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• LAND NOTICES .. . . SOUND PROPOSITION. . ".. '.' ''• QAfiO ACRES Freehold; 6 paddocks, largest paddock 450 acres.v smallest 215j' AJrx\J& homestead of 7 rooms with, all conyeuiences, all necessary outhouses; tho Homestead 6tands well back from the Main Road from Pongaroa to Akitio,' on a section of 150 acres of ilat,- which is divided into -t paddocks. Every paddock is well watered, and close to tho Homestead there is a splendid ■ woolshed, with■ WolKeloy maclhines and National engine, also now stable! The property winters 4000 sheep and 200 head of cattle. The surplus stock is all fattened oif ' the grass, and a draft of fat kuubs is olwajs got away: Fattened 'season beioro" last 2700 sheep, and at present has. 6000 oa tho property. Price .£9 ss. per acre. Terms, one-third-cash,-balance on mortgage, for three or fivo years at 6 per cent. WM. H, HURNBULL & GO., 27 PANAMA STREET, WELLINGTON. ; ■J QKn ACRES, Freehold, North. Taranak', very rich, level, and undulating land JLi/uy on papa and lime formations; about 1600 acres laid'down in best mixed English grasses and the balance in good bush , ; well fenced and subdivided into convenient paddocks; 4-roomed house, stock yards and ahod, garden and orokardj practically all ploughable; good Jats and valleye on which buUocke are fattened; well suitedfor subdivision; will winter 2 \ ewes to the acre well; all surplus stock can be fattened on property. To to sold to wind up Estate-a bargain at £9 pes acre. t Reasonable terms given. . ; XIXCELLBNT Dairy Farm of Uo'ecree.. all improved; beach farm; well fenced JLJ and eubdmdMl into 20 peddooks; good 9-rooiDed house, with bathroom; cowBhed, with concrete floor and yards, implement shed, waehhouse, loosebox, haroeM ehed, workshop, piggery, eto. Price, £32 per acre. Terms, .£IOOO cash, and the balance can be awacjjod for on reasonable ternie. A very cheap property. s FIRST-CLASS Grazing Property of 607 acres Freehold, 176 acres in beat grasses, •balance excellent bush; 60 acres alluvial flat and 180 acres tableland Bat, bat ance easy hills, on papa formation; good formed road frontage, oloee to township; situated in North Taranaki, Price £8 17s. 6d. per acre. Term's, £800 cash. Coast Dairy Farm, 176 acres, with beach frontage, level jnd well J,.™™) no buildings; baa been need oolely for grazing and fattening; situ, ated North Taranah; will make an ideal dairy farm. Price, £30 per acre. Terms, £800 cash, and balance on reasonable terms. ; TfTNfi AUCTIONEER, r,AND & FINANCIAL nUiUlVll JLVIIMjC, AGENT, .NEW-PLYMOUTH. PACTS TALK.- ' ■ .-. •■■.■••• ' ■ PACTS-TALK, • ■ . ■ AS : «1. IS■?• - =■,; S-SIS GET THE FACTS FROM- - .. ; ' ' , : 'J. T.'HORN, LTD., : :■:>■■ : . . . 12 &U PANAMA STREET, ■; WELLINGTON. fPhones.2l73;' 3830. - .'• ~■ . - '■ .' . ■',".'■■ ■ ; LOOK! READ, ACT. HAWKE'S BAY DAIRY FARM. 1 J_Q ACRES, Freehold, all in grass, nearly all level; all ploughable when stump-' 'j u *$'■ 15aore3 have be6n ploughed; good loamy soil; divided into 12 paddocke, well and permanently .watered; 4-roomed home, 12-bail cowshed and other - outbuildings j J mile to creamery, schoo'i, and P. 0., best of roads. PRICE, ONLY £23 Ws. per acre. ONLY £200 CASH, balance 5 per cent, for 5 years. . Old age and incapacity sole reason for gelling. THIS IS A GENUINE BARGAIN. Lose no" time about it, but .write or wire to .'•■■■ C. F. W. LEHNDORF, ''■■■:'■ LAND AND ESTATE AGENT. ORMONDVILLE. . • ; ; : JUST WHAT I WANT.. :,, AJYfi ACRES of Likestoiie Sheep .Country, chiefly easy hills, with about 30 acres of ,Uv good flats, a substantia! portion of which has been.6tumped; highly improved, fine 8-roomed homestead, nice plantations, large woolshea, also ■> cowshed, stable and trap shed; situated within half a mile of town, sohool, and P. 0.; well fenced, subdivided and watered; healthiest sheep country in the North Island, Price only £18 10s. per acre; terms £1000 cash, Balance at 5 per cent. . WAIRARAPA ; FARMEES' ASSN.,^ LAND. ESTATE. AND FINANCE AGENTS, PAHIATUA; \ rjIHE Cheapest-Sheep v .Run in Hawke'e 8ay.—6670 acres Freehold, all in grass ei- ■*• cept 350 acres good ta>ia bush, now being felled; well fenced into 26 paddocks/all very, well-watered; 400 to SOOacrea flats, balance all easy rolling hills; good 2-story homestead with every convenience and all necessary' outbuildings; also 4-rooined cottage, men's whares, stables, barn, etc.; large woolshed with machines, yards, dip, etc.; distant only 10 miles from town, port, saleyards, etc., by motor road; now wintering 10,000. good mixed'eheep and a lot of cattle and-horses, and is very much understocked, as may be seen on inspection; last year's wool clip averaged lid. per lb. all round ior crossbred Romney Lincoln wool. Price as going concern, including all stdck.and plant, £9 per. acre; good terms. Apply at once to the Sole Agent*, ' . ' H.B. FARMERS' CO-OP. ASSN., LTD., LANDDEPT., NAPIER, OR TO ANY OF THE FIRM'S BRANCHES AT ■■■■ ■-HASTINGS, .DANNEVIRKB,: WAIPUKURAU,' AND ,;WAIROA. '](/ ' 'CHOICE. DAIRY FARM, £350 CASH. ; ; -i OA ACRES: Manawa tu Line, only 3 miles' from Railway; all-in and crop; J-Oy- first-class Homestead, large milking shed, concrete floor, with milking machines installed. Carry 70 cows and other stock. Price, .£2l per acre, including miliing machines. Terms, ,£350 cash, balance at 5 per cent., 5 years; H. F. M C NEILL AND CO., ■ 155 FEATHERSTON STREET, WELLINGTON; ■, "■ ■'~-. BEST DAIRYING LAND. ' ■• ! qa ACRES of the best,and richest land in the Dominion; situated in the best ' o" dairying districts, close to factory and township; 5 miles from railway etation; weir fenced and watered;' good house and cowshed; all in good order. The place milked 55 cows last eeason, and carried other etock. as well. Freehold Title. Price, £57 10s. per acre; £1000 cash. If this place was in Taranaki it would bring £80 per,acre. ~ '. > ■ ■ ' ' '•■ No. 193? A. H. ATKINSON .AND GO., LTD., , -■, ; : . FEILDING. ■ , wa ACRES, Manawatn Dairy Farm, choicest land, no stones;, good buildings; • v alongside Railway, School, and Creamery. Price £69 per acre. Terms, £675 cash,'balance 5 per cent. \ / ■ , '. ■ ' \ -j rwA ACRES, all glassed, well fenced, good buildings, close town, creamery, Xvl/ .school. Price 423 per acre, including 25 cows, sheep, pigs, horse, cart, all utensils. Terms, £500 cash. .:. .-.-..■. / . ... . ■, - / .!) rn ACRES, all grassed, good buildings, eohool, creamery, ,1} miles; railway, 2 O" miles. Price £21 per acre, including 13 cows, horse, etc., going concern. Terms, £400 cash.' : . : . 12 . WILLIAMS,. HUNT - & CO. x LaND, STOCK, AND STATION AGENTS. JOHNSTON ST., WELLINGTON; ■'." ' FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE. wr\rv ACRES Freehold; situated in beet district in Waikato, 6 miles from towniU I ship, etc., by good road; all been heavy bush onpapa formation; 360 acres in good- grass, 100 acres fern and grass, balance heavy standing bush, easy rolling country; 11 paddoois, sheep-proof fencing, now carrying 550 eneep and 60 cattle; 5-Toomed house and outbuildings. Price £7 10s. per acre; mortgage £1300, at 5i per' cent. Equity £4000. Owner will accepf£soo cash, and balance of equity'in small farm near Wellington or eood house property. MILLER AND RIITTER, ,-.. ; ; . AGENTS, WELLINGTON. " . ACRES,'good papa country, in Wairarapa, close to railway, in first-class Oi U locality, all in grass,, well watered, carrying 820 140 hoggets, 17 rams, 85 head cattle, motor-car road to gate, splendid fences,' good 6-r. house, • £1000 cash'to go in, balance 5 yearsat 5J per cent. PRICE, £13 10s. per acre. £900 taken off this place last year: -Bed health reason for selling. ; :C. C-ROSS; AND CO., . LAND AND ESTATE AGENTS AND SHAREBROKERS, MASTERTON.' • SPLENDID FARM, UP NORTH. IDEAL FATTFNING AND GRAZING LAND. lOrrO ACRES, Freehold, situated within 1J; miles railway station! 1200 acres 16iV ploughable, and has nearly all been ploughed; all highly-improved and. laid down ill English-grasses and crops; firsUlass fencing, and subdivisions, permanent water in every paddock; about 100.acres now in rape and turnips; good 6room dwelliuu and outbuildings; almost new. With the prosent crops this farm will winter 3500 grown sheep and 250 head of cattle, and do them well. A rare chance to secure a veally first-class money-making farm at a low figure, and on good terme. Price only £13 per acre; terms, 1 £4000 cash, balance 5 years at 5$ per cent._ NoteThis property is strong, 'warm loam, with a'.good stiff subsoil. We specially recommend it as one of the cheapest and best farms in tho Dominion at present time. .. W. H. LAMBERT- AND ; CO., 20 CUBA STREET, PALMERSTON NORTH. . ■ — ' ~ A CHEAP FARM ON EASY TERMS. '.■■'. "~~ ~" nnfi ACRES Freehold, smil<!s from large Railway and Stock centre, all ploughODU able and in grass except 110 acres, which have been in oats, rape angV tnrnitw the orts Yielding over 60 bushels to the acre; handy to school and P.O.; : i STuildings ani well subdivided. Price £23 per acre with only £700 cash; or will sell in two sections at prices to be arranged. Apply sharp; Send for free C T' 4t m k Smt & qoNQJ ■ MARTON ■ ■ J. 6& AND MARTON JUNCTION. """ ' r FOE SAXE. ■ . ' ■ nnAA ACRES, situated 13 miles from township; 1300 acres in'grass, balance /CU"" heavy Tawa bush; carry 2.big sheep tier acre. New 7-roomed house, KnHiroom h and c. water, p.w.c, man's rooms, dairy, washhouse, tubs; etc.; 26 mddoS Fences in good ordor. Mortgage of £5500, at 5i per cent, to P.T. for PRICE, £7 per acre; £2500 cash. .•..'• J VICTOR 1 E. ■: SMITH, ; • - ( , BOX 59, FEILDING. / / ,| •HOAA ACRES, Freehold, all easy limestone country, and.has been all bnsh, X<vv" chiefly, tawn, 1000 acres of bush fedled and well grassed, 200 acres 6t stacding bush, ring fenced, and divided into 10 paddock 6, well watered with creeks aJd springs.- Buildings consist of a good five-roomed house, woolshed, cowshed, sheep yards, and dip.- This property will easily winter 2000 sheep at present, and is absolutely one of the best properties in the district. Situated 11 miles from Tβ Kuiti by good road. "Price £8 per acre. Terms. ■ .''.' ■ ■ ' LAND AGENTS, TE KUITI. ' ' GOOD Dairy and Cropping Farm. Sorie of tno best the celebrated Tβ Mate Estate, 36 acres, surveyed into three seotions, with good road frontage; comfortablo dwelling of 5 rooms and conveniences, washhouso, trapshed, cowbails, etc.; 3 acre domestic orchard, This is a fine little place; terms easy. Price, £80 fnerc, 20 per cent, cash, balance 3 years 6 per cent. ET anothor good spec.: 49 acres first-class land, all in grass; will carry 1 beast to the acre; good whare. Price only £65 per aoro; cash £600, £2000 in five venrs at 5 per cont; balance 2 years 5J per cent. : -.. WM. VTUIT, PRODUCE & COOL STORAGE CO., LTD., ■ ,: .' ■ ' P.O. BOX 105,. a\STINGS. ''■ ' ■■]'\ ' r*AA ACHES, 440 in grass, balance mixed "bush, 150 acres flat, balance rolling Owl/ country, edod soil, ring fenced, 8 paddocks, permanent water, good 7roomed house, outhouses, 20-bail cowihed. dairy, woolshed. town S miles, inctory and school alongside suction. Price, including milking machine plant, £12peracre; •I AA ACRES, all in cocksfoot and clover, low hills, with flats, all good soil, ring JLvu fenced, 8 wires, 7 paddocks, perrannent water, carry 30 milking'cows easily, 5 roomed house, water laid on; dairy, 8-bail cowshed, hayloft, trapshed, β^c.;'town n miles school 1 mile, factory J-niile. Prico £19 oer acre; £450 cash. (63) E. R.EAMES, UKD gAnuNA. .. :

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Dominion, Volume 7, Issue 2235, 22 August 1914, Page 12

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Page 12 Advertisements Column 6 Dominion, Volume 7, Issue 2235, 22 August 1914, Page 12

Page 12 Advertisements Column 6 Dominion, Volume 7, Issue 2235, 22 August 1914, Page 12