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SUPERIOR WOOL IN DKMAXD. ' UEAVV CltOSSlilllißS WEAKER. The third wool sale of the current Eeasou was opened in the Town Hall yesterday morning, there being a full muster of buyers present. Wools suitable for the American trade weirs appreciably higher, but other fiorts were on u par or a stride easier than the December currency. The brokers' loports which are appended five a very clear indication of the position:— Dalsety and Company. Messrs. Dalirety and Company. Ltd., report offering 6462 bales. The market was strong for all Dualities of superior fleece, but for inferior and heavy crossbrciis prices were not unite so good as those ruling on December <I. For bellies and pieces, also, prices were easier at this sale, hut wool-growers generally were prcpai".** to meet tl« market and sell their wool at the satisfactory prices ruling. The attendance of buyers was as large as usual, and all markets were represented, and we are pleased to report that America was once again bidding freely for wools suitable for that country. Some of the clips displayed in our stores show better condition than they have for a number of years, being very bright, clean, and well grown. The wools throughout W3re lighter in condition than last year, mainly on account of the recent heavy rains. At this sale, the bnsliwool and seedy-wool is always in evidence, and as usual our catalogue contained a few lots of this description, but tolling the wools right through, they were ahead of last year's in general get-up nnd quality. The Marlborough elios have come forward in excellent condition, being bright, well grown, and in sound order. The merino clips especially show nn improvement in this direction.

The following table shows tile exact position of all qualities as compared with our sale of December 4, 1911, and our sale of January 11, UN-

Some of tin: highest priced wools in our Catalogues were on account- of the following clients:—Fleece—Account Experimental Form, Wereroa, crossbred ewes lid., crosslirert lljd., and lionets IOJd.; account D. L. yomifjer, Stanway, fine crossbred, j account Messrs. F. and H. White, Tane, A ewes, Hid.; account G. 11. Munro, Flaxbourne, merino, lid.; account Fernyhurst l'.state, Mastcrton, three-qnarterbrcd A ewes 11M., 1! owes lid.; account Malison's instate, Stanway, first crossbred hoggets lUd., first crossbred withers and ewes Hid.: account Mrs. J. A. James, Stanway, Hue Romney. Hid. Lambs—Account. Messrs. F. and 11. White. lambs, IOJd.; account Fernyhurst l/statc, threo-uuarterbred lambs, 93d.; aocount Hanson's Estate, crossbred lambs, 9s'd.: account R.F. Blair, Ota ki, crossbred lambs 9Jd. The Experimental Farm at Wereroa also realised the very high prictvof Bd. a lb. for pieces, and •Messrs. F. and 11. White 7d. per lb. for bellies.

Messrs. Levin and Co., Ltd. . At the third sale of the season held yesterday 17,tW) bales were n.'l'ered by the various brokers, as against 23.CC0 bales for the corresponding sale of last year. Our catalogue contained 450 bales, and several of the best clips from the Wairarapa, Manawatu, and Marlborough districts were offered.

Our catalogue was a very attractive ou?, and we felt at once the full strength o'. the American demand, and line after line suitable for this market, was taken up at extreme prices. The Tawaha clip from Featherston topped tho market for crossbrctls at lljd.. llinstead from Pohiatuaaud Hawhitaroa from Greatford hold at l»d. Portion? of tho well-known brands—Westella, liushgrovc, Manawa, Clifton Grove, D. W. M'L., .Springhill. If O 1), and Woodlands realised l!Sd. A number of clips sold at. 10Jd., lCjld., and lid. These prices were Id. to 11 above December rates.

For strong and medium crossbrods, not fit for-America, the market was extremely firm at ;t farthing to a halfpenny advance. Shabby and heavy wools held their own at last sale rates. Lambs' wool was strongly sought for up to lOicl. for the best available, but there is better quality lambs' wool to come forward than that offered yesterday. Locks and pieces were wanted for tho Continent, aad realised high figures. Wo snld nearly every lot in our catalogue. The following is the range of prices;— Dec. sale. Jan. sale.

The following arc some of the results. Where the clip was sold last year, the price; realised then arc given in parentberas: OPAKETE, 9id. (10d.): LONDON IIII,!., !Cd. (103 d.). 9d. Old.); TIIiAUMF.A. 9Jd. (ICJd.), 9Jd. (lCld.), 9d. (9d.); MANAWA, lllrt. (lC'Jd.), 93d. (93d.), Bhl. (83d.); AI, in diamond, lid. (llfd.l, 103 d. (lOJd.): BINSTEAD, Hid. (83d.1, Bid.; CLIFTON GBOVE, lljd. (lCsd.). 93d. (BJd.,: WESTELLA, Hid. (lCsd.>, lOd. (9!. d.), Cd.; WIIN/PUIiEIRI, 102(1.. 9Jd., 83d.: TEWIIITI, 8)d. (93d.), Bid. (Bid.); L H/01'AKl, lid.; BUSIJGHOVE, lid. (9W.), lCd.. 9)d. (9UU, 9.1(1., 9M.; 1) W McL. IOJd. and lUd. (10d.), 83d. (9Jd.). 63d. (Bjd.): S J A, Md., 9d., 9c1.. Bid.; C and .1 W, 83<i, (9k1.), Ed. (9d.); 0 revd. C, B',d. (9!d.), BJd. (Sid.), Bid. (B.\d.); CRQ over TAW AHA, ICJd. (103 d.), 113 d. (lid.), UJd. (lid.): IiAWHITAJtOA, lljd. and lOjd. (IOJd.), lljd. (9}d.l, 93d. (83d.>; BUIIMOLA, 95.1. • (103 d.), 9Jd. (91U.1, (B*.d.); lIINAKI, 10;1. and 10) d. (93(1.), 9d. <B?d.i; H S over WOODLANDS, lljd. ( ~9i(l. (IOJd-); W S D, 11(1. (9d.). 9d., Bid.; KAVFNSWOOD, ltd. (lid.), IOJd. (10U.); SPRING KILL, lljd.. Hid., 9J(1., 9d.; TEMOANA, 9>d. (93d.i; WELDCONE, 9Jd. and £3(1.; A S over GLENS!DE.>9Id. (9*d.), 9>d. (10.', d.); .) H K over WINEGLASS, 95(1. (lOJd.): KOWIIAI, 10(1.; W (iu circle! J X', IOJd.; W B over P, 103 d. New Zealand Loan and Mercantile. Tile third sale of the Wellington series took place yesterday in the Concert Chamber of the Town; liall. Buyers attended in strong force, and included representatives from all the woolconsuming; centres. The New Zealand mills and speculators were also well represented. The quantity offered was some 4500 bales less than that offered at the corresponding sale last season, when the catalogue totalled about 22,500 bales, against about 18.0C0 bate for this sale. The shortage is almost wholly accounted for by the wet weather experienced during the latter pnrt of November and iii December, retarding shearing operations. Tno clip taken on the whole is, we think, lighter in condition, but shows ovideuce of the unseasonable weather in the large proportion of cotted wool sent forward. Prices for liomneys and super crossbred were about id. to 3d. higher than December. ■ Ilalfbreds were rather neglected, but sold on a par with last, sale. Lambs' wool was in good request, and realised from Bd. to 10(1. per lb. Our top price was 113 d., obtained for a bright Roinncy, grown by Mcs.<".'s. J. and J. G. Taylor, of Marlinborough; the same figure being obtained for a line of crossbred belonging to Mr. James Thompson, of Mastertoti. Some of our sales were as follow:— Down.-On account of Percy Eros., Te Ore Ore, 9d. lialfbred— On account of S. G. Ganc, 9d • J. J. .lcnkins, 53d.; J. W. Scott, 93d.; Chas. Waddv, 105 d„ 10?, d.; K. L. Lane. 9td.; Oha« Gray, ICJd.; A. E. Ilartlett, 9id"; all of Marlborough. Threc-Quarlcr-brcd.—On account of O. C. Aicknian, 9id.: John lloare, id.: W. Francis, Bid.; 3. J. Jenkins, 83d,; all of Marlborough. Komney.-On account of E. W. Koborfitein, Colyton. !Cd.; A. Tyer, Fcatherston, 103 d.; W. H. Weggery, Parapsraumu, 91(1.; Taylor Bros., Martinborongh, 93d., lljd.; Wm. Windluy, Porirua, K'M.; Mortimer Smith, Shannon, 93d.: E. L. Wilton, Linton, 103(1.; F. J. Cridland, Shannon, BJd.; W. U. IS. Kcinmer, Mastertoti, 1C(U; J. St radian, Palmerston North, lCd. Super Crossbred—On account of Thns. Gilford, Rongotca, 102 d,; A. Flighty, Pahautanui, 91(1.; J. .Sigvurtson, Pnukakariki, 9id.; A. I. Mackay, Packakariki. 3Jd. to 9d.; A. Melted, Porirua, 93(1.; M. j. Lynch, Paraparnumn, 9d. 93(1.; Percy Tiros., Te Ore Ore, 9d. to 93(1.; Mrs. E. Stratford, Mat.arawa, 9^(1.; Fell Bros., Pelonis Sound, 101 d.: W. N. Waldin, Eltetaliuiu'., 1 Pri.; S. Standen, P.-ilmci'ston North, 9}d.; 1). G. Jiiddiford, llalcombe, 93d. Medium Crossbred—On account of John Deroles, llinan, Palmerston North, Bid.: D. Alexander, Feathcrston, 7 l (l.; A. E. lleywood, Marlborough, BJd.; li. j. Kilny, Coilingwood. Bicl.: Martin. Kapili, Bid.; J. Keiiiiington, Marlborough, 9Jd.: O. J. Miirpliv. Pahhutanui, 9(1.; Ralph Milk, llopai. 83(1.; ,1. J. Wilton, lliukoi, Eid.; Roy Mulhern, Pahaulnnni, D. J. Willi*, lla'.vera, 8d:; J. Williamson, Feilding, 8-d.; Dalton Bros., Itongotca, 83d.; C. J. Jury, Carterton, 8(1. to BJd.: estate late 11. S. lladficld, llunterville, BJd. to 9Jd.; J. Johnston, Marlborough, Sid.: l'ercy Bros- Te Ore Ore, Bd. to ltd.; Chas. Gray, Marlborough. Old.: Fell Bros.. Pelorus Sound. 7J(I. to 03(1.; W. 11. Field, Wailinnae, 8(1.; Frank llooil, Miwtci-ton, Cd.; A. KilmNter, lhintervillc. Bid.; J. S. I,auction, Tenui, "id. to Bid.: Wm. Page, llalcombc, 83(1. Crossbred Coarse.-Oil account of T. S. Ncwcombe. Ekckilmna. 8.1.; W. 11. Goivler, Puketoi, lid,; .it. Beazer, Feilding, 7 x ; d. to B£tf.; Ward Bros., Marlborough, 7id. Ui

BJtl.; W. Newcombc, Rakuunui, 7Jd.; A. Iggulden. l'ahautanui, 7:d.; J. Whittakor, Mastertou; 7>.d.; D. J. Willis, llancra, 73d. to Bd.; Joseph Red, Uawera. Bd.; G. W. Vennell, Iliukoi, 73d.; 0. J. Jury, Carterton, Bd. to 83d.; Percy Bros., Tc Ore Ore, 7Jd. to BU.; J. Mathis, llawera, 7jd.; S. R. Veathcrley, liakanimi, 7id.; Arthur liarris, l'ahautanui, 7Jd.; Moore ilros., Feilding, Bid. Lanbs.—On account of C. J. Jury, Carterton, 9d.; estate lute 11. S. lladlleld, Hnntcrville, 83d.; J. S. Langdon, Tcnui, Bd.; Wm. Page, Halcombc, 10d. The following are the range of prices, as compared with December of last year:— Dec, 1911. Jan., 1912. A.- d. d. d.

Murray, Roberts, and Co., Ltd. For the third sale of this season, we catalogued 2560 bales out of a total of some 17,000 bales. The quantity available was considerably less than would have been the ea?e if wet weather had not interfered with the shearing. The wool was in light condition, and there were comparatively few of the heavier and dingy parcels usually shown in this sale, but many lots showed up uneven, badly sorted, and insufficiently skirted. The attendance of lravers was very large, and there was spirited competition at prices, on the average, a trifle better than last sale, with the exception of medium, and coarse inferior sorts and vasty haUbreds which were a par to a farthing lower than December sale. Brisrht, showy crossbred wools suitable for American demands were fully halfpenny higher than Inst month. Pisces and bellies were in sood demand, at occasionally better rates thai; last sale, and th« small ottoi-ins of lambs wool met with liccn competition, at prices about a. penny per lb. above last January (1911) rates. Vte quote prices current as under:— Medium to

Sonic of the high-priced wools liioiir catalogue were as follow:-W.K. over P.N.. U bales medium lo coarse crossbred lOd.s i> over .T.H., 10 boles Eomne.y crossbred, inM • W F K.. 13 bales medium crossbred, Ud:'"X f awaUa." 10 bales crossbred Hid.. R Ink* crossbred l!d., o bales crossbred 7 1 ales crossbred 10d.; "F.C. over M .'''diamond." 8 bale, crossbred !oid. : "(era ll"wa," 15 bales crossbred Komney. 10Vl.';'"Ha!;atuma." 13 bales crossbred llomne"y, lOid.; "Amininorc," 7 bales lambs, IM. Abraham and Williams, Messr*. Abraham aud Williams, Ltd., report :-At the third sale, of tls; series a total catalogue, eompnuns about 17,000 bale" was oli'crod to o larsc attendance of buyers representing Home, Ameriean, and Continental houses. The wool ollcivd opened up in fair condition, but there was a fair portion of back-country wool. There wa=. however, very little wool carrying seed. The sales opened Willi Rood competition, but liriccs for some lots were inclined to be irregular. Competition was particularly keen from American buyers for briEht, line wools showing quality, and these lots showed a Rood advance upon December rates. Pieces, bellies, etc., were about jd. lower. Lambs were in strong demand.' When v,e submitted our catalogue alter the adjournment fur lunch v:e experienced a very strons demand, and prices, especially for the . medium wools ami pieces, bellies, etc., had hardened considerably, and, as a result, we have urcat pleasure in reporting a splendid salt-. Some of our sales were n.s follow:-On account of Mr. W. It. flodfry, Kousoitni, 14 bales A llomney ewes. lOM.; 20 bales 11 Komney. 9S<I.; 6 bales Ist lionets, 9jd.; U bales 2nd hoEiicls, 9d.; 10 bales Komney lambs, 10* d.; 6 tales Ist. picrcs. 73d.; 3 bales bellies, C3d. On account of Mr. ,T. ]). liaisford, Marlon, 10 bales Komney ewes, lOid.: 3 bales crossbred, 9d.; 5 bales pi?ees, 7d". On account of Mr. A. Vnnninc, Taihape, 8 lxiles A Komney, 101 d.: 6 bales 11 Komney, 9Jd.: 2 bales lambs, lOd. On account of Mr. L. M. Tavenier, Greatford, 7 bales Komney liopi::t?. lCil.; 3 bales Komney ewes, 9d. On avcount of Mr. 0. E. Laidlev, Taihape, 13 tales fine crossbred. S?d.; on account of Mr. E. C. Gaisfoi'd, Marton, 10 bales A Honniey 10Jd., 0 bales li lionilicy 9Jd.; on account of Mr. J. C. K-ellv.

Tokoniaru, 12 bales Romney hoggets, 101 d.; 20 bales Romney ewes, 9d.; 3 bales crossbred, 73d.; 5 bales bellies, 6d. Other brands sold as follow:—llomona, 5 halrts Romney lCd., 2 bales crossbred Bld.;' J R 4 bales bright crossbred, 9id.; Tctui. 6 bales medium crossbred, 9d.; 4 bales crossbred 8il.: J K over A, 4 bales bright, crossbred, 9-5<1.: R rev. over Mayfield, 10 baljs bright crossbred, 9d.; 11 h over S, 10 bales bright crossbrsd, 9id.; 4 baleß crossbred, Bd.; J Jl over Mako, 5 bales medium crossbred, Biid.; 12 bales crossbred. Bid.; J M (1, 5 bales bright crossbred, 9d.j JI over Fernka, 31 bales coarse crossbred, at Bit).; 6 bales cols 73d., 8 bales lambs MA.; i> 11D \V, 10 ba'es coarse crossbred 6)d„ 7 bales crossbred 73d.; PH, 4 bales flue crossbred, 93d.; JHX, 12 bales crossbred, BJd.; AI oysr V, 15 bales coarse crossbred, at Bd.; RBA, 14 bales coarse crossbred. 7?d.; liradloe, 7 bales crossbred, Bd.; G.R.I), in diamond, 9 bales rrossbred, Bd.; OH. Hillsbrook, 10 bales medium crossbred, BJd. United Farmors and W.F.C.A. The ball was opened by the United Farmers' and the Wairarnpa Farmers' joint catalogue of 650 bales (Mr. A. T. flrunton). The following are the firm's quotations :— Per lb. d. d.

TUc following arc sonic of the prices of certain clips realised:—J.D.F., crossbred E3d.: Hope Ui'os., crossbred, 81d.j IJB over V, liomney, lOd.i IV.P..T. over K, Homney, lOd.s r'cnibank, crossbred, Bid.; T.H.G., Hnmncy, lid,; H over. Omata, lambs, Bid.j "Chclslleld" crossbred, 9?d.: W.J.X., Hornuey, 10id.; C in pyramid, 9Jd. ANTWERP WOOL SALES. - By Telefrr-?h-Press Association-Copyright , (H cc; January 11, 9.30 p.m.) , London, January 11. At the Antwerp wool sales the attend- • aucc was small. There was poor competition, price.i Ijciiiß three per cent, below . December rates. Three thousand two hundred and llfty-cfchl bri?s of La Plata, were offered and 1050 sold.

Dec. 1911 .Tan. 1912 (1. d. d. d. Super merino Up to 11 Merino 83 9 92 Super half-bred 10". HJ 12* Medium Iwlf-brcd DflOJ 9', 101 l-arobs 02 Super crossbred 9« 105 11 US Jlsdiura crossbred 8j 9 8i 9\ Inferior and coarse crossbred 7j 8 7 72 Pieces 6 6S 71 8 Mollies 6 73 6 74 Stained pieces and locks ... i 4] <1 51 CJruiehinKs 51 6 5J 61 Neck pieces 81 9* Bead 7 73 7 73

•1. d. d. (!. 1. Merino Noue offering 9 to 5>i 2. Tfalfbreds 95 to lf;3' 10 to 11* 3. Superior erossbreds 91 to 1CJ iCJ to 113 A. Fine crossbreds B3 to 91 10 to 111 5. Medium crossbreds 8J to 9J 9 to 11J 6. Coarse crossbred;-, 7* to 8j 71 to 9J 7. Inferior crossbreds 6J to 74 7" to 8 8. Pieces and bellies 5* to 7i 55 to 83 9. Locks 3 to 4J 4 to 5i Lambs, best quality 9 to 10J Lambs, medium quality 8 to 9 Lambs, interior quality 7 to I!

Morino 9 ' . 95 Hairiircd - 83 to 1C3 81 to 1C3 Thrce-quartcr-brcd 8 81 to 91 Super crossbred 83 to 10 9J to 111 Romncy 9 to 10 % to 10J Medium crossbred ... 8 to 83 8 to H Coarse mid inferior . crossbred 7 to 8 7 lo fli Lambs 0 to 8J 8 lo 10 Pinees 53 to s; a to 7i Bellies 5A to 71 .M to. 71 Ijocks 33 to <J 33 to 4j

Superior. good. Inferior. <3. d. rt. il. (1. - d. Merino - 9 to 9J 8 .to £3 JIalfbrcd ... 10 to 11* 9 to 1CJ 7,' to 8} Fi bTed Cr ° S LlOUoia BllolO Tito 8 M b?or C . r .?. S . S 'lOHolU 81 to 10 71 to 8 Coarse cms- g to & ?J Lincoln " . - » in 8 * 6 3'0- 7 J P ocpT ■ ■•• " to 8 * 6i ,0 7 5 t0 bi BdliK ' eto Ti 6 to 03 4-toSi Sfcs '".'.'.'.'.... 93 to 1CJ 83 to 9* 73 to Si Lambs, seedy 5* to 75 —

ITalf-brcd medium 9 to 101 '. JIalfbrcd, inferior and dingy 8 to, 9 Superior liomuey 10 to 11 Fine crossbred 9J to 101 Medium crossbred ■ ....: 8J to 9 DiiiKjf and inferior crossbred ... 7j to 8 Heavy-conditioned crossbred ... 71 to 7? Lambs, medium 71 to 8S TletlioH and nieces 5 to 74 Wits o.l to 42

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Dominion, Volume 5, Issue 1335, 12 January 1912, Page 8

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WELLINGTON WOOL SALES. Dominion, Volume 5, Issue 1335, 12 January 1912, Page 8

WELLINGTON WOOL SALES. Dominion, Volume 5, Issue 1335, 12 January 1912, Page 8