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PHASES 01? THE IfOON. DECEMBBE. Day. Hr. m. First quarter 6 2 29 a.m. Full mo oil 14 2 £0 a.m. Last (inartcr 21 3 46 a.m. Now mooii 28 225 a.m. MOON. lloon rises to-day, 0.54 a.m.; sets, 4.4 p.m

To-day, 0.55 a.m.; 1.21 p.m. To-morro'.v, 1.52 a.m.; 2.15 p.m,

SUN. Sun rises to-day, 4.14 a.m.; eels, 7.15 p.m.

ARRIVALS. TUESDAY, DECEMBER 23. IJfjENTTEDr, s.s, (7.25 ft.m.), 130 tons, Wi Jiinson, from Blenheim.

MAOKI, s.s. (7.35 a.m.), 3399 tons, Manning, from ;Lytte!ton. Paeeeneers: 534 saloon and 317 steerage. NIICAU, s.s. (8.2/J a.m.), 248 tons, Hay from Nelson. \

TAINUI, as.' (11.22 a.m.), 9957 tons, Moffatt, from London, via Teiicriifo, Cope Town, and Hobart.

Tt/TANEKAI, fiovernmerit stovmor (1.35 p.ih.), 811 tons,, from West-port and Nelson.

ELOIJA, -6.5. (3.10 p.m.), 1273 tons, WilHarris, from Southern porls. TOMOAiMRO, s.s. (4.25 p.m.), 76C0 lons, Whit*-Parsons, from Pieton.

PUTIKI, s.s.. (5 p.m.), 409 tons, Whalstronii from Wanffanui. HINEMOA, (5.45 p.m.), 542 tons, Bollons, from southern islands, via Milfoid Sound (tnd Nelson. WAKATU, fi.s. (8 p.m.). 157 tons, Wills, froth Kaikoura and Lyttelton. DEPARTURES. TUESDAY, DECEMBER 23. TAIHUI, s.s. (12.10 p.m.), 128 toils, Jensen, for Waitara. 'KAPOSI, s.s. (1 p.m.), 150 tons, Jl'lntosli, for Peter. AItAHURA, s.s. (12.55 p.m.), 1596 tons, Lambert, for Picton and Nelson. LIZZIE TAYLOR (2 p.m.), 77 tons, Peterson, f6r Blackball, QUEEN OF THE SOUTH, s.s. (2.30 p.m.), 198 tons, Harvey, for Foxton. OPOURI. SJS. (4.25 p.m.). 572 tons, SoTrutze, for Lyttelton. NJKAU, s.s. (5.30 p.m.), 245 tons. Hay, for Nelson and Motiioka. BLENHEIM, s.s. (6.10 p.m.), 120 tone, Wilkinson, for Blenheim. MAORI, s.s. (8.35 p.m.). 3399 tons, Ilairnins, for Lyttelton.

. EXPECTED ARRIVALS. Arapawa, Waneanut, December 24. Kairalu. . I'oxton, December 24. Aorere, Patea, December 21. Opav. - a, Blenheim . Decembor 24. Moa. Teraltohe, Decembor 24. P-ateonn, Pictari direct, December 24. Wahine Lyttelton, Dccembcr 24. Maunganui, Sydney direct, December ,24. ICamona. northern ports, December 24. Waverlcy, Neleoi), Becembor 24. Quceii of tho South. Foxtoii, December 25. Maori, Lyttelton, December 25. Kapuni, Patea, December 25. Awnhoil, Now Plymouth, December 26. Kapiti, Wangamii, .December 27. Hdwcra, Patto, Dccembcr 27. Jlamari. London, December 20. Alexander, Waugamii, December 28. Kahu, Napier and East Coaet Bays, December 28. Ruru, Napier, December 23. Hippie, Napief, Gisborno, December 28. Wnltatu, Kaikoura and Lyttelton, Doc. 28. emiihori] ports. December 29. Nikau, Nelson, Motueka, Doc. 30,

j PROJECTED DEPARTURES, i Kapiti, Waneamii, December 24. 1 Echo, Greymoutli, December 24. Awahou, New Plymouth. December 24. Whalrateme, Lyttelton, December 24. PukaKi, Auckland dircofc, Deesnibor 24. Opawn-, Blenheim, December 24. . Wakatu. Kaikourzy and Lyttclton, Decomber 2-1. Oorintliic. London, Dcccrabor 24. Wahine, Lyttelton, December 24. Pateena, Picton only, December 24. Mawriganui, Lyttelton, December 24. i?ipple, Napier, Dccembcr 24. PutiUi, Wanganui, December 24. Aorere, Pa tea. December 24. Waverley, Nelson, and West "Wougdnui, December 24. Hawera, Pateo, Dccembcr 24. Maori, LyttcU-on, Deeember 25. Arahiir-a, Pic tin' mid Nelson, DccembeT 25. Tokomaru, Loiiddn Deeember 25. Murilrti, London, Deeember 25. ■ Wahine, Pieton, December 26. jl«nrit»anui, Sydney dire<*t. DecembeT 26. ► December 27. ; the Soul h,. Foxton, ..December 27. K:ipunV Poloa.- December 27. Arapawa, WcnK-anui, December 27. Kamonn, south-crn ports,* December 27. Blenheim, Blenheim, D&csinbcr 23. Alexander, Ncl?on and West Coast., December 29. ; Nikan. Motueka, December 30. • Warrimoo, northern ports, Dccembcr 30.

INTERCOLONIAL SERVICE. MOVEMENTS OP STEAMERS. ULIMAKOA, due licre irom Melbourne, via. southern ports, January 1. Sails January 3 for Sydney direct. KIVERINA, due here from Sydney ilircct, December 29. Sails on December 30 for northern ports. MATJNGANUI.' dne at 'Wellington from Sydney direct, to-day. Sails December 26 for Sydney direct.

'FRISCO SERVICE. , MOVEMENTS OF STEAMERS. MOANA, duo here from San Franoisco, via, Island ports, January 1. Leaves January' 2 for Sydney. . Due Sydney January 6. TAHITI., due hero from Sydney January 1. Sails January 2 for San Francisco, via. Island • ports. • Duo Sim Francisco January 22.

VANCOUVER SERVICE. ' MOVEMENTS OK STEAMERS: MAKURA, arrived at Auckland from Sydney direst December 22. Sailed December 23 for Vancouver, via. Suva, and Honolulu. Duo Vancouver January 9. MARAMA,. due at Auckland from Vancouver, via Honolulu and Suva.. January 13. Sails January 13 for Sydney. Duo SydDcy January 17. . OVERSEA SHIPPING. . Steamers. From. Left-. Due. Waiwora London Oct. 5 Dec. 26 Indrapura. London Oct. 15 Dec. 25 Otaki London Nov. 6 Jan. 5 Mamari London Nov. 6 Dec. 27 Kotorua '. Lojidon Nov. "2 Jan. 7 lonio London Dec. 6 Jan 22 Star of Australia Lojidon Tiov.-'O Jan. 12 Makarini Lojidon Nov. h Jan. 3 Waimana, London Dec. 12 Mar. 6 Itoapehu London Doo. IB Feb. 13 Iluruliui Liverpool Oct. 26 Jan. 1 'Ayrshire Liverpool N0v.22 Jan. 19 Kumara, Liverpool Dec. 6 Jan. 24 Surrey Liverpool Dec. 20 21ar. 1

Woglinde New York Oct. 27 Jan. 22 Volga. New York Nov. 11 Jan. 16 Star, oi mom ... new York Nov. Zt Jan. 29 Star of Ireland Now York Nov. 1 Jan. 9 Oairncross Montreal Nov. 28 Feb. 14 • Karamca Quebec Oct. 27 Jan. 16 ■Havre Singapore Dec. 10 Jan. 12 SAILERS TO ASRIVE. Loch Garve, ship; left Marseille; May 20. Left. Auckland December 14; duo Wellington December 23. King Cyrus, four-masted schooner, 630 tons, left Columbia River on October 18, 62 days out.

BY TELEGRAPH. OVERSEA. FREMANTLE. December 23. Arrived.—Orvicto, from London. MELBOURNE, December 23. Tho Mongolia's Kcw Zealand passengers includo: M<*»>rs. Vernon, Laiiftdon, Veall, and Miss Oifford. SYDNEY, December 23. Arrived,—'Victoria (2 p.m.), from Now Zealand.The departure of tho Tahiti for Ban, Francisco hoa been postponed till December 31.

SUVA. December 23. Arrived.—Lovuka, from Sydney.

COASTAL. TUESDAY, DECEMBER 23. . AUCKLAND. Arrived.—Wairutta (3.45 a.m.), from Fiji and Wellington. Sailed—Kamona (12.30 a.m.), for is'anier, Wellington, Lyttelton, and Duncdin; Wair.ora (5.10 a.m.). fop Gisborne, Napier, Wellington, and Bluff; Indiariuro. (3.15 p.m.), for Napier arid Wellington, i NEW PLYMOUTH. Arrived.—Doraw-a (8.25 a.m.), from Onchunga. PATEA. Arrived—Aorerc (4.30 a.m.), from Wellington. Sailed.—Aorero (5.10 p.m.). for Wellington. WANOANTJI. Arrived—Hawora, (6.45 p.m.), from Wellington. PICTON. Arrived.—Arahura (4.35 p.m.), from Wellington. Sailed—Pateena. (7.30 p.m.), for Wellington. NELSON. Arrived.—Pateena (5 a.m.), from Picton and Wellington. Sailed.—Tutanckai (4 a.m.), for Wellington: Pateena (noon), for Pinion and Wellington; Waverley (4 p.m.), for Wellington. TEItAKOIIE. Arrived— lloa. .(£ p.m.), from Wellington. WESTI'OKT. Arrivetl— Mopoufikn. (f.20 p.m.), from Wellington. LYTTELTON. Arrived,—Wnhino (7.15 a,hi.), from WollinjrUin-

PORT||M|fS:| Arrived.- u aijiori linston.

"" ' m.vvr. .Sai!c<f.--Titania. (9.40 ;i.m.)«!fo:' • XtnvcasUe

r.uxur from londox.

Tho Ehaw, StavUl and Albion CotafanyY? liner 'IViimii :iit i veil in tho ."•tre-aiii M.22 yesterday, after a. good-weather passage from l/ondon, via Toneriffo, Capo Town, and JfobaW. She htrthod «t No. i south (Jue?n'-? Wharf. On lit»r Instward voyage" from Wellington in M«y lust the liner oauie into roiffrjon \viMi * tlio steamer' Inca olf Cape* Finisierre, and v/a? badly damaged, ami in coiweiiuem'c nf this she has missed one trip to New Zealand.

The Planner left London on Koveiftber 6 with <50 third-cla?=.- 77 £wond-cV{&3. and 3? first-class passengers. Plymouth w<.va reached on JCovember 7, where 680 b<tg£ of Christinas moils were taken oii beard. Tine weather prevailed through the Bay of Biscay, and Teilerjffe tww» reached on November 13. . Leaving Die fatter port, the vessel proceeded to CaPo Town, arriving there on November 28.' Fifteen hundred tons of bunker coni was taken on board, and somo 14 saloon pn-scugers embarked for Australian floats. The vessel left for Hobart on November $. frnd fine, weather was experienced oil tho vray. Tho Taxman iau port was reached in tho efti'iy moriUng of December 17. _ Six f hundred tons of .general cavßo were difichjaT£od and fifteen hundred tons of bunker coal were shipped. Thirty batfs of Christians mail were token on. board, and the vc-rn left for Wellington on December 19, at noon. Five days before arrival at- HobaH a Christmas tree \vas given to the children, about 110 juvenile*, all tin do the nge of 12, roceivinz a. presfertt. Captain T. Mot Fait Kin comnmr.d, awl has the following officers:—Memm j*. Greene (chief), W, Jkirtman (second), 0. William.? (third), B. T. Orciyston (fourth i J. F. Nortlicote (Surgoon), G. Greerjhill (chief engineer), L. A.. filler teecond), C. J. Muir (third), and fc. J. (purccPi,

lUTAPEHU LEFT LONDON. The New Zealand Shipping Company's steamer Ruapehu left London on Beceniber 18 for Now Zealand port?, She is due at Auckland about February 4. t And At Wei 4 lingtori a- week or $o later. Sho i?fixed to 1 leave Wellington for London oil Jtarsli 5. MAMAEI DTJK SVSDAt. The Shaw, Savill and Albion. Company's steamer Mamari, which hae been chartered by the Government ti> convey immigrants to tho Dominion, signalled Hobart a* 10 a.m. yesterday, Tho vessel its due here on Sunday morning. WAITEMATA WltS COAL, Tho Union Company have ad* vice stating that the large* collier TCaitemata left Newcastle with a load of coal on Saturday for Wellington direct. The vessel. which has not. visited this port for some time, will probably bring about 7CCO tons of coal.

The folloirinfr vessels were reported to be within wireless rsanfje last eveniuff:— Maori, Wahine, .JfoiTflfcatmi. Coriiithic. On Christmas Day the Maori lVahlne. # nili, and Corinthic will be wittiin range. Tho Kemuora was reported to be vi'ithiix fanßo of tlifc Chatham lijldnds.

THe Hansa Jiner Atpenfelt? left New York on Do'ceinber 12 for Australian and New Zen-land ports. She will at Melbourne, Sydney, and lackland beioro' eominff to Wellington, \thsre ?he is due about February Tho vessel is inp a. cargo of ge.riGfal mcfchaiiditic.

Mr. W. Mflnder, of the Pa-teeja, aiid Mr. R. purser of have extftarijreti positions.

Tho Jlonowai is lo TcsuKie running o ! n December 30, leaviA'ff Auckland oii that dat-e for Gisborno, Xapier, telton. and. Dunfidfn. Sho- vernairt in the» East Coa&t trifle Until further notice. On "December 27 iho Worrit&oo will leave Dunedin for \V oil in pr , via LytteUoir, Bhe will drrive-here on Tuesday ruor/untr nest, and will sail in tho cvoiwns for Gisborno. and Auckland. The vessel will remain in tho Auckland run for aii indefinite period.

Mr. J. J3crf{uist lias joined J.he Ncakiitu third officer, vice Jlr. D. Sincbtir. Mr. W. Kobevtfon has joined tho vewiel as fourth officer.

The foftgariro js to rail for tTa.ita.m on Sunday and will return to this port beforo eailiug lor IjoMoii fn January: r * . Mr. P. Laii(-y has succeeded 3lr. J?, Reid as mate of the $loa>

Messrs. A. Gibson OH'd V. Jolmrisen,. who have been aetinj? as officers on the Kapnni,. sijrned off t,h6 articles Ve?* .toVdffy. Mr." A'. H'KirtfcOtt'.was- reengagedas mate. *

Tho Maunganui h fi.ied to sail for Lyt< telton at 10 o'clock 06 extr<t ier/y steamer. 1 )

Tho • Now Zealand Shipping Goniivany's Vitamer Wlia,kdta-no, which arfl'vcd on Monday fi'om MontroaL via Australian ports and Auckland, was engasred in chargln!? a quantity of Newcastle coal into a hulk yesterday.

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Dominion, Volume 7, Issue 1940, 24 December 1913, Page 7

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SHIPPING NEWS. Dominion, Volume 7, Issue 1940, 24 December 1913, Page 7

SHIPPING NEWS. Dominion, Volume 7, Issue 1940, 24 December 1913, Page 7