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'SOME SPECTACULAR FOOTBALL. THREE .TEAMS LEADING. Corinthians 2 Diamonds 1 Hospital ... 6 Wanderers 0 Thistle 3 Rovers 2 Potone 2 Swift 2 Tho sting of the southerly was still in tho air on Saturday., and vain were, tho attempts of tho early whiter sun to combat and overcome tho iciness and promote warmth in tho breasts of 'the handful of spectators whoso enthusiasm brought them out to tho wind-swept flats of Kilbiriiio to witness tho continuation of tho "sbecor" competition. Their reward, however, was worthy of their hardihood. Tho rigour of the air was just what was, needed to give a dogreo of snap and sp'arklo to tho play that would otherwise have been missing. Tho four teams playing on tho new ground were evenly..matched; tho battles were keenly fought and tho result was spectacular. Petone entered the sphere of senior "soccer" for tho iirst time on Saturday, and retirod from the field with honours divided with their opponents—a creditable performance for anew team. Porirua again saw its representatives (Hospital) in tho limelight, and this team, together with Thistle and Corinthians, tho top rung of- tho championship ladder.

CORINTHIANS—DIAMONDS, Tho wind favoured Diamonds with its aid in tho first spoil, but in tho second veering round a. few points it blew at direct right-angles to tho field, and favoured 110 one. Corinthians l&ido the pace, but Diamonds were all there, and defended well and attacked—well, whenever they could. Bell, Diamonds' goalkeeper, was early called on to save, and succeeded. From a corner kick tho Corinthian forwards got the ball, and got away. Coming down tho field they comhine'd well, and their chances looked promising, but Kestie and Dick were thoro in.tho front line of Diamonds, and tho ball shot, the Corinthians' halt to the accompaniment of hearty applause from the bank. Persistency, however, was tho watchword of Corinthians, and soon opportunity again camo their ,n;ay. This time no mistake was made. By dribbling rushes tho ball was forced well to tho front of Diamonds' goal. Tho battle waxed warm, and then suddenly tho ball shot out' to tho side, Gibson's hefty boot went forward, and the ball .was through. Corinthians, lj, Diamonds, nil. Tho second half saw Kestle more than prominont; he was almost brilliant. It also saw him incapacitated for some little timo by a kick on tho knee. Playing with good combination. Diamonds manoeuvred tho leather well into Corinthians' territory, and hero provided Kestlo with his chance. A neat pass was sent to him, and he shot fast and hard. Tho 'keeper was beaten. Corinthians, 1; Diamonds, 1. The evenness of tho score brightened up both sides, and tho struggle now became .perceptibly keener. Gibson was at his best, and as centre-forward for Corinthians ho troubled Bell, Diamond's 'keeper, not a little, but tho heat of gamo evidently warmed him, and before tho end the referee found it nocessary to warn both him and another player. All the time, however, ho was playing a capital game. O'Shea cams tdlligb't' in'.tho'later stages of the gamo, and'taking a clover pass from Gibson planted the ball well between, tho posts. Corinthians,. 2; JJiamdnds, 1.. Soon afterwards the call or time sounded with tho scores unchanged. Mr. Windley was referee.

THISTLE—ROVERS. Tho new ground at Kijbirnie was tho arena for tho Thistle-Rovers clash, and it was interesting all through, lhistlo were soon on tho ball,, and, after a short run down the field, Tyrer, on,the inside-left, centred. Ferguson took tho pass well, and set going a dribbling rush. ' His tactics were successful. With a neat shot ho judged the distanco well, and mado the score lhistlo I, Rovers nil. Very fortunate was their next goal. From tome looso play Rovers got away clear, hut Marshall (left win) intercepted, and shot for goal, but failed. Again- Rovers got away, and this time Black mado tho coin'g. Coming down fhe field/in fino stylo,' with his forwards close behind, his chances looked certain. When within striking distance, ho ''put tho boot in," but iiis aim was not quite accurate, or, perhaps, tho wind got the ball, for it struck tho post. All, however, was not over yet. Tho 'keeper mado a dash to put the ball over the top of the bar, but missed, and it went through. Thistle 1, Hovers 1. An effective passing rush by Oick, fidwards, and Tyrer was good to watch, and the result also was good, for Tyrer, with ■such material assistance, 'had no difficulty in baffling tho opposing goalkeeper, and so mado the scores: Thistle 2, Rovers 1. Rovers attacked with increased vim for the latter part of tho first half, and soon tho score was augmented by tlio combined efforts of Freyberg and Hart, a clever pass from the former loading to tho latter scoring. Thistle 2, Rovers 2. In tho second half- Rovers 'keeper was given opportunities for showing his skill, and tins ho seldom failed to do, his tactics being excellent. Thistle, however, were not to be denied, and play was mostly in Rovers territory. Freyberg, on oho occasion, carried tho ball over his own line, but Thistlo were never in danger, and, in fact, came near scoring on several occasions. Marshall at length got away with the ball, but was hotly pursued. A rough and tumble followed in front of Rovers goal, and Thistlo scored, Marshall being responsible. The game ended with tho scores reading: Thistlo 3, Rovers 2. Mr. J. Duffy was refereo.

PETONE—SWIFTS. After many postponements, Potono managed to cot a gamo on Saturday afternoon, and drew with Swifts. Last year Petono were playing junior. football, and this was t'heir first match in tho Senior Division. Tlio gamo was an interesting one, dospito tho slippery- state of tho ground. During tlio iirst half the showed that they know something about tho finer points, but, taken as a whole, they ivcro Jacking in combination. Still lhi>y showed their older, opponents how to play tho game on several occasions. It was a good "go," and, when half-timo camo there was no score on either side. Play had only been in progress a fow minutes in tho second half when Petone took the ball down the wing. Stewart centred, and Conway added the finishing touches amidst excitement. Petone had scored their first goal in senior football. Swifts promptly mado strenuous efforts to get level, and with the aid of tho wind they managed to do so. Afayoll secured, and, witli a long, dropping shot, landed tho ball in tlio goalmouth, and it went through oft the 'keeper's hands. One all. The next I score was achieved by Potoue 'from a penalty-kick, which Conway put through. Just before time was called CJniso scored Swifts' second goal with n beautiful shot. The game thus ended in a draw. Mr. C. "Webster was referee. HOSPITAL—WANDERERS. Hospital were again victorious on Saturday afternoon when they met- nnd defeated Wanderers on the ground atPorirua by five goals to nil. During thn first half tho visitors played well, and, at times, they fully extended tho

Hospital team. The first scoro came from si pretty picco of play by Daley. Ho succeeded in breaking away, and with a lovely shot from tlio wing, beat Webster, and scored tin , first goal of the match. After a period of give-and-take, play, Hospital again attacked, and Daley was responsible for a score. After this,- Wanderers appeared to wake up, and they liuule several onslaughts on Hospitals' citadel. The defence, was too strong, however, and tho visitors were eventually forced back to their own end of tho field. During the attack, Cobb was called upon to save, some hot shots, and did his work well. At tho other end, Skinner secured closo in, and landed an unmistakable goal.

At tho outset of the second spoil Hospital attacked. Wanderers also played fine, football, but they were, pitted against too much weight. Play in this half was more of an even nature than had been the case in the first epell. Webster made an excellent save from a shot by Heath, but conceded a earner. From the resultant kick Hoath mndo no mistake, and the score then read: Hospital, 4; Wanderers, 0. Tlio city team now livened up, ,and Cobb was called upon to save shots by Hayward, Davis, and Hunter. A few minutes later Johnston handled in the penalty area, but Webster saved tho goal in fine stylo. The final score was effected by Hughes, who put the ball through from a rebound off the crossbar. Mr. T. Cocker was refcrco.

OTHER GRADES. SECOND DIVISION. Y.M.C.A. 4, Brooklyn 0. St.. David's defeated Brooklyn A by 2 goals to nil, Gosnoy scoring both. THIRD DIVISION. St. David's mot Swifts on a waterlogged ground, and after a strenuously contested mateh drew—l goal each. Nico] scored for St.' David's. . PLAY ELSEWHERE. (By Telegraph.—:Pres< Association.) Chrlstchurcii, May 23. Liuwood Corinthians (<1) v. Hangers (2);. Nomads (4) v. Sydenham (1); Sunnyside (1) v. United (0). Tho "Dally M" Football Boot, worn-by leading players. Very light, blocked toes, with patent inserted steel spring. Prico Us. 6u. Laws and Manning, Wellington, Manufacturers and Holders of the Patent Eights for N.Z.-Advt.


MIRAMAR OLUB. Tlie Miramar Club's bogy competition on Saturday was won by Af. W. Horton (scratch)', with a score of 2 up on bogy. Xhe best cards returned were as follow:— M. W. Horton (scr.), 2 up. R. Triggs (9), 2 down. JU. W. Uartor (9), 2 down. Dr. Tolhurst (12), 2 down. C. R. C. Hobicson (l"2), 3 down. L. D. Hurst (2), 4 down. •W. T. Wynyard (4), 5 down. H. P. F. Blundell (15), 5 clown. • V. G. Corrigan (13), 5 down. Tho men's roursomo is to bo played next Saturday.

ENGLISH GOLF TOURNEY. NEARING THE FINALE. Bγ TelcsrraDh—Pres3 Aeeociation—CoDjricht London, May 22. In the ante-penultimato round of tho golf tourney at Sandwich, Humphries beat Phillips, 2 up and 1 to play; Martin Smith beat Graham; 3 and 2; Hazlet beat.-Kolesar, 1 up; Jenkins beat Hunter, 2 and 1. In the 6oi!ii-fin.'ils Hazlot boat Humphries, 1 up; Jfcnkins heat Martin Smith, 2 and 1. . ■ ■

FINAL—JENKINS WINS, PLAYED IN A THUNDERSTORM. (Reo. May 25, midnight.) London, May 24. In tlio final, Jenkins beat Hazlct by 3to 2. They.played in a thunderstorm. Jenkins was' favourite, though Hazlet, who is a prodigious driver, had plenty of supporters. ENGLISH CRICKET. By Tolos'rapli—Press Association—Oopyrijrht London, May 22. In the county cricket match Yorkshire v. Hampshire, Yorkshire lost four wickets for 426 rims (declared). Denton made 168 (not out) and Hirst 146. Surrey beat Somerset by four wickets. J. C White (Somerset) took eleven wickets for 72 runs. (Rec. May 25, midnight.) ' London, May 24. In' tho. cricket match against Essex Middlesex have lost ono wicket for 245 runs (Tarrant, not out, 140.

BOXING MEHEGAN BEATS WELLING.' By Teleeraph—l'resg Association—Copyright (Rec. May 25, midnight.) Sydney, May 24. Mehegan gained a much-disputed decision over Welling after twenty founds, winning on points. Melbourne, May 24. M'Goorty knocked out Du Bourg in the fifth round. HARRIERS. THE OLYMPIC CLUB. The Olympic Harriers hold an enjoyable run from tho residence of Mr. A. Davies, Island Bay, on Saturday afternoon. The weather was ideal for running, and the pack, under tho direction of Captain F. J. Byrne, proceeded across the'lulls to Lynll Bay, thenco via sandhills to Mirannr gasometer,- where they were divided into a fast and slow pack. The fast pack, under tho direction of F. J. Burrell, proceeded further ■ into Miramar, and through tho cutting to Kilbirnie, via tho Queen's Drive, and back to Island Bay, where they picked up the slow pack, who had taken a shorter route. About 400 yards from homo a handicap run-in • was hold, which resulted in a win for G. F. Sullivan, with E. A. Shaw and D. Alabaster second and third, respectively. After their long run tho members wero entertained by Mr. Davies, and several musical items wero given by Mrs. Davies and others. BROOKLYN CLUB. Considerable interest was taken in tho Brooklyn Club's Novice Handicap, which was run from the ton rooms at Miramar on Saturday .afternoon. There were fight competitors, mid Mr. P. Wilton acted as starter. The course was from tho tram terminus round the back of Wonderland, then towards the gas- ! oranter, and back to the .starting point, tho distance being about two miles. Tlio limit man, C. Willis, mado the pace warm from the start, mid maintained his lead until about half a mile from homo, when N. Cummins put in his challenge, and ran homo winner a few yards ahead of Willis, with W. Wnkflliu finishing a £ood third. Also started: F. Harlcn, -lOsco.; 11. Robertson, .'!5 sec.: If. Wills, scr.; I>\ Douglas, sor. ; j. Blcnkinsop, scr. Tlio winner's time was lomiii. JMsec, which is very good considering that ho has never put on u mulling shoe before. Tlio course was trailed by other members of the club who were nol eligible to start.. After (lie race, tho ladies present were eiilnrtaineil i\t afternoon tea, and Mr. I). M'liaren congratulated the club prizer winners on their performances.

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Dominion, Volume 7, Issue 2157, 25 May 1914, Page 7

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ASSOCIATION. Dominion, Volume 7, Issue 2157, 25 May 1914, Page 7

ASSOCIATION. Dominion, Volume 7, Issue 2157, 25 May 1914, Page 7