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'.'■ ''!-' FOB tho convenience ol people resiling beyond .'■.' ' Wellington, arrangements have been made so that Agenta for "The Dominion" in o&cb town will receive and promptly forward Miscellaneous Advertisementa that it may bo. desired to inseri• - in thlß Paper.- ." Bates ol Advertisements Inserted':onto any'' classified heading are as follow:— "'. .-.--.••• •■ One Inch; (60 Words), 6a per'iusertlon.- ••■• ;;; BIRTH, DEATH,,& MAKEIAGE•NOTICES. -■-'•■■ '...'. 2s. 6d.. per.ineertlon."',,',':. .;'.':.'",'" ". • GENERAL ADVERTISEMENTS: ', r *\--. •-■ U Words; Is.; 24 Words, Is.- ii.;■■'. ..„',■•„ '.' ' .' '- JO Words, to-fid. 1 ..' .. •:•■■■' ■'

.'"':,': v:gus!NES9 ;i - 5 rpHIS MORNING at Ten-9" tndiS 1 )x (.TT; 6 - rt beaTer face cloth-coats; beautiful qualities, several-seasons old; re- -_ quiring slight alteration to bring them ,- in f lp r to , da .te.'.49s;6d:',tb'6ss.,'.for 4s.;lld.';'2a : ladies long,tweed.coats,.'last year's goods", „ "P, toV43s.;6d:. all 4s. .lid? Queree' Bros.' «., Sale,',Willie Street. .;:. r- , :;;;-y:- ■-.-<:.!;. ■■ a." WHITE Slave' Traffic--"Life of 'Lena," "''.'■' *» by the author.of "Why Girls Go r- Wrong,' Is. Gd. copy, posted; stamps will » do-'.Malin's Book Arcade, 95 Willis St., •: ' Wellington. - ! . ; - Supplies of good quality'and ss \S serviceable can .be .bought .froiii r .' e. George Jeffery, KelbUrhe, Avenue. Bu b- gives satisfaction, and endeavours to giv* . you exactly what, you want. to "QCIENTIFIC - Astrology," Boulcott > Ie -V- Chambers.' Mr..'-.-Celeste" -Paetere,-".-.' '■' o- Principal.. Advice on any "subject. ,S9nd date, time and place of birtn; 2s, 6d. : f- Postal Note for" preliminary. . ' ":',-:':':•• of jnORN: Cob Punch aids' digestion and o- y- gives an appetite.■'•■: Keep a bottle l.i. the' house. Get it now. : iy "OOOTS polishcdli-ith Wood-Milne Shoe-' r, f-f. - Shine simply beam-with pleasure/ It, /• is just the; preservative. the leather .re^ quires.- A little goes a long- way-and : t lasts!- ; ' ;-,'.;. •;:,;;.;; :,:":y-^; i- |> -G. KNIGHT, Rigger and'gailhiaker, : e- ,i~-> ;53 Victoria Street, has Removed to ■ : Ao, 6 Herbert Street (off Manners Street), .' - three, doors above George Fbwlds,'Ltd."" r; /TiASTLE'S. Baby • a- ;V ! .- ■ Soothing: nnd''Worm ; Powders"/'Is:; - Whooping-cough Embrocation,--Is. ,-6d. - These, .tested -..remedies post -free" from ''■ Castle's, Newtown Pharmacy.;.-.;. .' .:, s _ fl IVE the children \Jofn Cob Punch and i3T.!. milk;.tiey love-.-it;'"makes 'em' ■■■■■■: - ttrong Try it yourself.'- Ordei a bottle *- jft-day:;' ~ .r T "";■•■•."-;■—-■:.■,■•'-'■ ■*■ ~ / " %S7'ANTED , Kricwn,V.'.Buy'.." Marshall's I3,;the cheapest' : -■ in. town. I sell for bedrock;-no fancy h- p2ice'3;..Cbme:arid.see.'-:46.Ad€laide. ; Road. '":• . a- ' ; A'"- {n ' Uß U Pi .each'- 'day^,ivrith- -WOODheight ' - of-p'olish perfection. like magic is on,footwear."/and"p'r«sjefresults'brilliant ' '• u- reflection'-. •--'■"',■:.' •:. /'; ' .- ■ ■'■; I] mANTED'to Sell,, Suite/of sut'high. : . / _ -¥? -back- dining room chairs, £s;Sa.i f- oheaper than sale?. Marshall's; 46 ide^ • ia'ide;Road.;';-;;;,;:;7 .:;,u.-,.,^:, v .y:::; u :/' ■• jl Tv EFtToff- CLOTHING, -BOOTS, -eto.i ' "= -L' '.purchased:by'.-Mro/L.'. Helper. 431 .- Taranaki Street. - Good •• prices offered; _'. Letters:.promptly"attended to.. ..'PhonV- ~ 1517, ■-■-; ■•'■-.. .;«'■<■.•-'"A^.,->-,.'.,..^..._, ; -- ; EMPLOYEEs-If 'jbii C Want Reliable .. . V>orkers, -Phone'"'Booker, Gray id Registry, Napier. 'Nothing but.'capabla a- hands sent out. ; 'Phone 756. ;.'■: -' , ' '.':.' ;' _ A. FLETCHER, Chemist, Phar> ii- macist, and-Prescription, Specialist. • t „ Sole address, 292 Lamotoh. Quay. Mail £ promptly, execnted; "/. /„........., :., T ADIFS' n-ill.improve ; their -game, by =. -using Wood-Milne ;Golf..Balls..:.They ; give-extraordinary results frbm'-the ordin- _ ary,'drive,', and "in "short! playa're all that 3 i could, be ■:.'',:.•: :■:.:•.: --i.V:.'.' ■■■,-:::.'; °" eil.VEßGßlD,Cuba,Street. Fish and , ' _ >p- Oysters ,a specialty,/"Ovsters. in, n bottles (all sizes),from ls'/npwards. D. si Corihor, Proprietor. ' .' '.:-V' /:'/..... » WEAD-THISIr-You-will-get-a-higher ' '' _ ,-s.V. Clothing by' n dealinghere;" Write-to-day,'and we will ii- ca>U--upon 'Phone' 841V-'-'Hayvice, 0- The v 'Straight; Deal;: Shop, 144'"Vivian "St. . Cob/Punchand Milk makeß bone nt *>; ' and muscle; doo.v you good; keeps g- .youVfit,•■■'...-^.■■:-:'.;,,:;?" .;■.',/;'■,.'.■ v.-..'. Xe -, ijKANTED.;to "Clear, Divan' Chairs In ' _ 'v" saddle bags, £3 155.; other people'R il,: charge, .£7,108. Marshall's, 46 Adelaido ■i tioad.'C:;-' 1 ;--.', ,-. :,.■.:<■".;•/,;., y; ;,-,/„ " -" - TF ybu have a cold, try Corn Cob Punch _ A and hot .water; with a Blice of . : ." 1- lemon; it's'really marvollbus. ' Order a n bottle to-day. ' ... -.'.; ..■',. ;'■ .' ■ !*:' W . HOYLANDrANDCO., .Shop Fit., ' - »Voters, Ghuznee. Street,; Airtight t. Showcase., Window Enclosure makers.; £ "OROWN, AND JOHNSTON, Builders 60 -*-». and .Contractors,, Shop and Office • Fitters. Land and Building Vainars/ , Johnston .Street. ;.'Phones 2417; -282t.'■'':"', , T EFT-OFF. Clothing, Boots/eto.,'. purf fj; chased' : by:L., Dabscheck.:l26,-Tarai; " H" naki Street. .Hishcst- prices 'given; Let:', ters;promptly attended to. 'Phone'^iOS9/ id .'""■ - . ' ..:..... ~l tn WINTER .'TOURS TO /THE.".ISLANDS/ p- AUARANTINE . gers from New Zealand having now': jj". been removed, Passengers can.'rely on? landing at all'ports.; -. ','-.';-;: ■' : '. l . jt The new "Grand Pacific'*-Hotel at Suvai ■';. has beenopened, and is, nbw : available 'fop . the reception of .guests. ; :;/,,":. - r 1 ..Full-particulars of passage fares, itiner- '■ iiries,'.-tariffs, etc., 'and.illnetr'ated litera- ■■"! tnre and-maps.can be had on application- . f at any of the Offices, of the' Union Steam ■ - '•' Ship: Company. ■;'■■ ' ■;-•:. "■'•'•■';■' ; ' ~"■.-"/ ■'■'. L : . ( ;'.' v ''\V''''"\;^l^v, ;^;.'l;r:.;:''S.',:i - : :". ; TS your room draughty ?. , ' ■ .-;. ■■'..'., 9. Does the.rain or wind penetrate in of-."-■■■ under your doors or windows? . . -.; "" ;If so communicate with, us; and we will ;bring before'yb'U' the (latest" Patent In- .. ■ ,'• ~ yehtioh for excluding,"all draughts, rain,/, i . b and wind.,■ , .:',.:.':';:';_:'/.,::■..; N Every householder should be conversant, )' with'this .article:' Fof'4s; yoii caii'have'' • e the worst door or window and'draught proof..''."'V "'.'■•" ■•'-.'.■ '■■:''?■■'-■ )t Call or ring 'us tive will iivait upon you. ■'."'..'• -m. ''.':■ SADLER'S AUTOMATIC DOOR . PAD-. ?, •:•■" (N.Z.), LTD.; :■ •.-.- ' ; ' ' . 18 GREY STREET, WELLINGTON. 'Phone 2333. : .:.:::"/. ":.:v : ' :.'.k "■ -:■ D —■.'.' '. . . "'':'"' '<]... ' TTIHISI:MORNING at rTen-Cream A -Sicilian; nice quality,'slightly, soil/ ' ed on ".edge, 2s. lid. for Is.! yard; beatitt ', ~ Tul silk.moirette'undci-skirts, various col-l' - ■ours, wide t styles, requiring alteration to '■ ' bring, th'ein.up to datei 10s. 6d/to 19s. 6d:,'- ~ "' a11.;35. lid;. black broche' lustro : under-/ r - skirts, large sizes, suitable-for-elderly, ladies, 18s. 6d. for 3s. lid. Queree Bros.; !. Sale, Willis Street. •■--■■'•;■' ■-'-■ " -■■' V ~ ' HOTELS 'FOR SALE.. ' ' ■"'; ' ' :,DWAN BROS./.Established : 1880, ;'■; -. Willis St./ 7 Wellington. -.' / HOTEL, most' thriving district;- gunM. nntced; takings-JGI7O; beer'.cbnsump-i Hon 27-32 lihds. monthly. This is one of; tho most payable hotels in the- Dominion )■ paddock, close handy; licensee keeps"hlß own cows/ pigs, and; ; gar.den.;..;We will fi- , nance anymahinto this with about ,£2OOO. '■ bash'.-.'''■:;' -".-'''::.:.,; /:. :!"''::■;./.,; ■';'...• ',-". : . v;'§■;'§■ ; ' HOTEL,' Marlboro'; ingoing .£950; trade week., Cash"required,'/ :£3oo'fFree/house.'' —■-.■■-- •■ .■?■■■• ■■• -;.— ;. • HOTEL, Nvlson District. Trade' said toj • be/E70 v per week. Price'/E950.':.:.""..: ' HOTEL, Freehold. Wanganui District genuine".,::':.' ',:--....'.:■ " .HOTEL/in one of the best cities in the I 'North; guaranteed takings average - .£425 1 l best lease in the Dominion; goodwill and purchases furniture at valuation. Cash " required,, about'-£2OOO. .'.';. ," .Tarauaki,; long lease; guaranteed; tak". , ing 3 JE22O; cash required about JEISOOj free house for .everything.'.;,' .:.': •„'.'.;',;' HOTEL, Tnrnnaki; trade i! 140; cash t6 quired. £1000. . ■'•■*'- ' HOTEL, trade .£45; cash, about ,£SOO. V DWAN BROS./'Established 1880.'- ;•. '•• .-'■"•'.' : •.''■' Willis Street, Wellington. .-'■■.■• '.':' ij ': 'IMPORTANT.:.':^ y ,;•;-• f TF.,,you want your furniture, remoyodi' '' X-consignments cleared through th.B ■•'•:' , Customs, goods, delivered in -the. city,' or.'. " j forwarded' .to.' any 'address,. call or .-'.writb Bjake; Carlisle and Co., Cnstoras.TCarryf. iiig/'an'd Forwarding \ Agents/. Hunter ■ ' i Street, 'Wellington, or .Box 177, G.P.O/ Appointments can bo niade with our, re- "-. ' prewntktivd,-by ringing up 'ph0ne.2617. ;.' ENER-AL'Printuigin all. its branches ....ueatly.,and .promptly .ex'ecutid'/at , : , moderate charges at;.the. "Dominion" . General Printing House, .Dominion- At. |eaoe/.'\^ThMe:.l442: , r"'"^-;- : '"^.-v:"-'::;.';!,^.^'',,-,':

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Dominion, Volume 7, Issue 2219, 4 August 1914, Page 1

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Page 1 Advertisements Column 8 Dominion, Volume 7, Issue 2219, 4 August 1914, Page 1

Page 1 Advertisements Column 8 Dominion, Volume 7, Issue 2219, 4 August 1914, Page 1