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- AUCTIONS. ; ''■-.' .! : THIS MORNING, '. ~ .... ~ At' 10 o'clock. , , . UNRESERVED AUCTION SALE. no —-KEGS GALVANISED - QQ OO ;.'... STAPLES, • OO '. „'■:...,if:x io,-ij-x.8,.1 i 12. . . . Without reserve. . .' :; E.JOHNSTON AND CO.. : 'Auctioneers, 157 Lambton Quay. ' ZEALAND RAILWAYS. ;: '.WEDNESDAY. Ih AUGUST, 1914, .'■.;;. ;•■■-*•■;■■ At.l P.m. - LOST AND. UNCLAIMED LUGGAGE I ,'/ - AND. GOODS. MESSRS.' GUALTER, DYKES ' AND :. COY., have been instructed to sell ■by auotion'at the.Stores Shipper's Shed (Cable's/old foundry), Lambton Railway Station; Wellington, on above date-;' • .Lost and Unclaimed Luggage and 'Goods, ■ comprising boxes, bags, parcels, tun- .,:, brella's,.walking-sticks, hats,, swags, ':' ■'•eto.,-"etCi ■ I ■ . . i ■ -W'- •■•■•■'•■■ JAMES DYKES, '■ : ';; ■'■::';.';.: ■r''." '. ■ Auctioneer... ON"■?WEDNESDAY, THE sth, DAY OP ■ ~r AUGUST, 1914. ■.• ■';;■'''' -■SALE. ■. •■■■'••. -.:-.; By,order of the Mortgagees and under the ; conduct. of the . Registrar of the .' Supreme Court of Freehold pro- . perty. situated, at Yule Street (late ; • Le3lie'-;.Street), Kilbirnie.- ; m/rESSHS;. ; A.L. WILSON AND .COM-1 'ItJLV-PA'NY,, Auctioneers, have received, insti'uctions'from the Registrar of the Supreme Court at' AVellington, to sell ; by Auotion at their Rooms, Brandon Street, Wellington;, on WEDNESDAY, the sth day of August, 1914, at 12 o'clock noon 1' .-' ALL THAT piece or parcel of Land situate irr the. Evans. Bay District, contaihing'22.s.perches, be.the samo a little more or-less, being part Lots 54 and 55 on De» posited. Plan 1932 Part Section 7 on the' plan'of tho said District and all the land -iii-Certiftcato of Title, Volume 171, Folio 252,, SUBJECT, to the fencing covenant in: Transfer No. G6948, SUBJECT ALSO ,to Memoranda' of Mortgage Registered Nos: 63220. and 72874 • securing the principal sums of .£SOO and ,£3OO respectively, TOGETHER WITH ono iiye-rpomed dwelling, and one two-stoT&y 8-Tbomed" dwelling,'.'with all' conveniences,: erected, thereon.-■■■•-'.■■ : .TERMS: 10 per cent, deposit on sale; •bhlauce'within one month. MTLE <: Transfer. ■ :, - ■■'■.•■. : 'Applicative to sell and estimated value of ; the property can' be seen, at the office of the. Registrar at any,convenient tinie. prior to; the date of, sale. , Por" further particulars, ;apply to . ■. ; ..- ";..;;.. ;:•:..• • . AUCTIONEERS. ■ :Oi" : -i61'-'^■)■■■: ".'•' '•'.'.. ■ ■■~.'• ;:;MESSRS.';PITZGIBBON & PERRY. ' '.'.' ; : ■':'•:' .;.'■ 'Solicitors,' Fcatherstdn Street,. :■:■','".'■•■■■'■■':)"':,::'■■■_.■'.■. Wellington. 2jlOR .-SALE' or Exchange, 135 acres', . ■!'. Manawatu,. for town'property .or small farm. J "Property," "Dominion" Ofnce..;t '-I\ Si y ■ ■..:;■. . - ' ,

;;i:Si;S|ii; ;•;.-. ;.;■ v an Island sheep run, ; 'C&^i'. : v ';• : '' ■:■-: ■.. ,-v. PICTURESQUE » : AND V^') ; :,-.,.:,.:' \~ : :' ;4,248, carrying: 3000 Sheep and 3M ; ; ■.'' charming island' is only TOO riiiles from"'. Auckland'; .and 5' mile's from the ... JL; 'mainland, is: fenced in' by :the -Paoific' Ocean,- and coasting steamers call : on stock' -and cargo is, quite light..:-The.'.,.islasd .is. most pictur- '■' esque .wit'K its wooded promontories,' lpyely Deaches, and complete fringe of glorious ; .'P<ihtitUkawas (Chrisbi)'as :: trees); round the; whole waterfront. 1 The, climate:, is -siip'erh' r and winterless. 'For; yatching, boating, fishing and ! shooting ..';■ it 6tands, ■'. .unique.. ; 'Three-f6urths of the island- is rioh; black loam, mostly ploughable. grows fine-.turhips, rape,- maize, etc. ; The other quarter is higher land, not so good, ;!-/but,-carries'.'grass well; .2500 acres', are'.in' grass, subdivided .into'.lo , ■ ■'; balance ','is, unimproved.,' The island will carry- now.SOOO sheep and 300 cattloj'ahd 'l''c ; ould.'.be;inado to carry. 5000 sheep and 400 cattle.'; a 9-roonied homestead,'. " :2."c6tta''ges and full range of,buildings,,wharf, good harbour, etc.; '■' : ofiproperty-.w'hich l -' many people w'ant.Wd can seldom obtain. .; . ' ..-' ';.■',''■■ ",.".:.:';!.vEhe.".pric'e,.'i£lß,oooj is low as a sheep-rjin. is. ohafg'ed; for its value :,as-aiv,>island, though other islands in.the Auckland Gulf command:.specially high '~"volvics.^^s,ooo;cashi'jsreciuired; ■ ..• ; ' , : . ; •' - .•■ ' :' ,'i::;An,-ideal winter home for a southern; squatter.. ,' ;':■.' ;-.'■ .■■.'■■''.•,'( :■.,'.::. .ESTATE AND STATION AGENTS, AUCTIONEERS, ' "■ .. •>:..■':/ '• CUSTOMS STREET, E., AUCKLAND.. ,'•.,''. '■>-.: >:'.-.- :■.:■ .', ' ■' '■" ' "HAWKE'S 'BAY. '. """ _^ _ : ; ':. -r-;:,:, '■■;,;,,-• . healthy sheep country. '■ ■ .: .'■:•;■.' '■•' ..■':■:■ :. ■' hawkb:s, bay. ■:. ..■•.■..■■•, 1 fi(fkif\ ' ACRES Freehold,; situated ,in i best.part of Hawke's Bay, close to.Town:,'lW".;' ship;and Roilvrar,' by splendid .motor -road. .'All low- hills arid, flat country, mostly ploughable, all open country, laid down in mixed grasses, well ! subdivided; .fenced,:and watered;'first-class bats, rape, ahd> turnips land..,A .very ■•', large-amount of fat stock can be turned off: this,property, yearly by growing.rape ••and:turnips. ■ Within easy distance of the best markets in Hawke's Bay, viz., ■ Waipukurau, and others. Wintering' 3000 sheep, of which'; l4oo are breeding, ewes, besides . cattle. House' of 4 rooms, wool-slied,'. etc., : '-•. ..•■...... -.":■' PRICE— £I2 10s. Per ;Acre; terms' arranged, or aisubdivisiori 'of,.'.say, ,50b'abres : :of this lis procurable.' .- ~'..-■ , ';' • •'■'■• ' ,' "■ :'. Wo"can confidently:recommend this property to any bona fide sheepfarmer'On the look-out for. good, sound, .healthy, sheep'country, and would urge, an-in-spection at once. ■'■ For further particulars,'.-or. any'information—regarding---the above, apply to the Sole Agents, . .. • ; ; ,'; -,'.- •k:: HUNTEE., SCHULTZE^'.' AND^;'• ~..:•,.:.„:,.;. ;- ' ■■■'~ TENNYSON, STREET, NAPIER.^". 4 ' :';.:'- -y-\- ■ Telegrams—"Hunter, Schultze, Napier."P;o. Box 214. ' ■' ; ' '■■ ' . ';,-'■■■;; ■'■ ONE OF THE MOST UP-TO-DATE FARMS IN TARANAKI. ~-{ ■'- 1 ftA ACRES Freehold, level,, and will-watered .by stream and ram in every pad-: •'■'.' XUv dock; property divided into 15' paddocks; hedges; ,70 acres ploughed; good-■up-to-date 1 7-roomed house, hot and .cold water, shed and'milking plant second to" none;, Factory and School on property; good metal road to railway and town, wliere: :.,.there are good schools; retnrns for-the last season may,' be seen at our office,-and .••amount to ,£676. ;Pricei£4fi per acre (bedrock), with cash-'down,'..balance 10 ".' s.per cent. Genuine reasons for selling, ill-health of the owner,' who is ■ retire on this account., , :'■■•. No. 8/922 :■ THE, N;Z. LOAN AND MERCANTILE' AGENCY CO'., LTD.. a;: : .::.': : '-' STRATFORD.. ■■.-■■',' ■'.-' ' : HAWICE'S BAY FARM;.32S ACRES, L.I.P. , SITUATED 16' miles from Hastings by good level road; first-class sheep or crop- ■'„ ping-'country. Practically all flat; subdivided in 10 paddocks; all ploughable .-. and well-watered; 250 acres in grass, balance laid down in oats and barley; 5-room-,ed house, implement shed, wool shed, good'sheep yards. Rental, ss. lOd. per acre, -less, 10 per cent, rebate. Price £6 per- acre. :■; W; P; '.M'COBMICK,' : -.'".'.•• •'-' LICENSED LAND . AGENT, ' ■-'■ . ■ . '■'"'- ' ' ' ..: ; - :..;.; "STATION : STREET, HASTINGS. .: :. , : /IQIQ ACRES, Freehold.—A splendid Block of healthy sheep, or cattle-country, r i 3:Ol.\f about 43 miles of fencing; 30 paddocks. : New modern tesidonce, h. andc. ! 'water; and usual conveniences.. Stock now on property, 5700 sheep. SOO'hea'd cattle. I 'The-place materially improve on this by further bushfalling; half-mile to wharf. Price i£B 10s. '^' ' '' ■ ■ -. . :':.^::'-;?:,;.;COLMORB-WILLIAMS, . " ■.■' '.: LAND AND ESTATE AGENT, DARGAVaLE. •■/, 1 pjri- ACRES Freehold, Stratford, Opunake Road, corner- section, frontage to JOv two metalled roads, .6 miles'Stratford'R«ilwaji-Statibn l 'lmile.,checse fac- : '' tovy, P.O. and school; all in grass; 10 paddocks, nearly all.-ploughable; about 40 acres stumped; cany about GO cows; good roads;, 20-bailed cowehed'and outbuilding!-. This farm last year carried 50 cows, 6 horses, 4 heifers, 2 bulls, and-20'.weaners, and did'them well. Price £33'105..-per acre, on easy terms; I can recommend this farm as a really good proposition.' ■ J. H. THOMPSON,, .- -'- ■ : , •/'■-,LAND AGENT, STRATFORD. >■'■■ ■" . ■■■ ■ ■' R- G. W. : TIBBITTS,.; ■■ ' - '.':.',-::': LICENSED -LAND AND ESTATE AGENT, "- '.' , -:•.-"-; 'BANK STREET, WHANGAREI. '' ! ' WE have a Fine Selection of Fanning Lands and Towp Properties. Clients are Ishown over Properties by experienced Farmers, whose adr'ico can lie depended upon; Letters and Telegrams rcceivo prompt attention. ' ~.-.. ::,.::■ W. TIBBITTS, " '■'■ ■-'"■ - THE AGENT WHO UNDERSTANDS LAND VALUES. : : '\ DAIRY FARMS, MANAWATU LINE. IAA ACRES. Dairy' Farm .This is a really good farm; soil of • the best descrip- :. J.U.I/ ;:tipn; will carry 40 cows; 1 mile to Railway, Post Office, and School. "Price "£3B per acre.. .Easy terms can be arranged. n fi. ACRES, Dairy Farm, well divided into paddocks with good b'nildings; regis. ' OV tered dairy; carry 30 cows; J mile to Creamery, Railway, Post Offi.ce, and . .-Schwl.H'iniW. Price .£32 per acre. Easy,terms.. " ■ M '. BARTON & ; COi,:-■■■■'■ '...:. ' ' ■ •■■'.-'; otaki r'ailavay. '.-' ~, ■■-; ' ; .:.:■.. .;■ sheep" station for sale on the famous east coast. "1 OCJA'ACRES, all,in gTass, subdivided in 7 paddocks, sheep and cattle yardß, Jb/*O-v' very easy country, lies well to sun; 7-roomed house, and idl conveni•'.ences;:maih'road runs through property'. Wintering 2000 breeding ewes and 100 head of cattle. Harbour Board Endowment Lease, with 18 years yet to run, at - ■'--' 55.-7 d . (per aore, and right of renewal for further 21 years, at valuation; 47Q0 payable for-improvements at end of first term'. Pr\co .£6500. Easy terms arranged* - '-f ;' "G'.G. PIESSK- . .LOAN COMPANY'S .fflHflPWft QJSBGIitjJS,:.:■ ■,:.^. iIK s .;;:.. ',-.-' WAIKATO SHEEP FARM. ' ' ''. . ABOUT 2000 Acres, Freehold, level to unduiating country, part bush, part fern. About 400 acres in grass, 200 acres now being felled, 200 chains fencing; ." r m'e'n'B 'cottage. Will make ideal sheop run. Price ,£12,000. ; Will accept 200 to ' - 300-acre dairy farm as part payment; some cash, balance can bo left on mortgage. : -LAWSON, SWAIN & WALKEB, LTD. -\l- j-'-. AUCTIONEERS, TE AWAMUTU. DOvl-ACRES', 0.R.P., rent .210; 300 acres grassed, half ploughable; 4 paddocks; O'V'ab:; new dwelling !0 rooms.and other buildings. Carries 2 sheep. Price .£5 10s. per acre. .J1750 cash. '250 ■ '■■■■» />AA ACRES,,good 2-sheep country; 900 acres grassed; fenced and subdivided; IVUH good hoinestoad'. Price .£O, J!1200 cash. Owner will take other, property '"■' in part payment. " Ml ■'■:-'■■CAMPBELL, THOMSON & CO., ,"'"''' . .LAND ANn-INSURANCE AGENTS, • ;-':;:;';,.-,' . dannevjrkf*,

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Dominion, Volume 7, Issue 2219, 4 August 1914, Page 10

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Page 10 Advertisements Column 2 Dominion, Volume 7, Issue 2219, 4 August 1914, Page 10

Page 10 Advertisements Column 2 Dominion, Volume 7, Issue 2219, 4 August 1914, Page 10