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F)E the oonvenlenco ol iwoplo residlnr beyond Wollinston, arrangementa have been made bo that Agente for "The Dominion" to otohtovm will receive and promptly forward any JUscdlancoua Advertisement!) that it may be desired to insert in this Paper. •. ■ ' , Eatoe of Advertieemonte Insertefl unfleß ooy UftSßifled heading are as follow:— ,;. One Inoh (60 Words), Eβ per insertion. BIETH, DEATH. 4 ■MAEEIAeB.NOriOEi Zβ. 6d. per insertion.;- ' r QENEBAi ADVEETIBEMENTB: '":'.' : i IS Words. Iβ.; M Word?, Iβ: 60.;- '■ ■'- .' SO Worde.' Sj.: 6d.. ■ / ' ' ■~ ' i -' '-■ : ' --' '' .-. - - ■ ,

' BUSINEBB -NOTICEa. ' j : \yANTED Known,'-The .Biggest Coat' ■ : ' m V T Offer-ever'known; ,60 niore to go To-day, 10 o'clock, all at 55.-lid., worth,' ' upJoJSOjw Cole's Drapery Co. Sale; - AT Queree Bros'. :Sale,' Willis Street, : '' '. ... SOU Sample Towels,. from leading' : ' manufacturers, at 25 per • oent; "discount '■ Beautiful White' Turkish/'.Brown". Linen lurks Bath Towels, etc.; all ivery cheap -V . 1 on Saturday. . ,- '. - : . - + ' QHI-IE BARGAINS, . Hannah's Sale".' V" ,i ■r ''V^? 1 ? 611 ' 8 Sllcde CouTt Shoes for Walking, usually 15s, ,6d.,, Sale Price \ ' • JS, ud. . '*.... '"'"■;- ■ 'TO'ANTED" Known, The Biggest Coat _»..».. Offer, ev-M,known;:..6oniore''go ' ' ;. - -10 .o'clock,--all at ;ss. lid., worth - ■ iup jo-.305.: Cole's Drapery-Co.-: Sale. ,:-,. '. : .y Boots.C othing,-"etc.,- at Mv. Davis, ; becond-hand dealer,,/corner .Jessie, and , .Taranaki 'Streets; Second-han'd -Left-off- ! ; and_aiisfit Clothing Bought for 'Cash; :• A THOUSAND Legitimate- ' ■-■. f x , !» oMamed To-day :(Satiirday) ; a f .i • g^ 10 ? s Gut-Rato Sale at 25 'aid 27,-Willis . Street See .Windows.'.^-... : v., . '-;::„•..»..• .' .Wi N^ ED T~Great Slaughter ' Down ! ; .-J r.Qmlts, Blankets,- RuWwhitehoney. ' ■'■ : ~ comband.'Jlarcella Quilts, Tdurn'ers,'Lac«- , .ourtainsgetc "Lindberg's. Caba- Street ... . Mr. Celeste, Paetere, principal. Advice on any subject. Send .- date, time and place of birth; 2s. : -6d. '■ for'preliminary IV ■. L :'";.:?. ,'.., '. ■ WANTED. Known, The Biggest Coat h ; r . Oner, ever known; 60■ more to go l , 10 o'clock, all at ss. lld;,-.worthi :'• ' 'up to 30s. .Cole's Drapery; Co. Sale. ,' ': ; -■ ■'■:TJ^ EI ' NG- " —From - ° U1 " Hon ie■: experi-' . : J*?* ., ..ence.we can assure-bur .'customers' ' ■ ; ti} have -their -Garments Dyed -by "latest" London ':methods. : Chas.-, J.- Houston' ■:•■ Sonour3 .Cert, London, 138 Vivian. Street,". ". i MES: -BARTONv IWepathist and Clair--.voyant (New, -Zealand's leadin;? • Psychic) may be consulted.' '238.Willie -.- Street. ~.;-,,..:,. •—■■:-■.....;■.■;.-..■....,... ...- ■ ■ '.: ; QHOE -BARGAINS,"-"Hannah's Sale. 'r Patent Heerßar. Shoes, ■ ; .; .«ull-lcHrcolla"r,: rusual)y.'i4s:'""6d.;:"'Sale- ■, Price 9s. Gd; : . - ■ • .-...-,. .-..■.•••■ '- .-I? '^P- 1 ' one- - .^^••^hilliug,per-pair by calling at the " .' : a^eV;BayV,Fi"sherTe3T.Co7,rsi''Court?nay ■ :^L ;Plione l 2lso.. :.,;';.:,■;, : . '■..■.*. '. ■ » "W^ Ti!D ■ "■■' ', • m , -OffCT ev2r 60 more to go ; 10 o'clock, all at ss. lld.,"Worth " ' 30s. .Cole's Drapery Co. 5a1e...",.', . ' "PISH!' .Fish!! Fish!!! Hapuka, 4d'. -J 1 - ... lb. (sliced);, fresh supplies To-day, 'brnoked- Blue Cod ai-speciality -at- -the '. .Hawke's Bay Fisheries , Co.,'Courtenay ■ .Place... 'Phone : 2lso. ' :■'■,' : , ■-■.■. ... ■ ' Pork Sausages' ' -»J- are a. really'good article, nndtne feat quantity sold speak of ita reality, . uch' and Co:,/153 ■ Cuba '■ Street. .- '! . jfl ■.•M;. DOUGLAS. AND,;SONi Watchmakers and- -Jewellers, 9= Dixoa . .. .'Street.;; and'jewellery. ■'.-■. - : promptly executed. ■■■;.■'~ ■".:..';;" '' !; T? ".- G. KNIGHT, Rigger and Sailmdker, ■o-l''. -53 Victond-Street.' has Removed to . Is.o. 6 Herbert Street (oft Manners Street), ' " three- doors above' George- Fowlds, L'td.- ■. " ,■•' "rpHEqnality of rubber is not strained" ; ~ >i in Wood-Milneßubber Heels That's .. They,,laßt ; ■ four, .times as, long.'as. jeather.-'and "save ' - repairs. ■ • '-; '■.: - .- -.-. ■-. '-.-.,. ■ I Know-n;- The Biggest :Coat ■'. : ;.- •»-».-Offer ever kcijwn; ■ 60- more -to■ go . ':'- - To4lay,V 10; o'clock all at ; ssMl<l;, worth ,-up;to,3os. :.Cole's;Drapery Col.Sale., - . - ' 1/fRS; ROSS'S Pills "obtainable -from ' , ; ; ITA:.,. Agents, •■ i Pallis'er , Bi' Pharmacv, 1" :. ■.;■ .Courtenay;-Place,;.. ißarraUd -siid"'Son,' J Molesworth Stl:cet,..'and leading, chemists.'. WANTED :Knowß,'.- Ladies',,:: Maids', ' . Chjlds' Coats,-in -Cloth, AVool, - ; Tiveed, and Knitted.'all 55.. lid. in the ; "'. Big Wiiidow.'-:Cole's Drapery. Co. '- : ' ' " W® ' c°ujd 'not -".'iernsd this Bargain "«"■ offered,'by a" Mslbourne warehouse'. , -T-35 Teddy. Bear Coats,.in a pretty, biscuit, ■' ';."■ •. shade,.and a much richer quality than. ■ ". previously stocked by us. These will make •'. : ■•■' warm. and. cosy evening wraps right up . to Christmas".. Usual Price""".quite + '■■•■■■: - guineas, for'lGs. lid., at Queree Bros', i, : Sale,..'Willis"Street. U. --.■;:,/. - .;;:, : , : t TJTHE Latest Novel or any standard work „ ;"A ~cca r . be, obtained from .: George ■ ;'. . :; Jeffery; corner Kelburne Avenue.. Orders s ;by,- post, receive, prompt attention.' ■ . . i 0 CASTLE'S Baby Cough, Syrup,-Iβ. Gd,i : j' :V/:';.:So6t:hing and"Worm":Po>-dersi";.le.;. ■ • Whooping;cough- .Embrocation, ; Is. 6d. - ■ [•j *-These-' : tested» post "free i'-tipm . g." ;Castle's";Newtown,'vP_harmacj. '"-'T'-,-'-:: ii * '■ ) h " TSJANTED -Known; BiiyV -Marshall'* . -, :• . -:T r,Furniture.."lβ the cheapest.and best ~', I.M, Jpwn- I : for -bedrock;.;bo. fancr i i; pTJces.l Come and see. 46 Adelaide Road. ~;. c " Fur- Sale-Velvet-and Sealette' : f. xSL -Stoles and. Muffs;prices," Us.."6d'. to' Vi :- ! 255. 6d., 'all '2srUd.- setr- Rich 'Caracul . Stoles-and Muffs,.-usual price- 145.. ; 6d., . j>;'d."sel. .Silk Sealette -Steles.Vand. t -Muffs,.-lined satin,r2ss., for ss. lid.-set, :, .'Queree .Bros'.,,"Willie Street. V ' . ;.:".. . , ■ " 'TO r OOD-MILNE Golf Balls will increase * £ rV' the- length.of your drive. -.The. ■ Wood-Milne is ideal for'links with fow , ••■ 1. , . ivateT'hazards. It flies true with heavy '■ ] ;.• sido and • admits of perfect con- I f: :tJ61..;.::.;:. '~;;:: -; ,r;y- ■~■:..■'■.■■>:.':. -■_■■:■ ■■■ - to. Sell,"Suite of. six Kigh. '■ - ' ' '-J.T' back ..dining'."rotiin.", chairs, i£s fej cheaper than ea&p. Marshaire; 16 aae-, ■■. 1 laide.Rotid. . r :- . -'-'.. ! . ': v'. ' * ..■-■. ■[■■■ ■'• .'•'■ ■ '; ' T,EET-OFF CLOTHING,-BOOTSi- etc.. ; - 1U purchased'Mrs:- L.' Helper, 13a . Toxanaki Street;-' Good ;■ prices' ■;offered. Letters promptly 'attended.»to. 'Phone 1517:'- ; ■'-•:-;■-v : -:c.y ■:''\z-^:; : :. : ■ Want Reliable , : : :.. A^,'.r;.Workersi-.;.'Phone Booker,;; Gray '.''.-■ ■ 'Re'gistryj>.Napier. 'Nothing : but capable , ; " .'hanaaTSent 756.:;' '- *'~ ".;" ■ T-. :.' ' '.y. 1- higher " '- .;: ;ili.! prico. for your ldft-off .Clothing by •;,- :d?aling;hcro. ; Write to-day, and we. will . . •; V- f'oaili -^upon■:• you. - ■ 'Phono 841. Hayvice, .. : ■> -The'Stra'ght: Deal Shop, Ul Vivian St. ~ '*'• ftORN Cob Punch and Milk inakee bone .. -■ • V and muscle; : dooa- you- good; keepa ■' P 'fon'-cfit.;. ,;i.*i--. S':.i- ;.v'.'.•■'-• -- c.>"->•« ■ .-: ■ IJSTANTED Known, By dp people sell ' .;' , TV.; Furniture for half-the": price.?, Be- - cause they havs such ridiculously higb. ' * '. prioes:- Marshall's is always":bedrooE: 10 ■; >delaide.Road.- '.".. '..;..'■" ".:."■ 7.'::.."';,:■•.■ . '. >;; CHAS. A. FLETCHER, Chemist, Phar-, ;' 'i macist, and Prescription: Specialist, . ■~ Sole address, 292 Lnmbton'Quay. ..Mail ; ' .j orders',promptly eiecnted. ■ '"".".' : '-,\ ' - BARBER AND. CO.,' Dyers: and • Dry Cloanors, 125 Cuba St:,;Ctty.'. 'Phone, 226. -. "-'- .[ '.: *y .;■■■ SILVER GRID, Cuba Street. Fish and / : '..Oysters; a. specialty. ',„ ; Oystera"' in. ■ < .■ '■ bottles (all sizes) from- Iβ. upwards. D. . ' ; Connor. Proprietor. "* .-'I .'."■ '■"-'.■ ."."; \ riORN Cob-Punch ie non-alcoholic; it i« i [ -V , refreshing and icvigorating with ■ ■'. , water, all mineral waters, or milk. Orde? ' a bottle tc-<iay. ■ -.-'> . ; WANTED to Clear, Divan Ohairs in | eaddld bags, S3Mss:'; other pedple'd • ; charge, i! 7 10s. Marshall's, 46' Adelaide .-■■-■' • Roa "- S :; ' ' "''''• :: ' " '■■! WOOD-MILNE; •-ShoisShino-_Eit«s , .'a , -i polish that won't como off. No ■'•". [' necossitj- to cako the boots up every, day ' ..::; with a mixture liko stevo-polish, • for ... " ,' i Wood-Milne'.Shoe-Shine" is economical: in. \ use.'and won't crack footwear. : ; -.-;■-•; :■; " -j I~F you have a cold, try Corn. Cob, Punch.' ' i and hot water, with a slice -<si " \: lemon; it's really niftrvollouß. .Order , a -■■'": [ bottle to-day. ' :-i " .--•.■-. ' , .-•-..: ■',•;: . ; WHOYLAND AND CO., Shop. Fit- . ; ,• ters, GUuznee Street, -Airtight .' , Showcase, Window Enclosure makers. ' ■■ BROWN AND JOHNSTON. Builders ' '•':;■; ' and Contractors, ShoJ), ond; Office Fitters. Land and Building Valuers. - , Johnston Street. .'Phones. 2417.. L : : .. .: . T EFT-OFF Clothing,. Boots, etc.; -pur- ; JU .chased by L.'Dabseheck,: 120' Tara' . nati Street. 'Hurhest prices given. Lot. : • 7 ters Btpfflptlji attended- to. -PhonS 2083(, : .; ■ • ■ : ~ >: "'.-' V'C ■'■■:.\': : y- ' -- - : ''\

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Dominion, Volume 7, Issue 2217, 1 August 1914, Page 1

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Page 1 Advertisements Column 8 Dominion, Volume 7, Issue 2217, 1 August 1914, Page 1

Page 1 Advertisements Column 8 Dominion, Volume 7, Issue 2217, 1 August 1914, Page 1