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[Bi Ihooenl ,•'...

SOCIAL AND PERSONAL. Wedding at Talhape. A quiet wedding was celebrated at St Margaret's Church,: , TaiHiapc, on Julv 31, when Miss Lena. Elizabeth Eatoii (p'ssie), only daughter of Mr. and Mrs, J. B. Eaton, of Tnihape, was married to Mr. Sidney Charles Simmons, the youngest .son of .Mrs. Simmorids, of -Napier The Rev. H. Douglae Mitchell,was the officiating minister. ■' The- biide, who was; given away, by, her father] wore a navy , blue costume; and a pretty (liafc to match, and! carrie'd a prayer,!bpok, the ■gift-of her. mother. She-was 'attended by her cousin, little Miss Ruby Eaton, who was dressed in hailstono muslin, with a motor cap, and also carried a prayer book; ; The'-best- man- was Mr. Rowland Eaton, 'brother of the bride. After the ceremony, Mr. arid Mrs. Simmonds left for their future (hoine in Wanganui.

Ladies' Billiard Tournament. The first round of tho ladies' .billiard tournament was completed last evening. The play was of a very high order. Especially was this the case in the gdmo between Mrs. Watkins and Miss Milford. The former lady has only, been.handling the cue for- about seven weeks, but she brought off some really fine double-baulk cannons, almost worthy' bf Miss. Roberts. Miss Milford found the handicap too great for her, arid this, added to the bad run'of tHo spheres, was her downfall, she losing the game' by 48 points.' Mrs'. Kilriiin,stpr and Miss Taylor also 'gave. : a. fair, display, ths , fbttnor making a break of fourteen;by real clean billiards. Con-, tinuing to play consistently; she won by the narrow, margin .of. eight pointe. Mrs. Porter, in her gamp with 1 Mrs. Nagle, played most consistently, and' eventually won-, comfortably by 'twenty-' fivo points.■■;. In the game Miss L. Stace (owes SO) y. Mrs, Lockwood.(oivo' 20), Miss Stace made one'very nice run of 16J but' Mrs. Lockwood, playing with more dash and resourcefulness/eventually ran out a winner by 10 points. The .second round will be completed" this evening with the following games: —Mrs. Player (rec. 20) v. Mrs. Cefutty (scr.); Mrs. Watkins (rec. 20)' v. Mrs.Kilmihster (owe 40).;, Miss O. Stace (owe 20) v. Mrs. Loektfood (owe 20). Tho final will take, place next.Friday ovening. Tickets for admission can be ob-. tained at Alcock's. , ■ : . -. ■ " '.. ■ District Nursing Guild. '. The monthly meeting of the District Nursing Guild was held on Monday, August 30,' at.tho.residence,.of W..H. Softpu -Moorlipuse. There were ■ present i'M/s. Moorhousp (president) in. ■the chair, Mrs; Balcoiribc-Brown, Mrs. Pearson, Mrs: Griffiths, 1 Miss Robieson, Miss Mack. Owing to recent bereavement, Mrs. A. A. Cprrigan was unab'lo to bo :■'nor . was Mrs. Christie (lion, secretary and- treasurer), through illness. It was proposed that a letter of congratulation-, bo sent to the Hon. J. G.,W. AitkeivM.L.C., on. his appointment to tho Legislative Coiinoil, he, being one of the' fiyo- Frnstees for the' District-Nursing Guild; also, , a let' ter of condolence to Mrs. A. A. Corrigan, on,her recent beroavemeiit. Nurse Mac/ aiidrow, senior district nurse, reportedthat 525 visits had been paid during tho'month, 15 discharged, arid one ittended at the office.- Gifts were received "from Mesdames Glasson, Barclay,' ' Ba'lcomb&'Brownj •'• Moorhbuse, Misses Archibald; , ' I Mack, Gager, ■ and the Gear Company.; £1 Is."from Mrs'.' 'ari'd '-£1 ; Is. from Mrs.. 'Seftori ; Moornouso. : '. ■ ■■' '

Acknowledgment. v v The matron of-the. Hospital desirea to acknowledge the following, gifts:— Flowers, Mr> Baillie, Miss Copeland (Lower Htitt), Tβ Aro School children' (per Mr. Malcolm); illustrated papers! 'lo Aro Schoolchildren (per Mr. Malcolm), Mrs. G, B. Davy, &M.B. Pyramus, Mrs. H. E. Evans (Kelbitrii), Mr. Baillie,; Mr. R. T.Turhbull; toys, child-, rcn's clothing, Mrs. Kemp. . Mrs. Morrison (Blairlogie)is visiting Wellington, ■ and is staying at "Bal-'-moral.'', ■'■ .... .'_. ,'' ; Mrs. M'Cregor- and Miss .M'Gregor, rfliq have been staving at "Balmoral, returned to HunterviHe- on Monday. • ; Miss Gillette left for Sydticy last week, and h'erjsistor; who was "staying with her in Wellington, returned 6u Monday t<s Taihape,.with Miss Spoohor.' Miss Thompson (Auckland), who has been staying at Balmbraly is now spending a few days with-Mrs. Barton, at Trentham. Mr. and Mrs. Baird (Napier) aro stay* ing at tho Windsor Hotel. The Misses Buss (OhristcKurch) are staying at the Windsor Hotel. Mrs. Fraser.(NaiHor). is staying at the Empire Hotel. , Mrs. Sutherland (Wanganui) is staying at the Grand Hotel. ■ Mr. and Mrs. R. Cameron (Wairarapa) are. visiting Wellington. Mrs. F. Fitchett returned to Welling:ton 'oil Monday from Carlerton, where she was the guest of Mrs! Wolters. VMrs. Stephen_;Curtis, "Magaroon," Petone;."is visiting her mother, Mrs. Stevens, who is seriously ill at Palmerst<lll North. '. . ; ■"'; Invitations have been issued for the "Mansions". ball to be (held in St. Peter's schoolroom, Ghuzriee Street, on August 21. . The "at home" which' was to havo been given by Mrs. Molirteaux. on Thursday afternoon has been postponed owing to the uncertainty and anxiety which is occasioned by tho war. Mr. and Mrs. Fred. Niblo and Miss Marion Dunn arrived to-day,from Syd•neyV.and will stay at-the'Empire.Hotel.' ■Miss Editfli Willoughby (Auckland) is the guest of Mrs. A. L. Wilson, "Tumai," Watson Street. ■ Another of Miss Borlaae's assemblies takes place in the Sydney Street schoolroom on August 13. ■ . v, For Face Massage, Shampooing, all Tlnir Treatments, and Electrolysis, Mr 3. Rolleston's is recommended. Spacious Private Rooms, Qualified Assistants, and Personal Attention. Switches and Transformations ■of every shade, a speciality. Hair guaranteed to keep its colour. 2M Lam...bton Quay.*] . '• ' . ~ ;' : SOTEMTjTKWS. HAIR. Mrs. Hullen, Aiulcott Street, has reoeived the following testimonial, whiuh has been abbreviated:—"! have inuoh tecommondinE your "Rusmu' <foi the removal of superfluous hair. Having been treated, per medium of eleetrolyeis, also depilatories, at great ex. penee, without receiving any relief, I 'ajn gratefully thankful to you for your •treatment of niy case. Since undergoing your treatment I am pleased to state that not only has your remedy removed all traces of superfluous hair, but in addition bus improved the complexion wonderfully.' (Signed) Joan Lang,". Original copy of above can be e«en at my address, Mrs. Hullen, Bouloott Street. ( M'Clinton's Colleen Soap has a delightful aroma. Marchioness of Bristol eaysj "Colleen Soap I find very nice to ueu, — Atlvt.


A Children's Party. -.' A children's i>arty was given at Cliff House, Island Bay, on' Saturday, in honour of Vera Cook, of AVadestown, over, one hundred children in fancy-dress being present. Many of the costumes worn'worb pretty and original. The children spent a most enjoyable evening, in' rooms suitably decorated for the occasion. Amongst those presented wore: Misses Airini Mackay, dressed as a Flower Girl; Eileen Thurston (Ranch Maiden), Mollio ■ Strang -(Japanese), Olga Lockwoo'd (Butter- .'%), Alma Krohn (Tyronose), Molly .M'Cluggage (Japaneso), Trixie Scott (Pierrot), Kathleen Hull (Japanese), Florence Parlane (Red Riding Hood), Myra Stewart (Nurse), Isabollo O'Regan (Fairy), Freda Hulso (80-Peep), Marion Hums (Folly),. Winnie : Evatt (Poppy), May Evatt (Dutch Girl), Molly- Read (Carnation)', Nancy Fanthan (Dutch Girl), Joan 'Hiridmarsh (Alsatian), Nellie Lowe (Fairy),. , Esma .Lowe (Fairy), Mona. Dibley (Fairy), Maisie Krohn (Faifr), Emily Krohn (Colleen Ba.wn), DorotEy Willoughby (Spanish Peasant), Vera Elliott (80-Peep), Winnie Chamberlain (Nurse), Mollie Hull (Fairy), ' Lola Saimdere' (Pierrot), Dorothy Hobtlay (Butterfly). Keitha Pikett (Shepherdess), Girlie Griffiths (Pierrot), May Devereaux' (Pierrot), Dorothy M'Ewe'ii (Dutch Girl), Margaret Stevens .(Night), Gwen Watkins (Red Riding Hood), Beatrice Mayhew (Fairy), Doris Halley (Fairy), Rewa Reade (Bluebell),, Freda M'Ewon (Bluebell), Olive Jones (Bluebell), Elsie Tur'ner.(Night), Jean Turner (Night)' Winriie Evatt (Poppy); Elsa Stevens (Chef), Phyllis Ford (19th Century Girl) Ailsa Stewart (Chef), Peggy M'Clu<*. gage (Fairy), In a- Cudby (Pierrot), Jessie Godfrey (Powder.Puff), Marjory Fieke (Waitress), Masters Rex Hutehinson (Indian), Kenneth Bazant (Pierlot), Goorgo Cook (Goblin), Jack Burns '(Cowboy), Leslie Parlane (Boy Blue), Max Krohn (Yachtsman),. Fred Cooper. (Indian, Chief), Jack Cowlishaw (Cricketer), Willio Hiinn (Chof), Sydney Jones (Colonial),. Willie ■' Jones (Colonial), :Eric Griffiths . (Pierrot), Rex Thurston (Hamlet), Jack Cook (Teddy Bear), Cornelrae O'Regan (Yachtsman), Gordon Cornish (Pierrot), Carl Monrad "(Danish CJown), Rupert Stewart (Chef), Eric Willoughby (Knave of, Hearts), Doughs Mackay (Golfer),- Stuart' Burns (Footballer),' Athol Mackay (Captain), Richard Evatt (Elf),' Leo Evatt ,(Chef), Horace. Fletcher (Golfer), Harry Godfrey (Sailor), Harry Barnab'y (Prince). '

■; : oji Monday ovening' a email party was given by Mr. and Mrs. Kwpi nml their son,' Miiig-sing-Kivei, at tho Ohiiießo Consulate, i at which tho guests were given the interesting experience of tasting a real Chinese menu, which included bird's.nest soup, bechp do mer, shark's fins, Chinese ricej etc. There wero. prbsent: Massey, Miss ;Badtlelev (Mastertpn), Miss Waddell (Dun"edin), and tlio -Misses Ball,-. Knox, and Holmes, of Wellington. Before dinner tho Consul recited a humorous work of .his own composition, which included a clever play upon, the names of his gliosis, and which evoked nnich merriment and enjoyment on their part.

.-..■ At the monthly meeting of the Kciv - Zealand Natives Association,. held m tho Keohabito;HaH;Jast,jiiglifc:(Mu J E. Jeiikinsoniiv the' ohair), it was decided to hold a social evening at an early date to entertain the Earlv 'Sottler.s! . Association;.; The following committee was appointed to' , make tho necessary .arrangements.iprMessra. E Stetthen, E. Morris, iuft.y'J. W. Bodv, :G. T.' Hahna, J. ""W/ Fletcher, G. W Price, Mesdames B. Morris, F. Cooper, E. lluir, F, Windsor, Heffiner, and B. ■Richards. ' >■■ •■..■..■■


! 'The Wellington Football .Association, 'in combination with tho •'.■ Wellington Tramways Band, havo decided to iiold ; a big bazaar and carnival in tho Wel■lington Town Hall from November 16 to: 21 (inclusive) for tho. strengthening of tho funds of the respective bodice. In • connection Avith tho bazaai it has b'eeii decided to- hold, a ''Carnival Queen". competition on the lines- of thoso. hold in Napier, Masterton,' Palmerston, Wanganui, and Now Plymouth, whore the prettiest and most amiablo girl in the town has been dis■covered by a scheme: that is highly remunerativo to the .promoters. ' ' Yesteindny afternpon a deputation; from the two bodies waited on the. F,i-. linnco Committee of tho Council to ask for a reduction 'in tho rent of tho hall. Mr. J. B. Pnton on behalf of the Wellington Football Association, reminded the committee that the association had always been to tho fore when there was any genuine charity to assist and he instanced the caso'oftho Children's Hospital and the Upper. Hutt : disaster. Ho also said Hlint tho association had a vory'liard figlit' in connection with its new ground at Kilbirnic, and that their games weekly .contributed to the tramway revenue, and when the new ground was ih,good order still more revenue' would accrue. Mr. A. ■ J. ' Mills, on .behalf of tho Tramways Band, said that though the council had been_ very good the.v had a hard battle'to keep'.the band in a financial state. What witliHliG salary of the conductor,, new .music, , ; etc!,. tho band costs v £lso. a. year. They, too, had also always coinojorward in cases of charity. Tho band always draw a good crowd wherever it went, and only last Sunday it had played for the Zoo, and had handed''over / -£ll. Thorent, £81, took a'lot-of making up, and'he asked tho committee to help them in tho matter of a reduction. Tho Mayor (Mr. J. P. Luke) said he was sure the committee realised tho value both of.the band' association _in their; epheres, and would tako a wide view of the matter, and whatever they decided ■to . recommend he felt sure the ; : council -would support. ' ;•'.':■ ; For WeddingG.-Appropriate ' Bouqrieti for either large or email weddings ore being continually deaigned, and epabody the unique distinction of all Uiss Murray'e creations. Flowers for all occasions forwarded to any part of the Uα. minion by' Misa Murray, Vice-Kceul Floriet, 36 Willis Street.-Advt. ■ TO THE OLD AND TOXJNG. You'' can keep your face healthy and free from wrinkles and withered skin for all time if -you will use Miss olilsoni'e "Cultene"" Skin . Food (Eegd.), 3s. jar. Surpasses any crtara ever used for the skin.' it builda wasted tissues, cleanses thu-skin, and cures blackheads, redueos large pores, leaving a fine smooth surface. "Cultone" Balm (R«gd.), 3s. Oil., ti> I?e applied during the day, for golf, motor- , ing, etc. Prevents sunburn, freckles, and tanning. Keeps the skin cool and free from perspiration. Milsorn's Face Powder, 2s. 6u. box, which is a'skin food in powder form—feeds and nourishes" the skin. Parisian Lip Food, 2s. Cd. jar, positively prevents chapped 'and creased lips, aim gives the natural flesh tint. All other requisites in stock. Write for price list, HISS MILSOM, 91 Willis Street (opposite Shortte' Picture Theatre). Telephone 814. ■ ,'• . ; . "blbctroltsis. Tho only permanent cure for the removal of euporfiuoua hair. This can , only be performed by an expert. Consult, Mrs. ' Haybittle, long end. favourably known for all treatments. • N». £68 Lambton Qnay (over Orr, chomist). Telephone 1501.—Advt.

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Dominion, Volume 7, Issue 2220, 5 August 1914, Page 2

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WOMAN'S WORLD. Dominion, Volume 7, Issue 2220, 5 August 1914, Page 2

WOMAN'S WORLD. Dominion, Volume 7, Issue 2220, 5 August 1914, Page 2