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f, ■ , i

: Bargains in Underwear. * THESE ARE UNUSUAL. j £ I NATURA7, MERINO COMBINATIONS—Long and % , shorf sleeves, in women's size only. >J< , This Week's Price 3s. Hd. pair. | >l* PLAITED SPUN COMBINATIONS-Opera top. % ' This Week's Prices es. 6d. and ss. 6d. pair. i MOIRETTE UNDERSKIRTS—In plaids and plain * 1 colours. Usual Price Bs. lid. each. * ' This Week's Price 4s, Hd. each, j v ! NAINSOOK COMBINATIONS-Trimmed lace. 4< 1 This Week's Prices 6s. 6d., 7s. 6d., 7s. 11d. % ! f MAIDS' NAVY AND FAWN LINEN COATS- I & 1 j Usual Prices 7s. lid. to 9s. 6d. ►!< , This Week's Price is. lid. * a, J MAIDS' NAVY AND CREAM LUSTRE FROCKS- >>< , Empire style, skirt lengths 30, 33, and 36iu. ; >J» , : Usual Price 4os. Gd. $< , § This Week's Price 255. ed. g 4f ' I CHILDREN'S PRINT SAILOR FROCKS—Sizes 20, 22, % ' 24, and 2Siu. Usual Prices 7s. lid. to os. lid. > J This Week's Price 3s. lid. £ ' t CORSET BARGAINS. * • * 1 K: AND S. CORSETS—In whito coutillc and broche, >|< f a very comfortable fitting corset. V 1 Usual Prices 10s. Gd., lis. Gd.. 18s. 6d. * i This Week's Prices 7s. Hd. and Bs. Hd. >J< \ THE "CYGNIA" CORSET—In grey coutillc, statable , for medium figures, sizes 19, 20, 25, 27. 28. ,», : Usual Price 12s. 6d. , This Week's Prico 7s. lid. ' THE S. AND S. CORSET—In sky figured broche. with T ' extended hips, 19 to 28. Usual Price 255. 6d. J ' I This Week's Price 18s. 6d. T < \ f 1 1 * ; . Hosiery Must Go | J AT THESE TEMPTINC PRICES. § , I ►£« PLAIN LISLE THREAD HOSE—In saxe, blue, and ' srey - * « Usual Price U. lid. per pair. T , This Week's Prico is. Gd. per pair. f v \ BLACK CASHMERE HOSE—Embroidorod fronts. ! f , Usual Prico 2s. lid. and 3s. lid. pair. ! *$ , This Week's Price 2s. and 2s. Hd. per pair. 'J* V \ SPTJX SILK HOSE—Broad vertical stripes of darker <f ( shade, in green, saxo blue, helio., and vicux rose. : "I" J Usual Pricr Gs. lid. per pair. $? This Week's Price 3s. 6d. per pair. V •J* ' PURE SILK HOS&— Wiih Lisle thread tops and feet, ji& 1 in black and tan. 4 1 1 j Usual l'rro 4s. lid. per pair. 1 j This Week's Price 3s, 6d. per pair, •& ' 1 TAN SILK HOSE—With fancy clox in royal emerald >J« ' '] and pale blue. >I< ' Usual Price lis. 6d per pair. >J< ' /! This Week's Price Bs. 11d. per pair, ►> ' • * ' "I" 1 .„Tir«.ikwuiwagMnanaMw»iriirw<'niwiMiniLV'Ji«iiTiiiii,MiiMiiiMi»,i J ; ,», ; Men's Clothing 11 ' AT CLEARANCE PRICES. f * < I , (J< > 10 ONLY COLONIAL SAC SUITS—Good dark colour. if * Usual Prico 425. This, Week's Prico 295. 6d. .t< ] ENGLISH TAILOR-MADE FLANNEL SUITS— 1 % , Usual Prices 295. Gd., 355. to 575. Gd. | £ t I This Week's Price 19s. 6d., 255., 295. Gd. ,*4 ' | WALKING AND CYCLING KNICKERS-AIl largo | % , sizes. ji, , Usual Prices 10s. 6d. to 17s. 6d. A , This Week's Prices 4s. Ild. to ss. 11d. ', FANCY WASHING VESTS-AII sizes. % , Usual Prices Bs. 6d., os. 6d., 10s. Gd. , This Week's Price 3s. nd. each. & ! j 10 PAIRS RIDING BREECHES- f , Usual Prices 9s. 6d., 10s. 6d. pair. V , This Week's Price 7s, Gd, pair, j? ' 15 PAIRS RIDING BREECHES-Iu garbinctto. f ' Usial Price 13s. Gd. pair. J ' This Week's Price 10s. Gd. pair. J ', TAILORINC CONCESSIONS. \ On all Tailoring Orders placed with us during JSJ 1 the Sale period and paid bsforo the close of the 1 Sale, a discount of 10 por cent., or 2s, in the £, >I< ' will be allowed. To show what this moans wo $f \ give below a few quotations. ' TWEED SAC SUITS—Made to measure. S! ' I Usually 635., 705., *55., 80s., 90s. J. | NOW 575. 611., 635,, 675, Gd., 725., 81s. ' SAC SUITS TO ORDER—In high-grade Tiveeds, f ' Worsteds, and Indigo Serges. i V 1 j Usual!v £5. £5 10s., £5 155., £6. * 1 I NOW £4 10S., £4 193,, £5 3s, Gd,, £5 Bs, J ' V 1 ', J •!■ : Bargains in Belts, Hihhons I t BELTS. I , Silk braid, patent, white washing, iu all colours— X. , Usual Priceo from Is. 3d. to 2s. lid. | &, , This Week's Price 9d. each. ! A , Narrow, patent leather, oriental, suede and coloured ,$, , washing, in full range of colours— ' ( Usual Prices Is. 9d. to 3s. Gd. each. A , This Week's Price Is. each. |, Gold tinsel, coloured elastic, tinsel, black elastic, >, | al fashionable, narrow width— jf Usual Prices 2s. to 3s. lid. each. This Week's Price Is. 3d, each. £ ! RIBBONS. | I COLOURED MILLINERY RIBBONS-J} to 6 inches % wide, in navy, sky, white, champagne, moss, myrtle, >J. cardinal, nil, helio., redadj, pink, brown, etc. >J« Usual Price Is. to Is. Gd. yard. ►J. This Week's Price 6d. per yard. ►!< RICH VELVCT RIBISONS--U inches wide, in amethyst, £ prnnelle, cardinal, moss, re.sada, myrtle, vieux rose, H mole, saxe, brown, navy, bronze, apricot, terra- | IJ4 colta, wine ,violet, <tc. 1 Usual Price Is. Id. per yanl. S *jf . I This Week's Price 4Ad. per yard. 9 * ;1' j *

•I 1 t Ladies' Footwear f AT VERY LIGHT PRICES. 50 PAIRS LADIES' TAX BOOTS—In pumps and welted 'f holes. £, Usual Prices 225. 6d., 235. 6d., 2is 6d. &, This Week's Pricßs 175., 18s., 19s. 6d. £ LADIES' COMFORT SHOES—In lace and button, no .f. toocaps, wide toes, machine sewn. | 5< Usual Price 16s. 6d. pair. •{< This Week's Price 13s. 6d. pair. 9<f 190 PAIRS SAMPLE TAN GLACE KID AND WILLOW f. CALF BOOTS AND SHOES—Sizes 4 and 5 only. ' £ 20 per cent, or 4s. in the £ off Marked Prices. 1 £ 20 PAIRS BLACK GLACE KID LACE AND BUTTON & SHOES—Pointed toes, Louis heels. >J< Usual Price 18s. Od. pair. >I< This Week's Price 7s. 6d. pair. 1 >I« 24 PAIRS BOX CALF LACE SHOES-Machine sewn, % round toes. A Usual Price 14s. Gd. pair. This Week's Price 11s. ed. pair. A NOTE. —"We will dye black (free of charge) any Ta7i or iJj coloured Boots or Shoes brought during Sale. We <%> also guarantee shoes dyed by us to be a fast black. >Js 4« 1000 PAIRS CHILDREN'S BLACK GLACE * ! * ►> KID ONE-BAR AND ANKLE STRAP SHOES— * t f Sizes 3,' 4, 0, 6. >J« : V ►J< Usual I'rice 3s. lid. and 4s. 6d. >J« "»" ►J< • TMis Week's Price Is, 9d. per "air. >J< f ** I % ; J ►!< VERY EXCEPTIONAL BAROAINS IN * Men's Footwear. I % THE "WALK-OVER" BRAND. - * i >*> THE "FENWAY"—Men's tan russia calf laco boots', >I« pointed swing toe, light welt. s «J< Usual I'rice 31s. 6d. per pair. *b Tliis Week's Price 255. sd. per pair. »I< THE "EURICA"—Men's tan willow calf lace boots, I f medium toes', light welt. s Usual Price 31s. 6tl. pair. T This Week's Price 255. 6d. pair. £ THE "ORBlT"—English make, men's box calf lace ►!« boots, round toes, medium wide welts. I.JI Usual Price 245. 6d. pair. >J< This Week's Prico 21s. pair. j >& THE "GLOUCESTER"—Men's box calf laco boots, full J * round toes, swing last, welted. *$ Usiia l Price 21s. pair. i This Week's Price 18s. Bd. pair.' j £ THE "WALDORF"—Men's box calf lace boots, medium ►!< round toe, welted. >J* ' Usual Prico 21s. pair. cjt I This Week's Pries 18s. 6d, pair, »|» THE "CAIUS"—Non-Tread-Over make men's tan willow •J" calf lace boots, medium round toes, welted. V Usui] Price 225. 6rl. pair. V This Week's Price 18s. 6d. pair, v THE "VERMONT"—Men's glace kid lace boots, full % round toes, light welt. £ Usua l Price 21s 6d. pair. J^ This Week's Prico 17s. 9ri. pair. j .$, >%< ~ „ <%< (I ►£ Foreign Fancy Goods. 11 STATIONERY, TOILET REQUISITES, ETC, <Jj >J4 J POSTCARDS—An immtnse collection of every kind of subject. To be cleared from 6d. pw doz. £ PHOTO FRAMES—Assorted stvles and sizes. Usual Prices 3s. 6d. to 10s. Cd. each *> This Week's Prico Is., Is. ed., and 2s. 6d. each. <%> THE "CARMEN" WRITING TABLET—IOO sheets, f i-uled. This Week's Price Gd. each. * PIE DISH COLLARS—In white, yellow ; green, and pink. & This Week's Frico 7£d. per dozen. FIBRE CLOTHES BRUSHES—A very special line. <% Usual Prico 9d. each. This Week's Price 4*d. each. <# 30 HAIR BRUSHES—With white and unbleached 1 % bristles, assorted shapes, either ebonised or beechwood backs. % Usual Prices 4s. 6d. to os. 6d. each. A This Week's Prices 3s. 3d. each. H ,j< COOK'S LIGHTNING SOAP—Unequalled in cither >|> laundry or lavatory. ,„,.,,. \ T This Week's Price, 6 cakes in box for 10} d. box. v COOK'S CREAMY SHAVING SOAP-Makes a glorious j £ ] a ther. This Week's Price 6cl. a stick. |, COOK'S CREAM SOAP—Haudy tablet for bedroom. <% This Week's Price, Is. 6d, per doz. cakes. >|< FINE FIRE SCREENS I * ! FOR LESS MONEY. f TWO-FOLD WICKER FIRE SCREENS—Lined with J * Roman satin, various colours. T Usual Prico 12s. 6d. This Week's Price Bs. 11d. V TWO-FOLD HAND-PAINTED SILK FIRE SCREENS- g Usual Price Ss. lid. This Week's Price es, 6d. | £ THREE-FOLD SILK FIRE SCREENS—Hand-painted ►!< landscape effects. _ „ . V Usual Price lis. 6d. This V/eek's Price 9s. 6d. v TWO-FOLD COLOURED SILK CANVAS FIRE £ SCREENS—In green and terracotta, embroidered convent coiial designs. ± Usual Price 13s. 6d. This Week's Price 10s. 6d. | 4 1 f Last of the GSove Bargains | GREAT VALUES THIS WEEK. f • ►!< i "000 IHIRS LADIES' LISLE THREAD AND COTTON | * GLOVES- '£ Usual Prices Is. lid. to 2s. fid. per pair. f This Week's Prices 6d. to Bd. per pair. V FRENCH KID GLOVES—Stitched backs, 2or 3 buttons £ or domes, in tans, beaver, browns, navy, pink, X skv, helio. and white. £ Usual I'rice 4s. lid. pe.' pair. >£ This Wsek's Price 3s. st!. per pair. »j, OUR CELEBRATED "DOVER" DOGSKIN KID * GLOVE— In tans only. I * This Week's Price 2s. lid. per pair. *l* NAPPA GAUNTLW GLOVES—With slrap and dome % at wrist, tans only, a very hard wearing glove.. I $, This Week's Price 3s. fid. per pair. ! „$„ Dent's complete range of SAMPLE, KID and SUEDE 4< GLOVES—AII sizes and colours, nol two pairs alike. >j, To be cleared at 25 per cent, discount, or loss ss. in £. ►;< I * a H"

"a a i j, A ' \ | Clearance of Manchester I I [ Lines. | H HOUSE AND TABLE LINENS. 4< '? A •f I •_ j A I f ? HEMMED SHEETS—IS per cent, or the £ below V i 1 J usual prices. i, 1J x 2J—Twill. Usual Prices 6s. lid., Bs., 9s. pair. fa < i This Week's Prices ss. Ild., 7s. jd., 7s, 9d. pair. fa 'f \ lis 21— Plain. Usual Price-, Bs. 6d., 9s. 3d. pair. ►I" ? j This Week's Prices 7s, 3d,, 7s, nd. pair. y { \ 1} x 2J—Twill. % i, Usual Prices 9s. 9d., 10s 9d., lis. 6d. pair. fa '■< This Week's Prices Bs. 6d, ; 9s. 3d., 9s. 9d. pair. fa ;• 1J s 2J—Plain. Usual Prices 10s. 6d., lis. 6d. pair. 'f 'f This Week's Prices 9s. 3d,, 9s. 9d. pair. y M 2 x 3—Twill. f i, I Usual Prices 10s. 6cl, 12s. 9d., 13s. 9d. pair. fa ', This Week's Prices ss. Ild., 11s. 3d,, 11s. Sd. pair. fa ■f I 2 x 3—Plain. Usaial Prices 12s. 6d., 13s. 6d. pair. * I This V/eek's Prices 10s. 9d., 11s. 9d. pair. y 2} x 3—Twill. ' . ■ j % Usual Prices lis. 6d., 145., 15s. pair. j fa ,< „ This Week's Prices 9s. 9d., 12s 6d., 12s. Ild. pair. | fa 5« j 2J x 3—Plain. Usual Prices lis. 3d., 15s. 6d. pair. f I This Week's Prices 12s. 6d., 13s, 6d, pair. ■5' t\ 2-i x 3—Twill. \ % | Usual Prices 13s. 3d., 15s. 3d., 15s. 9d. pair. I fa ) f | This Week's Prices 11s., 13s. 3d., 14s. pair. j fa M 2J x 3—Plain. Usual Prices 15s 3d., 16s. 3d. pair. \ 4 E» j This Week's Prices 12s. lid., 13s. 9d. pair. A (! \ WHITE TABLE DAMASK—AII reduced from 15 to 20 % fi j per cent., or 3s. and 4s. in the £. A f | 54 inches wide— * >* { This Week's Prices 2s. 3d., 2s. ed. yard. T t, j 62 inches wide — J ,», :< This Week's Prices 2s. 3d., 2s. 10d,, 3s. 3d., 3s. 9d.. I a Ei yard. a i> 72 inches wide— * E< | This Week's Prices 2s. IQd., 3s, 6d., 3s. 4d., ( y '? 4s. Hd., ss. 3d., 7s. 3d. yard. i y 5i A E< UNBLEACHED TABLE DAMASK. | * i< : 56 inches wide— A s< This Week's Prices Is. Hd., is. lid. per yard. y \ A 63 inches wide— | fa This Week's Prices 2s. 2d., 2s. 4d., 2s. 6d, por yard. fa r ft 70 inches wide— j A '? This Week's Prices 2s. 6d., 2s. 9d., 3s. 3d., 3s. 7d. A E< per yard. A 'f 200ydK. HEAVY WHITE HERRINGBONE SHEET- f f j TING, 51-inch— * f 1 Usual Price Is. 4Jd- per yard. f ij This Week's Price is. Id," per yard. i, 200 yds. HEAVY WHITE HERRINGBONE SHEET- A |i TING, 80-iich— < Usual Price 2s. per yard. A < This Week's Price 1s) per yard. A < ! $« < 4i j Bargains in Boys' Clothing I ' THE BEST YET OFFERED. f 4 Iff 4 ; A , BOYS' WASHING TUNICS- fa '„ Usual Prices ss. 6d., 6s. 6d., 7s. 6d. fa , This Week's Prices Is. Hd. and 2s. nd. i < WASHING BLOUSES— . ►!« . " Usual Prices 3s. lid., 4s. lid., ss. 6d. "5' 4 t This Wesk's Prices Is. 11d, and 2s. nd. y J TUNIC SUITS-In serge and tweed. V Usual Pricos'l's. 6d., 19s. 6d., 255. fa „ This Week's Price 9s. nd. fa ! 4 CONWAY SUITS—In scrgo and twecd. A 4 Usual Prices 17s. 6d., lys. 6d., 225. 6d., 295. 6d. A 4 This Week's Prioss 9s. nd. and 12s. 6d. j A | ? NORFOLK SUlTS—Balance of special purchase and y ? I odd linos. *I" ? Usual Prices 17s. 6d., 19s. 6d., 255. to 30s. * 4 This Week's Prices 9s. lid. and 12s. 6d. y I SERGE SAILOR SUITS- I % < Usual Prices 12s. 6d., 155., 17s. 6d. j >J, < This Week's Prices 6s. Hd., 7s. Hd., Bs, 11d. 4 BOYS' MACINTOSH OVERCOATS-Large sizes. f ' Usual Prices 19s. 6d. and 255. * 1 This V/eek's Prices 9s. Ild. y « iTnuiinniniriri/wmuniHimMiiiiimrii iiiii ■iii«mjjmLHiiinniH„mm«Bm« A < A < A : Sn the Fancy Department t' <, * : « . _ =_ , A < I NECKWEAR. I 1 A SOME SPECIAL BARCAINS. * A 1 ; SIDE FRILLS—White muslin pleated double frills, I y ' edged Valenoiennes lace, high-sliaped collar. y 1* Usual Price 3s. 6d. each. I §J This Week's Price Is. Ild. each. ] y ■4 BLACK SATIN THROW-OVER SCARVES-2 yards j £ < long, lined Paisley silk, with tassels. fa i, Usual Prices 14s 6d., 21s. each. fa j, This Week's Prices ss. lid., 7s, lid. each. fa '? SILK KNITTED TIES—In various colours and stripes, j4" 'f etc. • A ? i Usual Prico 2s. 6d. each. | fa '< This Week's Price is, each, fa 'f GUIPURE LACE COAT COLLARS—In palo Paris and * f white, square back, good designs;. ? Usual Prices 4s. lid., os. fid. each. * ;• This V/eek's Prices 2s. 6d., 2s. 9d. each. * I* BOYS' AMERICAN COLLARS—Whito drill, trimmed * \ ombroidery. y t This Week's Prices Bd., Is,, Is. 4d, each, 'fa I UNMADE BLOUSES. $ [< IVORY CRYSTALINE MAGYAR BLOUSE PIECES- I4> [, With stamped rose designs. j A [, Usual Prico "s. 6d. each. A i, This Week's Price 4s. Ed, each. A |. ! WHITE EMBROIDERED BLOUSIi J'lECES—With 'I" t< Peter Pan collars attached. 4" h This Week's Price 3s. ed. oach. A 'if G IVORY SILK MAGYAR BLOUSE I'IECKS-ln * [« stamptil Paisler desiens, all gooti colours "5* [4 ' Usual Pric; Us. lid. each. I * This Week's Prico 3s. Ild. each. I * & TUSSORE MAGYAR BLOUSE PIECES-Jn daintv I f [< oriental etfwts. 'It [" Usual Price 13s. 6il. each. "f h This V/esk's Price 6s. nd. each, i y 5* 12 IVORY CREPE DE CHINE MAGYAR BLOUSE V S* ! PIECES—In stamped oriental and Moral effects. S y 5" Usual Prices lis. !)d., 12s. Gd. each. S V r This Week's Prices 6s. nd., 7s. 6d. each. 5 t MUSLIN FLOUNCING EMBROIDER Y-27 inohes wide, f f i dainty open designs. • ,= •*' I Usual Price 2s. lid. p-or yard. f : »"' This V/e»k's Price Is. nd. per yard. A I CAMISOLE CAMBRIC-KMBROIDERY-To tako J-incli 4 j, ribbon. 18 inches wide. ,|, Usual I'rirc Is. 6d. |vr yard. ►j, g I This Week's Price 10fri. per yard. %

Showroom Bargains. J | EXTRAORDINARY CLEARANCE LINES. i|j B 4. 73 WHITE MUSLIN AND LAWN ONE PIECE | A DRESSES—Handsomely trimmed embroidery, all | >|i lengths and sizes. 8 >%• Usual Prices 375. 6d. to 455. 6d. | A This Week's Price 16s. 11d. | A 39 ZEPHYR MAGYAR FROCKS-Dainty patterns and i * fast colours. Usual Price 255. (3d H ►J This Week's Price Ss. 11d. H >j« No. I A 20 DAINTY VOILE AFTERNOON FROCKS—Trimmed | ,j< laco, in navy, sky, greens, and cream. g a Usual Price '695. 6(1., 8 a This Wcs'k's Price 30s, | ►*, 35 NORFOLK COATS AND SKIRTS-Also semi-fitting 1 % smart skirts with panel back and front, coats plain A silk lined. • Usual Prices 635. and 84s. Ifa This Week's Price 395. ed. | 17 MODEL GOWNS—In foulard, voile, tussore, and '• J) cloth, all handsomely trimmed, slightly crushed ajid , fa soiled. Usual Prices 84s. to 7 gns. fa This Week's Prlco 295. ed. fa 6 UNMADE EMBROIDERED IVORY NINON * ROBES— Usual Priu; 695. 6d. : T This Week's Price 295. 6d. "£ 6-5 LINEN COATS AND SKIRTS-Coats 30 inches long, * skirts plain, in nil, sky, pink, navy, brown, and y " cream. Usual Price 395. 6d. *£ This Week's Price ss. nd. y TEA GOWNS —In silk, cashmere, crepe de chine., and y " accordeon-pleaded nun's veiling. y Usual Prices 84s. to 7 gns. I y This Week's Price 295. ed. y 52 ODD TWEED AND SERGE DRES3 f variety. Usual Prio 335. 6d. y This Week's Price ss. lid. * ►& 40 WHITE LAWN DRESS SKIRTS-Neatly tucked, | * nice for holiday wor. >• * This Week's Price 2s. lid. ,5 * [1 A 18 CREAM PLEATED ALPACA DRESS SKIRTS-In | * all sizes, superior quality. ■ I "*' Usual Price 275. 6d. | A This Week's ss. Hd. 8 * 37 CREAM LUSTRE DRESS SKIRTS—PaneI back and j % front, stylish and smart. a A Usual Price 2os. 6d. | A This Week's Prico 10s. 6d. | A 130 TWEED AND PLAIN'CLOTH THREE-QUARTER I A JACKETS and FULL-LENGTH COATS-Semi- fa fitting, and semi-sacs. A Usual Pncc 30s. to 84a. | A This Week's Prlco ss. nd. each. a A 36 DUST COATS—In alpaca, silk, and. tussorine, all j A lengths and styles. This Woek's Price 4s. lid. a 19 CREAM BLANKET CLOTH COATS—AIso plain and % striped tweeds, some trimmed with velvet, Raglan #, coat sleoves. This Week's Pries Bs. 11d. fa 13 BLACK SILK COATS—Handsomely trimmed, suit- j f ablo for elderly ladies. This Week's Price 295. 6d. \ 17 CRAVENETTE WATERPROOF COATS-Full length | f and belted. This Week's Prico 4s. nd. i V A BLOUSE BARGAINS. j | 100 CREAM NUN'S VEILING BLOUSES—SiIk em- ! * broidery down front. This Week's Price is. Ild, I * 30 CRIMSON NORFOLK JERSEYS—Pure wool. % This Week's Price 4s. nd, % 200 WHITE MUSLIN FRONTS-Trimmed Val. lace, ►> others hand embroidered. A This Week's Prico 2s. nd. A A 75 BLACK.SILK BLOUSES—In Japanese silk, chiffon fa taffeta, and glace, tucked; also' handsomely A trimmed. This Week's Price ss. nd, A 17 WHITE JAPANESE SILK DLOUSES-Also seme in j % not, self trimmed, beautiful quality. fa Usual Prices 21s. to 355. fa This Week's Prico 3s. Ild. fa A Magnificent Millinery | Bargains. . f THE SEASON'S COODS MUST CO, % A — — A MODELS'AND TRIMMED MILLINERY-The balance t to be cleared at ss. 11d. and ICs. 6d, % f LINEN CRASH AND SHANTUNG-Readv to wear hats. f This Weok's Prices is. Bd. and 2s. ed. each. T ' PEDAL CHIP AND FANCY STRAW-Ready to wear, T trimmed scarves and velvet. §* This Week's Prices Is. ad., 2s. ed., «s. Bd, each. fa BENGALINE AND SILK HATS, stitched— I * This v.'eok's Prices is. BU. arid 2s. 6d» * UNTRIMMED SHAPES-In burnt, grey, and putty. | * This Woek's Price 3s. ed. ' a FANCY AND PEDAL STRAWS-In newest shapes. | This Week's Prices Is. and Is. 6d, each. I A CHILDREN'S MILLINERY-Balanco of models and S A dainty trimmed hats and bonnets. fa This Weok's Prices ss. Hd., 10s, ed. A ODD BUNDLES OF STRAW PLAIT— * This Week's Price 2d. per bundle. FRENCH FLOWERS— [ * This Week's Prices 3d. and Bd. spray. I fa STRAW TOQUES-AU i $ This Week's Price ss. ed. each. % LINEN MOTOR HATS- * This Week's Price Is, od. each. f. B WINGS—In all colours. j A This Week's Prlco 9d. pair. \ * TRAVELLING HATS-In lustre and shantung all I * shades. This Week's Price Is. ed/each. \ * STITCHED LUSTRE HATS-ln all colours. I I Thi3 Week's Prlct Is. ed. each. \ * STRAW READY TO WEAR HATS-In all colours. | Usual Prices Bs. Gd., 10s. 6d., 12s. Od. A This Week's Price Is. ed. fa BURNT STRAW SHAPES-Small. . | Usual Prices ar,. Od. and 4s. 6d. each. A This Week's Price Gd. each. * FASHIONABLE STRAW SHAPES-AM colours. % Usual Prices ss. Gd. to 10s. Gd. each. I ,?. This Week's Prico Is. each. fa LINEN MOTOR HATS-Trimmed vdrct and silk. f This v/eek's Frice Is. each. %

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Dominion, Volume 5, Issue 1361, 12 February 1912, Page 5

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Page 5 Advertisements Column 1 Dominion, Volume 5, Issue 1361, 12 February 1912, Page 5

Page 5 Advertisements Column 1 Dominion, Volume 5, Issue 1361, 12 February 1912, Page 5