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PHASES OF THE BOON. AUGUST. Day. Hv. m.. Full moon .< 6 . 0 11 p.m. La-et quarter 14 0 26 p.m. Ne* moon 21 11- 56 p.m. First quarter 28 4 22 p.m. iiqoN. Moon rises to-diy, 12.31 p.m.; sets, 4.2 a.m. lunday. TIDE. To-day, 1.7 p.m. To-morrow, 0.31 1 p.m. SUN. Bides to-day 6,59 a.m.; eets, 4.64 p.m. ARRIVALS. FEIDAY. JULY 31. . PATEENA, B.Bi (4 a.m.l, 1212 tans, <Jimiron, from Nelson. ... ... STORMBIED, s.s. (4.30 a.m.), 217 tone, )owcll, from Wanednu'l. ULIMAKOA, B.e. (6.45 a.m.), 5777 tons, Vylie, frdni Melbourne and - Hobort, _ via ;outherh ports. Passengers: -Saloon.—Mireee 3rown, A. Brows; Frisk, Taylor, Abernethy, faster, Mesdjam'ee Seabiiry, HugUee, Frankih, Taylor, Abernethy. Fraser, Messrs. ?rariklin. Wilson (2), Iggo, Kirkland, Blair, raylor. WalklyiT : -' . WAHINE, e.s.Vs) a.m.), 4435 tons, Aldirell, from Lyttclton.. '. . MAITAI, 6.5. (7.40 am.), 3399.t0n5, Carson, 'roni Auckland, Gisborrie, ilnd Napier. Paslengere: SalopriVMis'ses Ouyoil (2), Aberlethyj Mesdanws Marshall/ Oattell, Hud' ion, Krapman, Messrs. Ferry, Godsen, Cattell, Smith. Campbell; Hudson, Boss, Houhdsall, -end Kriapma'n; 7 steerage , . ~ FALCON (12.30 p.m.), 25 tons, Croucher, Eroiri Blackball. ~ .. ■ . ■ lAS. PHILOMEL, New SleoKrad Government • drillehip '(1 .p.m.); 2575 tone, i.h.p. (500 n.d., Commander G. N. Ballard, from Pcton, . . HIMITANGI, e.s.. (2 p'.m.l, 323 tons, Day, • ~ ■ BLENHEIM,- S.S. (5.20 a.m.), 120 tone, Wilkinson, from Picton. EEGULUB, s.s. (5.30 p.m.), 585 tons, TickSrlneri, from Gisborrie. . KAEAMU, s.e. (8.10 p.m.), 800 tons, Bobwte; froth Greyindiitli. KAIRAKI, s.s. (8.15 p.m.), 458 tons, Scott, from. Lytteliori , ■ ' . , i . EAKANQAi s.s. (1.55, 2426 tona, : Mod. rison, from Westport . . DEPARTURES.' FEIbAT,-JULT 31. OEOiLIA SUBDEN,. fonr-mastei sch'ooner (9.40' a.m.), 643 tons, Poison; for Napier. . HTHA.- e.s. (12.30 p.m.), 127 tone, Burt, Jor Wanijahui. " .'.:'■■•#.. < ..KAPITI,. s s 6. (4 p.m.); 248 ions, SiwyerS, Eor,.V?:engaiiul. , ..TJLIMAEOA, si. (5.35 p.m.), 5777 tons, Wyllie'j for Sydney. OYGNET, e.s. (5.10 p.m.), 124 tone, Hurray, for, Eaikbjira. . ' . • ... VfAHINE, si. (ffi 4435 tone, AldweU, for .Lytteltott. PATEENA,.e.s. (9 p.m.), 1212 tons,-''Oam-Sroa, for..Nelson. . ' . . BLENHEIir, s.s. . (midnigi't), 120 tons. Wilkineon; for Picton. EXPECTED ARRIVALS. ' Pefendor. Hokitika. Westpbrt, August 1. ' Aor'ere; Patee, August I. MaugapapaiWe'stport, Kammea, Aui. t Nikau, Nelson, ITritueks, Augns't 1. Maori, Lyttelfion, August y. Buapchu, London, way ports, August 1. wakatu, Lyttelton. Kaikoura, Aupuat 1. Ptttociia. Nelson, Picton', August 1, : Blenheim, Picton, August. 2. Huia, Warigariui, August 2. Kapiti,, Wanganui, August 2.. Wahine. Lyttelton, August 2. Karao,. Greymoiith, August 2. KalJoa. .BAVeloeky Attgiist .2. Breeze, Lyttelton, Auguet 2. AwiiJion. Lyttelton. August Z. " Mapbur'ika.. VVestpoft, August 2. . Hpnowefc Dunedin, Lyttelton, Auius't, 2, Ripplo. Gishorne. August 2. Hinomoa., \f«stport, August 2. Kontato; We'stport, August 2. Corinna, southern ports; AngUβt> 4. Oueen of the.South, Foxtori; August 4. hahu, Eo*t Ooas't, Au'gnet 4. Kawcra, Patea, August, 4. Taraw'era, northern ports, Anguat 4. MapdiiriKa. Picton, August 4. Moeraki,. Sydney, August 5. ' Flora, Southern ports, August 5. ; Itdittli Buncdin, Lyttolton, August B. Victpfi<i, northern ports, August 7. WarrimoS, Dunedin, Lyttolton, Augiiet 7. PROJECTED DEPARTURES. Reg'ulus, Neiedn, .TVcst..Coast, .Atigust 1 Defender, Picton,. Hokitika,. August 1; Kflpnni, Pntca, August. 1. ..' . Mangapaiia.Weßtnort, Kjiiamee;, Aug. I. Nikau, Nelson, Motueko, August 1. '■••. irdori, Lyttelton, August 1..- ',: Arahura, Pidton; Nelson. 1 West Coast, August 1. .... fitorinbird; Waniianui,' Anguet 1. Karamu, West Coast, August 3. Bakanoo,'. Weal Coast. August 3. . .: Kaitoa, Nelson, West Coast, August 3. Aorere. Patm, Aiigrie't 5. Blenheim, Pictpnv August 3. . , Htiia. Wnngoriui, Auituet. 3. v Ka'piti, Wenganm. August 3. Pateena, Picton, Nelson, August 5. ' W;ahine, Lyttelton, Auguet 3. Kairaki, fireymouth, Hokitika, Aug. 3. Aivahou, GroTmouth, August 3. Wttkatu, Ke-ikoiira;, Lyttelt«h, Angnst 3, Breoie', Wan'eanui, Aiigust 3. " .. ' Mapourika, Picton,- August 3. Marero.' southern ports. August 3. Moriow-ai; northern p6rts.. August 3:.' Tnrawera. Lyttelton. Dunedin, August 4. Eipplc, Nnpier, Gisborno. August' 4. Hawera. Patea, August 4. Kahu, Enst;. Coast, A-nKflet 4;' , . Corinnd, Nelson, New Plymouth, Aag..'t: Queen.'of the South, Foxlon; Auguet 4.Mapbhu; Lyttelton, August 5. ■' ..Mapourlka-, New Plymouth, Westp'ort, AuBust 6. ~...; '.. Flora. Pioton. West Coast, August S.' Miier&ki,. southern ports, August. 6. Maitai. northern ports, August 6. Victoria., DimedW. Aug.- 7.Wirrimoo, Sydney, August 7. INTERCbtpNI AL SERVICB. MOtBMENTS OF STEAMEES. WAEEIMbO, duo here from the eouth August 7. LeAvce same day for Sydifcj direct. ■■ dne here from .Sydney direct August 5. leaves August .6 <for Melbourne, •FRISOd SEiSyiCE. MOVEMENTS; OF STEAMEBS. MOANA, dr'rlvcd 'XelU'ngio'n from Syftnej July 16. Lsft July 17 for San, Francisco Via Rdrotoßga and Papeete. Diio 'Frisco August 16. ... . . TAHITI, due Wellington from San Frandisco, via Papeete arid. Kirotongn;, August 15. . Lfrt.™* August 14 for Sydney direct. WILLQCHRA. due Wellington, from Sy'd riey direct.. A u !-ust 13. . fycavee August. 1' for Sari. Francisco, via way ports. Dili 'Frisco September 3. VANCOUVER SERVICE; MOVEMENTS OF STEAMEES. 'IiIAKUEA, due , Varico'uVei July 28. Leaves Pftino day for Sydnevi Due there August 1.. .. .. i MAEAMA, duo AucklanS from Svdnej July 31. leaves kaiaa day for Vancouver, via- way ports'. Due there August 18. OVERSEA SHIPPING. / Kteamer. Froui. Left. '. Due. Waimana London June 11 • Aug.. 3 Epapheu ' London ■ June 28 Aug. 1 Star of India... London Jiine 2 Aug. 5 Athenic London June 26 Aug. 11 Hawkc'fl Bay ... London June 15 Auk. 2! Ksttkbura London July 4 Aug. 25 Heinuerd London Jtily 9 Aug. 2' Star of Victoria London 3n\f 21- Sep. 21 Nairnehiro ...... Liverpool June 9 . Aug. 1? InvertaV Liverpool May 23 Aug. 15 E-angattra Liverpool July .4 Aug. 11 Surrey Liverpool July 21 Sep. ?J Stoizenfels ....... New York-June 13 Aug'. 2( Vtsrdala ....:.... Now York June 13. Aus. 2i Star of Australia , NevJ York Jiino 18 Sep. 1 Wildohfels ...... New York July. "4 Rep. 21 Southern ■ St. John Maf 22 Aug. }i Karimea Montreal June 13 Aug a Anstlo-Eeyptien. Montreal June 20 Sep 2! Wismor Hamburg 25 Aug. 30 BY TELEGRAPH OVERSEA. . . SYDNEY,.JuIy 31. i(6 a.m.),- from Auckland; Inga. from Hokianga," COASTAL. FRIDAY, JULY .31. AUOKLAND. Arrived— Rosamond (6.20 a.m.), from. Gi.aborne; Marama (7.35 a.nj.), from Sydney; Korqraikd (3.30 p.m.), from Westport. Sailed—Kurow (6 p.m.), for Suva and Lautoka. • To,. Sail.—Ma'ramd (10 p.m.), for Vancouver; NAPIER Arrived;— Victoria (3.5 p.m.), from Wellington. ■ . • • OPUNAKE. Arrived.—Arapawa (early),. from Wellington. PATEA. . Arriycd.-Hiwora (3.15 p.m.). from' Wellington. HAVELOOK. Sailed.-Kditod (4.5 p.m.), for Wellington. NELSON. Arrived.—Alexander (12.55 p.m.); from Wellington. Sailed.—Nikau (8 p.m.), for Wellington. ■WESTPOST. Arrived.—Hinemoa-(1.20 a.m.), from West Coast Sounds; Komatn. (2.35 p.m.), from Wellington. Sailed.—Mongapnpa (1.25 p.m.), ■ for Wellington. . . ', ' • GEEYMOUTH. Arrived.—Kamo (I.M a.m.), from Wellington. . Lyttelton. Arrivcd.-MailDganui (6.30 a.m.), frtfin Wellington. ; ... Sailodi-H.M.S. Psydho (3.35 p.m.); for dcEtlnitWn not stated, ,- ■

To Sall.-Kirii, for , ' P'fottfns'Wooitonv for Foxton/; JVakAtu, for Kaikouta: Conopua, for WcstporV; Miungonui; for Dunedin. Sailer-Maori (8,30 pjm.), for /dlineton. Passengers: ■Saloori-Missee Dobson, Bidle, Nelson, Knight, Evans,..Morton, Bragg, Watson, Martin. Mwdamef! Dβ Roche, M'Phoreon, Loune, Connor, Harrington. Messrs. ■•Beacham,; .MovSit, Ewen, Bennett, Mey, .Wood, Xβ. Booh, Hiilland, Connor, Ayson, Turner, B«id, Wa£ eon r .Beid, Kerr, Hoare, Nicoll, Jacobs; 46 eWerase., p^jv OHiliifESe. . • . . Ba,iied.-rranWyn (10.10 foT Sydney Heads; for orders. - ,■■'■■■' puNEDitr. ... Sailed.—MonoTOi. (1, for Anoldand, Via, East. Coast ports. ■ ...Paseengore: SflJppn —For Wcllingtp , n-Mfg...Bacyertz .and,t-vro cHildren.- Messrs. Bobinten. and/Bundle. For Auckland-Meiers. .Peeler.and fotd. a;nd 7 et««rdge for alrp'orts... . Sdilcd.-Oorinna (4.30 p.m.),,for New Plymouth; Kailuna (5.J5 p.m.), for Westpoit, WIRELESS. . Eadio Station, Victoria (Qisborno .to Auckland), Malta! (Wellington ,to liytt«lt6n). Monowai. (Lyttelton to Wellington). Aiahom (Pioton .to Nelson),. Delphic (Tiiniru Maori (Wellirietoii to.. Lyttelton),. and nine (Lyttcltpn to Wellington) should be within wireless riincCthis evening. ~.'.. ■rho Turakind (Wellington, -fo London) should be within wireless rango of Chatham Islands Station this evening. , On Sundtiy evening the etearacr Arohura fifel'son to Westport) should be within range of Wellington, and the .Turakina (Wellington to London) ehotiW be withm range of Chatham Islands Station. , A wireless message ha« been received from >tho captain of the Rjiapehu, stating that he eipepfed the vcsesl arrive at Wellington from London at 9.30' a.m. to-day. ■ '' MESS TABLE ..GOSSIP. Caiptairi A. ji. Edwii-hie recommissioned the Monowai rit Dunedin, . his officers being:—Mr. J. .Scott .(chief), Mr. D. O'Hafa (sccbiid)i Mr. B. Dpolin (third), and Mr. J. E. Kea'ton (fourth): , ■ . . ... Mr. J. Dugdale has joined the Wahine as fifth engineer. . „ Mr. F. W. Mille, of the Maitai, has come for orders. Eri route from London to Dunedin and •Lytteltori, via; Beauty Point, the Sh'awFaviU fileamer M<itatua passed the Cape of Good'jHope on. July. 25; She is due at Dunedin on August 24. '. Last Tuesday tile Invertay (from Ldvernool) left Albany for Auckland and Wellington. Thie nort 9hould be made on or about August 17. From to-day, Messrs. Dalgity end Co. will .transact all 'biieinese- connected with the Spilth Tarnndki.and Patea Steamship Coraniinies. The offices of the companies mentibned closed last evening. Mr. G. F. Hill, shipping clerk in the employ of the South TttTaiiaki Steamship Company, hns joined the firm of .Messrs. Dalgety and Co., in a, eimilar capacity. The Corinna is duo here, from the ebuth on Tuesday,. August 4. She will, bo dispatched for Nelson and New Plymouth the same" day, returninc to. Wellington froin the latter port _on Friday, .Aueust. 7. The vessel "will proceed , thence to Dunedin, to complete survey and overhaul. The departure of .'the Meitai from Weilingtori for Lyttclton and'Dunedin, has been postponed till 5 p.m. to-day. On :eccount of having been delayed down south the Flora. wiU not arrive at Wellington till Wednesday ot next week. Dcnarturc. will be taken for Pioton and West Ori&t ports tho eamo day. The TTnibii steamer Aorangi is etill tied up at Sydney, and latest advices state that shd is likely to remain so for feome lime. A rumour was current that ■. .Taphnese huyers. were negdtiatiiic. but the 6tawmont provod to bo groundless. To-morrow the steamer Otaki is to.leave Lyttelton for tho Bluff, where she will fill un prior to ledvirig for London and West of England ports on August 6. It appenrß tliafc the steamer Quito, which was tao'orted as having, passed Capo Maria Van Diomcn at 2.45 pjn. on Tuesday, bound east, is not ooming to Auckland or Wellington to reDlenish her conl supply, as wae at first thought. The vessel has evidently loaded sufficient bunker coal at Newcastle to complete her journey from Calcutta to South American porte.

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Dominion, Volume 7, Issue 2217, 1 August 1914, Page 7

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SHIPPING NEWS. Dominion, Volume 7, Issue 2217, 1 August 1914, Page 7

SHIPPING NEWS. Dominion, Volume 7, Issue 2217, 1 August 1914, Page 7