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'; ."";; .BUSINESS - NOJICE3.' : ;-, r ' " IF you desire, to :boisupplicd : with milk -'.' tho: .Health Dcpirt- "'■..• ■ment's"Officer, ring ■up'-telephones 2« ; or ..... ■•"■T'-"A7 PACKER AND SON,-Artificial' . ' t»»'Limb''Makers,-188rRiddiford Street. All Ihquirie's'-'stTJQtly ettended to. ':'.; -<3 ■FELDMANr-I!J2 Tarannki Street, - ', : 'M«'„ .Nt'tt- r .a'iid,..Lcftroff.',:Clothing, boots, : :.etc.)t-bottght.and''s6ld.'.Pa.troniee hun'.'.'with' put.delay.- ; 'Pliono'lsl7.J':-:--." r^; "'-"- : . ' ~yST ANTED Kflpwn, "Washstands, ss. 6d'. j 'Y-V-'fables, .25.--6d.rehairs;--ii«r-6d;i' ■Eire' Brasses,' is'. BS,' At-Kidfofd'sSilo, . '.•■' •W. -BARBER• AND CO./• Dyer'i• an 3' -Y,Y-i'Dry:"eioancrs,:.l2i). , Cuba StV-City. , TelVß2o.',;-,';^;;,;.:... ;,y,"nZ-vi:-y<'i»-:J: v r T?C r ANTED -Known—Ladics'.and , -..™:».. , drdn's'-All-w6or.'Jabkcts,'w Gbstume'sJ ~ ' etc.,'madp. to-;:prder,.'at;>Wrte6t'. ;.'notic(). . ■ : :■ Beale's Knitting-.Faotory^GO ' . ■, .. i"-FISH-brand of Sardines is one .that ! our'r'eadcrs'.pught^to.bca'r.'in! mind, wliea . ;■ ordering ,SMpplies v ;,:■;;,,:..:;,.'V:, : ,;:i,v ; ;;v;;,V'' ■ JV FLYGER.;.'AND. ',CO., .-Undertakers : . • r .and; ;EnibalmeTs,-.r222;:.UpF«ii'„-:Ciibft : ■~; . .Sffle^..-Wellii!gtoni'v-^Phonp^lo73.,rif!''; : ;:... , ■ ' ; . , ;*.''Milk-when r you ". . passedi-by : .the Health- Department's: OttV : cer..;.: , Jihg:;up:.'.tCldpJi6nes:.2tt!;Sdr.;'J3B;':.r.j' i '~'; ", ,■■ r-Pharmaoy is>mentionedi'i-Onlypius . ost, , dfugS.'useU.',Addres»;,Viviah-Str<)et^; READ. the' latest";sensational r novel by :( ;. Trite,".ehtitled.;'.*Lifo"rrA".bobk r 'fo.r V.. men-and. women-of ; ls.-3d. , i : posted:ls., 4d.V.S'.-Xj'."Maliii,'Bb'okseiref, i • lo3':;WiUis; Stieet.r:',,v.r;::;;';;: ::-;::;'v;-:..::.V; '" ' "TOTAN.TED :Known,, Great ;Salo~6f..Futv' ' ■' C 5 Willis Street, for one-month -only .•■•"*■> !'.' ! ""'. , Xy'--webiann. Sardincs.r.'-eligiitlv.. .peat- : .; smoked'.. . ,; them delicipusV.(lav9yrr,Try;thcmV , '7'. ; WAN"fED',Knfl^Arl;..Pots > < Js.eabbrj ..ßhes,:Js:.;cachj ; Radford's-SalcrM'Hijid'-CS-'WilllijvStrcct.'T ■ ' I] rfaAS^AT^ETCH^^ .' v>*;macist-and-Prescription-Specialist; '■ SoleV.address,":'292 Lambton''Quay.VVMail. v '; '.' Orders ipromptly executed.'.'' ■■..■; ■ *' ■■:. :;.'„"" ;: , , i; -'Y ; Y-Gd:* yardj. Towels,*-Cdi-'eachj'Lac* Curtains'; 25.,6d.-At:>Rß<lford'B,Sale,.Wil« lja l Street..; ';;v;' '■:';'"v:';;"-;.-:.:; 1 "::'^:-' ~::"i ■■'..' ■' GASTLE'S, Littje.'Livti;Pills.'..wiil mak« ■ .. -.., ;:':you';fecl:ready ,fpr,;,work; af.ter>' tho ■ .holidays.-v.'.price, : '»ls;i--at.- : Cas"tle's-.-New-. : ' town ''Eharniacy. i"'"'.:'" '£ ;>,'.'.' >.'. '■ Z ''".V.. ■. R.-G. KNIGHT, Sail and Tent. Maker, , ..• , .';s3:;,Victerja^'S.treot'.:;VH6rM,':,.Co'.w l ■ " ' Stack,- -and; Van.- Coversj Stocked;- --!•.;-.—-;' . !■ :^LL,MiIk;. supplied; from:thp;Milk.-De-.' ' •"- jti- -pot, Dixbh: Street;-' is "examined - by " . aii..' L .OfficexK specially' appointed' by- \ the '■».' ' 'Health Department, a;; ;r.; ; ;'\'' r ■■,'.-"■':; ■.' HEATHER,'.AND. CO,^Mote;.!,Garagi'V'' ;, •Edward Street,.off •■Manriers, Street;'' '■ Cai-sT'steYed.V'clcan'cd.x'-rep'aired.'-; :-,!Phou(i .; .p^r:,^'^''-;-V:'-..^v ,^? -. \ DINING.RoPiiY.Suites,; Suites,'•'"-../•' 'and Drawing;Roi)m Suites, all'r»-.. aucea;2s'per'ceht; : Radford's Gwat-'Fur-niture.,'Sale,-,..Willis' StrectV :.'':.■■■'•".;i?X- , Dyebnrid ■'.■■- "xi.'-.Cleaners', ST/Ghuznee'Street.-, 1 ,P.0., .. ■ :Bpx',2,-'Toi : Aru;:;-.'Phonei 916('v--'i-''.-v-'-V;-- "V; : ; :. FOR 1 good reliable Taxi-c.!\bs; and Motors, .' ring'23ift,^da'y;;or.knight.-'.-.Repsiw . ~',.-;' . by, 1 skilled mcch'ah'lcs...'Arcadia ,'Taxl ScN' . ,' : ■: ' : <■■'■. '-<','. : -;" ; ...;. .'■,.,.-. ■■■■ f; -''■'. B" ROWN /AND,: JOffiksTONv' Buiidfrs •;/ . :a'iid Co'ntra'ctors'|:VSKo'p l ..iarid'':bfiic6. ■■■'■'>■ ■ Fitters,- Land' 1 and. : Building' .Valuers, " ; • ;:Phpnes:;24i7/':2821r-;;: i -:-^;?:;^- < '^V !J ;v i ' : v; : '''V-;;:' PAGE'S and.Tailors, ,'.':, r .i'SpeojaliSts;- Ladies': andJGentleirien'l i -.Mcrchaiit..Tailors,', 340.).Lambj)on; ! .Quay,. ■. .' l W.elliiigfari;:;''■'.';.■, ,■ £■':»> '■ '■:;-••'•'•;■::•■.'■;;-{;■'■;■ ' ..'■.• S" ING,.! KEE, AND 'GO,' 122; Courtenhy >';'■ Place',' or' Box'. '22R G;P.O., whole- ■ • sale >and retail. Fruit Merchants. l . Town: orders, 'Phone: HOI; . ,'-,;■..■ ■'-. ,' ■'.':'.■'-■',-.■,■'; -~.-' . W"~ y. HOYLAND ANT) CO.; Shop Fit-" '.., ...•■'ters,„Ghuznce St., Airtight Show- . case,.Window,.Enclosure .Makers. :'tl;.. '•■"■ ;\rOU:;Can save 25.. per-cent.'by buying : ;' A'*.: your-Furniture ,'at ..Radford's.: Sale, G3 and'6s-Willis Street. Freight paid on country ..orders 6ver : 'JE2o.' ;. : STEVENS AND CO., Scrap Iron and .;.' Rag Merchants, Ponsonby-Lane, off) : ' ; . Uppfc":Abel 'Smith-Street, Buy .'Scraip ■' :Metate, Rags.. ~...; •:■;'.' '.■ .-' ' l - WHAT is Sunday, New Year, or any ("other day without Wollahd; 1 pur Family Butchor, 93. Tory, Street ,:, 'Phone 2023, and, get?. peas and' now ,- ' potatoes -ready.' - ;v ■ ;>',■ ''.■■, , ,■■'■.. 'r ... STUDY your figursand. have your! Cor- . .' sets'made' to .'measure'.'..' If unable to ' ;'■/ call, send.a postcard to the following address,, and our i lady, representative wilfV jjall) at ■your residence. The • Wholesal<, 5 Corsot Manufacturing '.Co:,: Aoßa. Cubi ; Street:'; v., -.-;,. ; -V' ; V' ; '.-.': ; .^v,'-,V.V. ; .:; ; '; i : -" : ;' : -:',lv-TO'UETJ..>' : ;'"■:,;;,:''' '^';'.';" TO LET, Kilbirnlo. 5 Roome, bath, cop.' '. , per, tubs,, sink, city.water, drain. ■aße,vblinds;.lfe:,.J.-.,J. Boyd, Ivllb'^U: : YI/'ANTED to Let,.a Furnished House,' : .™Y.G-.months,! handy to cars; all.con- ; vonionces;'telephone,,- h;".and"o. ; water.'' Apply "Kelburnc," "Dominion"- Office.-' TO LET, for term, 6-ropmpd; Vil)a .Rest." . denco, Seayiow Terrace,- Northland! ■ . wardrobes;; cupboards,' ell.'.v'h'dt'Jahd cold, ' . water, eity : drainage; all modern '•coiivcnU. erices; fine harbou'r.view. Apply 9 Goring Street,- .■:■:.•'■■•■•■.:'■::: ',:' WORKSHOP, AND -OFFICE^:TQ;LEt.^V' CENTRAL; location,- gas, cjectrio': light, ' -'■• ■ and ; water.connection,-,sunn* posi. f, ,'-; tion; moderate i rcntal...A;splcndio; 1' ■';.';' .for'Bomcone.'-'-'',-"'■: "'. ' -. iv • . -..,. ,-'f. ••, '■; .'"■" :'W.'PARTON'AND SON.V" - ■ 'Phono 1679. ■'•'■•../.'-,'■: '''■'.'.'; .'.'•,;'-'"',.''••' ''•■.". : ; B V ■■ HERETAUNGAiC ; ■;: : '■ ':■'■' FOR SALE; a modern 6-roomed'Cottase, ~..-.' Heretaunga,' clpso to tho. Golf Links/ with-.every 'cpnvepicnce, including' waiter,' '■"•;.. 6upply, septic tank, drainage; laud com'. prises.,onp ;acre;j nicely;'laid ■''outi'Vprice;'' 1 only i£9so, and; exceptionally:, easy terms will .bo given.: . '.'.;,': . • . V!'. . . '•'.■".''--■-BROOKLYN;■'■.-:--;-.-r:r-'.- !: :r FORSALE,,on exceptionally/easy terms- ',• l .-.-.'. well-built ,5-rpomcd Cottage;, situotcc" ' in Reuben; Avenue, Brooklyn;- coodj healthy-position;'handy carV'conTaiiis" all modern convonionces;.;new':dra!n!!R«. just'installed;' price,- J8500; only ,£25 do. - .' .posit."■'.':.-':■■,"•;-. :.-:.. \K-".!i 'X'.*::.■..'.;j;Z~'..: .."'. rFor further particulars,' apply to •—.■■'> : .v V-'S.'"GEORGD. NATHAN,' V':. ;"'* ; p ;.:;"r';:.";:Estate: , 'Ageiit,' 1 -':.;.;rvLi. ' ' ■■ Customhouse Quay (opp.'Bank N.Z.) •■:•' , : '-': v ' GObß'-QUALITY '-'-w : . pEACHES ■ S ,;.yr;Per'Case;' KM; ,::; CARRIAGE : PAID"TO ANY RAILWAY- : .'■■,';'; ■';>-■ ,l "■ :v' v c:, : station.;;: : "-:•' ; ; ; .''■ /;"■; p';"v':wiLSpNi'■ r?'^ ■- ; 2->^',.'"; '["'■'■•: PmohuOrcliard^Hastirigs;?:.!"«.:, '•.';,' THE • VACUUM : CLEANING GOV-'ibi 1 - i- - :.-•: -'•. NEW ZEALAND,;:? '7":;;.:." ■-. ■".' 177 Willis Street, ...,'Phono N6. 29G8.; Have; s.s; : Star of Scotland '•'.'■ a large Shipment.of. BRITISH. VAPUUJI • CLEANERS (as- supplied 'to■.the -Rnysl Palaces Vof tho, AVorld),,' HAND' or-'ELEC.". '•. ; TRICAL, prices ranging from 50s. lo'iciKf Oacll;. ; '-■'- ■-'-.-:■•'■ ;.■:.-'; ..'.•'.'■' -' ' ■ .■ ' A:-PpSIT|VE. A: SICK ROGJfi,' With, a- view of enabling nil. ".house-:.'' . holders to.possess.a: Vacuum Cloanrr,-we- -'.•;.• are; ,prepared,;-if . necessary, to. soli,!'on; easy weekly lhslnlments, TERMS from 5v when ordering,\v.Vwcekljf..or2 monthly: insfalmonl.'i,. ; Oi;der?:JiHll:;;ljo Rotetioh,. desirenno of. the«p .invnluajilo.-.mnchinc-&:,frohY-t)i)!i" lot.itisncccfsary for place Ybifr",: -, :order. immediately, : as. wc; ;'.l'»-. , ' Rushed; for those..Machine?;■.• Special at-;. tention' givon' to. cotinlry ■ orders. ■- > ■■• ~ I - Address and;.Teleiiliont.:.,'•''.',' : ■'V,

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Dominion, Volume 6, Issue 1642, 8 January 1913, Page 1

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Page 1 Advertisements Column 8 Dominion, Volume 6, Issue 1642, 8 January 1913, Page 1

Page 1 Advertisements Column 8 Dominion, Volume 6, Issue 1642, 8 January 1913, Page 1