ($ mWj 4s 6d, ss. 6d.,75. lid. 1U11S.IW« B. uijaaA i W ' J! < llJ ''. f^ Smart and j Wilson's LC CAMISOLES- . > .', " . ■ • &l [if feiW Wmfh Is 5d., Is: lid., 2s. 4d., Bs. . , —- -■'.. M fi fTWyj, 6d, 4s lid., ss. 6d., ss. lid., Bs. 6d. ... || f 5T3s le 6a I !^.ikS.M., 1 5 1 B d "'iS:- , ■ Post or Rail Paid on all Country Orders over 5/= | W ¥\n*''M About 30 L'.f! and Embroideiy UNDERSKIRTS- I ■ . . ■ v ' $. #»1 WML*JS AVorth 4s 6d. to ss. ed. To ckar Money Refunded if goods.not approved. M « Wmmmm 2s6d,2siid. ■■ . . J ■ ... >• p I-48-58 Manmcjrs Si . es Tlie Fleee tof Bargains;". . Welllaagtoft.. ; | *1 ' , . __ Black Italian Cloth BLOUSES-AU 12 Casement Cloth ONE-PIECE p I Up-to-date Blovjses ' ' : f&.,Vfe*V H :'^> ,, We - . I I > OUT-Or-OATE PR .«ES. « ... q rln? Lidice' Crene BLOOSES— , perfect fitting; all sizes. Special IS Ladies' Smart . Piquo COS- ,|g I %fe L Jl? ■■/Jfifcv at7s.9d.and.9s.lld. ■■ . TUMES-Mcclium b ng H, coa ,|| i 5 doz.. White Embroiderer? ' fo&\fl\- " • '.- ; .' «ojr wornjal szes. Worth 2os. || i BLOTJSES-Worih 3e. M-.,'for- v^ \Y' ■; iU\ i ■' ■ Salo Price, L slid. 1 Ca m Dric ism*. Ladles' Spring and .-• -BffiS&^JStfS-l I S^STiSt ■■■ il#y§ . Summer Frocks ; *g*; *«* «•• | I ■; .AT.8.0 BAV.NC. -;. D -| |l ' -Wortli-Bs.-6d. A Great 1 Bargain-, ifi T/idics' Sample ONE-PIECE Satin Border Irish Lawn HAM)- f$ I at 3s. lid., 4s. IW. ; fwl DlSs-IS, cambric, pop- KERCHIEFS-Four for 8 cl-. g I ,snk_ SMrt 6d. to -S^iK? jM & " ' V §/=.m'tte : l saying. '■ V- ;l;| ' ' „. n.,.1 iiiin..iiu-i.»iiiuiiiil.—UJUMJUiU'ii"'""" r ~~ ■'■ —'" iimii"»imui«aMrifc'gJand . ■ ' ■ : "iSw Sot ; | f TINEES-Worth 3s. iiul., for 2s. SXIRT-Smart stylo; brown, SKIRTS,- UNDER VALUc. Worth Is. 3d., for.llo. ' % m 9d. . ; ■ cream, white.-navy,, otc. Spec- .79 La di o s' White Piquo DRESS Wo kivo a good supply of New fe fel -Also. 20 Samples—3s.: .fld. for 2s. ■ Jalat 2is. 6d..... . : . ... SKIRTS—Fresh, plain. ■ Worth RUBBER GLOVES to keep tie "p M- lid. ' . ; A Bargain we shall never be ablo to Bs. 6d., for 4s. Ud." hands soft and white under all g iff! Cashmere- MATlNEE—painty lot, repeat—2t-Ladies^-COAT and . —-■ ' . conditions. ,\t. ■-. ■ ■ •.. __~ -Jm. M ss. 9d., Cs. 6d., for 3ri. lid. Pop-. SKIRT COSTUW'ES—In mercsra " J - : *s = ? = SrY ' ' ' ' '' "30 doz. Ladies'P-nre'-WooI.LLAAIA -p»j 'm liu—7s. .6(1., for 4s..:Cld. ised whipcords, Otc; smart col- ' HOSE—Woven "Indiana onench;|| [p CaMmiero COATS—7s. ;Bd., for ss. iai . Si Wor t n 255.. In tussore ffl If knoe - Woll worfai Is. lld.j tor - g gt , lid. • 9.5. lid., for 65.; Ud. shade . sale Price, 65." I1d; . ■ ' t&M' D£i 15..7 d. pair. & ( &| 11 doz!-French Qashin.sre FEOGRS _~..,;■•■„ tr, h,- nn« Ladies' : White Cotton VESTS- M m ■■—lir'skv, pink, cre;»rn. cardinal. ■■ 16. Maids' Casement . Cloth COS-. |J/ \y>fc£?v/ %V ■ Hid., for 9Jd. . f?|' m Nicely -'smocked Fo,; 3s. 3d.. ; , I ; ijK| ■;: • . Ladies' Cream VESTS-Fancy tops, r| 1 Bi" Lot Sanvoles Tussore, v 18s. 6d. Sale Pncte;,6s. lid. , § O l/j ! ! 'fL ■' long. Worth Is. 6d... for IOJd. • M ?1 ' Poplin, Moiro COA r J}3. and PEL- ■ ' :. .■ Vj , ..•..-.. , • ■ yr \Wl % \<pS?. $[CXifl Ladies' Summer COMBINATIONS.. |Js M ISSES—At 20 per cefc under our . FANCY DEPARTMENT SiVCS a big . ' Worth ,2s. Gd.,:for Is. IQJd. .. t;{i m usual.rates. 6s. 7s. lid., , Show of Bargains. Hwe 'are a- few. , ■ /fe&'V Ladies' Summer Shaped; -yESTS.- 5M M 8s 11(1 ■■!'■.•■ .: ■■■■'■•■ \ ' •■■' ■"■_ T * '■ If T\ ' /ImTW\' Long. Worth 15.,4 d., forls. 2Jd. E^. M Children's . OVERALLS - Smart 3 do/.Fine ■.Guipure COL-. . •// M Uk \\ 10 doz. Ladies'. S«mmer_BLooM T . -g^ If Dutch etvlM. -Woriji 2b. lid. LARS-AVortl, Is 1.J.d., or BJd. ■ 7/1. ■'■ ERS-Gingham. etc. ' Worth 2s;t.;g l<l OhiWron's PINAFOREifr-Daiiity lot. 30 Lace Net JABOIS—Is. 6d. value, , , ■ | tt ..fist L ', gd., for Is. llcl. ■■ $?' m Hid. to Is. lid. 1 T „, , t ™ : », mi I I Hi Our Strong Worlnncc Corsets-Long fejj M ■'■■'■ ■■ ■ Ladies' Black Lace Pleated. COL- , 'I fl ?(//?// ■ sliap°s, for Is. lid., 2s. Ud. . fe{ m- ' ■ ! '■■'"" LARS—2s. lid. value, for IHd. \ M ft \1 i>l P$ M ■ \ A r.< r Black Satin (with cream guipure) \\ 'U . J\. J I'm '-' ' . ' ". ft I Sundry is, od., for h\£ .ft \ 1 : Jp Sam le Table "■.■.".& I Tempting Prices. •: ■ LadioeVDonMeaikcollabs-is., ,I m W'iM. ~ ' ./.„...„ ....-.,■... .:M «3 ■ i ■' for 35d; p '. ff are # Aγ '// vOV&lb . S^ si 11 Summer DRESSING-GOWNS. Lace PLASTRONS-Opennmko. Is. .• :J. BU ' ■ -'M W Worth 8s Gd for 4s lid ' 3d., for /-id. ' ®Gs~ In Greens and reds;.good qua My- gfi 5 DEESSING GOWS-Regular Pleated LACE COLLARS-Croam -"---• sesured at a big discountj .3, x.,?;, fe , ■ # 29s 6tl lino for Jos'' lid " ■ and white.-.'■■ls. Ud., for l.vjd. . ; . . -..■■...-. yards, 2i x 2 yards. Worth ——-| I 30^pta,OTEkoVERALL S " I ' ClCar! - SS'MliiS Worth, Z^ m I I »srtSasfeSSK Oi« RIBBONS-In ne W |"- 1 , B S'Fi^NE T -Wo lf W" H^^^d'HELa^l I " far 1.. Bid."; 2.. «. ferl..Ua. W' "sHMS-aRoI S. D Us! TICKIXG-Worth Is. Bd. Salofe I ABißlOtofHlßhWailDL.o .UN- ■ than the prfce °4 . 9d., value, for, 6s. lid. - ■ Is 2 d I Wd ni qi Switzerland ■ to-day. At-21d:, OLO VES AND HOSIERY will bo \, B, ]; ' ..™ '. |. 12s. 6d., 15s. lid., 19s. lid, ' Skirtings—3s. 3d., for 2s. 4}d. '-, 3s. Ud. . ~ . 1-xtia Uic, ..t ~a.; , ;j. —V Jl ;

: ■ Jake Smooth ni Easy Shaves.-. . Week's "Sextoblade" razors aro modelled on tho linos ,of tlio regular standard razor such as has been in use for centuries, and they can be. used ether as a Plain razor or Bafety, M . you.prefer... Owing to the safety device, the user can shave with.a sliding cutting-motion-tho only comet way to ehavo-instead of> scraping, as with the otandard razor and tho hoe shaped Saer . "Sextoblades" are Ground by Automatic Process on machinery so constructed ae to preoludo every possibility, of -drawing tonmer They aro first ground sharp with a positive wire edge, then the c<l?ts are smoothed and stiffened in two more grinding operations, and finally tlwy are honed automatically. ' Every blade so honed will cut the finest human hair, oven'-before tho last operation, which consists of stropping by hand. All blades—of which there are seven—are uniformly keen and ready for shaving, r- Try a "Sextoblado"; you will be nioro than satisfied. ■ Price, 20/-. E. f. MILLS & C 0.,. LIMITED ■ , AGENTS FOR THE DOMINION.

oil : ■: ©f Maw Shop.;: ..■:■■■■, ¥ 120 Dozen SAMPLE SHIRTS for Men, in all sizes, 3/6 to 10/6 each. In the New Shop windows. .; ■ w ; :';' : eUBA ST., WELLINGTON.

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Dominion, Volume 7, Issue 2265, 26 September 1914, Page 3

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Page 3 Advertisements Column 5 Dominion, Volume 7, Issue 2265, 26 September 1914, Page 3

Page 3 Advertisements Column 5 Dominion, Volume 7, Issue 2265, 26 September 1914, Page 3