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Tho Board of -.Agrieulturo... sat on - Tlim'^aj'. and Friday,' all. - tho members beinfj-rpresent, ana a, large araoimt r of rpntine.; work, was. dealt . with. - Tho. boanbhad- a. long conference witli Professor - AYood; Drapers Professor-- of Agriculture,. Cambridge University, and .. with Mr. Beaven, who is well known in i connection with plant-breeding, especi- • ally ;barleys^-Together with Mr. A., D. . Hall, who: comes later,'.'-tiieso gentle-.

men Were invited by the Prime Minister to eoufer with tlio Board'of Agrieulturo. on tho subject of rural education, and much valuable information was placed before tho'-board-by. them, i They liavo already' visited,:the Rualcura Farm of

iiistniction and'.the'Ganterb-iiry Agricultural College.' and have now gone to Blenheim, to seo the barley lands On their return to Wellington they will make an' inspection' of the' Wererqa_ Bsperimeiit';Earm;j aiid.,'!rjll pay .a visit, to trim Woirarapai on the invitation of' Mr. W. Perry!/ They:then leave' for Mel-

boil rno' io' ."attend .'ithe. -'.meeting .of;t]io - ;. BritiSte'Associatioh:' 'They have . pro-, ' send in anoint report 1 on the-■subject-of- agricultural education. Tho hoard has received-'it number of. reports : on-various subjects, which vj]l be dealt with at subsequent meetings. The mom- ; 'hers of the board hope' to_ meet' some, , ; of the visiting American scientists- .who specialise;, jiu. . agricultural; .education, such as 'Professor Creelnian, -'of "the. ' Ontario Agricultural Collego, and Professor Bailov, of Cornell, who are coming . in the beginning of September,. as -well as Mr. A. D.-Hall, wha-visifcs Nciv.ZeaX land after tho/Britisb Association lueet- • ' ing disbands. V

The Mlmerston Farniei ; s!,/Uniori 'ion SaturdayjXaccqrdin!? to our;;special;correspondenti,discussed the -question; of securing -'.lime deposits ati'Lthe /Gorge, where supplies Lad been declared of excellent quality:.. .. ..Support. is. promised 'from ; tliej ■Wairarapa,'-'.-nnd>':a\definite analysis lsi'toibevobtaihed.-; In,tlio-dis-cussion onitlie'pfpn'osed ...establishment; of a farmers,';, distributing. company,> it was suggested'/thhfc. dairy: factories. bo ■asked toV act' distributors'."of,Vgoods. Mr. Rioliards..'nrbvincia I'. .organiser, promisediit'o ,aiithorities '.thefeonV

AVc are ,ageiitc/for;'.'Alfa LriyaV,'.; SepaTa- t tors,. and "the Jlilfeing • MiVcliinc. It is in v the world:. ''Qtiggti'.'P ok tJ» '%st>vp,vi7.»; ■against all-coiners in England;'.,and;'Alfa', Xaval Separators *l>eat - all ; others.'; For prices and particulars, .-write- Waiiganui Fresh Fobel and.lce.:Cq.,.'Gnyton Streets AVaii'jai] ui. We, also ; buy your : lionio-SGp-arated ciy-am.—Advt. , , ' " '• ,

' Ever oonsiderwl'tiie' advisability, of -installing »• water-wheel on your property? There's a lot of-power' running to .waste in that swift stream-enough to drive all •your . farm .'hiachihc-ry.' This is a, good .sound proposition — 1 in ea n s money to you. Write for particulars. ; A., J; Parton, Shoot Metal-and-.'Plumbing -Works, ,Car 7 tertori.—Advt. ■

LIVE STOCK SALES. '•i UflSfircT'iiaigcty and Co. : , Ltd., reiport having held their fortnightly sale at, - Levin, '01° Friday.' 'They' submitted « fair entry of sheeii and ah exceptionally large entry ".of cattle." All : claojes-of ; stock-met' with . keen'competition, and :there:-was a good demand for yearlings and bullocks. Quotations are as follow:—Hoggets, 13s. 3d.'to 14S. 10d.; fat-ewes, 205.; springing cows,-£7 to £10; store-cows. £2 125.. £3, £3 10s.; forward store cows, £4 15s. to £5 Zs.; fat.cows, £4 123>t0 £6 lis.; yearlings,.£2 9s„ £3. to £4; 18-;jnonth : s to 2-ycar steers and heifers. £3 3s.vto £4 ',65.: heifcTS in calf, *£4 155.; bulloclts, £5 7s. 6d; to . £7. Us.; weaneTS, 31s. Mcekrs. Daigety and Co., Ltd., Pa-lmerston North",; Tcport having tt very fair, entry of both'sheep and .cattle at. their Feilding sale on Friday, and although comDetition was not keen for sheep, all lines- were cleared. The yarding of cattle was com-priaed-'mostly of dairy stock,, for. Which'demandtAvas limited. Quotations: Cull liog- • gets, to - 75. 1 3i.;' small. hoggets, 10s. .sea., lis. 10d;,"tb- '129. 6d.;' medium hoggete,l3s. fid.- to 13s: lid.; fair hoggets, ,14e. lid.; 15s. '3d., 155.4d.,'1t0 155.-9d:;,agcd:ewes iit lamb,' 135.; mixed'age.ewee in. lamb,' to 175.; backward dairy'cows. £4 2si : 6d. to £5 Vs.~6d.: fair dairy cows,'to. £7 7a. 6(1.; empty cows, ■'to £4...1fe.- 6d.;,forward, heifers, to £5 55.; sight -fat cows, to £6; extra'good yearling Holstein heifers,;to £3 Us..

. Tha" New ' Zealand Loan end Mercantile •'Agency'. Co', 1 Ltd.,' report: At Feilding' on Friday wo toad a fair entry of, both sheep, and cattle. Bidding was inclined to drag, but all lines were-quitted'at'tho following •prices:—Sheep :,B.f; 1 lambs, 135.; aged ewes: • in .laihb, 16s Id.; fat: owes, 195,. 2d. to 205.. • 6d.; light;fat'wethers;'23s. "On account of , Earnest Short: Forward Lincoln wethers, ( 235. 3d. to 245. 6d.; forward Komney cross I wethers, 235. 3d. to' 24e. 6d. Cattle—Light. Ifat cows, '£5 Bs.; store cows, £3 12s. 6d.; ; iheifers in calf,. £4 t9s,";: empty h&fera, £3 5b.. I Theii New Zealand : Loan and Mercantile '•Agency. Co.'/ Ltd., report:—At "our fort- . [nightly sale, held int.' Levin on Friday, wo' tad:d large yarding of cattle,-and made a clearanco of the bulk entered. We "quote ne foUows:—Ten months heifers. £2-7s. 63.;;15 months heifers,.from £3 7s. 6d. to £3 165.; 'i-wcanepg calves,- :to .-£1 Is.; .-.2-year heifers, WV.W.B.), to\£4'. 10s.;. springing heifers',! to '£4 19s. 6d.; aged store cows, to.£2 175., to! :'£3 7s; 6d.; better, to £4 4s r . 6d.j forward' :|cowe,-.-to £4 14s.flight fat cows," from £5 <2b. 6d.' to £5 1(3. .. - '. . ; . Messrs.-Abraham aM ; --Williams, Ltd.-, rcriport on-their -Feilding sale, held on, Fxii'day'i of both, sheep' ■ ißiid jVWe.''quote—Best ■ hoggets l 14s ilOd.. 15a.:.1d„ t0"165., othera 133. Bd., 14s. 2d., ',rto 14;.>5d.; Mrwaiid-.-wcthers, 205.; fat-ewes, [ !i9a.. iOd;j;: 215,;-'ld.V to'.-21s. 5d,; fat wethers, ; 225. 7di -. Cattle—Fat' , cows £6,: stoTe cows ;.'£3 13s.v'.6d. | itp: £3. 175., to £4', 103.; empty l -Ih6ifers,'!£3ysk' 'td: v iK'.'7s.'; -backward "spring-. ?.4ng heifers,' i 12s.'(d.;' <fepringlng'''coTra.""£s'to £S-.12e.-6d.; vveaner iieifers,',: £2 js ftfej .^weaher: steers, ; .£ 2; vyear- . ltag :"b'ußs,-£2ilss, Messrs.-,-Abrahara 'and. Williams, Ltd., tcpart:4Wo: 'held>;our ':foTtnightly'. sale at iUsnn pn;.Fraday::'vßidding, at; auction., on'.l post lines' other,ftlhan-, fat3>. was. somewhot-i •to quite theJbulk of..our'.entry., : befoTo the day -was out.'.': j!We quote: -Fat'.wethere, >245.,'245.'. , 6d„. 255., ■ 253. 4d.;^fat; ewes, 215.v.7d.;. ewc9 in' lamb.. : jfcesfc 20s, 1t1... to 2-.5.. 10[1,, conditioned 115s. lOdjtrwoolly hoggets,-165.; Sdl; ■ shorn' 1 .to-14s'.':2d.;' fat cows, £6 flOs. to £9;;fet.bullocks,'£9J6s., £10; spring-. •jUlif heifers," £4-10s,-: to £6rl&.- 6d.; empty 6d! ;'.vwcan«: ,heifers; £2 17s.*' 6d., : £2•. 18s. Sriveaner. steers, £3;! empty.cows t£3 173.,- ;-£3'-'l9s. •; foi-ward, Vlairy cows,.sfroih;''£s:iss. Jto.v£7.los. ■.... ! > a, ) d: . a 'Turnbull - and: Co., ,3jtd.,. leport/aiaving: held weekly-kalo' 1311 their-; Cartertoiivisale'- yards- on< Fiiday '■when there wasCa-'gOo'd; clearance', at" tha followintr: rates.—Estra primo, 2-tooth ewes .and wethers, - 345.; fat' ewes, 19a.;"foTwaTd 1 stoe c0w5,;..%:,£5 17s„ to £6; store- cows",' £3..165:',; to-'£4 123. 6d.; spxingincf 'heifers,.,£6,m."'6d.'i'.£7 105:,.-£B:2s. 6d„ £8 10s iAIso on- account--of O. . Isackson-Bay gelding;.'6..years, £35; hdy mare, £31 56'.;/,bayyniar<v £32 10s.; bay gelding 3 yearei.'A£2s.'ls3.' ' On-.account other' gelding.' £31; hack ma.rc, •K pockers. -325. $a„ &S£-365.;6di,;375. 6d.i i -38s. ; 'to 38s;. 6d; •



."'INVESTMENT ."SITAEES.. ■ ' For all.. tBo-')t)usincss; l 'that,'- is - doing tho. iWollington:- Stook Exchange might ■ just as well be .closed.:" As a matter of Wet;.there: is nothing, doing, for investors will'.not commitj;themsclvcs at-'the 'present ;moment-. The tlu^at,;.of : ..war,rlias-; overwhelmed, tho imancial/mavkots-of Europe, andvin London" tho- , world , s''jnonotary'.centro' there' is ; extreme ;etringehcy;. thie: .will react in. every' quarter- of tha globe,.and wo will -fed it in. «»r ;t.Vrni-;juet:;ofi,.w-evdid. the :flnahcial' wnioh- overtook the United 1907. Tlie quotations recorded on 'Changeon Saturday were oa under':—'- . Buyers;- -Scilers. '. '£s. d. ■ £ 's. d Bank N.Z. (£3' 6s. Bd.) ... - - 10 ig n Bank N.Z. (£6-13s. 4d.) ... - 17 0 0 National Bank — 1 511 0 N.Z. and Kiver Plate — . 2 2 6 VV'ellingFb"n''"Gao"(£lO)'";...''.ri6 0 0 '• — Union Steam (ord.) — 14 3 Union] Steam (pref.) ;... — "10 9 Tau'pii'i Coil :... . — 119 Westpnrt Coal - —- I'll 3 Wc.-.tpnrt. Stockton' 0 2 6 . — Leyland O'Brien — ,12 0 Wellington Opera.' House — 417 6 : HEAiP' EXPORT COJU'A:\y. ■ Tlip-dSiwjors of liie Wellington Jleat Export Ot>nj)>any. Ltd.,: : in ' presenting the' liventy-fiftli !iiiiiu<il report and lialnnccshcct; to shareholders, regret .that,. t!in of tlie year lias. not. .been mora proiiUljlc. Inn. I'lcan" ns well ae "fat" years,ere to be cxpcctcd in the trade carried on l)y tho -coffin'.any, ami this has "t'L'U,- of m

bettor ■ years, however, rrovialon bos liecn mado .' for eucli disappointments by the establishment of a dividend equalisation reserve, and from tliis directory have decided to' ; recommend shareholders to pay tho half-year's dividend now due. Tlio ioduced profit on the year's working is mainly duo to the high prices that'have had to be paid, for live stofck. from the commencement of and tliroughout tho season, such, prices having been forced up by speculative competition largely induced by <sxpeotat-ions' of much enhanced selling values,' from the openiiiß of American (and possibly Continental) ports to foreign meats, coupled with ,the very general opinion that tho world-' mejvt supply had become lcos .than tho demand. These expectations have not- been realised. • After, paying an interim dividend of 4 per cent, at December 31 : last., and. providing £6728 6s. lOd. for depreciation,.-a baianco (inclusive of £4230 13s. transferred. from equalisation of dividends reserve) of £6168 125.-. Id.. remains available distribution, which the dircc-.tea-recommend sliall bo applied in payment: of r a''further dividend of 4 per ccnilim, viz., £4230 13s„ and the carrying forward to ncit; year of the balance of £1937 19s. Id. , The retiring directors are Messrs. W. H. Ecetliam' ar.d J. W. Marshall, who aro eligible ..and are offering themselves for reelection. | . The. retiring auditors a.rei Messrs. Hunt. Jiucholz. and Wheeler, of whom the two •latter-aro'cligible and offer themselves for reflection.:: •

Customs duty collected at' the port of Wellington on Saturday amounted, to £3211 7s. lOd.

FEII/DJNG MARKET REPORT. Messrs. A, H. Atkinson, and Co., Ltd., report medium' entries of poultry and pigs <it their weekly sole. Poultry was in good demand;, oiia-: sold well at prices slightly in advance late rates. Good , table sorts are wanted. For pigs there was more inquiry -th-an-last week, and tho whole entry rras quitted, under the . hammer. They Poultry, at per pair: Hens, 35.'6 d., 45., 4*. 3d., ;46. 6d., 4s. 9d., 55., ss. 6d., 6s. 6d.; roosters, 4s. 3d;;, cockerels, 3s. 3d., 35.. 6d.; n.b.roosters, 2s. 6d. to ss. each; guinea fowls, 5s. r ; drake, 2s. 6d,; ban tame, ss; pair. Pi'.?STT-Slips,.-15s. 9d., 215.: stores, 255. 6d., 26(3., 275.» 265. 6d., 295.; p0rker5,.305.,.345., 359. . £12. j Potatoes—Pig and'secd mixed, 4s. 3d. sack: table, ss. 6d.; 6s;;6d„ to'9s.v9s. 6d. euck. Onions, 4s. bag lots: carrots, Is. 9d.,' 2s.'bag; pumpkins, 65.. 6d. sack;-apples, 2s. 6d., 45., 55., to 6s. 6d. "case. <-.•■•. . . —_ v. . ' \, . ;.;.HiGn cojdiissioner's-gabled • MARKET REPORT..V, /.The; Department of Agriculture,. Industries,' and 'Commerce has received the following cablegram; from the High'; Commissioner for New Zealand, dated; London, July .31, 1914, in regard to the-effect of. the declaration of war on the grain inarket:—; ; . . ~' v : -

"On account-of .the declaration of -war, the grain: market; is excited, and likely to-.go,higher.-Since last..cabled the wheat market has f .advanced, for cargoes afloat,' 35., and ex store ss. The bate market has G.dvanced 'ts. ; .c.i.f.. Holdcra are not anxious to sell,' and buyers arc cautious Spending definite decision concerning European position.. Australian flour, 2te. fot* -2801b, ex store; vTheris' is no New' Zealand wheat •on.the market. . . '

MINING NEWS V /. WELLINGTON SHAKE.•' JitARKET. There -were no transactions in the min. ing market, on Saturday; there were nil' merous. sellers, but buyers, were exceed* ingly scarce.. The quotations were as follow:— '

Buyers. Sellers. £ s. d. £ s.-d. Black-water ... ■ — 0 17 .0. Consolidated Goldficltls ... — 013 6 Tiew Sylvia — .- ,0 0 8 Progress .. .........1 :.... 0 8 9 Ito'se Kecohstructed . o 2.0 bason — . 0 0 6 Swastika- — i 0 4 0 Talisman <. 19 0 19 3 Waihi — 113 0 Waihi Grand Junction ... — 13 0 Wailii Paeroa j —. 1.0 0 Waiotalii — ' 0 16 Waitangl '••• — ; 0 • 112 Watchman' r 0 2 3 1 The return from the Worksop Dredge last week was 31oz. 4dwt. for 122 hours.

. STOCK EXCHANGE. , ; (By.i Telegraph—Press Association.) ' Auckland, August 1. ' Sales:— Talisman,-£1 9s. ■ Boss, Is. lid. . Waihi; £1 - lis. to. £1 11f. 6d. , Junction, £1 2s. 9d.,;£l 2s. 6d. ; . ■ New Zealand Insurance, £5 lEs.. • Waiotahi, le. Sylvia, 7d. ; „ , . . Dunodin, August 1. Sales:— . i ' .function. £1 35... Talisman, £1 9s. ... DKEDGING HKTUKXB. . _Dunedfn, August I. Riso-end Shine.(No.. 1), 130 hours,'6loz. 12dwt.." Rising Sun, week, 51oz. 6dwt. Willowbank, 128 hours. 270z. 14dwt. ' Electric (No. 1), 129 hours, 240z. 17dwt. Maralierekea, week, 230z. Eleotrio (No.; 2), week,' 18oz. lOdiyt'. Obrig, week, lloz. 9dwt. West Coast —Success,..l22 hours, 320z. Blackwater, 128 hours, :ißo'z.. 4dwt-. Ked Jack, 100 hours, 14oz. 9dwt.. COAL EXPORTS. ' "rn, -7 ' I 'Wostport,. August 2. . The coal output last week was: West-port-Coal Company, 14,821 toiis 17cwt.; coke, 68 tons ■ 4cwt. Weatport-Stockton, 3630 tons 14c wt. ' „ - - .. Ofoymouth, August 2. The coal.export for Just week was:Takaroa,, 6841. tons lewt.; Bruhner, 976 tons lOcwt.; Blackball, 5661 tons 80.wt.; Liverpool, 1663 tons Bcwt.; Point Elizabeth, 1384 tous

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Dominion, Volume 7, Issue 2218, 3 August 1914, Page 10

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FARMING & COMMERCIAL Dominion, Volume 7, Issue 2218, 3 August 1914, Page 10

FARMING & COMMERCIAL Dominion, Volume 7, Issue 2218, 3 August 1914, Page 10