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BROKERS' REPORTS. The following are the brokers' reports on prices obtained at the fourth Wellington wool sales of the current season, which were held at the Town Ball yesterday:— Dalgety and Company. Messrs. Dalgety and Company, Limited, report as follows:—The total catalogues •submitted by all brokers amounted approximately to 13,691 bales. Our proportion of this was 4785 bales. More wool was expected for this sale, but we anticipate that thu balance of the 1911-12 clip will all be to ham. slinrl.y, when offerings at our next sale . Mr.*]) 5 will be a good deal bigger thai -isually the case, owing to the season being a rather extended one. The bulk of our offerings consisted of seedy, heavy-conditioned, log-stained, and coarse to medium wools, and for this class (although competition was keen) prices showed a further decline on the January sale of fully Id. to id. We had in our catalogue a few clips of bright, lightconditioned Itomney crossbreds, and these, together with good halfbred wools, were firm at January rates. As is usual at this period of the season, there was a considerable amount of lambs' wool offered, the bulk of which was. however, dull and log-stained, and carrying a fair amount of seed. For all bright, clean lots, however, the competition and prices were satisfactory. The following comparison of prices ruling, as compared with our sales on February 7, 1911, and January 11, 1912, will be interesting.— Feb. Jan. Feb. 7,1911. 11,1912. 13,1912. d. d. d. ri. d. d. Merino 9 95 9 93 8 8S Super halfbred 10} 125 Medium halfbred 9 9k 95 10} 9} 101 Super crossbred 10 11 11 115 Medium crossbred 71 81 81 95 81 9} Inferior and con rsc crossbred 65 7 7 73 6k 75 First lambs... 8k 9t 93 IDJ 9j !0 Second lambs 7 8 83 8 83 Xot Inferior lambs 43 61 nuotod 7 7J Pieces 5 7 71 8 61 -7) Bellies 51 65 6 75 6J 7J Stained pieces and locks ... 3t 33 4 S 4 5 Orutchings ... 33 5k M 61 4} s>, Dead s[. 63 7' 73 7 . 71 Some of the highest-priced wools in our catalogue were on account of the following clients:-On account of Mr. F. Meenkin'. Clarovillc. a lino of Eomney crossbred realised JCJd.: Mr.- T). L. Tounger, Feilding. fine crossbred lambs, 10d.; Mr. C. A.' J. Lovett. Kiwitea, first lambs, 10d.; Mr. W. F. Conway. Blenheim, first halfbred ewes, 93d., and first halfbred hoggets. 9kd.; trustee of Mnnson's Estate, Kt.inwav, first lambs, 9kd.; Mr. M. Oasev. Blenheim, halfbred. Did.; Mr. H. A. Lambert, Kaitoke, Wancanui. lambs, 9td.: Messrs. Sherman and Podevin, Otaki, lambs, 9?d.; Mr. A. A. Sheriff, Wanganui, lambs. 9d.; Mr. IT. Parata. Wnikona-o, crossbred ewes, 9d.: Mrs. E. Brav, Colytnn, crossbred ew.c and hoggets, 9!d.; Mr. J. Thimnsin. Titikn lambs, 91d.; Messrs. F. IT. White. Tane, Pahiatua, crossbred ewes, 9Jd.. and lambs 91d.; Mr. If. Y. Hammond, Kiri Kiri. Wal ngonui. super crossbred. 9d.; Vr. TT. p Clare. Waituna West, lambs, 9R: Mr.' f. Saunders, Ma.rtinborough. crossbred hoggets, 9d., and lambs, 9d.

Levin and Co. Levin and Co. offered 2230 bales. The quality of the wool, considering the period ui the season, was Rood. "We had main good lints in our catalogue. There was also a large nuantily of dingy and coarse wool offering, and the wool all round was carryin? more condition. Bidding wa.s strong and keen ui) to about a full farthing of last sale prices. America was still operating, and we sold the two well-known clips, over Fairfield and Club, at lHd. per pound, topping the market. Lambs' wool sold readily at Id. per lb. less than latt sale, the top price bei'ng 10 per lb., as against IOJd. Pieces and scouring lots were easier at ).d. to 3d. per pound." The following are pome of the prices:—Kowhai, 5?. d.: To liangilumaii, lCd. and Bd.; Fjr over 0, M., 7d„ and 7!d.; DW over ». 73d.; If. ]!ros„ Brcntwatcr, 103 d. and 3d.; Hurton Fields, 9d. and Bd.; Lake Meadows ltld., 93ii„ 9Jd., and 9id.; C. Iliverside, 7Jd. and 73d. Lambs. —.T.H.K., Wineglass, 91d.; Havcnswood, 93d.; 000, 10d.; CO reversed. 9d.; WHN, Fureivi, 83d.; Hurton Fields, 9Jd.; Pakhoc lOd, Loan and Morcantilo. The New Zealand Loan and Mercantile Agency Co., Ltd., report:-Our catalogue ot 2KO bales comprised a few bright, well got-up Houmcy and crossbred clip.!, suitable for America, but the bulk of the offerings consisted of late shorn and back country clips, carrying a fair amount, of grease and, in many cases, bid i Ijirti. There was also a fairly large proportion of more or less log-stained wool offered. On the whole, however, the wool no far offered this reason has becu light in grease, owing, doubtless, to the wet and cold weather experienced up to the cud of the year. Many of the clips showed a proportion of cottcd and tender fleeces, this being due to the shortness of feed in the autumn. Very little merino and halfbred wools were offered to-day; these line wools (mostly grown in .Marlborough) having been diumaju' of mainly in proyioua wUct.

Bidding was keen, hut at a lower ranee of prices lliiin those obtaining at the January sale, about id. to »d. in eoarjo and rough wools, and id. lo Id. in the better sorts (suitable for American demand), being about the fall. Till.; decline was expected, as cabled reports from Home and Australia indicated lower price,-. On the whole prices obtained were satisfactory, tuking into consideration 'he quality of Ills wool. tielow we show a few of our sales:- J

Merino—On nceount of Mr. H. J. Stacc, Robin Hood Uay, B'd. Ilnlibrcd.-On account of Mr. 1). E. Hunger, Nelson, 9d.; Jlr. W. G. Dickens, Marlborough, 9d.; Mr. E. Hart and .Son, Marlborough, B\d.; Mr. D. Brown, Pieton 81(1. Thrce-ciuarterbred.—On account of Mr. A. K. Bnrtlctt, Marlborough, 8.? d.; Mr. W. G. Dickens (part croa-brcd), BJi3. Shropshire—On account of Mr. G. L. Marshall, Marton, 9d. Hoinney.—On account of Mr. R. W. Kelson, Waikanac, 9£d. and B]d.; Mr. J(. Scott, Nelson, Bid.; Mr. Angus M'l'hersou, Nelsou, 9d.; Mr. Joseph D'Ath. Otaki, IOJd, and 9Jd. Crossbred Super.—Mr. J. .S. Langdon, Tenui. Bd.; Mr. L. Williams, Nelson, Sid.; Mr. Thos. Meharry, Kohatahi, 9!d.; Jlr. W. O'.Malley, Westport, BJd. Crossbred, Medium.—Mr. Thcs. Rowles, Feilding Btd.; .Mr. 0. G. Wilson, Mangaweka. 7jd. and 7*d.

Crossbred, Coarse.—Mr. T. S. Ncwcombe, Eketahuna, 7»d.; Mr. G. K. Hutchison, 7d.; Mr. D. M'Alistcr, 7»d.; Mr. J. W. Jenkins, Marton, 73d.; Mr. G. W. Priest; Pongaroa, 7Jd.; Mr. J. S. Pim, Bd.; Mr. JJr. D. Buckley, liukaunui, 7id.; Mr. U. T. Lysacht, Hawcra, 7d.; Mr. P. F. Barry, Rakauuui, Bd.; Mr.'E. D. Harlaud, Feilding, 71d.; Mr. G. W. Priest, Pongaroa, Ed.

Lambs.—Mr. K. W. Kelson, Waikanac, 9sd.; Mr. A. J. Grant, Mangaweka, 3Jd.: Mr. M. Beazer, Feilding, Bid.; Braemore Estate, Bd.; Jlr. C. G. Wilson. Mangaweka, Sid.; Mr. J. W. Aroa, Blenheim, il.; Percy Bros., Tc Ore Ore, 91d. and 9d.; Mr. D. J. Willis, liawera, 83d.; Mr. A. S. Aidrich, Takapau, BJd.; Mr. C. G. Wilson, Mangaweka., 6}d.

Croscsbred, Coarse.—Mr. Joseph Red, Hawcra, 73d.; Mr. L. noulbroolce, Waterfalls 7id.; Mr. Arthur Wall, Pongaroa, 7jd.; Mr. A. S. Tonks, liawera. 7Jd.; Mr. T. W. Owen, Hawcra,. 7Jd.; Mr. R. Daseler, Wanganui, 7d.

As compared with last sale prices range about as follow:— January. February, d. d. d. d. Merino - to 91 • Halfbred 81 to 103 81 to 9> Three-quartcrbred 8S to 91 81 to 63 Super crossbred 9J to 104 8 to 91 Romney 91 to 1H B', to Ida Medium crossbred 8 to 92 7j to 81 Coarse crc>ssbred and cross inferior 7 to 85 63 to 73 Lambs : 8 to 10 74 to 9J Pieces and bellies 52 to 71 5 to 7 Locks 3J to 41 31 to 4 'None offered. Hurray, Roberts, and Co. Messrs. Murray, Roberts and Company report:—For the fourth sale of this season we catalogued 2670 bales of wool, of which a large proportion was of inferior character, seedy and cotted. A few bright, light-conditioned parcels, suitable for America, were shown, and for thess prices were almost equal to last sale, up to Hid. being paid. The heavier and inferior lots, however, were about a farthing per lb. cheaper than last month, while lambs'wool sold about par, pieces and bellies occasionally a farthing lower. Many of the latter carried a fair amount of .seed.

Merino, medium and inferior, 71d. to 83d. per lb.: haltbrcd, medium, 9d. to 10d.; half bred, inferior, seedy, 73d. to 83d.; crossbred, superior, 9Jd. to Hid.: crossbred, superior, 9Jd. to Hid.; crossbred, medium to good. Bd. to 9Jd.; crossbred, inf3rior, cotty, 6td. to 7}rt.: lambs, medium to good, BJd. to 10d.; lambs, seedv and inferior and dull. 6d. to 73d.; pieces, 5Jd. to 63d.; bellies, 5Jd. to 6id.; locks, 35d. to 43d; Abraham and Williams. Messrs. Abraham and Williams offered 1600 bales, and as is usual at this end of the season, it consisted mostly of back country wool carrying a lot of condition, and, owing to the lateness of the season, a pood proportion of the woo! showed seed. Competition was very keen, but as anticipated sfnee the Loudon sales closed, prices were lower by Jd. to id. per lb., all rough log-stained wools being easier by the latter ligurc. The better quality wool was also a good deal easier. Lambs' wool also showed a decline; the best qualities being lower by Id. per lb., whilst or-' dinary sorts wore about Jd. to Jd. lower. Pieces, bellies, etc., were on a par with last sale prices. Some of the sales were as follow:—Uhiwai, Romney 103 d.. crossbred 83d., bellies and pieces 6id.; WS.. bright crossbred, 9d.; R2 over L, hoggets, Bd.; HPG, coarse crossbred 75d.; Otimai. crorsbred 71d. to 7J<l.: JBG A lambs 9£d., B lambs End., C lambs 63d.; Three Clubs, crossbred 73d., lambs Bid.; lUJH, crossbred. 71d.; GP, crossbred 73d., bellies and pieces 6Jd, A lambs, 9Jd., B lambs 7W. Other Reports, James Macintosh and Company report as follows:—\\ r c held our lirst wool sale today in the Concert Rooru of the Town Hall, when we offered a small catalogue. Prices for fleece in sympathy with the London market, showed a decline of about one halfpenny; pieces, etc.. however, sold well, practically at last sale rates. Thcr.c was a large and representative attendance of buyers, and prices realised were as follows—Medium, crossbred, 7Jd. to Bd.: lambs, 7d.; bellies, 6d.: crutchings, 51d.; 3rd pieces, 43d.; locks and stained pieces, 33d. United Farmers' Co-operative Association: —Compared with previous sale prices for heavy conditioned and rough crossbred were about Id. lower. There was very little wool offering suitable for American market. Prices for this class of wool were Jd. lower Wo o.uote as follows:—Fine crossbred 9d. to 10id.: medium crossbred, Bd. to 9Jd.: dingy and inferior, 6d. to 74d.; heavy conditioned, 6kd. to 7id.: lambs, superior, 85d. to 93d.; lambs, medium, 7id. to Bid.; bellies and pieces, sd. to 6d.

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Dominion, Volume 5, Issue 1363, 14 February 1912, Page 8

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WELLINGTON WOOL SALES. Dominion, Volume 5, Issue 1363, 14 February 1912, Page 8

WELLINGTON WOOL SALES. Dominion, Volume 5, Issue 1363, 14 February 1912, Page 8