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DUNEDIN AUTUMN MEETING, THIKD DAY'S EACES. ! BEOWN OWL WINS HANDICAP, * • (By Telegraph!— Press Association.) Dunedin, February 22. Tho Dunedin Jockey Club's autumn, meeting concluded td-day in showery weather. Tho attendance was very good and speculation was brisk, tho'totalisa'tor putting through .£23,190, as against . XIG,G2G for tho corresponding day lost -, year. The total 6um for tho meeting was £51,319, ,ns compared with' .£41,(100 10s. last year. Ecsults:— ..''.-■' OWHIEO HURDLES HANDICAP, of 115 sovs. Ono mile and a half. 8 Mr. W*. J. Marshall's ch. g. Ngawera, : by Brighton—Chontilly mare, aged, flst (W. Emerson) 1 2 Mr: R. J. Taylor's St. Kevin, list. 131b \ (L. Hcgarty) a 1 Mr. E. Baird's Warsaw, Dst. nib. . (G. Fcilding) 3 Also started: 5 Eiflo Eange, lOst. 91b.,• i . Simon Pure, 9st. 131b.; 3 Redwing, 9st. 61b. ,-..'• Eiflo Rango and Ngawera showed tho , way over the first fence, tho latter being in charge as they ran to the stand. Rifle Raugo pecked on landing over tho hurdle . in front of tho stand, but quickly recovered. Going to tho fence at the mile post Ngawera was leading Warsaw and ' Rifle Range, theso two being about four: lengths in front of Eedwing, who was ii ■similar distanco ahead of St. Kevin and Simon Puro. Alons; tho back stretch St, Kevin was improving his position, but ' at the far turn, Ngawera was a length' ' ahead of Warsaw, the pair being fully seven lengths, clear of Redwing' and St. Kevin. Turning into tho straight tho two horses ■ were closing up. Ngawera, however, drew out eventually and won easily by about four lengths from St. Kevin; who beat Warsaw by half a length. Tinio, 2min. • 54 2-ssec. FLYING HANDICAP, of 200 eovrf Six furlongs. 2 Mr. L. C. Hazlett's br. f. Sister ' Radius, by Charlemagne ll—St. Regis, 3yrs„ Gst. Mb. ... (R. Berry) 1 1 Mr, J. Hi Prosscr's Specialform, 7st. 31b. (C. Emerson) 2 3 Mr. H. Cassidy's Pilgrim's Way, Bst. , ,111b. (L, Wilson) 3. Also started: 0 Thistledown, Bst. 41b.j7 Sea King, Bst. 31b.; 5 Winning Way.Tst Gib.; 4 Land Rose, 6st. 71b.: 0 Maple Leaf, Gst. 71b.; 8 Thuringa, 7st. Gib. ■. ■"-.'- The field got away well together, Sis-' ter Radius and Maple Leaf being the smartest to begin, Specialform lying next, and Sea King and Pilgrim's Way leading* tho others. Running round tho far turn. Sister Radius and Maplo Leaf wow two lengths in front of Pilgrim's Way and Specialform, and tho rest olose. up. Turning into the straight tho field was headed bv Sister Radius, who was two lengths ahead of Pilgrim's Way. In tho run homo Sister Radius stalled off a- chal- '! lenge by Specialform and; won by a head. PilgrimV Way was four lengths away third. Time, lmin. 153-sseo. * ; WARRINGTON HANDICAP, of 100 sovs. ' Six furlongs.--- '-."■- < Mr. A. F. Roberts's Triumpnator, by Martian—Clymeno, 4yrs., 9sti|- 41b. m " to u * ... ™ (J * M'Cotabo) 1 Mr. W. Baird's Champagne, Ost. 21b. nr >r OL-Lu m, , (H>.Donovan) 2 Mr. M. Stittfs Takahau, Bst. lib. '-~■ . ; , • _C';' (P. Emerson) 3i Also started: Bulletin, Ost.; Ontimeform,' Bst.; Beta, Bst.; Ngapuna, Bst. | Rongaherc, Bst. . ' ■ Bulletin was badly left. Takahau ctt once took -up the running from Champagne, and as they passed the five-fur- ' S?Jf. n p „ ast^ ftt tllß fnr t V rn - Takahau was ' leading Champagno by two lengths. OpUmeform was a .similar distanco away t"™. and Inumphator close up: fourth. • lakahau was - coming away -!as tho field turned, into 'tho, straight,',but, - inside- tho distance *,-■:. Champagne ind Iriumphator cballon&a the leader,' and the, Martian' win .'by a, ' length and'a half from Champagne, Who beat Takahau by three-parts of a length. Time, linin.lo l-sseo. ■ if < ■" ' DUNEDIN JOCKEY CLUB'HANDICAP; I^ of 500 sovs. Ono milo and o'fluar- ' . ter. ",i •■' ' ■ ■ 3 Sir G. Clifford's br. i. Brown Owl, by Treadmill-Uitnowlet, 3yte., 7st. Blb. ; ! (P. Emerson) : 'l ~ 7 Mr. E. H. Taylor's Coronifornt, : ' 9st..' (F. E.'Jones) U "" 2 Mr. J. F. Buchanan's Tannliauser, '-'• -'- Bst. 51b (B. Deelcy). S Also 6tartcdi 5 Sombrero,' Bst. 101b.; 4 •■'*;' Mira. Bst. 91b.; 8 My Lawyer,- Bst:-slb.j : S Parable, 7st. 131b.; 1 Tho Cornell i 7st.'; 9 Troon, Gst. 111b. ■ •' ] i. My Lawyer led to the first turn from Parable and Brown Owl. Racing to tho mile-post, Brown Owl joined My Lawyor in the lead, Mira and Sombrero bringing ." up the rear in a closely-bunched field. Brown Owl took charge at tho, seven-fur* long post with Troon, The Cornet, and ~ TaWhausor in that order. Tho field was '; still in close order in passing tho six-fur-long post, but My Lawyer had dropped back last, arid, shortly after, Parable also fell away. At tho far turn Brown Owl was6till leading, with .Troon/The.Cornet, Mira, and Tannhauser next, .two lengths: away. Brown Owl landed first into the straight, with Troon still in'close attendance, and Ooroniform.improving ,}U position. Tho Treadmill filly, howerpr, hold her adyantago, and beat CoronifOCra by a length (and a half, the I latter: beating Tannhauser by a head. ' Timcy'-"'2miu., 10 2-ssec, - . ? !: ' . i . . HOPEFUL HANDICAP, of 150 sovs! i for two-year-olds only. Fivo furloug6. , 1 Mr. J. B. Reid's b. o. Ogier, by Char- ■ lemagno-Nautilold, Bst. 101b." : '," '' . '(F. E. Jones) 1 ' 2 Sir G. Clifford's Veritas, Bst. ''*■'•''■ . (C. Emerson) 2 s'Mr. R. Kowcastlo's Aye AyciOst. 71b. . -•■ • -. (R. Berry) 3 Also started: 3 Fender, Bst. 71b.; i United Sorvioe; 7st. 101b.; G Sea Maid, Gst. Sea Maid got chopped out at tho start, and Veritas led at tho far turn froni Ayo * Aye, who was.two lengths in front of tho others, Tho field closed up at t t ho j three- .;• furlongs post, and Sea Maid nlado up some of her. lost ground. Veritas and ' i Ayo'Ayo landed'into tho etrawht two •:■ lengths ahead of Ogier, tho other's run- -']' ning close handy. , In tho run . home, *.- Ogier came through, and won comfortably;, by two lengths from Veritas,, who belt ' Ayo Aye by a length. Pender'was*well : ;r-v up fourth. Time, lmin. sseu. ':',''!- ABBOTSFORD WELTER HANDICAP, of . ' . . .130 sovs.' Seven furlongs. ' 3 Mr. A. Donnellan's blk. g.- Waikehau, ,byWaiuku.syrs,6st.4n,- s()n) -;, ; I Mr. J. E. Rogers's Kin S Tt^°^;i a ':•. ' 5 Mr! b G, R;'M ; Loan ; s'Kimona, TsV 71b. Also started:' 2 Bst., UUm I . Rock Ferry, Bst. 101b ! G ~ .„■ 31b.; 8 Eedwing, 7st. I.llb. { 7 1 Pcpinn, 7st. . 71b.; 9 R*ed and Black, if. 71b. , -* * Lupulito and Rock -Ferry, . , «ry badly, and Redwing led Wnllcehau m»l Pemiin.past tho six-furlong.;post, ~ tat ng'into tho far l*nd,\\YMkehuu and' ifi'drcw' out from Kirig;Torrent, , and Ee.wi.ig. . Turning for home tho field closed inn ho ; kadcrs, but Waikehau landed into tho straight clear of Kimona, who had como through his field in goodvstylo, and lung Torrent Waikehau won bnsily by close oh four , lengths from King beat Kimona by a head./ Time, Imm. 31 3-sw>. WAIHOLA HANDICAP, of 100 sovs. Six , . furlongs. _. 1 Mr. J: F. Buchanan's b. g. Thrax, bv Martian-Hcbrow Mnid,^4yrs., Bst.lolb (B. Betto)-;. ■ 3 Mr. J. A. Holmes's Pleasnro Bent, 7«h. 131b. ....,.............,.....(E. lung) i SMr.J. C. Grigg's Britain Crown, . Bst. 111b. ...\.,...'..'........' V . ; .(J. Beard 3 Also started: 4 Caraid Dileas, 105t.21b.: 9 Champape, Bst. 13b.i 2 Tympaii, Bst. 101b.i 6 Stenerina, Bst. 51b.: U Punchinello.. Ssl. Mb.: 8 Safety Pin, B<rt. 31b.| 7 Eidlcform, 7st. 111').; 13 Otakolvj, 7st; 101b.; 12 Lnvidia, 7st. 81b.; 101 Robert Bell, 7st. 71b , -. .... Steperina got badly away, and Champngna took up *tlio rnnnlns fiwm Bidlcform and Pleasure Bent. At'the far turn" Champagno was still two' lengths in, front of EMloform, and then cairio Tympan and Snfetv Pin, with Caraid Dilens lost, and pulling uo. Shortly after Eidleform' rtnged alongside Champagno at the turn into tho straight, but, insldo tho distance,' Thrax came with a great mn\ and Pleas, . uro Bent aim put in « claim. Thrax won by half, a length from Pleasure Bent, Britain Crown being close up third. Time. lmin. Itlseo, • ' ■ *6 ' ' ■'

WINQATUi HACK HANDICAP, of 150 ■ • soys,-, Seven furlongs. -l.Mr. J. R. Furze's b. h. Medallist, by The Officer—Target, nged, Bst. 91b. '■' :. .. ■ ■_■•'■"'•■: <-■ . (11. Donovan) 1 4 Mr. H. A. Knighfs Mumura, 7st. . „,, 91b v—x: •!•■• (C.'Emereon) 2 7 Mr. J. MT)onald's San Severe, 7st. Ulb. (K. Berry) 3 Also started: 5 Obsono, 9st. lib.; 6 Thistledown. Ost. lib.; 8 Malmri, Gst. 71b.; 8 St. Petersburg, Bst. 31b.; 2 Rock Ferry, 7st. 101b, Rock Ferry got away well, from a moving start, Mnhuri being :a bit slow in finding his feet. , At tho six-furlong post Obsono.Had joined Rock Ferry, the two being a couple of lengths in front of Medallist land Mnmurai Bock Ferry and Obsono \vete still in front at the far bend, with the field closing up, with tho exception of St. Petersburg, who was two lengths in the rear. At the homo , turn Medallist; raced up to the ..leaders, and he and Mumura were in charge when fairly in the straight. Medallist however, 'then drew'away, and won comfortably by three parts of a length from ; Mumura, who. headed -San Severo by three lengths. '-Time,rlmin. 31 l-sseo., SOUTH AUCKLAND RACES. (By-Telegraph.—Press Association.) '-, Hamilton, February 22. . ■,_ Events On thescoond day of .the South 'Auckland meeting resulted as follow:— DISTRICT WELTER HACK HANDI-CAP.-Vic,, lj[Hamlet, 12 j Peria, 3, Won by a length. Time, lmin. 13 3-ssec.,' RUAKURA HANDICAP-King Lupin, 1: Obdurate, 2; Tikitapu, 3. Aiso • started: . Tinopai. Won easily. Time, lmin. 4soc.' . WELTER,...\HA'NDICAP.-Tattoo, 1; , Cloudy Dnwn,,2; Master Jacjc, 3. Eleven started. , Won. by ,1 two, lengths. Timo, » lmin. H 3-ssec, ■■<: ■ i : , FABEWEIA 'tahi, .1; Lucille, 2; Geneva, 3. Won all tie way,. s ; .'„..> ;.,'.;;> '■': • ; . •.' ; ';rAU^fRALI'AN;;RACING<..;; ' \ ; ,,V^A.TtC>: ; MEETING,. ..'.' ,;<//' Association-Copyright . _ ' r (Rce.'February 23, 5.50 pan.) '' '■:'■ ; '..'-'.v.Melbourne, February 2Z. At the Victorian .Amateur ,Turf Club's meeting on, Saturdaythe principal results ■'. were:—.. "-'""•; •': •'■ ■•'.', ' : ALMA ; STAKES, of. 500 sovs. Six fur- ■'., '''.■'' " ';''"'■.•': ..longs.;'; ' Myrici ..'1..;..'..,,...-...'.,-. 1 • Quair Burn :. .......;......;...... 2 • • ~■■■* Andelosia :. ;... 3 : :' Thero,. were 20. starters, and -the raco furnished a great finish. Woa-by a head, with Ahdelbsia a length and a ■•■ quarter away. Time, lmin. 15iscc. • CAULFIELD FUTURITY STAKES', of ~ 2250 sovs. Seven furlongs. ■ • Eudorus ........,;...;.....;......'.....;.. 1 ;.- Volaloano ......^..:.....>. ;...... 2 '■Cider!..'. ;.'..........!..... 3 » . -Thero.were 12 starters, including Broad- ".', sword-and Ireland. .Tho latter, with Pop- ; injay and EudoruS, mado the. Tunning. Popinjay; led into: the straight from Eu- *•■ .dofus, who came to the front at the dis- ' tanco. ; Won by half a length, with Cider two and n'-half lengths tiway. •■. Time, lmin. . 27isecs/:(«[ual, to .the record).'■.-.'•'-. ■ STANLEY. STEEPLECHASE; of 300 sovs. .Two miles and three, furlongs.' \ ' .'-■'•■ i Home Rule .......;.....;...........'.,.., 1 v'Booligal ..-...:.. 2 Pinpress ■ „.....;:;,.,.....i.. .......8 • : :: '\WARVy',ICK;.TARM ( BAdEi''' Telegraph—Press' Associations-Copyright • (Red: February 23, v S.S/p.m.) . ■■''..' . Sydney, February 22., The.following is the result of the . PACE WELTER. Sis furlongs. , Coolair'.;.... .......'.'.... 1 ' -Webimble i....„. \,\ , 2 Ashbyx ;..... •„,., 3 _ Won, by .a ..head. -.Eighteen ' atarted. T/me.lmM. lGJcoc. ■; •,'■'.-'■■;/.- ~' ' , WANGANUI WORK, (By Ttlegraph.-PreEe Association.), t V v,"-' "\ :■■■ •^V^ahganui, v ;Febrnary.i22^i,! ;■ Rain yesterday, and .throughout tho i ...; night >■ greatly benefited the tracksi-which wore'in' splendid order this morning, • Autunmu9;be4t 1 .Masterpiece-by u length : : over, 6, ..mile. > - Phroso. and . North East were too good for Aruake over six furlongs, done in, lminj 18se'c- Denise Ormo i, pleased better than .Aviatrix over ; fivo furlongs in.lmin. 3sec. Tiresome, Allegation, and..Toney, ;,who arrived .yesterday, vwere restricted'to slow work. Serenity shaped",we]L over, five hurdles. ,

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Dominion, 24 February 1913, Page 6

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THE TURF. Dominion, 24 February 1913, Page 6

THE TURF. Dominion, 24 February 1913, Page 6