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iFram Our Special. Corro?pc-nf>en i.3.) GREYTOWN. '.ocal amnt"iir--, a--iMed by Olw Orci'ies'ti'al .Society, produted. "I'linee--" on; llriridivy and 'fiiesdaj l even-' ings in a creditable manner, the'respective lipingr well .performed, W.hile •ill' serine cii'ceifi. were vor.v gp'od... Mr.. X. 'I'.. manager and conductor, was largely ri'-poiisihlc for the sticceSs of tho ■operetta. OTAKI. Pliri'.hjr -the past few days rifio slioptiiig. ha'- been in evidence, member? oi' th<> Haiyteie Oilib firing for Sir.,. Cai> line's tr.op.llv. Tile best .scores were: G. I'uiie.v, Gti; .1. Cay. I\ GUiey, and It. Best; 61. _ The saiiiq club ;niso fifed. a match with Union, wiinli'n'g by. four points—.9o,l to ■89?',. Xgatiawa and \Vharerea fllsb had . a friendly .match, : tlie former winning by 12 pints ■ A prngres.-ivn cucmo party and ivits .'herd' oil Wednesday ' night. by member-;. and frfcitds, of t.lio ladies' "Ho.ckev ■Curb. . ...

CARTERTON. . -'Vt H: meeting of Die Waipnrapa Licensing. Bench lield at Carterton yesterday all R'n.ejvals ami transfers' applied for Vere .gi'itnted. Ihe fortnightly meeting .of the local . Oddfellows, '■ Unlgo was hohi oil . Wednesday evening, liro. 11. A. Hick. X.0., presiding. Severn! :;ii,tinkers were declared ; piv and oif the sick' fund. The district ; sectptary wrote enclosing ;i record : o'F the, bnsiiie'ss transacted' at th'e' : trist JEMjC. .i'nrp.ung held jit iClifistciinrclk. Three candidates were initiated into I lie Unify;,. ,ihe. co.romojiy 'perfovhtetl bv' the i'lraud MaMer, Jiro; A. (1. Aljhnii. Oii'e candidate was. proposed for initiation. The lobowing nomination'; were, received, for officer's for' the.' .ensiling; six ■ monHis Alex. I,in'doi) and ,T. I!<iwl; :V.C.., liro. W, Churchill ..arid- W. I, ■ He i.Tc.e.v;.. l.ecti'icp ih;ai,ter,. l)fb;'.'C., J. De- ■ Sace.v and If. A. K' elective s-pcrMarv, : Hro. Ci Tiiiuiicl.iii'e. The election takes .pJ^.oo■ fit; npxt. rolhnving is the rarierion golf team to :i)lay against l ; eii!ier..ion on W ' H, lioatli. J,'- »• Itoyilhouse, ; ''.RV'fitroftoHl " K :gieyens; jr. llart. A. liooth, 1-. tlagle if R H. M'luiuion.. J.. 1., liiuiufen! T?; • Mtinii,.'V, H;;gms: emerijeiicv. 11. 4 ■ ' l IX «'!• ncoili, , tese l„ tele, Mesdamcs AV. 11. Ihnlh, v, C. Jteasf.;: emergency, Sirs. II. ; ilitnt feilding. , : 51i". \y. r. Jacali. ex-pve>i(;ei)t o: tiia A. and I'. .Assbqiat.i.oii,. has left' for Aneklnnd, and oii Vriday ■leaves: lor Home, via Vahcoiivei'. \l'f. :«.. ac '9' ) : "'ill.spend ih.ree in Ireland < m V'?. 1 ? in lii- 5 c oii, aiid will then reinrn .to .!• e! 1 d.i us. h.ef !>i;e the' end' : 'of '.t fa is yea i\ ■ A great deal, of petty is"'rcpo''l■fi(t.;at [Inlcomlie. Fame ,bf the ■ lrtve given lii) all;, idea of i;ein« able to ::ke,i!j) fowls, and firewood di-ajniear's fro.m I tocjc jattls with inysferfoii's laiiiditv, w-li'.ile criw aiid, lioi:\6. covers afe" , 'Ca'kcu lyifsii'maJilj: to kre.p the iirewnr.d drv. lit' - M.den.ts I'lii.ini !hat (hey ar« ehtitleil to a iocal .pohecnian. ■ • ■ .

■ 1 •',''. r0 ar ®, present about t!aiiies ifli).. tlvss roll o: '.lu>. i-'cildiug T;'ehuica! >choal. with an a'verage atteiniance f ' O!! ■At Apiti (he. rail numbers 117, with the ;f:pleiiital averagS ot 108. " Hi. t!he: director, explains, that there aie no pi.cliite shou-s. in Ajiifi. !v f 'jd by fhe' .coi'qnef fAlr.-. lvbadbehere) yestpt I <]:iy aftci-'ncoii con-, corning the death of "Walter Mends. well-kifown barnian. employed ;ft the Ihnpi.i'e n.ptely wlvp 1 died" at his fcsideifee 'as ■UK' result of, faking paisan. As lie did ■.not; appear- at work : ..pii Tiies(ia.v:Va liiespa^i:; -sent-' to his hon-e. in - Fiiutli : .iStfe'etiand if was then found- thai' he >.ras seri-. onsly ill, having taken poisan. I.ysa! had.. been used, Qn .a. Sca'r.e.]! b'eiii'g 'hi'ade « loaded revolver was -fiiiuid .the n.iat.tres's.;«f .th'e,,be{lv :Jtr.'s. '.Mehds ls/a- professional nurse, and had used the lysol. a* a disinfectant. A letter was' iel't' for tlie - jiplice, end oii? Alf.s.,, ■Jlendsv' '.'Death ■ from poison, . taken while temporarily insane,'' was' .thovvcrdiictreturned. SHANNON. Mesdumes Hall and l)ovle ■gii.Vo. a kitchen tea party in Dr.' Wall's Hall, at Mouioa, to Mis* l-itsie .Vewth, iii piew of nef. apjiroaching 'niarriage. During the evoii'iiig spngs. :\vcfe : . eo!itri]juted': by Mrs. -Hall, Misses t'air. .M'Daiutld,. and - Mrs. ' Hall and M.iss M Donald sanS .a. dnj'i.. ; Numerous presents, were jtoeiraKliy iuid Mr. lliUman, .Mr. Vai<>s ntoking' the ipresentittipn.; Tlie music tor the dame ■tlia.t. followed was ..supplied by . Me?>rs. Waldcn aiul I'ren(ice', Mr. .ISmith tjßi.ciating as M.C-. ■ -" ' . _ Two. ladies' hbd;c-.v. clubs are being formed at Moutoa. ■■>■■■'..

The Shannon Methodist Choir, (comluc. ■t'di: Jli;. A< Sauiuler.s, '■^Miss'Butjiy joiuaieyeii to I'oxkw last week, where, they rendered;, .ait fiijoyabio. '■ jirfigrainjiic.' %'J|ev. Mr. I'. Cpats-.v.prth; presidecl,: aiiit s'ta'te'd. .thrtj;. it had b"en. decided to luiid ■a series ot such "•wii'ils".duria;; the winter months, so that luiuU'inigbi be rai<e.d !o meet, of the 'debentures own-' "n; fhe, :i)ai's.pnagc. /The choir reiuiere'd; aiitlienfs. am! the following also omitribnted: M;s>es M'. Trr-nnnvan, ]). Sipnai, Butty Jlc''and; B.iighf, ilessi's,. I'uniber.lattd. Himtner. Hatindei< Betty, and the Rev.. Jfr. Hyile, At' ihp coi'.cht, s.idn, Jlr. J,; HI Stiles , : t!i'aiikcd' .tii'e: visitors. " . •

There. ivaS a.,;larjge' atieh(larice' of :meihburs of the I.ite'tviry and Uebr.tin'g P - ciety-'jti. tlie Xj);(ii<ls? ; Hall on Tnesday nigh!, when the Rev. Mr. J. A. Jl'Ken■zlp tontrili'iited an interesting paper on '''Tcri.iiy.son.i''' yr, Itsfeiied to w.itli '■ntte'ntipnv' aiHi' was' t'li'teT-. sper.-ed with-selections from the late 'Eost I.aureate'.s work', read by the- .'leetnrer; At the conclusion of the address .Miss WiekcliEfe gave ni m-italion, and Air.. Exall read sonm further sciee'ions. illustrative of tlio art of . Te.jihysp'n. ,'Mis.s ■L'anrvig.' sang "Maude." M.'r, M'Kenzie. playing the accompaniment, and Mr, ■Eimmi'r rendered "Crossing the. Bar." A quartet, consisting of >I r ?. AV., . Miss l,jurvig, Jlr. M'Ken- . .a'iirt,. 5Tr.- .. T.av.% saiig: '''fJVe'et a.ud 1,0w." Mr. r. H. Gardiner moved a hearty vote of thanks, to the lecturer, Which' was carried bv. acclamation. Kext w<-k the item on the syllabus is "That the. j'leai-u.res. of Hope Ano Creator Than T.hose p| Jfeinoi'y," the E'c.v. Jt'r. jt'Ke.n■zie' taking' t.ii.u a.fßr.niative, and Sir., Garil,inev the negative.

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Dominion, Volume 5, Issue 1460, 7 June 1912, Page 6

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PROVINCIAL CENTRES. Dominion, Volume 5, Issue 1460, 7 June 1912, Page 6

PROVINCIAL CENTRES. Dominion, Volume 5, Issue 1460, 7 June 1912, Page 6