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LAND WOTICCS i WOODCi-YFFE ESTATE f|4-SIiCTIOJCS FOE PRIVATE SALE, ":'S . ■■. '''^Y Y" DAIRYING '■ & FATTENING COUNTRY. .'.:.•. """'' ■: '2 MILES FROM CREAMERY. _ ■ IN* t 0 excellently situated, awl 011 such easy .terms, 19 now •;I. mf ra^, ®?' i J"."'inobtaiii'ablo in the Levin district, ;iX*cT- r .7,:,X'i:™' :10US fcr'.fale aro as under:— '.! / J v^■"-;• acres Freehold, price 423 per acre. 65 acres Leasehold, at *G5.3d. ' " uni in'ng 17tii December, 1925. . I' j-eeho!(l, 420.per acre. iio acre.? Leasehold at 2f.s. pef act ® P® r ospiri'!:; Mav. ;ui«. ' *■ t—SS-'-.sores. Freehold,' 430 pe* acre; 52 acres Leasehold at Sds. per acre per „ '-.'; • anaum, expiring -\kty, IDJI. : 'l-9ii acres' Freehold at-422 per aero; 2S acres Leasehold at 226. per an * • 'rS. '.v ,' ' nam per.acre, expiring 30th May,- 1924. ivrt,: .»t the- Auction'-Sale-of this property on 19th Noromber, 8 Sections were offered * sold .under- tho.diammer. The Sections. with- Mr Hitchings's (the owner) k:houso ami also; the- Section' with !he' Manager's Houms and Woolehed erected ■W'■ij 1BI '®?n-,.wcro;l)oth.soId.byAuction, and js Mr. Hitehings is leaving for England ! if" wionly,\tno remaining sections are ■ being' offered 'at a very low price to ensure a !- speedy sale. '*■>'.■■■..-,. ■ ■: ■. NOl E TERMb .I'OR-FREEHOLD—OnIv. lfl per cent, cash, balance till Ist Jan-u-I ' ary,J!)2o, at 3; per ecnt.. -... / ' r>.. Every Section; is'.cheap,.-at; Reserve. Price.- Inquire at once {or further paiticulars from ;■ .'■■■■;■ ■■"■ •' ■■ ■ y t W. DAtGETfP&XJOMPANY, LTD., j y;*yT ■;' '■ : U .V ■; - WELLINGTON, "AND ALL BRANCHES, ■ ' ifffißßtTf PROSPECTIVE.. VALUE" If!fSW|33!i .BLOCKS. A? ' •" 5O()0': ACRES -"» in "' r<)v « 1 . acrcs rent Is. per acre lor =1000 acres, at '■ .... ;S7d.' jier'acre ic-f 1200 acres. Nearly the whole block is ploughable. Well ■ watered'jjy'-'never-failing;creeks. . There is fully 2000 acres valuable heavy bush. ...-Splendid .-healthy-con 11 try.for'all stock. This land grows good grass, clovers, turnips, and oats; the property. would make a good cattle run now, as there is a lot of "' "rough feed._on is_country that responds readily to intelligent farming. "/ Price 10s.'per;, acre. ■,-. Terms'arranged. " No. S.R.S. ■ unimproved, SO years' lease; rent .£lO2 per annum; situated on i, . ..,' - .the. East Coast Railway. All heavy bush country; will carry 2 sheep -..when grassed/i It lies well to the sun, and is well .watered. The surrounding Mocks --arc "ail in grass. -This country is all coraing into considerable value. Price 10s. per acre,.on;very easy terms.' No. S.R.S. & WILLIAMS, LTD., ' i : ■ ; ...PALMERSTON NORTH. ' A CHEAP SHEEP. PfIOPERTY FOR SALE 08 EXCHANGE. " 1 ACHES,' FREEHOLD (IfiOO aeres in grass, balance standing bush), «!«• ."IOtW 353 Acres Education Lease, all grassed; 9 years to run, with right ■ 'of renewal for further 21 years, and valuation for improvements up to £i pef ■ Present rent, Is. per acre. Subdivided into IS paddocks; i-reopied 'Cot- . tag?, 2 sets 'sheep.yards, cattle-yards, but r.o dip or weolshed; 17 miles from rail- .. way, 3 miles from dairy factory. Motor read to property. Winters 2100 big .'..sheep and SO cattle. Price very low, and easy tertes can be given, or would Exchange for good . Dairy Farm or Town Property. . . '- . • . Apply, sharp, "" . 1 |ii|SN:z.ffilX)AN & - a 3 Ba»»#?AGENC¥ CO., LTD., - WANGANUI. /: ■■■'■'=.•'■ j A VERY FSNE PROPOStTtON. ONE of the best Orchards ifi HaH'ko's Bay, over 30 acres frco from frost.; up* to-dnte.groomed Hnnse; and all conveniences; 3500 Fruit Trees, mostly | j. apples and pears, best commercial varieties; nearly all in full bearing; store i rooms, packing sheds, etc,, all complete. Thero is a lot of money in this. Inquire H: at oncer:- Solo agent™ H.G. FRUIT, PRODUCE, AMD COLD STORAGE CO., LIMITED,; . ; ' P.O. BOX 10.-i, HASTINGS, H.B. ' in thTWaglan district; ' 11Sf/J ACRES, just outside town and adjoining harbour; half grass, balance fern I.OV and scrub; good 7-roomed house, etc.; Freehold, <BU), 1 PfcZL ACHES, 011 Coast, -'4 miles from town; mostly .grass and crops; good. 7JLiJjt roomed hoass; Freehold, £7 10s. , 1 in ACKES, all gross and crops; adjoins factory; 7-roomed house, etc.; orX~fcO chard. Freehold, i;ll los, QA,| ACRES, partly grassed, fenced, small whare; adjoins school and opposite .<vV"-fc iactoi-.v. Freehold, ..IT). 000 ACRES, 230 grass, 100 bush; fenced and subdivided; S-roomed house. Fj-ee--00,-S lusid, i 7.155. <51 K ACRES, all grass, nearly all plongliable; 5 paddocks; small house, IS-laail '■ flilO cowshed, etc-. Freehold, JS9 10s. QPO ACHES, 50 cleared and gi-assed, balance bush; some fencing. Freehold, 525. A/DO &l. per acre. Easv- terms. £>/>A ACRES, nniniproved hush, good land, 6 miles from port arid town. Free,iWy hold, i:-!S0. Infinity invited. F« - I?. CQEKILL. at NEW PL_Y MOJJ TH). "" CHRISTMAS" ; " Is' Holiday Time, but New Year is the tune for good resolutions. Don't Wait for •-.' the Nc-w Year, fmt resolve now to inspect . NELSON Ai'Pi.K LANDS. . NELSON APPLE LANDS. "'' This'resolution, properly carried out,will lead you to financial competency. We '. are tho leading New Zealand Fruit Land Agents. Seo us about it, and get our '■-.'booklet; 1, "Money frojn Apples." • J. T. HOBN, LTD., 12, and U.PANAMA STREET, WELLINGTON. -'Phones 2173 and 3KSO. EXCHANGE FOR GOOD CITY PROPERTY. - ori f" ACRES, Freehold, situated S miles from railway, P.oad right to block. "' oOXO Land is in standing bush, jiart hilly, but all good rich land, PUICE—JCI2.3O2. NO MORTGAGE. Owner is prepared to Exchange for good Houses on Shop Property. P. 8.44 ;*'..' For further particular's, apply ® M°NEILL AND CO., ■ . *. 155 FEATHERSTON STREET. WELLINGTON." Branch' Office; 'Bright's Building?, Otaki. TO LET. .Furnished, for 9or 12 months.—"THE BARTON," tho residence of Mr. C. J. W. Griffiths, who is leaving the Dominion for , a time. Twelve- . roomed House, stable, outbuildings, and offices; 31 acres, garden, tennis lawn, or- ■ chard,- paddock, plantation; gas and water laid on., and all conveniences., fcjitu- ■■ sited, within one mile of Blenheim Post Office. - GRIFFITHS AND* ' SON, •. ■ LAND AND ESTATE AGENTS, . J BLENHEIM. _ . V'--"- """ COME "NORTH." ~ FORTY-EIGHT FAILUS., An excellent c-pportunity for those possessing only moderate Capital. Bepoiits from JEJ3O upwards, according to size of Section. 1 KAA ACRES, all very rich alluvial land, situated right opposite the new and . if'"* progressive town of Dnrgavil.'e, has been subdivided into small areas of .-from 19 Acres to 120 Acres, and is nmv offered on exceptionally favourable terms. Write for full information and plans. Inquiry commits yc>u to 110 expense. - : COLMOKE*WILLIAMS, ...Telegrams; "Colmorewill," Dargavilk l ." Colemci-e House, D.irgaville, N. Wairoa. .'. . FDOALETAS A going WN^ERN. fJOft' A CUES, within 3 miles of Dannevirke, H. 8., and comprising some of the. AAi richest land in the district; 8 paddocks; 25 acres turnips. The tenure is a Lease for L'l vears from June ruth, IBIS. Annua! rental, .€lB5. Buildings and Plant consist of a 2-roomed whare, d-bucket milking plant by Gae and Co., auxili. ■ ary vertical steam engines-, B»bail cswshed, water laid on, etc. Stoek 100 cows in milk, and 20 to 3U stores. ' . 7 , PltlCE, a Going Concfrj), for Goodwill of Lease, htoek, Plant, eic., J2500, '-.Onlv. JSSOO cash required. " -is; f M'GLASHAN'S, LTD.: ; tfi ': .. .LAND AND ESTATK AGENTS, AUCTIONEERS, NAPIER. ''TTTiTC "POR SALE OR EXCHANGE. ~"* Esehangs for 175 ACP.L-. Tara'naki. Price Equity, &m Smaller property.' ' ioQ ACRES, Taranaki. Price, £5875. Equity, .£1075. Smaller property. 83 ACRES, Manawatu. Pi-ico .£33:w. Equity, .£2635. Sheep country. • >-'•25 ACBEB, Wellington. Price XQOQO. Equity, Dairy farm. ■. .->.' Cffil ACRES, Waikato. prioe 1-Jquity, 48600. Manawatu farm. Hou=o Property, Country, Price 42100. Equity, JS2IOB. Sheep country. AND -RUTTEH, ' AGENTS. WELLINGTON. .. " EXCHANGE FOR GOOD "HOUSE PROPERTY. ■7 Aka ACRES Freehold, one-third ploughable, all in grass, carry 2J sheep and 40V '■attic, 10 paddocks, well watered, 13 miles from rail; also up-to-dato Pri. " vato Hotei, 28 rooms, and other buildings sublet, well furnished throughout. The owner of these properties will eschftugo for good rent-producing property, . total equity. 45500. , - ■ Vor full particulars apply to ; CAMPBELL, THOMSON & CO., .DANNEVIRKE. • FOf) LtASE. ' ' ' " - ■ n-% A ACRES. Freehold, 204 in grass and crop;*, all ploughnble, 120 acres stumped, ' -i 14: 12 paddocks, good metalled road, half-mile from school, railway station, ' !»««■ office, and creamery; 7-roomed House,aWwil cowshed, loose-boxes, trapshed, 'machine shed, and oilier outbuildings. Lease for 5 years at 15s. per aero rt-uf, w : *th ii'ir"kising clau.w of -Xi'i. Stoel: to i)e taken over («t vnluation, MATTHEWS, GAMLIN AND CO.' AUCTIONEERS. -IKOLEWOOP. ■ 1 OOw ACRES Freehold, good sheep and cattle country, all ploughable nod X#Al easy worked; 71 miles fencing and 60 acres new grass; 15 acres oats, orchard; 5-roo'med house, water laid on (ram), 0-stali stable, 3 implement -shods r !.iiid loi't; stoek include C plough horses. 7 milk coirs, 30 one-year-okl cattle, 3 ' furrow piGiig'h reaper and binder, arid all implements; handy rail, school, croam-ii-v c-tc.; sell a going concern 39 it stands. Price only 45 per acfe; cash 41000, ''•'.balance 5 years at-5 per cent. , HENRY CLAYTON AND CO., . ,95 QUEEN, STI'.EiiT, AUCKLAND. . .. ■ Pqa A('RKS, Ti]>-top Grazing Country, 3 miles fwin good town; practically new f}o*' House of 7 rooms, h. and cold water, waslihouse, whare. and good wool slind; winteriiiff 1101) sheep and SO head of big cattle; well watered, and subdivided into 12 paddocks; 0 sets of yards and dip; all the fencing is in splendid order, 21 miles new; nil easy country. At tho ridiculously low price of 41! Ids. ' per -acre*. Terms reasonable. ■ Woiild entertain an Exchange for tCJ acre». Sole Agent. Near railway; must V ROBT.. . PRATtT,. m

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Dominion, Volume 7, Issue 1939, 23 December 1913, Page 10

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Page 10 Advertisements Column 4 Dominion, Volume 7, Issue 1939, 23 December 1913, Page 10

Page 10 Advertisements Column 4 Dominion, Volume 7, Issue 1939, 23 December 1913, Page 10