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LAND NOTICES. FAMILY RESIDENCE. FAMILY RESIDENCE. RESIDENCE and two acres well planted and voli s-helterod grounds. at Lower Hull. Close to main road, but protected from tho dust of motor ttaffe, etc. House contains hall! drawing-room, disitig-room, breakfastroom, kitchen, etc, Six bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, etc. Gas, Hot and Cold Water (Borough supply); water laid on to, several tops in ground, Greenhouse, motor. Shed, fowlhoaso. A fitio property. Exceptionally easy terms can bo arranged.' WM. H. TURNBULL AND CO.. 27 PANAMA STREET, WELLINGTON. GAAA ACRES, Freehold, about 7000 atrea well improved, suitable toi eub- """" division into Bmall areas, ... PRICE, £11 per acre. A good investment for d iftajl with capital 19 AO ACRES, 0.R.p,, at ICS. 6d.; 500 acres in grass balance good bush; 4X/WUO roomed House, shipyards, garden, and orchard; chaina fencing; good papa sheep cxmtitrv. PRICE, 10s. per* acre. 1 ACRES, Loaso in Perpetuity, »t Si P«r aero; 500 acres in grass, and X\r/vO balance vsry good bush land; about 400 acres flats, and balanoe easy undulating-. Good DwcUjVhouso and outbuildings, and several sheep-proof pad* doeks. PRICE, jC3 108,' per acre. ACKBS. Freehold, all in gra ß3 W*pt 200 acres in standing bush; JLUUV fenced and subdivided into 10 paddocks; 5-roomed House. 3-rßamedCot-tage, cowshed, wool shed, sheepyards, and aip. Situated on Main Road, metalled, * m *Jg to store, pest office, Echool, etc. , PRICE, for freehold, .£6 per aero. Terms oash, ana balance c&n remain. Ct?G ACRES, 0.R.P,, at £1 Bs. Gd, per acre; 2-50 acres felled and in grass; M chains fencing: whare; formed road to projwrty; very .Rood easy sheep country on formation. PRJCE, only JSSOQ Goodwill, A good chauco for a young man frith email capital. For further particulars, apply NEWTON KING AUCTIONEER,^LANBj^i^FDJA^JCIAIi , FOR SALE, 1 fJ'7'7 ACRES, Freehold. Land, im Hawkes Bay, 30 miles from Napier and within J-wi ( easy motor distanco of important railway town; all flat sandy. loam, ■well suited for agricultural purposes, and" admirably, adapted'- for sheep and cattle: fenced into 11 paddocks by post ana W'iro . fences, ' iit - first-class order; 200 acres ploughed roady tor rape, turnips, etc., balance in grass, mostly native; wintering 1 sheep per acre; parts sown flown in English grass, wintering 2^ sheep per acre, besides cattle;' three lfliW road frontage and larga -portion bounded by nig river; about 2 miles of plantations, also large orchard,and gdrdeiu up-to-date House, with hot and -cold water oald other conveniences; stables, motor-shed, etc., etc. PRICE, £6 15s. per awe. Stock, draught horses, agricultural implements,' etc., can be taken over, at valuation. . , . ■ WM. LINGARD AND - CO.. ' 26 GREY STREET, WELLINGTON. "J ACRES, 800 acres grass, balance gojjd bush,: 100' acres now plongbable, Iwu 200 acres flat, 'riek papa country 1000 sheep, .a .number, of ' cattle, and <H) dairy cows all winter; 5-rconied' house, cow bails, 6hede. TiM'e, L.1.P., and 0.K.P.; all conditions fulfilled; school 2 miles; create cart calls. Price, JJS 10s. per acre,. inciudine 50 dairy com. Terms,. 42750 c-ash. S3 KM ACRES; 120 acres grass,'balance bush; 150 acres flat; 6-roomed house, outOvU ' buildings. Title, 200 acres freehold, 320 acres Edticatioiv Lease, with perpehH right of renewal; winters 1} big,sheep, besides tattle, witheut turnips; by growing a few turnips.3 sheep could easily bo wintered; railway .11. miles, rab- ■■ tor road; school 3 miles; cream cart calls. Prico M 10s. per acre. Terms, ■ £50fl cash. ... 6t /»RA ACRES, Hawko's Bay; 300 acres fiat, balanco easy law hills; carries . U . 001/ breeding ewes, hesides cattle, without cropping; stock, 1100 breeding . ewes and som§ cattle; situated 11 miles from toWtt railway, salcyttrds, ctc. Price. -"',,£12 per acre. Terms, JCIO6O cash. 62 ' ' WILLIAMS, .HUNT AND CO., LAND, STOCK, AND STATION AGENTS, JOHNSTON ST.. WELLINGTON* EAST COAST BUSH LAND. . EAST COAST BUSH LAND, VIRGIN BUSH-NATIVE LEASE. VIRGIN BUSH—NATIVE LEASE. , .jwgA ACRES, fi miles Port SI miles 6ottlom?nt, SO years'. J<wsa; lowrent. Pries - 1 41 Dlf ,£3OOO, Or will sell Freehold. .. '"] :V . OTHER BLOCKS UP TO 10,060 ACRES. • Ml particulars to meft frith money to develop' tha country, 'V . C. 'G, -EEOOJRE," ; POVERTY BAY LA.ND AGENCY, GISBORNE. ' . V " TO SEE IS TO BUY.- '' ' """***' A' SPLE'NPID Freehold Property containing 1050 acres of rich nndulatiiig sheep Country, of whieh there is a great proportion ploughftble. This land if to(Miused as tho W» in tha North Isfawd-m thy, w«crm. «®U-«e4MKjI. And ampl? euMirldd! 'i ( ho bnUdingg consist of a good.thrte'MOmcd yteu», ■.also Tfttgo sh«ir» ine shed, fitted with Woisley shearing macluaes, Tho position is good, bomgoloso to railway and one of^tho best stock centres in tho North. A capital, investment for a sint{Je man. Price only .£lO liJs. Cd. WAIBARAPA FARMERS COOP. ASSOCIATION, LTD, LAND. ESTATE, 4 FINANCE AGENTS. PAHIATOA, CHEAP FARMS-HAWKE'S BAY AND WAIRARAPA. nfAA ACRES, good sheep farm, near (6m.) WaipukiiTßU, Hawko's Bay; cajryi mOUv iujj li sheep per aero and cattle; permanent water, and well improved ; 5-roomed house, yards, dip, woolshed, etc. Price, 427 .per acre. JS4OOO cash. in/I ACRES, 2| miles. fram Waipukura>i; all. level; rich soil; well fenced; Avv no buildings. Price, ..823 1»T. aero. . Terms, OA ACRES; rich level land; no buildings; in Borough, Waipakurau. Prist, uv JMB peraero./ Tarws. AQA ACRES, L-1.P.; rent 3s. Dd. (djmj Hartmborough; all in grass and erops 4oU half pioughahle; goad residence, ate.; good 2-shoep co'untrv, tunning to limestone. Price; .50 10s. aero. Terms ilWa'cash'; balance '51 per cent, niortcago, A tip-top small farm, and freehold can bo bought if wanted. .. W. Fi' MORE AH "AND CO. ( '"LAND, FINANCE, INSIJEANCE AGENTS- AND VALUERS, - WELLINGTON, ; ,- " 1 PGR SAXE—IiRICK ANB TILE Kl£>N.. . ... , rjiTTIATfiD on S acres of ground, within i mile of large railway eonlrq. witli Js' 0-roomed house and all Accessary outbuildings; grounds well laid out, Mod, orchard and garden; up-to-date- Kiln to hold 22,000 b.Hckf?, drying sheds,to hold TOOOO bricks; 8 h.n. stationary engine and boiler, brick-mating maehino and dies for 2, 3, and 4-inch tiles; all conveniences and comiection with tlio works. Pricc. for the lot,' ©nly .£1100; or will sell 4 ?c«s nn.d kil&, mailt, etfi.i for <£700. A real rood pirhcumre.. UNI) AGSSft MAET f ON ANT) MARTQN JUNCTION, > ~t wnn, VCBE-S. 20 rnilcs from good town and a coming p°rt; good 2-shopp XTOU * try bc«idW ; HO aews in the best of EuglisU grassy• b^klatico• i«-r crooil mixed Irnsli; Rood wharo and sliccp yard?.. This is A cheap property, that will rise in value. Price, £3 per acre; £1000 Cash, balance -tor 5 roars at & i?(?r cont. _ For fuller particulars, apply to _ _ LONDON, -GOaS AND CO., - RIDGWAY STREET, WANGANtIL . Box IBS ACRES. NJ«h- Aufltlwi, .5# milei from 'dty hy roil or bent, 1423 ncrco 1780 crasi and roagJi foeil; balance heavy bush, iOD acres rich tallo.v ttats. Snlondid soil, on fiapdatoiie formation. Idqat cbeep a;vd- cattio rmintrv Gootl G-foamod houst, with bathroom, etc., woolskeds, yards,, to teloXmo iaid on to house; -school 2 miles, oroam cart passes, raitw-ay station 10 mjlca' fc Mfl'? rnd, wharf 8 miles. Carrying 2000 sheen, 200 head tattle, and underI jtocked? Easy two : sheep connti y. Chea-poet propeaiWO on market at igS 10s. po? AfY LAND AGENTS, AilJi 69 Queer. St.. AUCKLAND, -•■ FURNISHED \. .. ■ ■ '-COUNTRY HOME FOR ... If 30"choice fruit, trees in full Vtables tropshed, whaw, fowllionso and runs. Goad v«g»tablo -garden.Goiae "concern with furniture and 100 choice fowls. Vmn, £&, solo . Agfmt?, . x PARKER ANO VNICENT, LEVIN, - THINGS. m ACRES, sitnated FeUding district, 110 acres grass, 101 acres plonghaHo. caiTTine 43 eattie, U hersos, aud sheep; good fc-Momod ho-uso and all outbuildiS; subdivided, etc.; nortsage.«t"J«oO. Price, per aero, fash ' .rni?<s /-.Vmtl do«e to good. town, railway, etc.; tip-top house,'and wd). 89 »g sfc™.' r^ vlirrn'R B. SMITH. ~T~.rnFR WnriAtatu Line, i miles railway; Hoasc, outbuildings, good 900 rewb 100 acres grass, 400 ceres flat, ptoughable whoa cleared and Stamped, - € il heaUiiT Sheep Farm. Taranald, 2 miles railway station, P.&, 1900' nd sc'hi'ol 1500 acres grass, 400 bush; carries 2 sheoi?, !)eside.-s catttel Xf in n X™ Will I3 v " , '"i<ge if' Mortgages, Town Property, or fcmatl Tarms. . G7S. HILL -AND CO., LAND AGEKIS. ISO FEATKERSTON STREET, WELLINGTON. Tljp'fii fiOOD MONEY-MAKING PROPOSITION ONE THAT MUST RROW A Kt«L uw INTO VALUE. . . ACRES, 40 miles Masterton, by motor-cmr road, 400 acres in scrt-6 ana I,<n|) hush, balance in good-grass, small pwtion. pWUab.e, woU fenced »nd IS miles to township. Winters 2COO sheep, 104 head Cattle; 2 Bouses, woolS»d yards. Only' £1090 cash 'required. C. C. ROSS AND CO., ■ , LAND AGENTS AND SHAREUROKERS, QffKEN STREET, 3IASTBRTON. Q Q Qj;: M"o ppb nfu nTt'Y - SEC ijflE 5 A C RlfFAn M. ATIIES level land, claso to Wellington, oa Maii3W-atu Luie; bcautiftilly fli-W. O nt«i. lovely Sunny position. Splendid rail: superior dwelling 5 rottms, and ■nbsolutoly a caste for a coacli-honse and sUUe, also msgni'.icen-t hrooder-'h-o-Ma and fowl runs; admirably adapted for poultry, trtgs, bM raising, and fruit growing. Cheapest property near Welling iou. Pries £915! £1" hnlanc® I r f. I>. MARTIN M C INTYRB & CO., 2}5-217, LAMBTON QUAY. WBLLINGTON. SHEEP STATION Ft)R SALE.—SOUND ANO CLEAN 2-SHEEP COUNTRY. [vp-nA ACHES, «ii in grass, 22i) aeres ploiuihaMe, balance bold hills with long \ fwwv facts, no razor backs., good leading ridges}, splendid country for mvisier. itijf, all ridable; v?eil grassed 30 sulxlivrsions. Will Winter 35,000 sheep a.lid 600 heid cattle. Stock do remarkably well; wethers fatten readily. PRICE £9 pet" acre. For full particulars apply \ LEWIS AND CO., ' LAND AGENTS, . WANGANUI. ... _

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Dominion, Volume 7, Issue 1940, 24 December 1913, Page 16

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Page 16 Advertisements Column 6 Dominion, Volume 7, Issue 1940, 24 December 1913, Page 16

Page 16 Advertisements Column 6 Dominion, Volume 7, Issue 1940, 24 December 1913, Page 16