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WAND NOTiCES- , , . • HAWKE'S BAY. -: i ..":-"■:" : ;-- .'""'■ J :'■"'■-., -'-;■■ ' HEALTHY SHEEP COUNTRY. - ■ ':. HAWKE'S.BAY. ..... .. . ,-...'. ' ' .'< I£AA ACRES FreohoUl, situated in best part of Hawko'f Bey, close tt TownJOvlf ship and Railway, by splendid motor road. All lqw_hills and flat ' ; country, mostly plonghable, all open country, laid down in. mixed ; grasses, well ' ; subdivided, fenced, and watered; first-class oats, rape, and turnips land.- A very > '. ' large amount of fat stock can be turned off this .property yearly by: growing -.rape; ' . ; and turnips. Within eaey, distance of the beat markets, in Hawkers Bay; viz.j- .: <■ \ Wairiiikurau, and others. Wintering 3000.sheep, of which 1400 'are. breeding ewes,' ~; besides cattle. House of 4 rooms, wooWhed,■ etc., , : ,' ■."■.•..■. .'-. '":::<:::.,'' ' ': PRICE—,£I2 10s. Per Acre; fernis arranged, or a subdivision of> eay, 500 acres .. of this is procurable. .. ~■'".'.' .""' ■ ■' '..':'". "\~- We can confidently recommend. this property to any bona fide ehe«pfarihßr ott the look-out for tfood, sound, healthy sheep country, and would, urge, art -in-' ..■"-.: <: snectioh at once. For further paiHcaiai-g, or any information .regarding the- , -.-; . above, apply to tli'iv. Sole ■ •,-..-■ . ~ ■ ..-'..'-■ . ' ' ~: :. .hunter. sghultze, ■ and: -—/ - ■■. • . Thomson,-.^:-- -^ . . TENNYSON STREET,. NAPIER. - -.-..-. -~ ...:.■.....-I ■'.-:> Telegrams—"Hunter, Schultze, Napier."P.O. Box 214. , ",,-'.': t OrtA ACRES, Freehold, 6 milea Dannevirke, all grass, undulating, all ploughed;, -i OAIXJ G paddocks, good frontage two roads, sheep .yards, U-sh'eop. country, PiO. : :' 'and telephone 2\ miles, school,2 miles, >£10 acre,-,£lCOO'cash, balance 7 y*hT| W:p>r' cent. There ie real good value in this property. Tip-top sheep land. It will' Sel- ;■ '"; iglilckly. Look at it before it is sold. . : '. 'r.', :.V .... :-.. Z^',Z'.. : -Z ■ : i A (\(l ACRES, all grassed but 5 acres oats, -11, paddocks>natural creeksjjjrintered ;- r , ••; efcv" 1100 ewes, some horses, few cattle; 4-roo'med house, hew woolshedr 18-bail : , ; cowshed, 100 acres ploughablc, school li miles, close .railway Stratford-Ongar'ue : line; L.I.P: Rout, .£24 year. Government mortgage, 52000.-. .filO 10s. acre.-- -- - - . -• - 4 :, G. -/-.;: Land Agents,. 189 FEATHERBTON: ST.,. WELLING.TON.(Opp.,TIniok-BankV;'.:... : ~~. DAIRY/ FAHMB,' MANAWATU. LINE. . ~ y" ; 1 aa ACRES, Dairy Farm; 'Thiols k'feally good farm, eoil of.the best descripJ■ i JL"" tion; will carry 40 ; cows; ; -l.inile to-'Railiyay," Post-Office;>"Wd"6ch6blj' ' ' ''■ Price t£3B jier acre. Easy term's can "Dβ arranged., -i'.-:<-.> .i.-.-." •(••'■"" .-v- . Q A ACRES, Dairy Farm, well-divided into paddocks .with good buildings.; :regisV ; .'.p,w tered dairy; carry.Bo'-cow's; i mile to Creamery, Railway, Post. Office; and ■ School ji miles. Price ,£32 pef'acre.'.Easy-terms; ; ••■:■-'-'•' •■-^-'^■■'■■ a ;.-■ '. : .-:. '*;:. :"';;'"'; ::.. ,7,.'. ;'*;■'. : ';'> 1 OQO ACRES, Freehold,.within;.-17 miles of a railway"station; on Roodinetalled • • : XOO/C road, 5 miles from.Gt.ore.-sohool, P.O.* .factory/ Dlackemith'e shoo, etc.j'1760 acres in grass, balance.:busii,;,,weH;fenced, and draded into, well Watered. House and all necessary-buildings.'", Price.; £6. per 'acre.-.:"... ; , ■-■' , *•-. ALSO, HOMESTEAD and,-,139,. Acres Freehold,-. joining , ; small •.township, withiii . 5 miles of above property, all been ploughed; β-roomed^housi,; overy -'■'■,■ eiioe. Price Xl 6 per Owner.will exchange for. or -agricultural•■ farm* - ' Equity about J67500. iapply— •.- '"■£?'■ '* ■•"■;'"• ••"■•"'';:. .■.MJONDONrifiOBBi AND;jG<Q;,,..L..j: -^ ■ :v.'- ' Ji i),,kWAN&ANtII. ... .^Z-T i 7-v; KA A ACRES, ,440 in grass, -bslanco 'mixed bush, 150 .'acres'.' JSjE^Ui&UnStt.T.'Jftlliflgi'v; - ' OUy country, good soil, ¥ia ; f fenced, 8 paddocks,, permanent, water, :twb goßd. 5- '-T.- ■;'■ roomed houses, outhonses,. 2Dcbail : cowshed, dairy, wOTlshe^,'.town!.'B:'mile^," u fMtory J, ■ - ; and school alongside eectionll'-'Pnce;'including milking maohine plant, pbra'cre;.- ■;_• ; 1 AA.ACRES, all in cocksfootKarid-elover, low hills, with flat's, ail'go6djeosl/sing . -\ '"'■ '\ i-yv ~ fenced, B;wires, ■ .. b-robmed h6use, water laid on; cowsfied, hayloft;; wapshedi jtc;j -town ■■ :' 6 miles, school 1 mile, factory "J-m'.ile'.-P rice'2l93er acre , ; 5450 (63) : . 1? TJ 1? AMPS "- AGENT, '~..:,' '\ . . ~■' E. Jt. .IJiAMJIiOf . . ;■.' •■ ~~- WILL HONKiIY WINTER TWO Biq, SHEEP."- ~' .. "'-. OQQiy ACRES tip-top 1984 acres .in grass, balance btiehj 100 ■ • MUOi acres flat and ploughableV 18 paddocksj good wire Jenouig. Ricli black ,' ..-..■: Boil, oi papa. Buildings compfis'e'nemJ-TOome^ : "houseV S6olslied,^ma TITLE—Part 0.R.P.,' port Native; Lease ;tojJargfeVtowt|J; scHobl,-'?3nd ■PostOffloe' 5 miles. REMJEMBERi-This is not steep, impossible country; PEICB £5 AN ACRE. Terms arranged..; Owner sold 1000 fats at, 41 this .year. Full.par- : JMLAI, ;r;' , . -: ■■.■■' -■-.' : .-..BQX, 201,,-WANGANUI. ..."...' .•;" —i ■'' ' — an 'iJTcEPTioNALLY'. good-sheepcstation; ■";-: —■■--■■ : : ; ; < OKA »V ACRES, of which-2227 is'freehold,,.'.balance-Education leaserwitK /iOr&i':- about 20 y»ars to rurij-withjeight orrenewal;. All well'grassed. Fenced ■ 'and subdivided into -24 paddoclts; fenciueigoodi-well.'TOteredr-'WiH;wintenSflOjO , ■ : breeding ewes, 12M dry sheep;-and; 2W,head.;of .cattle j. 14. .■milee.fronl. good towt. Motor Mail Service passes the door dai&:>,B-roomed~hdu'Se- ■iSonnectßd'with , telephone. Lifire wdolshed,-fitted with machines,-nifrht 'peiis-toi hold-500 sheep.► Price for-free- "' . hold, £9 10s. per acre; .£4OOO. cash,;balance can' remain: for"s'yeafs^t.' - sJ'per:'cenr. ' , ' TJ rinTTt T -'• LAND-AND'ESTATE AGENT, —" , ' ..: ,Jcfy TULJLUi^Ii,..'.;;,;; :.;, ...;-j.' .pahiatiiau...: , :"::.; ,v -^-i TXAIRY-FARMERS, Remember, irbuioa'ri',. p£t"NINEPENCE'T > er Gallo'rir'for"yo.tfr' : -•■.'■: U? total Milk Suiply allthe y,earr'Ther;ef6re~lNVEST'in.a:farm:in , :this distridt. -'■:.-. '-'. WHAT ABOUT One of the Bollowinß-r - -. -•• ; ;. : .. • ' v: ;■ w ..-, • -';' : Area. Carries. B'ld'gs. Station. School.Price.f-, Caea:::" . - : 185 90 cows Good - 8 mile3 i --2i- *E3O -About ifilOOO .--• .: lffi) 85 cows Good 2J miles.,".-21' "'£2B.. ' About"a Boo"' ■'■ ■" "' .107 . 45 cows None limiles-v^2 ! -; >J£2B--:-':r'About ; : 42 '.20cowi)' .Small -"'1 mile U .£29 . About £500 • , ; QOA ACRES, 0.R.P., rent 5619; 300 aores grassedw• halts ploiighable; 1 paildocksS ■. i ■-. O'W'afc'•new dwellmg 10 r.oome ahd'other i 6 5; ' ; ' 'lOs.per acre. .£750 cash. " "•';.:-.'■;.; ,'» ""viX" "^ v * "H'X'. ~™~C- --~SSO IAAA ACRES, good 2-sheep country;>9oO acrea glassed end ettbniTided; ,'Xv"" good homestead. Price ; .i9, jei2oo'c(Sh;. Owner'-still takeSother property ; '■ -. -j ■in part, payment. ■<. ■ , : '■'. ■ ■'■;•'■'.,"■' /Vv:-'""-■"\ll. v ■'■ , ! " . CAMPBELL,. - THOMSON & i v : < v , '-,- v> :■;■:. "• ■'• LAND' AND' INSURANCE -AGENTS;'' '■;rj : "• - r " : V.v.': V ; _. .' ' • . ; ,■•? >^ <r --~;-. »« ' .•■'■■; SHEEP STATION FOR SALE ON.THE FAMOUS-EAST COAST. ~ IORA.ACRES, grass, in 7 paddocks, sheep.and battle yards, X/vOU ' very easy country, lies well, to'sun J and all oonTeni- "■-.'•'; enceej main road.runs through .property. Wintering 2000 breeding ;ewea aßd\ 100 ' : - i head of cattle. ' Harbour. Board TEridowmsnt Lease, to run,*.at V/ ' '•• 55.; 7d. per aore, and right of renewal for further 21 year'sf-at raluatlon.; ;6700 pay- ' .-•-. able for iraprbvemen'ts at end of first-term. Prico Easy iernis krraiipd. ' :■ ■ .C,-G,.::EIESSEi«:::m ■■■■'■- LOAN COMPANY'S-BUILDINGS. f GISBOBNE..:'? 4 - . ■ ■'.' .•.'■',. ... HAWKE'S , BAY FARM, 325 ACRES, til;?,- : :■'■■ ' .' . :.''" . : SITUATED 18. miles from' Hastings'.by good level road;.first.claes:6mep or crop- ; / ■• ping country. Practically all flat; subdivided in 10 psuldqcksAall ploughable 'and. well, watered; 250 acres in grass, "balance laid down In o«Js and'baTley; 5-room- s ed Tiouse, implement shed,."wool shed, good sheep yards. ...Rehtalj'^s.-lOd..per acre, (.less 10 per cent, rebate. Price acre. . ...<-Xii.' : ';!£l '.':'■''&*; '■• ,/= :.... ... W. ..F;>-:M'CORMICE i; v-. : ■- • LICENSED LAND AGENT, u,":.;';' ; STATION STREET, HASTINGS.. « ' AOi tk ACRSS, Freehbld.~A 'splendid Blook sheepor ciittie country,. ■ "' 4tOX«7 about 43 miles of fencing; 30 paddocks. New.jnoßeTn residence, h. and 6. ;, water, and usiial conveniences; Stock now on property, 5700 sheep. 500 head battle. - The'place materially improve on this by further. bushfalling; half-mil* tb-whw*. LAND ANIJESTATE| AG^T^'D^G^VlLa!;;.:/:"':-.:, ; •- , ..-; ACRES firsUlass Dairy Farm'; adjoining townsMp, - facfoiyy-T P.0.,v *nd : school; 130 acres grass, balance bush; 10 paddocks,practically alLploiighr, able- about 70 acfos stumped; will carry from 45 to 50 cows and do.tbera well;' β-ontago'to two roads; 10-roomed hoiise,, also '.told '4-roomed cottage; 16-bailed : -cowShed and outbuildings.,lies well to the;;sun,' A ud;.ca.Ti;De,recpmmtad-, ■ -ed as good proposition. vPrice, ,£32 lOs. ■ Deposit,-^4ooi-balance for . ■ :i a ..t -nuf ' ■'■-.■' . ' -■",'!..' ■■■-:; iEsti"l9o3i ">■' .„.-'■ r-,J,-' " ~',,., .'-. . .LAND.AGENT,' )x'- ": ' '.'■ -•"■: -•■., C~ - ; ' A REALLY CHEAP '■-..-■■':■. QQA ACRES, lease 6 years "torun at'.iiffi -perrannum.;. O.P.C.Vat , : ; OOV touM,- woolshed, bug'gj- arid :gig shed6y..lofti.:-workshop,-etc.-rall'in ;■; ' order; 6 paddocks; all in grass, .except 40 aci , &.*Mh'J.P;-. 1 0.-andV.Schpol..3;.mile3;X' -.:■;; good roads; will carry's sheep when fully improved;-;• Price .£6,por ftore lor. good-;;;" . - will. Terms, say, XIOOO, cash. .Apply ;.-. i i,:i ; «.-.■,■ . . .—■-:-,- ...-;..- : ;BTUBBS & HTOllg^gg^«gP^ r .; - ■:.--. -■ WHERE THE BEsf : WOOL ' r ' r ' "" "/ .-~ -. ..' rtbAA ACItES of the lwalthiest sheep-country tnthe Do!nmion.':- : Portion of th« \ ./*oUU most prolific Island in thfi'HaTirftki Gulf; }6.lmilee. smoojth.water from ' AucWand. Good Homestead. Connected by- telephone^ 10s. per acre.- , A Eeal . \ ~■ LAND AND-ESTATE QUEEUiST. : •, ' T~ : COMPLETEvDAIRY .^W» ._,;.'.:"-, . 1 ;\ A DJOINING Factory, Post OflioeTTind ;in; Waverley - district. A. Belongs to absentee owneri.;iso..Acros, well-subdivided; watered ■. by ..steam ' end rani. Land is level; and! flrat-classfliiality. , Cows :nre' mi ked] !iby? Bilking machines, driven with benzilS engine; no labour required;- Splendid house; of 7 rooms, bathroom, l h. and c..watfc;,good,stables, loft, and. implement shed4v;up-to-date milkini shed, fitted witi machines.' Place will milk 65-to 70.cows. ;Eeturns ■ will ehow a nandsome income-ie';Price,-dei3 per acre, including machines. l ■■-Easy- - - ' TATTERgAtIj'S--BUILDINGS. HAWERA. -y-j -. . ~ ~nlAb thisTf:y,pu want a e[argain. .„-- . ~' . ■■•> QAQ ACRES, the best dairy-faTm in the Uomimon. ■ extru^- well improved. : • ;;,:. - : 01/O Price. i 55 per acre." , '',-' "'■' ""V i'. . ... • „ •■ /' ' -, ..,■- ' I A CA iCRE-S well improved, ! ;all-ih ; the best-English-grastesr-2J sheep and cattl* ■; .'4Oll Price. £13 10s. per'dorb.-SSOO cash.-,;.;„.:..; ,;,:v ; ,, ; ..;, ■' ': OI7AA ACRES, all in 2-sheep and catth country, well unproved.' v AiVV Price, JB7 per Terms, je.SOOO cash. "."i. ' - r - - ..'■ J^.^. ; PALTON,:.;::.V;.-.,;... : ' LAND, ESTATE. AND COMMISSION AGENT, WAVEBLEY. : ~~~~. EXCEPTIONALLY GOOD SHEEP 'AND'GRAZING RUN..":",' ' " TWfi ACRES, 1460 Acres'S-.G.R.-Tenure, 100-acres L.KP.; both can be-.made ; JObU .Freehold; totalrentAls, ■v£25:,15.;6d. per annum; 850 acres in best English grasses, balance lrash; papa formation; about 300 acres -dead level to undnlaV ing Owner fattens about 100 bullocks caot year, besides, getting off. all sheep fat Easily 2-eheop country; very free from/aecond gro\rth;.6ofiiie oj_..cpu.ntry ete*p,_but. splendid grass land; email Blab-wharb.eheep yards, dip; 5-miles tp-good fortnightly sales; IB miles- Waitara. Freezing,works. PricoTA'S 15s por:&cro,.^l!)oo,caeli^.%. .,: ■H. W. \ .-=;., -^^fggfe: ""; ;..; ■-' '•"■ ..;'." '<& S '^;' 0-^.' " '"■.': V BOUT 2000 Acres, Freehold,.'level-1» iindnlatinßTMimtry.fpar^busnVpartttrh, -J&. Abont'4oo aores in grass, 200 acree'now being chaifiai faneag;' ' K men's.pottage. Will make.ideal' , 800-acre dairy form ae part payment; epmp cash, dn'.jnortgajei- , ' LAWSON, WAl#|Ev32!pv ; ; AUCTIONEERS,- TE AWAMUfU. , .1 PHEAP LAND.-Seotions of from 800 t« - DAIRiY - FABM," HTITT DISTRICT.' • KJ .4000 Acres Freehold,'nil- 1 inVgras?, 10 paddocke. • : way All>lenii, XOO best.of fenotof; , ; easy,' un'dnldting limestouo • tiijd ,'*pa]w, ing, dairy> ; J2-baU-cowshed, sepa-ator, - cleared"heavy bush country; now fatten- orchard, .garden/,.etc.; .T.minutes.i-frora, ; ing bullock's for Auckland. Thick"sole R-ailway by- - -good- Price J214 per. ;.-'. . of ryo cocksfoot and clovers'. ' fdeal acre. ' tJdverhmenf Morwa'ire,'. jSIOOO. at oountry foi 1 breeding; and fatteuing early 4rp'er cent. Dopoeit balance easy, . ; lambs. i! 10 to-JBl4 p( r acre.: Easj'tents. For further particulars,;apply; ,<". Btg money in this, FAIRBUBN-AND BHORffi FRASER.; Petbne.' I ~; SILK, Wan-ganni. ".:-■; piOil. SALE-Reinaining'.sectioris of .fa- » ' : WANTED, Eiohonge, 4-roomed House r mous block-of-jrbu^.ro.ap'p^Tand. ! , (city), could let £1 week, for 100 Previously planted sections,.^seeVDajora.-' acres (lst-olass bush land, or- 250 2nd- inio .viows,.Nelson;v'"N^Z./«fraer';-r;lJiine7'-.; class), and cash. Apply "Some Cash, ,, 10U; ■ Particulars froiu '<B.W.v"'"Domini? ; . "Dominjoa" . . "- ... "■ .„|io^.Officβ."■:^;.;;C:V^^^■l■,C.';*"~iC'Jw.i,■^■• ! ■ '-:

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Dominion, Volume 7, Issue 2217, 1 August 1914, Page 15

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Page 15 Advertisements Column 6 Dominion, Volume 7, Issue 2217, 1 August 1914, Page 15

Page 15 Advertisements Column 6 Dominion, Volume 7, Issue 2217, 1 August 1914, Page 15