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I- Section 1:. Showroom. | ■ Seetlsta 2: Dress Fabrics. | Section 3: Furs & Fancy. I Section 4: lanchester. '"' I I ' Don't miss this or you .will miss a good tiling. $ 360 Y£RDS HEATHER MIXITURE IMITATION HARRIS m| 1 ONLY rITOH SLT _ In thd „ , p pi r fi , slightlj imperfect but sufficient to keop tlie manufacturer from J I 37 LADIES'-NAVY SERGE'PALETOTS Usual Price, 355. to $ TWEEDS-In Grey, Brown, Navy, and Green. Usual Price g u«i« ill--. __l in newest snade Usualrw£6 los Gd | it as first-class $ I 84s. To be Cleared at from 7s. 11d.'to 19s. 6d. each. § 2s. 3d. yard. Sale Price, Is. 6d.,yard. $ SQUIRREL SET-SWht stcb, -,rt, uLZ w ,flt I Lot 1-66 m *ido Usual Pnce ">s 3J Sale Price, 1s 6d t& 8 Farmers' wives, motorists, and everyone who want a good ser- | 250 YARDS WOOL CHEVIOTS-54in. wide; in Green and Rose, & match Usual Price £6s 6d sTp P lce£4Set I L«t 2-o>n Usual Pnce 2e lid Sale Price, 1s lid g I viceable garment ought to secure ono of these. jjgj Brown and Amethyst. Usual Price, 3s. lid. yard. 9$ I ONLY RE\L MOLE STyr-Sh-aurht<H«lo u,+l, -,iw Jnff + f* ln * lde 11 PrICG 3 s 6( 1 Sale Price, 2s 4d gj I 16 ONLY LADIES' ONE-PIECE FROCKS-Li Grey. Reseda, Navy, f Sale Price, is. 11d. yard. Si „£ L fl X to match Usual Pnce£bl?s 6d I SPECUL LOI Or SUPERIOR HEMSTITCHED TABLECLOIHS- $ g. Amethyst, and Mole. Usual Price 355. to 45s $' 200 YARDS SILK STRIPE VOILES-Self colours of Champagne, S ° Sale Pr.ce, £4 Set | 43 x 43-Usu,l Price 3s 9d Sale Pr.ce, 3s 3d each. Bgj I v .„,,„, J . ,?, ■ i Brown, Amethyst, Green, and Silk. Usual Price, 2s. lid U BLACK SEALETTE SETS-In striped and plain Usunl price R so x 00-Usual Price 4s 6d Sale Price, 3s 9d each. t I £0 LADIES? DRES?SKIIITf-In O mked feed Usual price M yar f Salo Price, 11id. yard. 22s 6d Sale Price, 11s 6d Set 58 x 58-Usual Pnct 7s 6a Sale Price, es 6d each $ 1 • v 7b. 6d. •' To be Cleared'at 3s. lid. each.' ffl 376 YARDS EOLIENNE VOILES (silk and wool)-In Brown, Tan, M 3 CO\EY SEAL SETS-In straight stole and pillow muff to match & 58 \ 60-Usual Price 10s 6d Sale Price, 8s 6d each. & 1 , A gift to golfers and others. i Saxe, Heliotrope, Reseda; 40in. wide. Usual Prico, 3s. 6d a? "S , ™/ Sale Price, 21s Set U 100 PRIN TED BEDSPREADS-In Best Colours $> I 12 ONLY LADIES'KNITTED CO VT&—ln Grey, Champagne. Lime. M Sale Price, Is. 6tf. yard W In newest cross-o\er styles Usual ffi Single Bed Size—Usual Prico, 6 lid Sale Price, 4s lid. , & I , , Cerise, Brown, and Emerald. . Usual Price 37s 6d. | 125 YARDS SHANTUNG CLOTH (wool and mohair)-In Saxc, $ P C °' 14S 6d Prl e9s 11d and 12s Gd each 1 Double Bed Price 30s 8d Sale Price, 7s lid. % § To be Cleared at 10s. 6d. each. | Helio, Amethyst, and Rcso; 44iu. wide. Usual Price, 3s 6d i 80 IM t T vtion rPAmni" mww «s 6d each | BESI MAKL PURL tt HTTP LONGCLOTH-Sr«cial Cloth Tinish § I ' 'Just the thing for cold mornings-will be a cosy wrap for those | Sale Price,, 18. 6d. yard. | est shapes Usually 27s 6d 225?6d Us M leVo? 1 Usual Price 8s 6d doren Sale Price, 6s lid dozen j| I ' » nvrTrnWenw pr<vnr mim_w .d . n i lj 320 YARDS SILK CREPE-Self colours shades of' Sky, Pink, &axe, ,& Sale Prices, 17s. erf, 15s 6d , 12s %d ,9s 'lid each 1 S4in WHITE IWILL SHFLTING-UsualPrice Is Id >ird « & I 12 ONLY BLACK PONY CLOTH COATS—Wing sleeves. Usual K$ "Roeorit r«v whit« nmi d+oai p,i™ o e <m whtpp rr>Y itt\t> othtre t i. tt it, «a Sale Price, I(Ud vard. >- i*' w p™. ai- +_ on,- mhe riparpri at Bi« Rst «? itesecia, ijrey, wnite, ana steel. usual I rice, aa. WilliL JOX VLJiNL SIOLES—In even srnpe Usml Price from Js ' J yaiu. 1 . Pnce, 84s. to 90s. To be Cleared at 635., 655. | [ Sale Prfce, 11d. yard $ 39s 6d to 10s 6d. Sale, from 15s to 3- lid each ffi 70m WHITE TWILL SHCDTING-Usuil Price Is 8d 3 ird >< !■• ealUrem tho I S76TARDS ALL SILK FOULARDS-In neat coloured designs on | WIDE MILLINERY RIBBON-In stupes ,11 shades Usual I ' Sale Puce, 1s 4d yard b ' 1 19 flvrv fi™ mNnM« I. r ™ I white grounds. Shades of Brown, Grey, Green, and Ametto A Js Price, Is lid Sale Pnce, 6d yard f 80m WHITT T^ILL SHELUNG-L nal Puce Is lid jaid & C 1 hS? *wSw? m?A LSPio^Mr^ B ' Ecmt '' Sase 1 Usual Price, ss. 6d. yard. Sale Price, Is. Hd. yard. STRIPED MILLINERY RIBBON-om mde m all shades Us Ft Sale Pnce, is 6d yard f | I Bine, unenn, uiacK. irom d/s. p rlceSi M 67 YARDS ALL SILK POULARDS-Double widthj in neat fioril % uall* Is jarJ Sale Price 3d yard ffl 3SO \aids HEWY UNBIEACHED T\MLL SHLEII\G-ror Ihrce $ i Tho list of ih* himoh hut Tinverfhripss -is i?ood as tho test $ designs. Usual Price, 7s. lid. yard. Sale Price, 4s. 6d. yard. $ \ ELVLr RIBBON—For Millinery purposes m all leading shades fisi quirtcr Bod Sale Price, 11 2 d yard % 180 lintv I I°°° YARDS COTTON FOULARDS-Superior finish, neat Dolly $ r' "f V 3d c SaUl Pr '° e, 3d yard 9 150 Dozen Y WEIGHT LINALETTE M iS 21 SI Tμ IIT ?Pf I Varden patterns, cood shades of Fawn, Brown, Saxe, navj *3 MILLINERY NEf-In shades of Niv> A\Tiite Green make ve.y closely woven, "9 x 4om UsualPnce «Gd |J mg and buttons. Usual Pnce,,lss. 6d to 3os -. | Usual Price, Is. 33. yard. Sale Price, 4}d. yard. fj s^e Usual Price, 4s lid jaid Sale Price, 1s yard §| Salo Price, is 11d pair. | A Mod Snrine Barmin-the earlv bird will catch these W W YARDS COTTON CORD-In self shades of Tan, Base, U 166 LU)IES TANCY HANDKLRCHIErS-In pretty deigns ilso tf 400 TLANNELETTE COT-BLANKErS-Usual Puce Is 3d S o nmrnwv g S W I and Navy; double width. Usual Price, Is. 9d. g 1 Usually Iβ Is 3d eich Sale Pr.ce, 6d each | - Salo Price, 9d each j≤ * I ™ BHl^ta, Otalli^t" t3f I - Sale Price, is. yard. | 160 BOWS-In ne.est designs and shades Usual Price, 1,, to l, I 240 TLANNELETTE BLOUSE LENGTHS-Sa.e Price, 1s Length p These are the last two, are prime skins, and cut in the style | 500 YARDS DRESS LINEN-Plain and mercerised in a good range W p R COLLARS-In Muslin Usi«ll, U '«t ™rf, P CTO COMPLETE RANGES Or TRAVELLERS SAMPLES-rancy $ I -to be worn nest winter/ , |of sbaaes; 27 to 36m. Usual Prices, Is. to Is 6d. yard |1 1i« OOLLARS In Muslm Uraallj 13c eaoh | Linens Runuers Afternoon leaclotlis Pillow Cises B 48 LADIES' VERY SMART TEDDY BEAR HATS-Soft crowns, 1 tati _____ _. ' .., ~",, ~1 ui S CREAIE GUIPURE PETER PiN COLLARS T1,,,,11- 9, w S3 fees, Laf/ndry Bigs, etc, etc At 33 1-3 p°r cent. rolled briins. Usual Price, 6s. lid. Sale Price, 4s. 6d. each! U 1000 YARDS JAP CSEPES-Estra .quality; in light and daik shades M K^fr l u^* beLLmLW ™ I^^n rlM i¥ l &\ a L $$ Off Usual Prices Uj .0 BOXES SPRING FLOWERS- 6d. and is. Spray. | Usual Price, Is. and Is. 3d. Sale Price, 4 id; yard. | YARDg LONGOLOTH p.otty s rikng , 1 SAMPLE TABLD- , g LiDIES' WHITE PIQUE HATS-Rolled brime. 3s. 3d. each. | remnANTSI REMNANTSI ' REMNANTSI & P atteins suall y 7^d ls Sale Price, 4 2 d, 7/ | COVEPS-Usuallj 1& «toa» p LADIES' WHITE LINEN HATS- 4s. 6d. each. | HEMNANrSI REMNANTSI REMNANTSI A SPECIAL PURCHASE Or 3 PLY BLACK OOL-A Great i „_,, _. v _- TT 4XT !!' '™ 'J"n c t> T ?l MICE ASSORTMENT OF NEW SPRING "READY-TO-WEARS"- , | corTO N MATERIALS, WOOL FABRICS, VELVET AND VEL- I Da.n.n & TVooI Sale Price, 3 Skeins for Is | For« ° U PllDg *' A From 78. ad. each. | VETEENS-In lengths of 4to 6 yards. % 1n? ZSm ™-ir«-T v W m BALANCE OF FELT HATS- To Clear at-is. and Is. 6d. each. 1 . These will be marked at Half Prices. S: Price, 9d each , Sale Price, 6d each. Wp lo ° J™? P^ ELLE T ? & 1 SA . MPL S i 00^ 1 . 1 ! ™ Y ffi i BALANCE OF WINTER MOUNTS- To Clear at Halfy Prices. | ■ | 50 LADIES' HANDBAGS-In Suede Moire Sill and Leather I G " d Q 0a 6. „ 13. S'«_dh P I , WHITE FELTS- Usual 7s. 6d. Sale Price, 3s. 3d. each. | PATTERNS FREE! PATTERNS FREE! ' | 6d Salo Price, IS, lid, 2s lid, | , I.' " . ". I. I I BLACK CRINOLINE MATRONLY TOQUES.— ISs. 6d. each, $j [A .„ oqnTvrpq -ppiijT Riri'nQ_TT It> t , n -■, b»w»— H* I BALANCE OF CHILDREN'S MILLINERY— At Half Price. j| B-!Bffl-K- FJL lou ollui,lV3i:> ILUWj μ-aub—usual and & I THE CORRECT SPRING HATS—In all shades, and the very 1 1 , ' fL ■■ ' U -* „. " n nra « d thing for Spring wear. , 14S. 6d. each. Sa ©ffi«fl-i«, W fi « ffSMSfflMcB-eal tl | @6CtS©H © I I,] I I I? «_„„*!!«„■ Tf H ffa__.JJ.lU- _ 72 DOZEN MEN SL\MBV SHIRTS-A good heavy colth in good r w I , SCENTED SOAPS—3 Cakes in Bos. Usual Price, !)d. M ©@®il@Si S I H patterns Usuil Price 5s 6d Sale Price, 3s lid. ' Kg I ' «, ~ , _ „ 1, 1 ,11 . . , Sale Prloo, 6d. Box. .J S 1 240 MEN S RVUGORA SHIRTS—Good patterns all luce "Usual jh I , I GLYCERINE SOAP-TJsual Price, 4d. ' Sale Prloo, 5 for Is. % Sale Price, n, | «D COITON SHIRT.-In good patterns fc 1U | I , NaTy, 1 ' fe 70 MEN'S SPORIS COATS-In serviced Scotch T.ceds Usu.l $ BOIS' AND YOUTHS HARVEST SHIRT B VNDS- Usual Pnce U I Vieny Rose, Saxe Blue. Usual Price, 10s. 6d each. | _.--_------.,,„,,..,«,.,,-_.-. InM Price, 29s 6d, 455. Sale Price, 19s 6d, 253 :| 2« 6d to 3s lid Sale Price, Is 6d each I :;i '• ', . ■. ■ •■• Sale Pric», BS. lid. | TOOTH BRUSHES-''CeUuloid Backs. Ueual Pnce, 10' d. >J\ _ N | ODDMENIS IN MEN S SHIRTS-Shghtlj soiled but good Uβ- & I LADIES' LoWgCLOTH NIGHTDRESSES-Trixnmed Embroidery, | Sa,fl Pr,Oe ' 7^eaCh " f\ 3 ° "* * SmlCeabl ° 1{ ™* ls 6d 4s lld os 6d T ° C,eare 1s 11d each I , m ■ with Collar and Frills down front. Usual Price, 4s. 6d. each. §j h Sale Priese >™ s 6d, 16s pair I-! 24 ° PAIRS MEN S WOOL SOX—The Prloe now is 3 pairs for 2s 60, s^ $ ' Sale Price, 2s. 11.. | FEEDING BOTTLE-Usual Price, ls. lid. Sale Price, 6d. eaoh. inn lkrrwq Twrm ovFnmnq w fna w •. 210 BL4CK CASHMERE So\-Tho Price now is 2 pairs for 1s 9d W *■§ ' - 'i'f *——-" « > b>s 100 MLJN h IWLLU UVItKCO VlS—Warm and Smart Good Pat M 70 MTSX S FT,\N\r.LF.TL PYTAAFAS—Tn nnnA nittpni.: TTcnol Bf ( . I LADIES' CAMBRIC CAMISOLES-In 12 different designs, trimmed | ■ | terns Usual Price, 35 8 6d 39s 6d Sale Pr.ce, 27s 6d each |?2 os 6d PYJASIAS la good fe ( P n-ith Lace; also Embroidery. Usual Pnce, 2s. 6d. each. & PARRAFLV (Medicinal)-4oz. Bottles, Bd.;8oz. Bottles, Is. b| 75 MEN'S D B TWEED OVERCOATS-Belt at bick and perfect ¥ 72 MENS LAMB 4. P_J4llAS—Heavy qualtj Usual Price 10s m & . ' Sale Price, is. lid. ■ ' WJ fitting Usual Price, 39s 6d Sale Price, 27s 6d each. M 6d Sa l e Pr ' ce ' 6s W I LADIES' "WHITE CAMBRIC KNICKERS-Open shape, trimmed M BROOCHES- , 'Set with BrilUants." Usual Price, 2s. lid. &3s 6d *J 46 MEN'S WATERPROOF COATS-Seun seims Raglan shouldere 0DD 13 S E 6d S Us 1 Pnoe% 6d S pat M with Embroidery, Usual Prices, 2s. 3d., 2s. lid. pair. y " ra Usual Prices, 355. 6d., 42s 6d 50s Sale Prico, 19s Gd each IS mu\ o «nrw iwn'TTOTiruwiTßTs_i c i nn^e tt.., 1 t> »8 BK J . . || Sale Price, IS. each. Just what your little girl would like ■& ' r M ME> S SHETLAND UNDERSHIRTS—} sleeves Usual Price, g ! Sale Price, IS. 6d., 2S. 3d. g 100 MEN'S WORSTED TROUSFRS-Tough and wiry hip pocl ets tl 6d 2s 6d and 3s 6d Salo Price Is 6d each \ i f,;,™ onwv BLOOMERS—With ehaned band at ¥ ' . Usual Prices, 13s. 6d., 16s 6d A | MEN S SHETLAND MERINO SHIRTS" AND UNDERPAMS— ¥ J^^ a I HOT WATER BOTTLES-Usual Price, ss. lid. each. Sale Price, M Sale Price, 10s 6d, and 13s 6d 2J Usual Price 2s lid Sale Price, is 11d each - fe ' ■>• ' > Sale Price 1s Rri 1 '& itnifrvisaHmTrrpromiroftTicirao - , , , 48 WOOLLEN SCARVES—In Brown, Saxe Myrtle Oream Usual W , ~ ' sale Price, is. 68. m «. 11d. each. . Si 150 MEN'S SADDLE TWEFD TROUSERS—E\tra strong and ser fi p r i C o 4s 6d 6s 6d os lid Salo Price, 3s ed e_:h p LADIES' MOLLETON FLANNELETTE PETTICOAT-In Plain | ! $ nC ) Usual ?nce ' 1s 6d Sa,e Prlce - lOs 6d P a,r I 100 iU PETONE JLRSEIS- Usual Price from 4s 6d M and Cremo: Usual Price, 4s. 6d. each. « qttppptw papttttto ml.„i- „ 1 W 200 MIK'Sf DUNGAREE O\MAlJ_—Donble »ith hnen i to 6s lid Sale Pric», 2s 6d each Sale Prico, 3s. od. |S Try one of our 2s. SURPRISE PACKETS, you'll bo delighted threid Usual Price, 4s 6d Sale Price, 2s lid pair I 144 VEI OUR HATS-In Black, Green, Groj ind Broiv 11 Usuil j§f --T/1™ t,t T- - .o- !•• _ t 1 And Get a , SHILLING LUCKY BAG for your Boy or Girl fe 150 BOYS' TWEED KNICKERS-Strong and Serviceible Usual E Pllce 8s 6d Sale Price, 2s lid each _ NATURAL WOOL BODICES-In,'Large Women's Size, high neck, | J yr ™ Price, 4s 6d • Sale Price, 3s 3d I 60 MLiN S SAMPLE HA.TS-Usually 5s 6d to 10s 6d sliort sleeves. Usual' Price, Is. lid. each. „,_,...*§ o n nnv<!' wipwittt omw r«- w tt 1 u -m S , Sale Price, 2s lid each-« fe\3 „ , , ' ' ' ' Sa,e Pr,Ce ' 1B; 6d< I NOTE.-T_» Department etock, such a variety of R oods that it is I MTd K SUITS - r<)r Sch ° ol SS'priA "e? suit I 72 CAPS- Usual Pr.ce 2s 6d to 5s 6d Sale Pnco, 6d each I ' h ■ LADIES' NATURAL WOVEN " NIGHTDRESSES-With Collais, i impossible to enumerate to advantage, in this smill space, its M 50 BOYS"VARSITY SUITS-In Strong Darl Twoeds Usual P.. i CHILDREN S VELVET CORD H\TS-Usually Iβ 3d and lid " M •W ?W^ s,tof^BWe^^ate, Mceae S ld. r rS- 1 Wares-So please call in and inspect. Silverware, Bronze Ware, 1 1*» ® Sale Price, 7S lid suit I f I. P rlc_ 6, Is lid each | 1 ~ 6d,;55,6d. , , - Sale Prlce,,3s. 9d., 4s. 9d. | Vases, Stationery, Perfumes, etc., etc. £ 50 BOYS' SERGE & TWEED TUNIC SUITS-These ue Special 1 3 ®i Ss ally 7s 6d, 10s 6d, 12s 6d, || 60 Paira LADIES' CORSETS-In Strong _Irey Coutille, deep over & > • ,| Usual Pnco, 22s 6d., 25s Sale Price, 8s Gd suit # To Clear, 6s lid, 8s 6d, 10s 6d, and 10s 6d each. S <| • hip finished with four suspen^^ mt '™^ |( | n P- B JJ™' | ■ | 25 BO\S' 3 GARMENT SUITS-Splend.d Quality Tweeds Usual | STEEL TRm\K&-27m, 28m Usual Price 29s 6d - & \|| 'to _oin. ' usual rnce, as. oa. pair. ,oeii/ mw, m. mu. ijbu. ™ l"rice, 4as 6d, 525. 6cl. Sale Price, 19s 6d suit ot To Clear 15s 6d each * fe 'vt finr QfAnTr ftfWAUNER'S 7e. lid., 10s. 6d.,115.6d. w mil % . P?J .'■ I AMto be Cleared at 48/ lid.-' ' • ft i_©ti_)Sl 10" CISPBfitS 54 WMWMi,dSimayffl Wf | I |l I 4 Only AXMINSTER SQUARES, 11 _ B}, Crimson and Green I SaCtiOVI 11 ' GPOfikaPV I 19 ■ BIaI1«P<1 I I. - P Usual Price, 755. Sale Price, 475. 6d. Sfe 6SGaj_a_Bß DI ■ -SB _feR_H @G©_a_Bß B<6 ■ E.I-li_6_i fi fS" B I£ laß ii»EAkSMirf II " 1 Only SLIGHTLY SOILED AXMINSTEK, SQUARE-Crimson i Ij 1 ' iSGyOBI .53 <■ rUrUBSiIIUg. | Medallion. Usual Price, £6 12s. 6d. Salo Price, £3 15s. BPEOIUi LIVE OF TOILET SET-Usual Price 29? 6d | A FEW WHITE SILK AMERICAN SHIRT BLOUSES-Assorted % - 1 2 Only HEAVY WILTON PILE VELVET SQUARES (Green)- M rT .„«, c, 4T ATI ------ TT ~ - .., f a . ,e _ P ' ,M ' 1M I bizes Lsual Price 8s 6d Sale Price, 6s nd. 1 17 Piece OLD ENGLISH WALNUT DINING SUITE-High backs, | Usual Prico, £11 Is. Sale Price, £7 78. f t U W Sale Prioe ' 1s each 8 1 1 Carver, 6 Diners, seats upholstered in Green Leather. '| d Only i) xl 2 JAP. FIBRE RUGS-In Fawn, Navy, Olivo, and A JWANISE IEAPOTS-To bs Cleared at 6d each | inwmnn AArrmPA\ shiut mnrnrs fh, di pi. " ' ! Usual Price, £10 10s. Salo Price, £6 15s. ,| Beada, sl.ghtly soiled. Usual Price, 755. Sale Price, 395. 6d. M I LUiLD JUGS-Dsual Prices ls, ltfjd Ddcach I IDSSORE SHIRT BLOUSEa-With Polo Collar fls I 1 BUTLER TRAY-In Highly Polished Oak, 23x30. I 2 Only 6x 0 DITTO, slightly soiled. Usual Prico, 375. 6d. fi Sale Price, 6d each | faizes 12i 13 Usual Prico, 10s 6d Sale Price, 73 6d ' ffl. Usual Price, 355. '' ■ Sale Price, 13s. Gd. |? • - Salo Price, 109. 6d. fy WHITE CHIW TEA PLATI S—Usml Price 2s half dozen M k«1 10 Onlv RIMU DUCHESS CHESTS—With Larse Bevelled Mirror, '§ HEAVY LINOLEUM SQUARES—With Complete Border, Assorted M Sale Price, Is 6d half dozen Q LADIES WHITE MUSLIN BLOUSES—W itli Emuioidercd front ty v i 3 Drawers. Special Sale Price, 345. 6d, || Patterns, in Bro«n, Green, and Crimson. «M CHINA PAL VD BOWLS-Usual Pnce 3s 6d 2s 6d 2s 3d I long slew es Usual Price 8s Gd 6s 6d _ $ '1' 200 GOLDEN OAK DINING OHAIRS-High Panel Backs.- | 3 Only 6tt. x 6ft. Usual Price, lbs. 6d. Sale Prlos, BS6d. M To Clear at 1s lid each | Sale Price, 2s lid, Is lid. iS I Usual Price, 19s. 6d. ~. Sale Price, 12s. 6d. > | 3 Only 6ft. s 7ft. 6m. Usual Price, 21s. od. Salo Price, 10s. 6d. M WHITE SUPS AND SAUCERS (Chine)-Ueuil Puce 2s Cd half ffl M 1 150 GOLDEN OAK DINING CHAIRS-High Back Scats, up hoist- I 2 Only 6ft. x Bft. 3m. Usual Price, 235. 6d. Sale Price, 12s. 6d. dozeu Sale Price, 2s half dozen v || ( cotton MorarTTF T7\T>n?=!KmT=! in r a U I ered with ten Leather. Usual Price, 225. Gd. | 1 Only 6ft „ 9ft. Usual Price, 245. 6d. Sale Price, 13s. 6d. MNCY CHI\. AILGS-Usual Price Cd each | COLOURED COTTON MOIRETTE UNDERbKIRTS-In Grey -oA , h \fe ' Salo Price, IBs. 6d. 1 2 Only 6ft. 9m x 9ft. 6m. Usual Prico. 295. 6d. P Sale Prlce i 2d <*** W, baxe Usual Pnce 4s 1W Sale Prit,e ' 3s lid, M 1 m 100 CANADIAN DINING CHAlßS—Carved Back Rests. m .Our Sale Frlce, es, lid. running yard. $g ENAMTL MUG^>—Usual Price 6d each Sale Price, 3d eaoh d, & I Usual Price, Bs. 6d.' ' ' Sale Price, 6s. 6d. ® 3 Only 7ft. 6in. >: 10ft. ,6in. Usual Price, 425. Sale Prloo, 21s U ENAMEL W\RE, v,hich includes Saucepans Sto pans Cullenders M A FJB-W ONLY COLOURED UNDERSKIRTS—W th full flounces, || 10 ONE-DAY-CLOCKS—ln'lmitation Marble. Usual Price, 275. 6d. REVERSIBLE STRING CARPET—In Brown, Blue, Crimson, and tl Chamheis, Pudding Bowls Wash Bowls Lotties, and M Usual Price los Gd Salo Price 7S lid. Sale Price, 16S. 6d. fe y rcelli 2 7 m . lw( je. Usual Price, ls. Cd. Sale Price, yd. ffi ALLUAIfMUM W VRE, which represents Saucepans Stowpms *| j£ 20 Only ASSORTED CAST METAL BLACK ENAMELLED BATH- g PLAIN WOOL OAIIPETING-Iu Reversible, Crimson and Green & Cohndeis, Mugs, Jugs, Preseniug Pans, Kettles et ,To bo $ IX ■ ROOM MIRRORS—UsuaI Price, 255. to 375. Gd. S5 18in. Usual Price, 3s. od. Sale Price, Is. 9d. yard £ Cleared at Exceptionally low Prices §\ CHILDREN S COATS. , ¥" Sale Price, 15S. 6d. each. | 22,} in. Usual Price, 4s 6d. Sale Prico, Is. lid. yard f &EE OUR T\BLE for Lvonthmc and Iveivthmc for tl,« I . ~-~ is' W Only SLIGHTLT DAMAGED JAPANESE CHIP BLINDS- § * 27_. Usual ftico, 5. 6d. Sale Price, 2S. 3d. yard. ty &EE^ en 4 Vfetovl , S^O^£? I CHILDREN S TWEED COMS-Iu BrovS Preen «£ 1 Usual Price, 14s. 6d. Sale Price, 48. 6d. each. g SPECIAL LLNE of HEAVY INLAID LINOLEUM-6ft. and 6ft $ pot Spout , Grivy Strainers Bannister Bra«hes Knife Cle-iu. | C" 1^"^ » iW LLD CO\TS-In Brown Green, Sizes,. Eh 15 AMERICAN COLLAPSIBLE PUSH-CARTS—Dark Green. ~ 7in.wido. Usually_sold through tho City_afr 9s. yard.. 9' ers IMing I'ms,-Potato llashei Can Opener etc m Usual Pnce Ps Gd to 19 Gd ~ Ml I Usual Price, 355. Sale Price, 275. 6d. § , j& Only each. Si Sale Prices, 7s 6d to 10s Bd. U \ p} / ' eta laal Wα fe! : j ■- \ ' iaiS-©rcieii 9 lsig Ftorm. I ' i - ' PLEASE SEND THE FOLLOWING:— k 'I- ■ F Slf tnf_nt_nh'ff , a__A9B_J -»mu___-» Wil-(]UB OIICIOSGn |QP ,tfi fr©in ys> , ,■'..- HI ll e 1 9 Ij * ' |»' fit II '^ .__ _? Full Address „- ,„_-_,.,,, ..„ . .

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Dominion, Volume 7, Issue 2220, 5 August 1914, Page 5

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Page 5 Advertisements Column 1 Dominion, Volume 7, Issue 2220, 5 August 1914, Page 5

Page 5 Advertisements Column 1 Dominion, Volume 7, Issue 2220, 5 August 1914, Page 5