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FURTHER RESULTS. In addition to (lio list nf school committee elections, ]in Wished vc-tenliiy, I lie lollowing aid tile results of a nniniici* of I'ily, suburban, mid oilier schools:— 'I'M A 1(0 SCHOOL Tlie chair was occupied liv .Mr. George J'ethcrick. The report stated that there were u7- names on llie hooks. The ntteiulnnce lor the quarter had been exceptionally regular. With the exception ot an epidemic of measles and some cases ol' mumps, the health ol the children lii'd been good. iJisinl'eclant- were regularly used ill cleaning the Honrs, etc. Alter many years ol l'ailhfui service, Miss ('hatwiii, the infant inislrcss, Inul retired oil pension. 'Ihe reports ol' the inspectors lor the past year had been entirely satistaetory. Makers Kohiusou and ]logan had t> a j ne( l scholarships. The sm n of 0:9 had been spent in books lor the school library. The headmaster (Mr. C. Watsoil) hod reported to ihe committee that the staff was highly efficient and that the school work was well in hand for Ihe time of year. The receipts for the year were .£ll2 His. lid., and expenditure -Ell.l lis. lid., leaving a. credit balance of J!29 2s._ In various ways the committee had raised about .£2l, of which it had spent ,£ls 15s on sports, prizes, etc. J)r. Mackenzie urge;! that the annual fee of 6d. for use of the library should be abolished, in order to give tlie poorer children tho same opportunity as the children of well-to-do people. Tho retiring chairman (Mr. T. L. Churchward) did not think it wise to do away with the library subscription. The report and balance-sheet were adopted. The new committee consists of: Messrs. T. L. Churchward, W. J. Lankshear, H. K. I'ower, C. J. Hill, W. J. Thompson, G. Kemington, W. C. Crane, G. E. Brown, and Dr. Wallace Mackenzie. Messrs. Churchward and Crane ivcro re-elected chairman and secretary respectively. SUBURBAN SCHOOLS. Northland. —Messrs. George Gape 3 (chairman), Edward 11. Eton (secretary), .Tolin Donaldson, James Itnssell, Thomas Hurkett, Thomas Thomson, and Charles Stewart.

Worser Bay.—Messrs. Bell (chairman), Goocli (secretary), Campbell, Telford, Hull, Edwards, and M'Crea. Oliariu.—Messrs. S. Bryant (chairman and secretary), L. C. Brvant (treasurer), 'J'. H. Basselt, F. Field, F. Liddle, A. J. Spicer, and C. H. Spicer. PROVINCIAL DISTRICTS. Campbell -Street (Palmerston North).— Rev. T. T. Thomas (chairman), Messrs. Clausen, Fraser, Pickering, Holbrook, Cobb, Allman, Mills, and Hornell. College Street (Palmerston North). — Messrs. Hodder (chairman), Sanson, Whitehead (2). Carvelle, Gcrrand, M'Nab, Harvey, and I!ev. Doull. j Terrace End (Palmerston North).— Messrs. J. A. Nash (chairman), Errenstrom, Lewis, H. Nash, Rowland, Mathiesoii, Laybiurne, Zortt, and Treeurtha. Longburn.—Messrs. Protiso (chairman), Dixon, Olesen, Larson, Webster, and C. I'rouse. Tokomaru. —Messrs. Stewart (chairman), Dorran, Robinson, Hall, Wood, Brown, and Lankshear. Sanson.—Messrs. Anderson (chairman), M'Minn, M'lntyre, Perrett, Bowater, Sarison, and Logan. Fituherbert East.—Messrs. Gawitli (chairman), Scott, Richardson, Jolmsky, Lancaster, Blnin, and Field. Aslihurst.—Messrs. Hart (chairman), Johnson, Trass, Neville, Hardic, Maunder, and Graham. Tiakitahuna.—Messrs. Melscn (chairman), Mathieson, Passcy, Gallichan, M'Donald, Anderson, and D. Rowland, jun. Foxton.—Messrs. Hornblow (chairman), Coley, Spiers, Hussey, Henderson, Betty, Franklin, Barber, and Hunt. Linton.—Messrs. .Moody (chairman), Tomlin, Wilson, Curran, liix, I'oung, and Pinfold. The meetings at Newbury and Kelvin Grove lapsed for want of quorums. , The new school committee for Grey'■town ia :~Messrs. C. J.'Beard (chairman), H. AValdcn (treasurer), T. Fisher, C. W. Henry, H. Ward Tate, V. Nicholson, W. Thompson, D. Dockerv, and 11. Humphries. Mr. M. Maxton was appointed secretary. At a meeting of householders in Featherston on Monday night, a school committee was elected as follows:—Messrs. W. Benton (chairman), A. C. Itolms (secretarj-), C. Skipago (treasurer), E. A. Laery, C. Elliott, S. Murphy, S. Aitchison. • Kaiwaiwai: The Kaiwaiwai School Committee i 3 as follows:—Messrs. Tlios. Beaitou, L. Yelverton, R. E. Williams, A. Douglas, G. F. Knapp, C. Ivempton, G. H. Ualyer. Mr. Thos. Benton was elected chairman, and Mr. A. Douglas, secretary and treasurer. Tauherinikan: The Tauhcrinikau School Committee is:—Messrs. W. J. Nix (chairman), G. Donald, J. E. Henderson, G. Holdcroft, and W. H. Sadler. Matarawa. —.Messrs. C. E. Jones (chairman), J. W. J. Ticeh'Urst, F. Zillwood, AV. Goff, R. J. Gallon, J. A. Whiteman, E. R AVhiteman. Carrington.—Messrs. G. E. Allen (chairman), T. Anderson (secretary), E. Clarke (treasurer), D. J. M'Anlay, 11. Hawtin. Dalcfielcl.—Messrs. J. Ilodder (chairman), W. 11. Hart (secretary and treasurer), 11. 11. Knowles, M. T. AVest, I). Bassett, S. Brazendale, C. Snyer. The following is the result of the election of the school committee at Norman-dale:—-Messrs. R. B. Bell (chairman), J. Harris (secretary), H. Adams, AV. Barnes, and \V. 11. Knight. AVanganui.—Exceptional interest was taken in the election of School Committees, all householders meetings last night being well attended. As a general rule the old committeemen were returned at the various centres round here, there being only a slight admixture of new members. Otaki.—The election of a school committee resulted as follows Messrs. C. H. AVilliams (chairman), AA r . Yaughan, J. Bills, 11. Nicelson, J. AA'ellan, W. Iveegan, and M. H. Ayre (secretary).

Pongaroa.—-Messrs. Berry (chairman), Alex. M'Donald (secretary), Dickens, Rattray, Morris, Ivayser, and Dalton. Rakanui —Messrs. A. J. Stroak (chairman), G. H. Bryant (treasurer), ,T. Isles, T. Hickey, R. B. Robertson. Newman.—Messrs. T. Moss (chairman), G. Hickman (secretary), 11. Elsmore, D. Ryan, J. Cooper, H. Wenham, R. Ashcroft. Tinui.—Dr. Macßae (chairman, secretary, and treasurer), Alf. Bennett, A. T. Hancock, R. N. Olliver, J. A. Perry, E. H. Schofield, A. Tuckett. Hnkanui.—J. Hunter (chairman), W. Parish, H. Pickering, A. Hislop, G. Ranby, A. Brew, H. Billington. Parkvale.—Messrs. A. Booth (chairman and secretary), H. R. Burgess (treasurer), S. Sivinn, F. White, T. H. Henderson, E. Watson, I. Pike. Pukctoi.—Messrs. W. H. Gowlor (chairman), J. Hayes (secretary), H. Bagley, R. Utting, R. Parker, J. Hennessy, H. 11. Alderwick. Eketahuna.—Messrs. H. H. Griffith (chairman), G. H. Leslie (secretary), W. X. Tregonning, A. G. Hoar, W. A.Boyes, T. Knight, J. Harrison. Belvedere.—Messrs. Hugh MTliee (chairman). C. J. Do Lacey (secretary and treasurer), G. Stevens, J. Stevens, E. Eaglo, W. Earl, W. Moore. Pukehinau.—Messrs. E. Clemens (chairmaul, W. Harold (secretary), J. Bowie, H. Uunt, P. Holden, T. Packer. Bideford.—Messrs. ,T. W. CarsweU (chairman), V. Chapman, W. L. Percv, W. Stoddart. W. L. Wrigley. Xgaturi.—Messrs. ICglinton (chairman and secretary,) Morrison, M'lCav, M'Leod, and James Dick. Tp Whiti.—Messrs. W. A. Gray (chairman), ,101111 Corlett and Frank' Rnvner (secretary). Managaliao.—Messrs. Biddy (chairman), Retwood, (.'avanagh, Morris, and Cornelius. Dyerville.—Messrs. Perry, Martin. Xutt, llerriek. Robinson, Burrptl, and Wnnqli. \ikau.—Meser.c. Cud' (chairman). Graham, Thompson, Smith, and Pinfold. Maligiionc.--Mes-rs. K. Tomlinson (chair, maul. W. I'f-lf s'-oii. A. .1. Head, ISmou Tom 1 inion (secretary), anil Mrs. 11. IVlitsnn. Sh.-iniion.-'Messr- 1 . (lallmvny. T. Gardner. \V. l.:uv. I'. Terry. 11. Ilml.-nn. .1. Ricliiiril-ou. nnd K. A. W. Osborne. Mr. Gardner was eleclod ehiiirinjiii and .Mr. O'horne secretary. f.niigdalo.—Messrs. .1. l.euuie (cliairnun). I). Bennett. I'. I'ellinchnin, 'I'. f.'ripp=. and .1. tlendor~'Ui. B.illance.—Me=-s=r? C. Henderson (rhairninn), A. Sinclair -seeretary), P. Cre.=stipll, A. Carter, W. Olson, J. Harris, It. Tanner, and W. Ross. Motipmabce.— W, W. WoJoh (dnU'mau), W. Nation, (Motfltsiy), J.

O'Dowd, .1. f'orbishlv*, ami J. biting. Jliki MiUi.— H. W. I'aylon ((•hninnau ;nul M-cr.-tiiryl, I*l. .loliau-on, A. lUwlit, A. Sfiiili\ U. Dnkcn, . Hiildcll, and \V. Taula-i-loy. ✓ > Lnn^hu-li.—J. Hnnnisier (chairman),: Faion. Nnnu, .M'l nto-li, J). Konall, and M'Tnlllit (-ecii-iarv). mm-villi* \\'c-l.— •/. I'eler-i-n (chairman). A. II <"larke '=ocrelaiT), f'. Mrick-.m, If. W. IVder-cn, j\ K. MoitciiM-H, .1. Uracil, ami U. VrKiumm. MnunKHpnkflin—A. J. 'I'noKootl (eliairtnan), K. Carman, \\. Al'lvac, A. l.«roves, ainl H. <1. (Jroves. \irciiliu — \lc—r- Hmttii (tluiiriiiaiO, j;. Ircl.inil H- .'"'"Jton. 11. Jlau-«on, J. Spring, and 1!. Waldion. Kaipanini.—M«.»—rs. A. I•alktier (chairinan). Hu it (in (M'fricl.iiy >. .1. .M'Annlty, t). Falkncr, 11. J{. Jt'enall, ( aim, and A. Palmer. Allredl(iii.~-.Me.>-t-. S. (chairman), l:\ Pr-icy, \V. . KnlherInnl, and Airs. (>ecretary). Man^arama.—)l("M'<. (chairman). W. lirown, Darley, and IJib-on. -Manricpvillo I'. Hrooks (chainnani, Brooks (sccroUtry), \\. l-'isher, il. O'ljiien, J. .M'Keown, J. Brnggin?, and ft. Dryden. Hinetiioa— Messrs. 1\ Donnelly 'chairman), H. Hind, .1. Nelson, S. Hoyden, and \\\ Turkington. ("oonnor.— 0. Parsons (chairman), J. Diamond. M. Conway, K. M'Kenzie, and l.\ T. Kcam. Marima.—-Messrs. O. Lund (chairman), W. Martin, J). Leahy, C. and .1. Ilolloway.

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Dominion, Volume 5, Issue 1422, 24 April 1912, Page 7

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SCHOOL COMMITTEES. Dominion, Volume 5, Issue 1422, 24 April 1912, Page 7

SCHOOL COMMITTEES. Dominion, Volume 5, Issue 1422, 24 April 1912, Page 7