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LAND NOTICES- . ; ; 3. ACRES, Avondale; Auckland, 1| miles from Seliodl, P. 0.. a-nd- 'Rail-fray .Station;' ■2 acres grass, 1 a.cro orchard and gardens; houso 5 rooms .aiid -outbuildings, ji'f in gcod order. Suitable for cutting up. Price ,£80&. easy terms. . -iwl ACRES, within Auckland Suburban Area, 1} i'uijes from School, Creamery, J. J 2 P.O. and Railway Station; 15 acres grass, 2 acres resily to crop, batarica ore-hard, garden, etc,; House 5 rooms (heart of totivr.a),, with all Mmvcnidnws n)i'd necessary outbuildings, in perfect Order; 5 paddocks, well watered by never-ifailin;; • springs,' well fenced. Price i£l2s'o; very email deposit required, balance easy terms. For full particulars, apply jo. 31 FORT STREET, AUCKLAND,, ' IGIOB SALE OR EXCHANGE. . WELLINGTON House Property and Building Sites, emtio, uncn-nsimbercrt-i EttUity .£3-550. Owner will Eicharigc part or \vholo for good 'Barry Fatni dose, to Wellington, 1000 ACRES, Mokau, part unimproved, good sheep toftnhy.; price, .S3 per acre. Equity, JC-2150. Will Exchange for small cottage and about -30' acres land; near gecil towngqip. 16 ACRES, 'Pc-krus Sounds with 10-roomed House splendid Beach. -fj'o'ntaß'oJ-,' Price. £1000;-Equity, 4!SO0. Bsc-h-si-i-go for Ws-'lliiiglon residence, ■ ' • - MILLIE AND RUTTEB, : : 7 AGENTS, WBHiINGI'-O.V. ■OUSH Farmct, with 1500 acres of good sheep BOtintry, with 05.0 acres in. gi' Well subdivided, awl -stocked with lliOO sheep, cbm'fortaWe house and' ail . conveniences up to date, Wishes to take in. partner with mfid.ohito a-isiou-nt of capital to assist in developing the Mance of flic propnrij-. Tire above offers a, splendid opportunity for u young fellow to-get into a good, weli-linprm-ed property ' on easy terms. For further particulars, 'ajifrly to ■ LA/KD AGEOT, WA.NGANTJI. :■' A ■ -•• FOR SALE, or will consider .an EXCHANGE—tiGOO ACRES, five rniles of', boo ' "''. : ''" ffontage, and thirty miies from Glsborno. Houso -of -nine rponis aid till- ' ' conveniences,' nion's -wharf;, woolslied for eight shearers,' with Bhearinjj machines;, ■ engine, and wool dump, I'.r.acti'caH'y a:t:l in English There is a.rOad running • through this property, and another of; ths back boundary.; carrying between 12,000 ': ■and l&OOO shee-p, 400 to 500. head of cattle, all of which can bo take's oyer a? .. T&luatl_. Full particulars, on appli—iitm to ■' 0. a. PISSSE ■■ —— -■:- P.O. BOX 149, GISBORK & LICENSED AGENT. A HANDY FARM NEAR AUCKLAND. .:'.-'. .'.V,'.'.....,'".'.. (V/»A ACRES, all ploughablc, 2-j miles from rail, cream.e.ry, OGhooL etc.; 'on'lj • IW 30 Miles from Auckland; 5.00 acre's in grass, -.balance easily brought jjv.. ..... New 7-roomod house, bathroom, etc, yards, bara. and cowshed.. Owners handy .to'this are asking £'30 per acre. We want „7 lflsY .foftslt £500, balance ;-o''y-r i ar.s i't- '"''■', 5 pef cent. We inspected this, and gaatan'tcs-'lhe first to inspect buys. *',»■■•: , J-&fc„ HENRY- 1 CLAYTON. ; AMB'l;Jlg- ; - ;^ . . ■ SOLE AGENTS, . ' '.:..'■ ..'■..,. : :'.;:"- i .:. f :? = ';; ; l ... 85 QUE4si\ S'l'- ■■ :..•"-. f.'. ,-;.;.;' ",,- u l>A ACRES, Tsp-top Oraizmg Country, 3 miles from, good town'; ; p.rnctjca'H.y^ne'w-.''.'\..' ! ' wp" House of' 7 rooms, li. and (sold watfr, wash house,<v jitid':.goj'j [wool :''■'"."' shed; wintering JWD sliwp olid 80 head of. big cattle; w-fcll Syatered, ..and.'.-suha- : ■''■ divided into 12 paddoe-te; G sets of yards, and din; nil. thojenelisg is ki'tipliifd'id-'""' ""'•'' order, ZJ miles new; all easy cotfntry, At, the rmicukresly'iow prico jot £\\ 10s.'' ''■'■ i per acre. Terms reasonable. .'.,.. .*..?!.!-,•,•.,:■:..■ ■'.>' . Would entertain an Exchange' far 400'acfe.s. &>h Agent, .;, Kea'i?:r-railwsiy; must ; . ■ be g.*od. .-■.'■ ' , ■ EQBrr, -PEAOT f .,;- ; :.>PlTl, : .; '_ WAVELOCK NOE'rH,-Spieiid.i'd'. Orchard of 9 -ae-rc?,, freeh.oW., planted in -O-. apples and pears, very bestr.CQmmoreia.i va.i'ioties, ail .in: fltW'bca:.ri'.nir.;.,ft.n,e..;...,;.,,';,■ situatioU, a'fld exceptionally good ci'lmate; house .of '5 Wwtns, with ■c'anvffisienciis, .ill . good condition and repair; paekiiig slicd, cart shed, i?te,.; in addition. 5, acres ..oil lease, 5' years to run, at a rental of 4'll l>e.r annum; half in crop, balance ijx. .grass. l v his is a go-fid proposition, and a good mail -■can, .got-.-in for.., j;G.ofl- d.o.wn-.;.,..,.,. :,.,. balance C percent, for* a term. . ; „ ... .-,!■,. A'.\ : ,i^'~'C\ H'.B.,FJRUiTj PRDDUISfiL'ANPeOQL STO-RACE QQ.: t P.O. SOS 105, HA.STIK6S,.. H. 8.. '":'.'."',''',] ■'~,-^.ZS\' FOR SAILE, good Grocery Business situated O-hakune, flppOsite-Viailwiy.. Station; the Owner leaving the Dominion; will f.acl'ilicc. Turnover i!3IM .a :toOnth; •. ■ stock about -wii-l reduce t0'4!300, at Invoice- pjices;' mH Freehold *EllOo, reduced to _SO0," or will lease at 25a :pet week Edh.a-,..:mi55,..thi3,i : ,,,.; ! -. ; ' opportunity. Apply , ''.'",'„■'f'-'"" ;■!. A, A^\-:^^&?Mt& LAME AGENTS, O-HAKUSE. '■"■ v'""" 1 ■ '- QHEEP RUN F.OB EX'CHANGE.-I'OOO -acres easy, rldeaM© country. jA-.neavly .all ■ O in grass, 1 balance good bush; .practically.level; well, fen-.eeilt.ftiid ■s-übd.i\u'de'd.-..v,.;;-,.;4. Shearing' Shed, yards, :h.6u'se, atal outbuildings; good J-sliPtp country., jtightly iineu- ' ciimbered Ct'overnment mortgage, only. o\ynet will excliaiigo for si.i»aTle.r place and 6ome cash, W.rit'o vis for full particulars, ■ ~ ;■ -; ;.; ■= ;■ '. i'uCFIONEiJRS. TE AWAjITJTIJ, Ni. : " :: ' S '' : " ;; ;': "';;' ! " ~/; FOR SAte, DAIRY PROPERTY AWD STOCK IN PRtJFrT. ':" ' "■',".;_ t'ttfi ACREBi all flat, situated llapgaroa; now S-roomeit l&*use.i.-wit:h..w^{ef l ..iail{-s.i -..;' iU'/v on; trapslicd, stables, hayshed, etc., ' also w'itlo>..'ltida-v'W'■''.)' milking machine aiwl new 4 h.p. oiigiiie; '50 cows, .and all farm iiuplein.ents." Two "' '"" fi'treanw run 'tlirougli th.o ltroivcrty, ;!.;/.-i ;,"T' " ■_■•--■»■-■-■—■»■»■. £1000 CASH REQUIRED. i'For further v particulars, apply-"-' ■.-y'.• * r-« N.Z, LOAN 4 W^^pSM-:::::h' y : '• .'"'"'"•' ■;WEIiiJKGTON' ■ ■ "■:■ '; ' ! ~ ' .:, ; : ;; ';:,,."> A REAL GOOD MONEY-MAKING PR6ROSItiON ONE THAT MUST S.RO.V/ i-NTO VALU& IQK(\ AC-RES; 40 -mtJ-es tJastercon, by motor-cat road, iOO -.acres in sitt'V -a;hd'''" &Q\r bush, ba-1-a-aC-B in good grass, B-toal'l fl'Qrlion .piou-ghablc-, .well..fenced n*nd ' watered, 18- miles to township. Winter's 2.00'0 s'lioe'.p, 104 head ■cattio'j 2 IfQu.s'ea wool, filled yards-,. .Only .£IOOO tasli riMiftired. . ■ ....,,. aO, ROSS AND oa, •'■' LAND AGENTS AND .STBEETi'SA'STERT.O'.jf.' : -. |-:,- GREAT GEAZING COUNTRY,. ' . tjaaa AGR-ES, FREEHOLD, PGliaagina Coiiity; 800 in grass : , .bSila-nco bush. XVu'/ , The tend is all undulating" and -easy hill's.; 1.50 atires being pl.-qUghnbifi when s'tum-ped. It is flarticiij-ariy lieft' sheep country,, and in- reall;y- gocHi . heart; 10 miles to good- tow-jisbip and saleyard-s- % lit'etalled road,; 8 pnadocka; ■good 5-r*iotoed House, shed and yards. P'RICB, only „8 109. p.Jr acre; cash, . ■ Na.'. 1399■' : .'A. & ATEINBOM & PP., Lf D. F . GOIDEN OPPORTUNITY -SECURE '5 ACRE :FAR:M:. r* ACRES iCvel land, close to Welliflg-tou, an Mauatta.tu Ltne.;-'beautifully «itu; 0' ■ ats.d. lprely Biiun.y position. Splenai'd .soil-;' -d-jyejling .5 -room's-, ahd Übsolu'tdiy' a castle for a coac'h-h-Dnso and s'table s aleo magnincent ■ brooder-lio.usß ■ . . «nd faw.l run:3.j admirably adapted for' .pa'U'ftry-v p;ig3,. be'.o raising, and frii'it grdvr* tpg. Cheapest prq-porty -n'car Wfiili-ng-taft. Price'JE97s; jB-IyS cash, balanwi J ■jlars. '.- •' ..--.- ' J. IX, MABTIN .BriNTTRS ft.- .£».*;■■:■ 7 ■ 215-21? LAMUi'OK QUAY, WELLINGTON', ""-' HAW.KE'S -BAY SHEEP COUNTRY, (~.. •'^.;,-' ; :7- ! -|Kl-ft ACRE'S, Freehold, L/T. All..jji grass }2flo acres pltfughable;, '"3l)i>'.-'- acres-..-■. XwJ-" MUy. 200 a-cres .been ploughed, 33t>0 acrfrs in craps, took 3 toffs' .c'lfjifF pop Sore last year; fenced intia 13 paddocks, watered -by 'perfmiiieiit streaiUs;.-. carrying.. ISBO slieep, 18 Gat-He, (1 horses; when; .furfhef i-mjirovcd w-iil marry'# shqop.j'*. Five- ■ rooined hmise, (i-stoil stabte, loft, 'woolsltMl;, -3 stniidSi iuaiV's woin,, buggy*';sk?d; fi.ii>'.. pienißiit shed, etc. Price, ;£-5 ss. per acre. Easy- terms din be arranged. -'Stock:, i.i'ii-- i, machines, and eflgiiife to be taken at -valudtioii. Tlireo -miles' to:.- school;: ■.':-■■ H miles to P;fX ' . ~-.:,. ~-.; \- ■:;<.,: OAMPBH7L, THOMBON : 4- «.*:7 ;SL r '...'.. . ' . ~PA'NNEfiRKE. : .". .....V'- ..;... •■-■•■ ■';-. -: ; v.-s I ';.^ WE can .o'ffot you -iISBO ACRES, ail in .grassy except 500 acroa strong fc'rp a.ncr. clumps-- shelter biislu Absut 400 acres rich river njai's, balance-, easy '.obiiii'tryi, mostly p'lb'ugha'ble.. Subdivided in'td'24! paddoc'lts. and .splendidly':'w , ateredi;,.' : .'HouE«, iB rooniß, telephone, installed, wools'hed, eheop aii.d cattto yai?ds,ibto, . idO dairy eow-s, 200. head cattle,. 160.0 sh:e6'p, and i) 0 .horses. Propetly hftndidd w'Qul'd eisil* carry 2 sheep to acre. Railway Station U miles, steamer' landing 'lj.-'imilbs, . E'eaily good, country, PRICE .£7 'PER "ACRE, :Terms, >£3000 to cash; ■b'4l'_o?i'.::.;;V,'.- , V arranged. Wo h.avc known this property for 15 yea'ra, and invite .ihspeatioh," . AKXr'C^IBfP^ .BUI'LD'tN'Q'S.. QUEE-N STREET, .',..v^V JOMM ._)yT_fljH ._s/'OQ* S I/p©^4:,,.;' ; METALS AWD HARDWARE MERCi)A.NTS. '''o'' : '\ '' % '■%'""■■ WILLIS, MERCER,- ANB :tICf p^^mgS^^J '. ' c6NS^RTJCTIb:NA_S*EEtr'' ;: ' ;:: " WAT-EBWORKS: iffAT.BRIAL.. ■:■■■ , mmmmm. , isfwiiii-'..;.....;.,,, ■ • . \ wifiE,' -etc, '.'. ■ •..;. ■'•"'. Indents Execution : Low ; esf V: T6ritiSi; t>"' ' , ':,7 DORMAW, LONG'AND!'CO/S STEELfO_ls.':>,*' "" ■): INDKNfWD STEEL BA.RS. '■';■'? iMN.NI_R STEEL ROLLING,-SiIBTTERS. .:::■' '■■■-■■ -W MANN-KSM ANN'STEEL WATER' Si A INS. ■'.' "ASfSPI«TR -NORTH EASTERN STEEL CO,'S'STEB:LRAILa"'..- $± , A|afelMSU» JOHN SHAW, LTD., STEEL WIRE ItOPE, ■ • ./::..'::■.. ;;S : " WAUKEGAN BARBED WIRE. - "' '.'.''''•.'''.■,";; '"' t .-^3-^ FQRn CLAR.ESCB EKGWSH FENCING WIRE.- -Vt -' 'i-£ ■& TITAN BEST CROWN G.C. IRON.'" ' .-If-fttr-^ PATENT VmCAN'ITE ROOFING-COT. ■, -.-■' "■s.*■'?;'""iS-WZ ■■ ■ ALEXANDER FEWHJSSO-N A:ND CO.'S GENOTN-E WHITBY'-^r. : LEAD AW) PAINTS* "■ "V c, :fi'!jf" RMPORTERS O-P- '■ '. . h "-i." *?' G,C IRON, EAR, S.HEET,. AND PiATE' IRIjN, .AND'. STEELr'lvNiG ! flT7v-s : if Bi#EN'S PORTLAND. &AVRS, '-'DOOM-'* .■.'* REGISTER AND GRATES. A.I:S, vm. SIRES, WJiS.'.'MAOTtE-; - PIECES, BEASSFOWPRY, BRU-SHWAEE,. OILS -.AND PAI'NTS, TERS* AND ENGINEERS'. TOOLS,.CtITLERY,.,PLATED- WARE, SILVER-' ;; WARUi COPPER WARE, LEATHER GOODS, ETC. ' X:":'"^''} TEL'EP'HONESs 3000, Town; 2504, Irofi" Store. «- 156, Country Eept,;-5i3,-O^Ve.V'^K ,Siifi IIITIISI IKSDKHIdE- .|{B^"^4^ : -ISI a N.Z. Owiaed ■: ; "77';7'77 HRE, MAEINE, EMPLOYEHS'LIABMTY, AND (MMB ACCIDKifetB 1 JS& POPULARITY DUE TO PEOMPTBJSS& -: :; : P'^'Wk LET th-c "Dominion" General Pr_.tjng TF yftu 'hajo ft Ea.rnv or L'a'hd 'for/Sai.e,-' '■"'.:-;-■, Department handle your next qrffyr.) * or ft Business fo'u .wish to Ujs'poiij ■"*.' whatever your Prompt at-' of,- 'send.yoiir atMrti.s'enian't-fc.'tha'-'-TllE ■ tention, 'Reasonable cnaiges.- / ' DOMINION." ■ •■■ - ->■ '■"•■■.. "l^t:-:;:^:

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Dominion, Volume 7, Issue 1973, 2 February 1914, Page 9

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Page 9 Advertisements Column 4 Dominion, Volume 7, Issue 1973, 2 February 1914, Page 9

Page 9 Advertisements Column 4 Dominion, Volume 7, Issue 1973, 2 February 1914, Page 9