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LAND NOTICES* *1 9AA iVCKKS, all UdiiosUjiiG Coii^ti^lF"uiiS fSu'i by. ■ tiHttalfrd iomL Lmcd lVi-in MJJ» School *eiilr4> :ss.j)cr fj.cvfo 4 for 21 yleaf's £iotn ojiitav, i!r[(j. o.f .fcir iiirt-h'ci' of 21 yms jj.t MntyJ H*.o4 fry vfbr :uU Jtfuvcmt'Jits. All Ui lx;.st grmtifcej, fet-ckiSH eotts "SO JUVdej^ fi'p:k:Hi!ifUy Wiil^rwl; fyuixlivided into bis large fiUtldoc'ks 'O.f •lVoiit 100. id-- 2.0tl asKes| •J-- 1 wiia-ii paddocks and 0 nt MofclwJiOE aind. fcll'dS,; roiK*b» am jj.j sUrkw* oi'd.o-r, •coiici'oto (Ht)* eoni.pteto sofe B'te.p ya'l'q%.v g\?;b.'d. ~#\sck yard#, with }>i-6akin,g'S.n' v«ce« Water .K'tiii tm I>d' ji.iH.l $p> jß^'ild'ingH. cyMH-ist Jioiisa- xjl it room*, w'cwl.k'r.V, fo.Vil.H'joom., li. aiid c> Wat.ei-, c.otfiJ:]ro #£ .-.S rooiiis, wooJsli'f'd.. 77ft. X 4'jfL.; fiiaiv'b for B shciU'ei'S, ; 8--rst=c\!.l. bavni?** uvid fc«?d ••ri&mi,. imjVlcMc'ut sliQd« <?i;c(. Prifce., JCB 10s. pe.v, DuHdifiß*, (!s|>, wA-'tor ffflfiply nav-a jjfrew 'Intel V vn'Tufld iw fttt jut. .JC3*OQO» WM. H, TUftNBULt AMI) CO., . 2? i'ANAM A hi HI LI. WI .OA A A ACKE'B-, Freehold, abbW vOOfl acres' feell improved, suitable Ifflf ■6ult>«/Vyv division into si'nii.ll areas. • « I'.IUCB, jBJI per. ftcfa. A gtori investment for a fiian with capital. 1 90$ U.i'.l' i at it>oi fiil.; 560 acres in grata. IxJauco good bush; 4JL&VO r->:..i.'io'i Jfoirw, eheepyards, gardoa, ar.d orchard; '$5 crania fencing I good papa shfip country. J'M'CE, £2 jfof iam.IftOK ACRK'Si Ltkse fin Perpetuity, at fid. per acM{ 500 aftfM t» grass* ■t>p;ts i.l> A) 0 iwhtbco vov,r good l>nsh. land; alwit 409 acres flats, nnd balauco easy lindiiktjnft. Good I.'i»BiHnt:.lioUM and ailtli.n.sjs, aiid gcvot'.al bKcep-proof pad-' docks. PRICE, J3 ids, 1 £»A.A ACIiKS, X'nftl.flW, eli in jr.-.M oiJippt. 200 acre?. i.n sttfnuipg bush s iOv v fc/icw iiiifi sKorlivideil iiifc.) 10 piiddoeksi Honsc. 3-i'obmcd Cottii g<>, cowj?lvcd.i iiiMUtHfj, s'heopjatda. and dip-. Sit'iratcil ion .itiifii Poad, livefallodv i milo to store, :p&s't office, school, etc. PJII'CE for Freehold, JC'G p«;r note. Terms c«sh, ;ir.d can remain. ' . ivSQ A'CSES, 0.H.P., at JCI Si, Cil. per acro.i 2(0 acjoS (eHM aiid :m jfrassi 10 VMO ehsins for.cii'.R; whare: formed roa<l to. property; ve.r| ,i;ood. easy nlicop , couatrj on papa formation. t PRICE, only iC'SOO Goodwill, A good chance 'for ft young m«-n vitli small capital, , For further particuhrs, appij ■« NIWTON KIN& AtlC ASenl/' QOA '«•!! H!!KOd, (i paddocks; G-riwmrrd. iWU House, waolshe.d, 6 cowbatfe; ivitl.i in.ilkiiij; iftptors SI) grass a'tene 400 bteed.ii'rg ewes, 10 dairy cows, and ymin;: stock, ami does Jlicn wStlv riillivii.y a:af| market towE i utiles, : 6clv.oo:i .'ind factory .3 jijiies. C/L, vper acre'f teniis arrnnßed. ... • , , , , i* i ** par'; paft L.j.P, ; afloti't ,8.0 acros balance; ji UID f);t.'idock->;4-rooa«Kl Honspaiittothfit' buiiilina;.-.; Mnsy hill and lindulatihi;, first.class siiefip eou.fitry; 9 from Piiiiudisfc® Noi'.th. : PRICE, •CIO TOs. pf.r oere ;■ terms, ,£UKk) easji. ~ ~ ..... .. ~~t .... IOA A'CI'ES, ciioico 'daily farlt>.« 1G paddocks, v/,ell watered:.; , gov! ioncnig; iOV rooiiied Iftuso; 9 cowkite, IffiftlSi "-iiill.e. school 1 Irtil.Os crfatn caK calls; ii'-Qtor i'o;id. J..UICL,- ■'£■-- 10:. ji.ei .."icrfi i'oP* ACEBS, half lias bf'fr. plouelrt'd, biilance s'.umped ready fpr plough; .W J.Ou rfve'f-flwts; 6-rocr.ied Houses .H cowbaiN; ra.nw.ay, school, a:nd Crpajit or.v 1J miles. I'KICK, ,£37 10.5. per acre. Terms, XhOO casti. '< ' .WILLIAMS. HUNT AND CO.. I,ANJ), STOCK AND STATION AGF.NTS, sr.. VTELUNGTON. STOP! LOOK AT THISi! jrfOQajWOL of 60().acres, 0.R.P.. 15s, per acre, exercisable Cnlr 15 milw VJf from railway. 259 acres, grass-d, balanco bush. Government land back ef this since taken hp with. right of purchaso at over ,£2. per acre.. Goou, .sound 2-sheep per aero couritry- in gr.bwiiu! dia-trict. PRICE, £2 H per acre for quick sale to close an estate. : 4 tal, and is an undoubted bargain. *™"N.Z. LOAM & MERCANTILE ! ACfBNOf CO., LTD., . WAJsGANUI: SOLK AGENTS.

A PROMISING HAWKE'S BAY SHEEP AND CATTLE FARM, FOB SAKE,' 2460 Acres, all in grass and crops; lj Blreejr pep Sides ciittie• wvtcrwl by permanent spnr.p? and streams; sail ss of dnr}; etc. House of 5 rooms.; _and c&Uto- J aid*. I net-. m acre, JJasj terms arranged/ Full paTttcutod from f \ 'J. T. HORN, LTD 4 12 and U PANAMA STREET, WELLINGTON. A ii.(l itt In®jSvN« A DASDV"I>SOfOSIfI|>®t. : SSOO "mIS i»«BßSts&sta "Pry di'rat cffil W prices -aH m spteniM orair; art eyenashns ploughed, tho toil V4B Mfl-t, onfl • 6 itiiated. irilun easy distance of splioo.l a»d ts?* , ' WAIRARAPA FARMERS' ' ASSOCIATION, LTD.,, PA'aiATUA, LAND, ESTATE, AND FINANCE AGENTS. A SPLENDID PROPOSITION IN THE MAKLBOROUGII DISTRICT <2/1 A ACUfiS i>{ the- finest MILLING BUSH in tb'O Dominion, together vrith comRC |ofSlo aa » Going Concern. ftU very lo;v pricfc upon exceptional ft*** GKaOPFrCfIS AMD sou, LAND AND ESTATE .AGENTS, BLENHEIM. " SHEEP FARM. ' ancßHarWPwTU®, _ 130® ®»f** "*WSKSfcfftSW iF' 4 «"f" «sf*'' (»«««* pel cent. Apply, sharp. • W. H. LAMBERT AND CO., '22 CUBA STREET, PA LMERSTOX NORTH. ' *~ W ' FIRST-CLASSTSHEEP OR DAIRYING LANDS FOR SALE. • nfj-fIT 1(!00 \cr>'S, Waika{ia:P and, .I'aTapaTaAvnfHf proportion flat iA 2nd SwBbTA is ftod fattens ov dairying land. Ucfo wan Son ilie pfjporij, a!« .Bfop,fcy«ffls, wofilsh?c, ami men s vkitre. Tim >SiViTvklwatered fiy several streams, and is divided into several paddocks t "saasw " LTD.. , A- TCnTTTpp M-STC6«T IUKGAIX.-Wo liavo 'dispnspd of the 50i)0 acres of, least. hJldrcce^.vadvertised by u 3 in this piper and ofToi another onpor•1 .? 'if TM'ir cheap .property, At'ea; ;4773 ; acres, .42 .years;- Land tiinity |rf,»COTUM!|I £•• i> r g ts | yL-avs.'iiSi'r'per<;;. re.ntjfor. iopond' U «* acre Vifh right of liheVa fljteen y y e 9, t,hv"c?nt on umuipraved value. Willi <tho exception oi. .-GO acres **" ;i_ TMIEI- FARM K®AR LISM , v ««sss:p?fg mm creamery. Freehold. Pries, per acre. .■ ■ - ■■ PAITKER AND VINCENT, LEVIS. good sheep farm for sale, manawat.u une, » t .... rto.r,A arnf,S •'liiiies from Hiiilwnyi 'J-siuep couniry, into 10 paddocks, $300 P^,^aO S ,lH»^H ff Bji-W]W.Wcav V?/\FTs(l ts ncrc<= hp ta-dalo lioiwc, eowrfiwl ami jnil],;mp plant;- liiiikinj? S «I<o* W ;d rctiiriK. Duly , £ 7M caj, -icqm*,!; balBAgrog aip. p aillv vy. i M A ACRES cicltf^Ffa°r.>yrftokws. N 3 tonn, saleyanls, short Ifllflf i „„ (t orn«-iii»- »01®SS all in' trasfr; '.faltoi'S .'a:'U..'s.tock. .oft.'. .-.gUftSi iTartlnfcnlfHvci- aWbalancc baslV toiuttry; 'nxuitiful home, with or!?hSdnite"ted S Wairavapa, Pride XIS !os. f er aero. Cash uante.d .5,000. This is tho ' C, C, 'ftOSB . CO., . . . I \XD AND ESTATE AGENTS, MASTIIUTON. ■ : . . ■■„, a if n A ACliES~F'<!ehaid. Nelson district, 10M acres rich flats, t balance -roihiiß 4100 downs- •carrviiw bne she.«E acr.e.,- EOitfe a.ere| 'prflted.^ % fiiio\rtiiff T[>Wiit's> fi-roomed l-e'sideni'MJilafgor woolshed. nuinerous otitlnDidsngs. Sulxinide teiatUully a"applo land. Prk-, .CIG.OOO. loss, than .ft per acre. Ridiculously cheap; ji.iiinnii refused fof property in its b.ire staiO, ■ .... , ; . .... ......... a ACTES Mai" Road. I.oivcr llutt. exceptionally rich land. • yws--10 p«ctito value, subdivide later. Now cemluciei! as .lnjjdern iwultry and frill firm. Oivaer wakca. !ffit|ncpuii9 . jfiwy-. . . . ;'■ J. D. MARTIN. inNTYRi: 6 " }Mj7 LAMBTOH . ' , ■ " A UNE SHEEP RUN SHOWING SPLENDID RETURNS. nft AA ACRES, 1-SOO of wilicli. art: ill i'tU'-s; a'.i MavjV ;WS.lf W™; ■®". 3200 sliortlv be'with in - wite <i£ 'C.oiVst. iSjheaft seajvaiisl. i]i<?' riiii'tate is perlVc.t; splendid .motcr ve.-.ds i« prnpony. Tii-> ;osidencc. is;.ii n'-«J(!n. nn-to-ila'.''. 1-2-roWii bmutalfw. The oivi.ter "iit tln« run. >\i'o ro.-.-i'led oil it fcr 18 is hoiv niiri;-, and oilers it f n; sale for the .u:su tiuK; he conrti RVerv invesiieaut'rii, a.ird \HU .p.rflil'.vtijft .liis.-book's all ami i-sii: lh« vevoral vttH'ii. Tin- p:iro> of the retimm will (.nvvituv aiiv igflitiiw (bat la--is oliu-ej, a " MILBUEN AID 60.V /v-vfc.;^ SO Qt; EEN S'rKEET. AUi KLAND.

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Dominion, Volume 7, Issue 2114, 3 April 1914, Page 12

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Page 12 Advertisements Column 6 Dominion, Volume 7, Issue 2114, 3 April 1914, Page 12

Page 12 Advertisements Column 6 Dominion, Volume 7, Issue 2114, 3 April 1914, Page 12