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SUPPLEMENTARY ESTIMATES. SOME OF TIIE VOTES. The Supplementary Estimates were brought down by Governor's Message to tho House of Representatives yesterday morning. The aggregate expenditure proposed is £10-1,372, comprising 01327,409 from tho ordinary revenuo account, .£119,053 from tho Public Works Fund, and £17,220 from tho minor State accounts. A largo sum is absorbed by increases of salary granted to Slate employees in all parts of tho Dominion. Following' arc somo of tho items:— Departmont of Finance, Expenses of Royal Commission to inquire into a compulsory insurance scheme against sickness, invalidity, and unemployment, £200. National Provident Fund.—Advertising, etc., £800; clerical assistance, £200. Post and Telegraph Department.—Material for repairs, £3000; purchase of homo savings banks, £1000; hire of Dickie stamp-rending machine, £200; motorlorries, for carriage of mails, £1200 (on account) .£(100; postage stamps, new designs and dies, £700;. hiro and purchaso of bicycles, £1000. Working Railways — Compassionate allowance to thp mother of tho late Miss Alice Power (who was killed in the train by a falling stone at Packalcariki), £400; grant to Mrs. S. Claude, for services of her husband in preventing a railway collision, £100. Public Buildings, Hastings Courthouse (addition, etc.), £150; Palmcrston North Courthouse (renovations), £175; Wanganui police station (renovations), £100; Eaotihi polico station (repairs and painting), £200; Pnlmerston North Post Oflice (renovations, etc.), £250. Electoral. £ Payment to Edward Walker for improved form of ballot paper ... 20 .Remuneration to H. S. Waddell as Representation Commissioner in excess of amount allowed by tho . Civil Service Act, 1908 95 Printing and Stationery. Printing report and evidence of Korth Island Railway Commission 150 Printing report and evidence- of Mines Commission 250 Stationery, paper, and parchment 5,000 Hospitals, Etc. Karitane Home, Dunedin, grant ... 500 Plunket nurses 000 I'ongaroa Medical Association (subsidy) 50 Book on New Zealand birds, £1000 (on account) 200 Captain Cook Memorial, £100 (£1 ' for £1, on account) 100 Compassionate allowance to W. H. Clarke ~../ 42 Contribution to Veterans " Home, Auckland 500

Coronation celebration expensesAllowance to members of coronation contingent 1,300 New Zealand Coronation presentation to his Majesty; 450 Coronation expenses in New Zealand 3,100 New Zealand Coronation Arch, London 1,050 Subsidies to local bodies 21,003 Cost of Commission under Gaming Amendment Act, 1910 2,250 Dominion Day celebrations, 1911, ' expenses in connection with 100 Examination of Public Service Superannuation Fund 501 Gibbon AVakefield Memorial, -CIOOO (.£1 for £1, on account) 100 Gratuities to widows of Into members of the Legislature — Mrs. Kirkbride . .100 Mr 3. Smith 30fl Mis:"Taylor '.'v..'.'.. ;..;..'..; ■.„> ,100 Gratuity to Miss Pitt .....'....... •'■'. 300' Manifal of New Zealand mollusca ... 300 Seddon Memorial 925 Subsidy for promotion of oil indus- : try, .£IO,OOO (on account) 1,000 Compassionate allowance to widow of late- Colonel Hawkins 300 Defence, Compensation to James Dawson for loss of an eye while in Permanent Artillery, as recommended by the Publio Petitions Com- . mitted: 100 Ordnance- equipment, including ordnance ammunition, searchlight stores, field-engineering equipment, etc., .£150,000 (on account) 100,000 Passages and expenses of military officers and non-commissioned officers sent to England and other parts of the Empire for instruction, and allowanco ■whilo attending instruction ... 50 Railway tickets for members of Tiflo clubs attending riflo meetings 500 Government Steamers. .Training ship Amokura (repairs) 310 Store and. slip for 6.5. Amokura at Wellington 300 Kapiti Island, Purchaso of sheep 500 Grassing and fencing 300 Formation of tracks, etc 100 Lands Department. Patea Reserves: Compensation to Natives in full satisfaction of claims 514 ■Lyall Bay, Wellington: Contribution towards purchaso of 05 acres for park and recreation ground, Maranui ;.... 2,031 Agricultural Department, conns for improved mothod of flaxdressing : 500 Co-operative field experiments ... 250 Destruction of rabbits on Crown landsEast Coast Rabbit Boards District 1,000 Grant to I). Potrio for services in - collecting, and -importing on na- • tivo grasses 100 Guarantee on experimental shipment of apples 100 To encourage the utilisation of byproducts of the dairy industry, casein, etc., ,£7o(io (on account) 750 Transfer of dniry produce grader to High Commissioner's Office ... 170 Treatment of dairy by-products ... 1,000 Permanent court, Crystal Palace, London 100 Promotion of sale of New Zealand ; produce in outside markets 200 Publio Trustee. New promises, Auckland, ,£SOOO (on account) 1,000 New premises, Hawera, .£I2OO (on account) 500 Government Life Insurance. Building on Department's leasehold property-at AVanganui, .CISOO (on account) 580 Purchaso of leasehold for Departmental ofilee-s at AVanganui 150

Railway Commission. North Auckland Hallway Commis- _ s ' on . •••• 1,000 Honoraria to Messrs. Slnllivorthr ; ami Heed, members of Parlin- •: went, acting m Commissioners, North Auckland Railway Commission, in oim?.i of amount allowed by Section 21, tho Legislature Act, 1903 155 Stato Coal Mines. Companionate allowance to "Sin. ArncDougall, on account of her husband's services in connection with coal mines 300 Mental Hospitals. Grant to Airs. F. E. Boultou, on ac- ' count of death of her husband, lato attendant at Porinia 100 Public Works Fund. Government House, Auckland (repairs and renovations) 1,000 Purchase of land, Molcsworth Street, AVellington 1,350 Old Parliament Buildings (alterations to provide office accommodation, renovations, etc.) 2,000 Police sergeant's residence, Hastings 050 Police station Porangahau 100 Wellington, Alt. Cook, sergeant's residence 700 Post and Telegraph Buildings.

Eltbam 500 Pongaroa (alterations) 300 .Wellington (additions, fittings (on account) 4000

Wellington (pneumatic tubes to branch offices, on account) 1,000 Brooklyn (purchase of property) ... 750 Hataitai Post Offico site- 800 Harbour Works. Foxton Harbour, deepening river... ■ 250 West Shore, Napier, protective works at (subsidy £1 lor £1)... 250

Roads. Fohiii-Titikoura Road (NapieTTnupo Koad, £1000), (on account) 250 Makaretu Block roads 2.01) Hov.-so Kond Km Dawson's Falls Road 100 Stratford to Stratford Mouitain „ House 100 Wiromu Road (Kiri Road to Ihaia Road) 150 To Uri (£1 for .£1) • 150 Tukituki River Bridge (Waipukurau Gorge) (£1 for £1, on account ot cCluOO) 500 Mangatakato (.£1 for jBl) 100 Molling's Settlement Main Hoad ,„m for £1) 150 Alfrodton to Tinui (£1 for £2) 300 Uruti and Riversdale Roads 150 Minaki Stream bridge (.£1 for -fil) 100 Central Mnngaono (iiast) 150 Mangatoro 150 Jviritera 200 Dauuovirke to Herbcrtville, via Waipatiki (Weber County section) £i for £1) (on account of JHOOO) 500 Waiuku to Drury (£1 for £1) 150 Tasinan Valley Itoail extension 500 Lewis Flat River protection 100 Redwood Valley ]si) iMotuoka River Road (west bank)... 100 Rosedalo Hill Road 200 Waimea County, Hood damago (.£1 for £\) 500 Graham River Iload (right-hand branch) 3CO Motucka River bridge (Blue Glen) 250 Koad 200 Sounds County tracks 300 Port Goro to Endeavour Inlet 250 Waikakaho 250 Wairnu Hood damage (£1 for £1) (on account) 500 Uro to Clarence (£1 for ,£1) 400 Mangamuhu Road, Rangitikei 100 Field's Track to Wangnnui-Raotilii Koad „... 100 Maiuikau North, llorowhenua 200 llnwlrey Settlement Road 100 Waiwnkn Beach Road (£1 for £1), Horowhonua 150 Fcniyhurst deviation, Masterton ... 100 Odlin's Koad, llntt 100 Waiknnao-Upper Hutt (Waikauao end) 250 Pourangaki Stream bridge (£1 for £\), Kiwitea 300 Dreadnought Road, Wuiniarino (£1 , , for £1) 250 Waitin, Stratford 100 Otnwhao, Woodville 100 Pahiatua to Makuri 2(;o Backblocks Roads, Wanganui and Rangitikei— Raupiu 210 Maugamahu to Turakina Creek... 300 To Komai 300 Namunui 300 Waiaruhe 300 Waiparuparu 150 Mangakowhi Stream Bridge 270 Other Votes. Wireless telegraph stations 500 RailwaysImprovement of grades and aligninent of lines 10,000 Census, 1911 (including agricultural ' statistics) 2,000 High Commissioner's Office— Ultra; clerical assistance and. other expanses in connection with Coronation and Imperial Conference 220 Somes Island (water supply, stable,' and yards) 300" Lighthouse, Costlepoint 2,000 HIGHER SALARIES, MANY INCREASES. Following are some of the numerous increases of salaries on the Supplementarv Estimates:— £ Houso of Ropresentatiyes— ~ Second clerk assistant (.£115) 15 Reader and clerk of Bills and papers (£2SS) .' ]5 Record clerk (£155) 15 : Messenger (£l6o):'j,-....;:.;;....v.;:; ; :;>. -"25: ' Officer 'in charge,' Parliament Buildings (£125) 25 Treasury DepartmentAccountant to the Treasury, and Deputy-Registrar New Zealand Consols (£150) 50 Cashior (£3SO) jq friendly Societies' Office— ' Registrar 05 Actuary J5 Land Tax— Clerk in charge (£345) 20 Receiver 5 Clerk in charge, graduated land T t<>x (,£310) 15 Income TaxClerk in charge (£315) 20 Three inspectors 59 Public BuildingsArchitect (.£575) 25 Native Department— L'nder-Secretary (£650) 25 Native Land CourtSeven Judges 130 Wellington— Registrar (£200) .„ 15 PrisonsVisiting Adviser (£100) 25 New PlymouthSurgeon (£65) jo Cook Islands Administration— Rarotonga— Clerk to Resident Commissioner v . (• £22 °) 10 Nine— Resident Commissioner (£300) ... 15 Police Department-Finger-print expert (£220) 20 Stamp Department— Commissioner of Stamps (£025) . . 50 Chief clerk or Custodian and Insurer of Stamp's 9 0 Secretary to Cabinet. (£550) ....„ 25 Audit OfficeChief Clerk ,„ 05 Registrar-General's OfficeGovernment Statistician (£350) .... 15 Clerk and Deputy-Rogistrar-Gen-eral (£305) 2 5 ' Dominion Laboratory- " ' i Agricultural Chem'ist (£380) .... , 15 Mining Chemist (£280) 15 5 Laboratory assistants .'," 85 Bacteriological LaboratoryBacteriologist (£335) 35 Printing and StationerySuperintending overseer (£305) ... 15 Chief clerk and accountant (£130) 10 Mental HospitalsResident Medical Superintendent (£(!00) M Matron (£125) 10 Farm manager (£125) "'" ■ 10 Hospitals and HealthMedical Secretary and District Health Officer (£000) 95 Assistant-Inspector 15 2 Assistant-Inspectors 30 DefenceImperial General Staff and New Zealand Staff Corps—Captain at £350 go Director of Accounts (£425) ' 05 Customs-Chief Cleric (£350), £25. Wellington—Landing Surveyor (£385), £15- ■ hardware expert (£300), £50. Napier— ' Collector and Surveyor (£135), £15. MarineSecretary (£575) 25 Marine Engineer jo Weatlw r-report i ng— Director (£3.10) 100 Chief Inspector of Fisheries (.£375) 15 Chief Inspector of Machinerv (£575) ?. 05 Lands ■ and Survey—Surveyor-General, 1 £25; Commissioners of Crown Lands', Wellington, Hawke's Bay and Nelsc-a, £"5 each. Valuer-General, £25. AgricultureSecretary (£550) 50 Chief Clerk (£375) 15 Live Stock DivisionDirector (£625) 05

Assistant Director (.C115) 25 i Senior Veterinarian (J-'lOO) 20 ' Veterinary Officer in charge of ' Laboratory (X'3so) 15 Experimental FarmsDirector (.CfilTi) 05 . Assistant Director (,£385) 25 Orcliards, Hardens, Etc.— Director (.MOO) 25 Dairy I'roduce DivisionDirector (575) 25 ' Assistant Director (i.'iSs) 25 Tourists— ' * ' Director (.C500) 05 Educntion— Inspector-General of Schools , (A 750) 25 " Secretary for Education (.tOCO) ... 25 ' Assistant Inspector-General (.C550) 25 , Chief Clerk, Accountant, and " ! Secretary Teachers' Superannuation Hoard (JMSO) 15 State Coal-Alines— ' General Manager (.£000) 25 Land and Settlements Expenses— • Land-purchase Inspector (JC7OO) 25 Chief Clerk 1X375) 15 Public Trustee's AccountDeputy Public Trustee. (£550) ,„ 25

Solicitor {£525) 25 Secretary (,£SO) 20 Accountant (,£315) 20 Government Lifo Insurance— Accountant 20 Chief Clerk 15 Assistant Actuary 20 Office Examiner " 15 Stato Fire Insurance— General Manager (£500) 25 Deputy General Manager (JCiOO) 15 Public Works-Under-Secrctary (JCSSO) 25 Assistant Under-Secretary (575) 25 Superintending Engineer (JJG2S) 25 Inspecting-Engineer of Roads (mm 10 Accountant (.£105) 20 Land Purchase Officer (£310) ... 20

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Dominion, Volume 5, Issue 1271, 28 October 1911, Page 7

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PUBLIC MONEY. Dominion, Volume 5, Issue 1271, 28 October 1911, Page 7

PUBLIC MONEY. Dominion, Volume 5, Issue 1271, 28 October 1911, Page 7