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PHASES OF TIIK MOON. FEUIiI'AItV. Day. llr. 111. Full moon 3 II SB a.m. La.«i iiunner II) 1! 21 p.m. New moon 18 6 14 p.m. iirst quarter "i l> 57 p.m. MOON. Moon rises to-morrow. 0.36 a.m.; sets, 5.16 llllill WATER. To-day, 0.35 a.m.; 1.2 p.m. To-morrow, 1.20 a.m.; I.M p.m. Sl/N. Sun rises to-day, 5.5 a.m.: scls, 7 p.m. ARRIVALS. HONDAV. FKIIRVARV VL KOMATA, s.s. (2.5 a.m.), 199-1 lons, Slawson, from Westport. KAII'AKA, s.s. (4.50 a.m.). 7392 tolls. Cornwall, from Willi'. KAIUAKI. s.s. (12.10 p.m.. Nt l'etone), 458 tons. Scott, from [..vltcltim. IHIAYTON CHANGE, s.s. (7.35 p.m.). C 592 tons, Murrisoii, from l'irton. INNEMOA. (i.s. (3.55 p.m.l. 542 tons, llollons, from Castlepoint. DEPARTURES. MONDAY, FEBRUARY 12. VATEKNA, s.s. (12.45 p.m.). 1212 tons, Watson, Tor I'icton and Nelson. Passcng?rs: S.iloon-For Picton-Misses Oodfrey, Wioks, Mesdamca Rutherford, M'Nftb, lUymond, llotwcll, Messrs. M'Nab. Sinclair, and Toomcy. For Nelson—MisEpa Drown, Kitto, Birmingham, JCdwards, Lcary. Mesdamea li?n<<imaii. Coombes, Stewart, Ilrrwn, Messrs. Coombe.", Stewart, Brown. Basfett. KAPUNI, s.s. (12.25 p.m.), 150 tons, M'lntosh. for Patca. KOSAMOND, e.a. (2.5 p.m.), 721 tons, Baldwin, for Pic-ton. MANAIiOA, 5.5. (I.M p.m.), m tons, Hart, for Motueka. KAIRAKI, s.s. (4.45 p.m. from Petoflc), 458 tons. Scott, for Kaiapoi. I'OHEHUA, s.s. (5.5 p.m.), 1275 tons, Cameron, for Greymoulh. FLORA, s.s. (5.25 p.m.). Williams, for Picton, New Plymouth, Westport, and Greymouth. WAKATU, s.s. (5.20 p.m.). 157 tons, Wills, for Kaipara. and Lyttelton. STOHMmitD, s.s. (11 p.m.), 217 tons, Dowell, for Wanganui. OPAWA, s.s. (6.10 p.m.), 110 tons, Nicholls, for Blenheim. BLENHEIM, s.f. (7 p.m.), 120 tons, Wilkinson, for Blsnliciin. MOKOIA. s.s. (7.30 p.m.). 3502 tons, Harris, for Napier, Gisborne, and Auckland. Passengers: Saloon—For Gisborne—Misses M'Lauriu. Duggnn, Messrs. Morrison, Trevor, Hodson, Akroyd, Caldwcll, Mathcwson. For Napier-Jira. liochfort, Messrs. Nash, ilocllfort. For AuckUnd-Mesdames Piri= and Can-, Messrs. Brett. Bcale, Piric, Warner, Carr, Owen. MAORI, s.s.. (8.5 p.m.), 3399-tons, Aldwell, for Lyttelton. Passengers: Saloon—Misses Kirkcaldic, Henrys, De Lisle, Austin, Mackay, Grainger, Park, Drevera (2), Orjen, Lees, Kama. Andereon, White, Longworth, Williflins, Sleightholine, Carhman, Buston, Robinson, Mead, Skinner, Wennic (2), Thompson, CoaU's, Urol:;. Dick, Barr, Moon, Morelin, White, Clark, l'hyn and 3 children, Christenson. .Mesdaraes Millar, Kowlctl, Pridhnin, Kastcrman, Solace, fien- ; niston, Lcouard, Jardine, llewsoii. Owsn. I Mai'farlano mid three children, Higgin;.-, Campbell, lieade, Jackson. Dr. Millar. Colonel Hayhurst, Me«:-rs. Marchant, Hargraves, Adams, Turner, M'L;an. Tavender, M'Lean (2), M'Clelland (2). Jcnkinson, Macdouald, Sayer. Cameron. Orton Stevens, Kaye, Shirlcliire, M'lntosJi, I'ridbam, Janisch, Solme, Grey, liewson, I!os3, Granger, Carneli. M.uirich, Reid. Fama, Nicholson. Sarc. Jones, Cai'tor. Robinson, Wilson, Christie, Thompson, Cuddie, Krien, Carmicbael, Watt, U'Manaway, Jackeon. EXPECTED ARRIVALS, Gertie, Foxton, February 13. Huia, Wanganui, February 13. Ma-na. Patoa, February 13. . Nikau, N-jlson, Motueka, February 13. Mararoa. Lyttelton. February 13. Kaitoa, Terakohc, February 13. Hincnum, Castlepoint, Fob. 13. Monowai, northern ports, February 13 Dray ton Grange, Picton. February 13. Pttteena, "NclFon, Picton, February 13 Kittttwa, Westport, February 13. Himitangi, Chathams, via Lyttelton, February 14. Opawa, Ulenheim, February 14. Manaroa, Motueka, February 14. Blenheim, Blenheim. February 14. Kupuni, Pat:<i, February 14. Maori, Lytlelton. February 14. M.'Hingaeui, Sydney direct. February 14. Corinna, southern ports, February 14. Arahura, West Coast, Nelson, Picton February 14. Wiminsi-a. Dnnedin, Lyttelton, Feb. 15. Stormbiril, Wanganui. February 15. Wakatu, Lyttelton. Kaikoura, Feb. 15. Pohcnia, Groymputh. February 15. Kairaki, Kaiapoi, February 15. Amokuro. • Kcrmadecs, via. Auckland, February 16. Ngatoro, Greymouth, February 16. Tarawera. northern ports. February 16. Moeraki, Melbourne, Hobart, via south, February 16. Koroniiko, Newcastle, via Picton, February 16. Rosamond, On;hunga, New Plymouth, February 18. Mokoia, northern ports, February 20. PROJECTED DEPARTURES, Pukaki, Greymouth, February 13. Catiopus, Wcslport, February 13. Aorere, Patea, February 13. Arapawa, Wanganui, February 13. Kiripaka, Patca. February 13." Kahii, East Coatt, fjliruary 13. -Monowai. Lytlelton, O::nenin, Feb 1.1 Mapourika,. Nelson, West Coast, Feb. 13. Ripple, Napier, (lisborne, February 13. Itolornn, Lyttollon, February 13. . Kapiti, Wangamii. Februarv 13. Kaitoa, Nolsoii, West Coast". February 13 Nikau, Nelson. Motueka, February 13 Mararoa. Lyticltou, February 13. Mana, Patea, February 13. Huia. Wr.nguuui. February 13. Gertie, Fostoii, Februarv 13. Queen of ilio South, Foxton, February 13. Komala, Westport. February 14. Tongariro, London, February 14. Opnwn, lilenheim, February 14. Manaroa, llavcloirk, t'chruary 14. Blenheim, Blenheim, February 11. Kupuni, Patea, February 14. I'ateena. Picton. Nelson. February 14. Maori, Lyttelton, February 14. Corimia, New Plymouth, Onchunga, February 14. lliiuitaiigi, Chatham Islands, Feb. 14. Komata, Westport. February 14. Maunganiii, southern ports, Melbourne, February 15. Wiminera. northern ports, Sydney. Feb. 15. Stormbiril. Wanganui, Februarv" 15. Wakatu. Kaikoura, Lyttelton, Feb. 15. Kairaki, Kaiapoi. February 15. Tarawera, Lyttelton, Duncitin, Fob. 16. Moeraki, Sydney direct. February 16. Arahura, Piston, Nelson, West Coast, rebruarv 17. Drayton CJrong;. Timaru. Fchruary 17. Rosamond, l'icton. Nelson, Nov.- Plymouth, Onchunga, February 19. Mokoia, Lyttelton, Dunedin, February'2o. INTERCOLONIAL SERVICE. MOVEMENTS OF STEAMERS. MOERAKI. s.s., left. Melbourne February 1. for Hobart. southern ports, and Wellington. Duo Wellington February 16. Leaves same day for Sydney direct. Duo B>. dney February 20. MAUNOANi;!, ' s.s., left Sydney February 10. for Wellington direct, 'pur Wellington February 14. Leaves February 15, for southern ports, llobart, and Melbourne. Due Melbourne Fchruary 24. MANUKA, s.s., leaves Melbourne February 14, for llobart. southern ports, and Wellington. Due Wellington February 23. Leaves same day for Sydney direct. I)ii2 Sydney Fchruary 27. WIMMEIIA. s.s.. leaves Dunedin Februarv 13, for Lyttelton and Wellington. Due Wellington February 15. for northern ports and Sydney. Due Sydney February 23. OVERSEA SHIPPINC. STEAMERS TO ARRIVE. From London^ lONIC (due about February 20), sailed on •lamiary 4, via Cape Town and iloliart. (Shaw, Snvill ajul Albion Co., agents.) TURAKINA (due about March 5), snilcd on January 10. via Cape Town and llobart. (NSW Zealand Shipping Co.. agents.) lIITIICNUI (due nlioiit March 19.'. sailed on .lamniry "C, via Ain-klnnd. (.New '/.enland Shipping Co., 11 wills.) WIIAKAIit'A (due about March 15), sailed 011 .iMiuary .1, vi:>, Australian ports and 1 Auckland. iTywi- l.iue. aijints.) I IXI)IIAIM.'RA dine (ibiiut l-Vlil'iiJiry M). sail'.-il 011 lli'cfiiilvr 23. via Australian pcirN mill Ai'.cliianil. iTy.--er Line, a^enls.i ATM EN 1C (dm. ulioiil .Man-li 19). siiik-il mi Februarv 2. via Cmpc Town and llobart. (Shaw. Savill and Albion Co.. agents-.) IMIRADMIMI id itiiini April l>, -nlled nil January ::ii, via. Au.-traliaii purls. Auekliind, and "Xiiiiier. (T.vH-i- liii-.\ iiKt:iit«.l From LlvcrpooU ! ISANFFSIIIRE Him- about l< liru.i iv "91 I .■■ailoil on IJii-iiiiliit 21, via i.'«pi. Town, i SMlnvy, New-n-ih'. anil Aiukliinil. IK.-11.-S. l.iiie. aKciit-.! WAIMASA <«ln- iilidml l-'cbniavy IS>. -ail. | cil .in Deceinlier ?.\ via Au-lraliaii noil(mil Ai'fklnnil. i.-ihaw, Sn\ill mill Alliiou Co., nirenl.-.l SIIrtSKX dine about Much 2'! i. >-iiib-d <m •Iu 11 miry 12, \i:i S.vil-cy, Xev,c;.i||". !lll( | Auckland. (F.-11.-S. Line, agciil:..) SrilllKV 'line jlimil April I.V-. -nileil on February 5 via Syiln-v, Xcnri-lle. and Aiii'liliinil. (l-'.-M.-S. Line, agciil-.i From Monlronl. WAIWEI.'A due about M.-if-h fi , . Failed on liei-cmbcr '.'B, ■.i:i Ait-tt-sil ; ;» suv.l Ami;, hind. iXcw /'-a'aml Shipping Co.. ;if;i:nl-.; WAKA.M'I 'due iilionl M.'iirh 21'. -ni|.vl "II .Id.tlll.T' I!, >ln Allßl.rllllnil r-T , " .Tl'l Aiiriiiiiml. (M;w /,r.i.limil iililuuini: Co,, ■UicjuUiJ i

From New York. KIHKNALE (duo about March 24), wiled ! In'.wl '7V" ! "''. lJ ; v ,''! A " slral '«- "»<• AIK-k-l num. i.\. iimi a hi no <i cents ) KATTKNTIMtN 'ai, n ,,t •".March 29), I'd mi Jiiniiiiry 21. vi:i Australian ports ""(1 AiicUlunii. Vl'.VfCi- Line, ngeilts.) From San Francisco. MArrsi nine about Fehrnary 29), sailed >'" Miruary 7, vi.i Papeete and llaroI'MIKil. II'.S.S. Co., SIRI'lilS.) From I'lilladolnhiai TEllljlEi: dlnu about February 181. sailed Nj.vnulicT ,iu | )mlP( |iii, and LyUeltim. ll.iillin and Ci... « K i-nt.-.) SAILKIt 'I'O AllltlVE. OUEEN ELIZAHCTII. ship, sailed from j New Yurk October 17. (Vacuum Oil Co., BY TELEGRAPH. OVERSEA. . . , SYDNEY, February 12. Arrived, --Helen Denny, barque, from Udktniigii , . MELBOURNE, February 12. 1|( A 7ivod.-M«niilin. from the Hliiir. via COASTAL. MONDAY, FEBTUJA«Y 12. AUCKLAND. Sailcd.-Mahono (7 p.m.), for Sydney. Arrived.—Tnrawcrn, from southern ports. NAPIER. J Saflcd.-Monowai (6 p.m.). for Wellington. NEW PLYMOUTH. Sailcd.-Rarcwa, lor Onchunssi. PATEA. Salled.-Mana (7 p.m.), for Wclliuirton. WANGANDI. Sailcd.-Huia (6.35 p.m.), for Ksllincton. ■ FOXTON. Sallcd.-Gcrtic (5.15 p.m.), for Wellington. PICTON. Armcd.-Patcena (4.40 p.m.), from Wellington. MOTUEKA. Sailcd.-Nikan (4.20 p.m.), for Wellington. WESTPORT. Sailed.-Kittawa (7.30 p.m.), for WeIIinELYTTELTON. Arrived.-Terrior. from Dimedin; Breeze, from Vftinganui; Kotukn. from (Jrcymouth; Defender, from Kn.rn.mca; Wootton and Cygnet, from Kaikoura. hailed.—Breeze, for Dunedin; Whanrcapo, for Westport; Kaiapoi, for Greynionth; Ma-raroa. (8.30 p.m.), for Wellington, with 200 passengers. TIMAUO. Arrived.—Maraari (7.15 a.m.), from Wellington. DUNEDIN. Arrived.-Kolaro, from southern ports; Wnnalifl, from northern ports. for a 'tho-S. aka "" B,ar ° £ Scotla,ld ' BLUFF. t^tt!™- 8 - PionMr (? - 45 »■»•>• "°» Armed.—Moeraki (10 a.m.), from Melbourne, and Hobart. Passengers: For Wcl-lmslpn-bslooii-MiPsc? Lplly, Hoete, Sγrnonds, ikoAamcs Buchanan, Symonds, Griffiths and 2 cliildren, Messrs. Stanley Cowan. Alexander. Symonds, Buchanan' Hammond. licv. Wainwrii-ht; 22 steernire. hailed-Uhmaroa (4.25 p.m.), for Hobart and Melbourne. ANGLO-MEXICAN'S CARGO. The Now Zealand Shipping Companv's chartered strainer Anglo-Mexican, which leaves V, ellinclon for London at. 5 p.m. to-day. i,h taking the folloivins cargo from the undermentioned ports (Wellington ei-eanted):-rrom -Napier, to London—3776 i- 9 0, ' 5 , fadK3K woo! ' 3 "ales sheepskins, 220 pockets wool, 113 bales hemp, 15. casks tallow. 102 casks pelts, 8 casks casing?. From Napier, to Hull—l6Fo bales wool. 1 fadge ivool. 46 pockets wool. From rapier, to bales wool. 4 S?co i ts i Woo '- , Fl " om Oisliorne. to LondonMSB bales wool. From Auckland, to Lon-doii-1435 l>al?s wool. 146 bales fliu. 68 casks "How, 70S pieces timber, 2797 sacks copra, . 11 Bs , ore ' 38 nacknjrcs sundries. From Auckland, to Goole-1116 bales wool. KIMUTAKA LEAVES LONDON. A cablegram received by the local office of the iNew Zealand Shipping Company is to the effect that the Bimutaka left London for Dunedin. Lyttelton, and Timaru on February 8. En route a call will be made at Brisbane, where a number of inimigrants will be landed. NEW STEAMER AWA.HAU. Messrs. Levin and Co.'s new steamer, winch is to be encased in the coastal trade in place of the Himitanpi. is cpected to leave Uotnc for Wellington about the end of this month. She will arrive here about the middle of May next. The new vessel is to ha named "the Awahau (the MaoM name for Foxton). and it being constructed by Messrs. Fullerton afril Sons. Paisley, Scotland. The builders ure well known in New Zealand, they having built the Kapiti,. Himitangi, Arapawa, and the Opoun. MAT7NOANUI LEAVES SYDNEY. The local oßlcs of the Union Company have received advice stating that the new steamer Maungamti left Sydney for Wellington direct at 4 p.m. on Saturday. Sli* has on board ICG saloon and IC6 steerage passengers for a.!! ports, and should show up here early to-morrow mornins. COKLNTIIIC ARRIVES HOME. . Cable advice received by the local agent? for the Shaw. Savil! and Albion Company yesterday stated Mint I!.M.S. Corinthin arrived »t I'lyinoiith from WellinKtou, via way port*, on Friday eveniuc last. The vessel sailed from here on December 29. I'AKEUA AT LONDON. Word has been received by the local agents Tor the .Shaw. Savill and Albion Company announcing the arrival of the stnftiuer l'ukeha at London. She left I.ytU'Hon on December 31 and Mont» Video on January 20, and arrived at her destination on Saturday afternoon, January 10. MESS-TABLE GOSSIP. Captain 11. 11. Irwin, of the Rosamond, has been granted holiday leav;, and left the vessel at Wellington yesterday. Captain J. Baldwin, late of the Kowhai, is now in charge of the vcss;l. Mr. K. F. (,'ibsoii has joined the Ngahero as second officer. Mr. W. Iloihcry, who has been "slondin" by" cu Wellington, joined the Mokoia as chisf ofllcer yesterday, vice Mr. K. Appleyard, who has come ashore for orders. Mr.- W. 1!. Sinnnicrbell, third engineer of Iho liosamond, left the vessel at Wellington, and Mr. Middlelon took his plnco. Mr. Carrick, second ofllcer of the Maori, has gone on holiday, and Mr. G. I). Morgan is relieving him. Last evening the F.-TT.-S. steamer Drayton (iranpe arrived at Wellington from J'iuton to continue Homeward loading. She. leaves for Timaru and Lyttelton on Saturday. On February 14, the Drayton Grange leaves the latter port finally for Avonmouth. Shortly before 5 p.m. yesterday the Government ptcflmcr llincraoa arrived back at Wellington, from Cnsthpoint. I,atest charleis inelurto the bornuenline Lindstol, 357 tons. The saibr is to make two trips from Newcastle to Nelson with A wirebss message by the local station at 11.20 p.m. yesterday stated that It.M.S. /.culaiidia, inwards from Vancouver to Auckland, was expected to arrive at the northern port at 1 a.m. to-morrow . . The Ciinadiun-Aiistralinn liner Zealandia is due at Auckland from Vancouver today. Her cargo should reach Wellington by the Mokoia on Tuesday, February 20. Yestorday the Now Zealand Shipping Company's steamer Kaipara was engaged taking in coiil in the stream at Wellington prior to sailing for Auckland, where Home loading will be continued. It will be 3 p.m. to-morrow bfforc the New /.calami Shipping Company's steamer Tongaiiro clears Wellington for London. To-day tin- Vnlmlti leaves Wellington for Gieymuiilh. and the KomaUi will getaway for W-.wljiort to-miirrow. The C:nmpus leaves Welliugt oll for the same port Uiis evening. An I'xpccleil arrival .-.t Wcllingliiii from (ircyinonlh on Thursday i< the Piilierua, ai|d III? .Ngiitom is <luc heir fruiii the K\hit- port the following clay. Today tlii' Kiltawu should arrive at Weiliiiilton from The liakanoa left Wt-tpon fur I.ytH'Hon last evening. tin account of llu Xikaii btiiig placed on the Patent Slip for cleanine and painting to-day, tla- Kailoa will uOce any Xelsoii i-avKu Ilinl i,- ofl'i'riiiK- The Nil:nn will leave for XftUon a; 5 p.m. to-day a« .usual. .V proji'i'teii dcparlnr.' from Ancklaml lor Wclliui.'t.Mi to-d:iy is the New Zealand jiuviM'.'iintii! Ir.iiiiing riliip Amoliura. Sh« is due line on Prill ay morning. The qu?i;n or the SOIIIII conies oil' Ilic Wi'lliiijrHni Pjt.Mil Slip and lakes i. load of nil. i>x Kail.- til , Divliy, u> Foslon this afterArabura, s.-.. arrived at Greyiiioiith from Wi'lliiigtini, \ i;i «iiy ports, at 7 a.m. yesterday, and left on the return I rip at 6 p.m. M.M.S. l'ionrer is line at Tininru on Tliursilay, and remains there until Februiiry 29, when she sails for l.vttellon. The rioniwr \h cNpeetort at WcUmglon altsr Ka.Urr.

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Dominion, Volume 5, Issue 1362, 13 February 1912, Page 7

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SHIPPING NEWS. Dominion, Volume 5, Issue 1362, 13 February 1912, Page 7

SHIPPING NEWS. Dominion, Volume 5, Issue 1362, 13 February 1912, Page 7