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PHASES OF TIIE MOOX. AUGUST. i, Day. Ilr. ni. , Last quarter 6 3 48 p.m. • New moon IS 7 28 a.m. First quarter 20 4 27 a.m. a Full moon 28 7 29 a.m. L MOON. Moon rises to-dnv, 0.12 0..m.; sets, 10.32 „ a.m. [. HIGH WATETC. i. To-day, 9.58 a.m.; 10.23 p.m. 0 To-morrow, 10.43 a.m.; 11.10 p.m. s SUN. Sun rives to-day, 6.53 a.m.; sets, 5 p.m. e '' ARRIVALS. 1 MONDAY. AUGUST 5. t STOibißim s.s. (1.5 a.m.), 217 tons, Don-oil, from Wanganui. 0 KAPUNI, s.s. (1,45 a.m.), 150 tons, M'lntosh, from Wangaiusi. AVAIJIOKA, e.». (2.45 a.m.), 4639 tons, Carson. from "Newcastle. ALEXANDER, s.s. (7.45 a.m.), 377 tone, Vickerman, from Greymouth. . IIOHAMOND, s.s. (8.55 p.m.), 721 tons, Ir- ' win, from Onchunga. ;, TEUAWIUTI,. s.s. (10.10 p.m.), 260 toils, Robertson, from Gisborne. e DEPARTURES. '! MONDAY. AUGUST 5. PATEENA, s.s. (12.45 p.m.), 1212 tons, Watson, for Picton and Nolson. Passengers: Saloon—For Picton—Mcsdatnos Ross and s Crawford, Messrs. Vakclin, Tmgcy, Hill, 1 Wjdrtop, Kent, Dcily, Rhcehan, ]iult, CrawIS ford. For Nelson—OlisFes Batcholor. Wadset vroHh, Ifesdnmos Mays, IluUon, Thomas, u Evans. Goodmon, Mc??rs. Mays, Ditchings, , Armstrong, Kirlt, Jfnginirity, Kidstou. Picrcc, Yodlnier, Best, Haasc. Hutt-on, Cockc iayivc, Thomas, Evans. Y WOOTTOX, s.s. <2.10 p.m.), 151 tons, Scott, v for Kyrtia Bay. a CORINJTA, s.s. (3.25 p.m.), 1271 tons, Camerj ron, for Now Plymouth. MAJJAROA, s.u\ (8.5 p.m.), 122 tons, Hart, { for Motueka. MAORI, s.s. (B.S p.m.), 3399 tone, Aldwcll, s for Lyttclton, FLORA. s.s. (10.25 p.m.), 1273 tons, Williams, for Wcstport. EXPECTED ARRIVALS. Ham»ra, Paloa, August 6. ■) Rosamond. Onohunpa., August 6. t Kapiti, Ijyttolton, August 6. Xikau, Nelson, Motueka, August 6. s Monowai, Lyttclton, August 6. I Mangapapa. Karamca,' August 6. Nokoin, northern ports, August 6. 0 Patccua. Xol«on, Picton, August 6. Arapawn, Wanganui, August 6, s Corinna-, Now Plymouth, August 7. t Knitoiir, Nelson, August ; 7« Manaron, Motueka, Au'guPt 7, Maori, LytteUon, August 7., Mauugamii, Sydney direct-, August 7. A.rahura, West Coac?t, JS'clsou, Picton, August 7. Wakutu. LyHelton, Knikoura., August 7. t Ruru, Xanier, August 7. Kcho, Mokau,, August 7. Tarawera, Buncdin, Lyttcllon, August B. > Wcstport, August P.. • Maungtiuui, I.ytteUon, Au:u.-t 8. Victoria. Sydney, via r.ouh. August 9. J Warrimoo, Holbourjic, via south, Aug. 9. PROJECTED DEPARTURES. Ro=amoud, Piclon, Kcw Plymouth, Onchunga, August 6. Aorerc, Paton, August 6. Stormbird, August $. llawr.rn. Patcu, August. 67 s Arapawa. Wauganui, August. 6. Mapourika. Nelson. Coast, Aug. 6. Ripple, Napier, (.Ushorne, August 6. Monowai, northern ports, August C. Mokoia, Lyttclton, Aucust 6. Nikati, Nelson, Motnekst, August 6. • Alexander. Nelson, West- Oust, Aug. 6. Koonya, Greymouth, August 6. Corinna, southern ports, August 7. Komata, Wcstport. Aueust 7. Maungamii. I.ytteltou. August. 7. • Kciitoa. NMson, West. Coawt, August 7. Manaroa, Motueka, August 7. 1 j Pateena, Piclon, XeTson, August 7. i Maori, Lyttelton, August 7. | Star of Sootlami, lUuil', j Wakatn, Kailcoura, Lyttelton, August 8. I lonic, London, via- way porfs. August 8. ; Tarawcra. northern ports. August 8, i Victoria. Lyttelton, Duuedin, August 9. Maungauui, Sydney direct, August 9. Warrimoo, Melbourne, via south, Aug. 9. Kahn, Coast, August 9. , ' Arahura. Picton, Xelsun, West Cpflst, August 10. i ' INTERCOLONIAL SERVICE. MOVEMENTS OP STEAMERS. ; VTAnRTirOO. left Mrtbourne July j 31. for llobnrt, southern ports, and Woi- . linpton. I)uc Wellincton Aiißiist 5. . Leaves same day on return trip for southern ports, ; Hollnrt. and Melbourne. Due' Melbourne Auffust 19. YIGTORTA, s.s., left Svdney July 31. for northern ports and Wellington. line Wsl- - Ausu«t 9. T.cavea eanie dny for soutlicrn ports. MAUNGANUI. s.s.. left Sydney August 3 for W'ellinpton dircct. Duo Wellington August 7. Transliins carKO and passenffcs nnd returas to Sydney August 9. Duo Syfl- ; ney Auffitst 13. MAITAI, s.s., leavos Sydney Auuttst 10, for Wellington direct. Due Wellington • August 14. Leaves August 15 for southern - ports, Hobnrt., and Melbiurne. Due Mel- . bourne August 24. | OVERSEA SHIPPING, STEAMERS TO AKItIVE. From London. , TCIIAKINA (duo about August. 23), Bailed on July <!, via, Cape To«ti and Hobart. ' (New Zealand Shipping Co., agents.) ■ HIMlltO (duo about September 11), sailed t on July 11, via Australian ports, Audi- . land, and Napier. (Tyser Line, apente.) , ATIIENIO (due about September 5), eailI ed on July 22, via Capo Town and Hobart. (Shaw, Savill, and Albion Co., agents.) From Liverpool. ESSEX (duo about August 19), sailed on June 22, via Las Palinas, Cape Town, Hobart, and Auckland. (F.-S. Line, agents.) From Montreal, WHAKATANE (duo about August 17), sailed on May 27, via Australian ports nnd Auckland. (Hew Zealand Shipping Co., agents.) MATATT7A (due about August 27), sailed on June £0, via Australian ports and Auckland. (New Zealand Shipping Co., agents.) From Now York. ' STAR OF AUSTRALIA (duo August 8), sailed on May 25, via Australian ports and Auckland. (Tyser Lino, agents.) STRATHUOY (due about August 18), sailed on May 17, via Australian ports. (Vacuum Oil Co.. agents.) ANGLO-OALIFORNIAN (due about September 30), sailed on July 9, via Australian ports and Auckland. (A. and A. Line, agents.) INDRA.LE3IA (due about August 30), sailed on .Tune 15, via. Australian ports and Auckland. (Tyser Line, agents.) From San Francisco. TAHITI (d;ie about August 15), sailed on July 24, via Tahiti and Rarotonga. (U.S.S. 00., agents.) From Bunbury. ICATOA (due about August 20), sailed in June. (U.S.S. Co., agents.) SAILER TO ARRIVE. From Adventure Bay (Tas.). WILD WAVE, barque, sailed July 17.

BY TELEGRAPH. OVERSEA. LONDON August 4. Sailed.—Corinthic, for Wellington. SYDNEY, August 4. Arrived.—Zcalandia, from Vancouver, via Auckland. MELBOURNE, August 5. Arrived.—Matatua,,from Montreal. COASTAL. MONDAY, AUGUST 5. ' KAIPATJA. Arrived.—Ngavn, scow (2.30 p.m.), from Wellington. AUCKLAND. Sailed.—Wimmcra (6 p.m.), for Sydney. NAPIER. Sailed.—H.M.S. Pioneer (7 a.m.). for Lytfcelfon; Mokoia- (2.30 p.m.), for Wellington. To sail.—Rum (6 p.m.), for Wellington. WANOANUf. Sailed.—Arapawa (3.55 p.m.), for Wellington. riCTON. Arrived.—l'atcena (4.50 p.m.), from Wellington. NELSCiN. To sail.—Nikau (8 p.m.), for Wellington. KARAMF.A. Sailed.—, (l.« p.m.), for Wellington. KAIKOIIUA. Arrived.—Waka-tu (11 a.m.), from Wellington. ■' lyttelton. ' ' Arrivcd.-Stovm. from Terakohe: Cauopu", from West port; Wnkatu, from Kaikourn. Sailed.—hapill (2, and To Anau (6 30 p.m.). for Wellington; llreeze. for Oaniaru and Timaru; Storm, for Timarn ond Duncdin: Navita, for Port Chalmers. Sailed.—Monowai (7.30 p.m.), for Wellington, Napier, Gisborne, and Auckland. Passengers: For Wellington—Miesc? Beston Chetwin, Kazalla. Molfatt, Itigcrsoll, Ede,' Hasle. More. O'Connel. Scoles, Lindsay, i Cobler, Atkinson, Mo.-duiucs Sparrow, i Weber, Clcgg, Porter. Hurling. Aalilev. i Dunn, Cowan, WjUlntnt, Aitdcrton, Clftc'r, i ;Mkmm Di, M'Caw, iters, iteset, WilJj

sou, Sparrow, Sutton, Murgatroyd, Garland, Middletuii, Nlcliolls, Andorton, Maben, C. Kerrigan, AWiyoi-, Flutty, Hum, Thompson, Scott, Jlrnclicnliridge, L'orrell, lirmlh. .lolmson, Grimbron, Cameron, Anton, Coleman, Fowler, Kvcn?en, Arrowsmith, Salt. Carter, Lahman, Scott. Archer,. Stokes, Drisroll, liurlon, lloyd, I'hilpotts, Hughes, lli-adwill. Hart, llnttuu. For Gis. liot-ne—Mis-J Tillman. Mrs. ClialTey. l'or Auckland—Mism? JliiUllc'.on, .Nlcholls. DLUVF. To arrive.—'Warrimoo (midnight), from llolinrt. •Sailed.—UHmnrou (7.30 p.m.), for llolinrt and Melbourne, MAT'XGANUI'S EXPECTED AKIUVAL. 'Hie Mannganui, which loft Sydney for Wellington direct, al -1 p.m. on Saturday, lia.4 on board 192 saloon and 79 steerage passi'nr;ei« for all port-. She will leave Wellington for Lyttclton on Weclnesday morning, returning on Friday morning, and taking her departure for Sydney dircct at 5 p.m. Il\e Fame d«y. ,Hy wireless last evening the Maungonui advised that, elte would arrive al Wellington -'it 7 a.m. to-morrow. R.M.S. lONIC FOR LONDON. Noon on Thursday is the time appointed for R.M.S. lonic to take her departure from Wellington for London, via way ports. Tile liner is due at her destination ou September 19. TAINUI LEAVER MONTE VIDEO. Cable advice received by the local agents for the Shaw, Savill, and Albion Company concerning R.M.S. Taiuui was to tho effect that she continued her journey from Monte Video to London ou August 1. The Tainui left Wellington for the llouic port on July 11. The coastal steamers Mnngapapa and Kapiti arc duo in port to-day from Karamea and Lyttelton respectively. They will be overhauled at Wellington. Mr. P. Everitt, chief officer of the Koonya, caine ashore at Wellington yesterday, his place having been taken by Mr.. 11. Claydoll, late second officer of tile Jiarnroa. Mr. It. Erwin, third offlrov of the Mapourika, has left the vessel, and. his place has been taken by Mr. Lang, late of the Wanaka. In consequence of the rceent mishap to the Mararoa, several changes have bvn made in the F.ast Coast services. The latestalteration lakc« effert from to-day, when the Monowai. which has been engaged in the ferry i-orvice, reverts to her old running, and loaves here for northern ports at 5 p.m. to-day. The Mokoia, which arrives in port from the north to-day, takes up the Jtonowai's rim in the ferry service until replaced by the Mararoa. Am Intra, s.s., arrived nt, Greymouth from Wellington, via way ports, nt 6 a.m. yesterday. She was to have left on the return trip at- 1 a.m. to-day. Tlio Koonya is expected to leave .Wellington for Greymomh to-day. The Komata leaves here for Wcstport to-morrow. It is hoped .to dispatch the Rosamond from Wellington for Picton, Nelson, and Onehunga this afternoon. The coastal steamer Kalni was placed on the Wellington Patent Slip for overhaul yesterday morning. Leaving Sydney on Sunday, in continuation of her journey from New York to Auckland, the Tyser liner Star of Australia is due nt the northern port, about. Thursday next-. Wellington should be readied about, August 14. During tho early hours of yesterday morning the Union Company's big '-oilier Walhora arrived at Wellington'from Newcastle. The vessel met with head winds and seas on the I rip across, and'these were responsible for her late arrival in port.. While at'this , port tho steamer will dis-, chavgo 6500 tons of conl and 122 tons of timber, afterwards lenving for Wcstport. From the latter port she proceeds to Sydney, and thence to Newcastle to load again for Wellington. Late-t charters include the steamer llaralong, 4192 tons. She i.« to bring a cjtrgo of hardwood from Hunlniry to L'ylleltoii. Wireless advice received yesterday stated that (he Warrimoo expected to arrive a# the lUuli from Melbourne, via Hobart, at midnight. An arrival in port, to-day will be the To Anna from Lyttelton. The vessel lays up for overhaul at this port, and nl'torwards will I'emftin here in pl.-iec of the lfotoiti, which was recently purchased by the Northern Steamship Company. Mr. Vernon Hay. of Dcvonnort, Auckland, who, with.hif, brother'.Erte ltay, joined the Amokm-a when'that Ship commenced operations as a. training ship in March. 1907, and w-ao discharged to the Majorie Craig lUtrque) on January 8, 1909, has obtained a certificate a.s second mate of a foreigngoing sliip. The examination tool; place at. Auckland on Monday and Tuesday lost. This boy,..who was born in October, 1694, and is therefore at • present only 173 years of ago, is now qualified to till the position of an otllccr on any. vessel, sail or steam. He is probably the most youthful holder of this grade of certificate in Australasian water's. The regulations governing the period of sea service, which must, be performed before a candidate is allowed to compete for such a certificate, requiro him to have performed at least four yeans' sea Eorvice, There is also provision made which allows service in n training ship to count as half pea service up to a limit of one year (i.e., no length of service will be /allowed to count as mora than one year at sea), provided that such service lias been satisfactorily performed. Mr. Hay performed one year and 237 days on the New Zealand training ship Anioknra, half of which period counted as actual sea service for examination purposes. Mr. Hay is the first "Amokura. boy" to obtain tlio certificate.

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Dominion, Volume 5, Issue 1511, 6 August 1912, Page 7

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SHIPPING NEWS. Dominion, Volume 5, Issue 1511, 6 August 1912, Page 7

SHIPPING NEWS. Dominion, Volume 5, Issue 1511, 6 August 1912, Page 7