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LAND NOTICES. THE BRITISH DOMINIONS GENERAL INSURANCE COY., LTD. - (FIRE DEPARTMENT.) ,' , .W. H. TURNR'ULL AND CO., DISTRICT AGENTS AND ATTOENEYS, 27 PANAMA' STREET, . '. - WELLINGTON. ' RELIABLE AGENTS WANTED IN TOWN AND COUNTRY. ,417 c ACEES Freehold beaoh property, dtuafe in North Taranikl, praotioallt 'xttt all level and ploughable; well subdivided iuto convenient paddocks; good 6-rooroed honso, large oowshed with concrete floor fitted up for milking machine*. Choeso factory and school opposite! frontago to good road and handy to township and salcyardevi Gooa iuveetment for dairy farniei, Price, £22 per aero. Rewonable terms can ho arranged ... *G0» OOK ACEES Freehold, all ievol,'very rioh Coast fattening land with sec frontage; '' OAU all in trass, fenced and subdivided into oonvimiont paddocks) good 8roomed house and outbuildings j 1 mile to township, saleyardß und school, j mil* to butter factory; first-class metalled rood. Price, ■£32'105. per acre. Terms, cash, balance can remain on easy terms to genuine dairjman. \ 4431 1 Jin ACEES, good Coast land LLP., at lOd. per aero: 360 acres In grass,-,and rrxv balance, 30 acres, bushj well fenced, and subdivided into 7 sheep-proof paddooka: 4-roomed cottage,''cowshed, sheep yards and dip; sufficient level to milk — > 45 cows; balance suitable for sheep and young cattle; !!J milos to ' obecsf> factory - and 6chool, good formed road. Price, £8 10s. per, acre. Terms, £W9 cash,-and balance can remain; ..''.■/ •' . Ken ACEES, 450 acres being Freehold Coast land and 100 acres W.C.S.R.. vu\J rent Wli per annum> u, T6ars to rttn> w ith right of renewal 1 45) acres in grass, and balance good bush land; B-rooiacd hou6e and outbuildings, wool•hed, sheepyards; convenient paddooks, orchard and garden. Price £7 ss. per aore. Cheap property. 3507 . , NEWTON i." KING, wc ß\re^^^; CHEAP NORTH AUCKLAND FARMS, ~~~~~~: ' , AOH ACRES, 56 miles north of Auckland, on Kaipara line, and only 21 mile* ! •*•{*'* from railway Btalion. Fenoixl into one or two subdivisions, and all ploughcole except 20 acres. Splendidly situated in valley, sheltered by hills, and lying , well to sun., Abundant water supply (creek boundary on ouo side). Cream sent by train daily to ■Helonsvillo. About 200 ftcrcs of the farm aT« really chofc* flats, the ' bolanoe being easy cjuurry. and there is no poor land in the block. Half in grass , and rough feed, balance in heavy manuka, ti-trcc, and about 70 acres of. bush inpatches on the undulating portion of-the farm, which will carry in its present state 30 dairy cows andother stock; G-roomcd house in good condition, and old, sheds. Price, .£lO 10s. per acre. Term 6 very easy to a man prepared to improve the-pr'oporty; say, .£SOO cash, balance for 5 years at 5 per cent. We have thorough- j, ly inspected this farm, which is good land, but hns.been but poorly treated, and any practical man getting hold of it and working it properly will make a good : thing out of it. ,20 , QQK ACRES, close city, going concern, 225 acres ploughed and'grassed, 100 acres 000 rough feed, 60 good bush, all ploughable, 8-roomed bouse and outbuildings. Prioe includes 160 sheep,!2B head cattle,: 5 howes, implements, tools, furniture (full list.'on application), £8 per acre. ■ Easy terms. A great bargain. * .60 . - .'SMITH AND HALCOMBE, : ■ , ■ COBNEB QUEEN AND SWANSON STREETS, AUCKLAND. , FREEHOLD HOTEL, AUCKLAND SUBURBSHOTEL of 14 rooms; 2-story building, recently built; 4-stall stable, trap shed, oowshed and usual outbuildings; 8 acres of land, right in tho contro of tho, township, with long road frontage; 1 minute to wharf, store, post office, telephone. ~ . bureau go with the Hotel; salary for post office work now - JE23 per annum, but j will be raised shortly. One acre of orchard in full bearing; rapidly rising town- [ ship, only 11 miles from Auckland'by coach or water daily, the centre 0f... a:< tplendid.orchard district 1 land, realising up to-£IOO per acre. '.: ;'""'.'l An opportunity to secure a good paying proposition, with great, future possibilities. The takings are good, but can be easily doubled. ',:■.' .' ' Price, JE2350 for Freehold. Cask, £1000.' : . . . ': Wire us without delay."..: , . ' .;• - ~, ~\.'' -.' ,10 DURHAM STEEET, 'AUCKLAND. . ~ . ,-. V CHEAPEST SHEEP FARM ON THE MARKET. '; . £3 ; 155. PER ACRE FOE TWO-SHEEP COUNTRY. • ( ..; ALL IN GEASS EXCEPT 80. ACRES. OF SHELTER BUSH. '■■.'.}'. '.^ n/»ft. ACRES, Government Endowment Renewablo 1 Lease;. 62 years to iuh;-?Aiiv OOu- nual Rent, £50.; 780 acres in grass,, balance. (B0 acres)' niookheltor buih. ' Well watered, lies well to the'sun.'SO aores' flat; balance 'good hilly• shcep_oountry; 8 miles from a railway station, 3 miles from a good landing, on tkoWanga. nui River; new 4-roomed house, bathroom, washhouse, t woolshed and yards. Prioe, £3 15s. per acre. .Terms cosy.-. No. 1844. This is. unquestionably the cheapest property that has been put upon tho market for salo for some considerable time.,,rpo.. owner lids'spent about -JJ2500 in improvements, fencing; grn&sing,. .and' erectlni , - buildings,: so anyone taking tho property over can havo an immediate return. A . largo block of land, all .In bush, and handy to this.B6o acres;,was recently sub- :.■-.■. dividettW to! sale, and every section whs'.'stild at- prices /ranging from?; £2 to £3 10s. per acre. There is a coasidcrable turnover in this property. • • ABRAHAM '.:■& v-I/H);^;' RANGITIKEI STREET, ,: - PALMERSTON NORTH./ "■,',, -,; ■;,.-' REAL FARM, EXCHANGE FOR' TOWN, HOUSES: ; T j ~; . K n r ACRES, L.1.P., rent 9s. per year; 13 miles \froni Railway'and 2 mile* 'OOU from Matamata; 450-acres-in grass, balance fern; 2001-acres ploughable,-. .. balance easy hills; 2-roomed cottage, stable, 12-bail cowshed;; wi h-miking'pltttit, «pa?ator cooler.'etc.; has just :wintered. 2oo cattle.and 20J'O^^V 1 !^,,'" 8 'season 50 cows and 1008 sheep; real vnluo at £9 acre; equity «5; will sell or rXnge Mr honest value town houses. A Gcnuino Chance. It is al clean, sweet S country, hard to fault. Has been dairied on, but owner is giving, up ■ -dairying on account- of distance beiuß too far to tho creamery. / *. ~ , . W. H/MORKAH'.AND^CO.;,V#■ :; : : LAND AGENTS. 63 WILLIS STREET. WELLINGTON. . '. ' /'■ '■'■'- ■ •■■■•■'-'• ■;■' ; •"'.'■'. '■■'■■:■■-■■/ ;■- . :■.:■■■■ WOA ACRES, Freehold, situated 5. miles from Waipukurau,; and 2 miles from * "■" ■ school' and post office, all rich 'flat land, well fenced, and'subdivided, well '• watered with cottage, stable,, etc., very suitable for all mixed farming, or would: cut up into dairy farms., Price JC2I per acre.,' Terms w. arranged. '■■ E;3B V' . WILLIAMS" AND; ; KETTLE, :' • v ■.': ../', LIMITED, NAPIER, .'; ...,'.. .'"-. NORTH OF AUCKLAND. '>[ „,- ACRES.'Good Sheep Country, partly; improved. Will carry 50 head 0! 645 cattle now, and 2Ml.witb more fencing. Handy to wharf "by good roart,:' ;, : . PRICE; i!2_pcr ac re. EASY 1 TERMS. ... . ••- • . W. ■ B. ; M'LEAN,, - WOENIX" CHAMBERS, .AUCKLAND, —""AT THE WELL-KNOWN RAILWAY. JUNCTION A LARGE ind Up-to-date Private Hotel, compnsing. 31 bedroonis, 3 nttim*: A rncms kitchen .will sit 70; 2-sculleries, wnshhouse, and ,la;,n- ■■ ~r~ i I } ',„l 1 ,»T water Also largo House of 10 rooms'joining, with; a. &SWs%«t ftVf«t%ri«Vq. Terms cash, The above,join..; the railway station. _______ .. Tl r< l - /rir\ ■ .' : i■'-" ■■■■• KING AND CO.,- ~, ," ; ,:, ;,-, LAND AND COMMISSION AGENTS, HAMILTON. ,;■,. ',■;',, ■;■; , ' -^ dairy]?arm. : ■;;. ■ -,-A ~ « (TTnU'SES from 5 to 11 rooms, well built, good order, and centrally situated 10 ■ in the City of Wellinaton. Rentals, -C 665 per annum. Houses subjectMo . ■ first mortgage o,,ly^^.^n,^ket u . . ~■: .. y{ ~. , / . ' 155 FEATHERSTON STREET, WELLINGTON. |; .- ; ' .., twfctoENT THAT WILL RETURN YOU 100 PER CENT. IN 2 YEARS.. : A Iv~ irRFS situated 20 miles from town, good roads, coacli passes three 4-000 ames tfeeklv, undulating country with about 1 sheep per,acre given »i| *V fenced oSdbSifilinff- M per acre, » a going concern. -. Th»»tn»., i Annlvearly. Mortgas;e, 4111.000, at 5 per cent. - ■. - '. Apply oanj._ a mr|A .LAND. ESTATE AGENTS,'; 4 .: C G. Iwbb. .; AiNi/ \jV; ■. Sharcbrokors, Mastofton. ~!, : "^poULTRI 7 'FARMS THAT PAY.. -!-i: t ; ■« ArttES'of rich level'land, 2 miles from town, watered by race, 4-roomed house,- , , ■:■ PJ wlbm iocs runs, etc., to accommodate 500 to (100. poultry. Pricoiucltldcs stock, -• ... - ',- '• ... .■:• j. " ! - a rRHS level, watered, and sheltered, 1 mile from station, 5-roomed house, wash- ■• K A k« claVrV, poultrvruns, etc. Price includes about IM-head-of-poultry andy-v> niRS 'etc, XGSO. £250 cash. Inspection invited., . °° W ' ' PARKER AND VINCENT, LEVIN;. ■ , \, ■ ■ ACRES for Sale, at Bnchiti, 130 acres in grass, 70 acres ploughable when ' • 210 cleared, four paddocks, good,fencing, 7-hnd 8 wires, 2} miles from " 1 wn 3 miles from creamery, 3 miles-to proposed railway, station; .l-roomed ifnise waslihouse, trapshed, and stable;. 10-bail cowshed, and.' loft, 32 x 20; Untenl bails and otlicr conveniences; GO acres shut up for cockffoot seod. ~.' , Freehold. JCIO per "acre. Terms or cash offer. Good opening for.enwmill when • H |S3AW^6i^ M WANGANUI.:,' /% . ; ; ACEES, all in gra'9 except 15 acres standing bush, .5 no lOU" buildings, wateredby creeks and .springs, cnpilclly 300 bullocks, limestone' formation, splendid 'fattening country, U miles from railway station. South 1 oHucklnnd. 'PEICE £0 ss. acre. Terms, £4000 cash. Balance 10 years at S ncr cent. , \ . • ALFRED BUCKLANI) &" SONS, THE HAYMAUKET. ALBERT STREET.-AUCKLAND. . rtr-A ACRES, L.1.P.. rent 7s. Gd. per acre; good locality;'2J inilea from rail, At)\f and t\so miles from choesc factory; first-clnss land; 200 acres m old, puturn 20 in new pasture, and balance in outs; subdivided into 9 paddocks. Die pro. . certv is capable 0? carrying 700 sheep, the improvements including a 4-roomed dwelling ami out-shed. Price £13 per acre foV goodwill. Terms on application to ' N,Z. LOAN & MEKCANTILE AGENCY CO., LTD!, AND REDUCED, , N ■'.''' NAPIER. 21__ ' __-Jggjgjlj, ■•- I

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Dominion, Volume 6, Issue 1642, 8 January 1913, Page 12

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Page 12 Advertisements Column 6 Dominion, Volume 6, Issue 1642, 8 January 1913, Page 12

Page 12 Advertisements Column 6 Dominion, Volume 6, Issue 1642, 8 January 1913, Page 12