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ADDITIONAL PRIZE LIST, THE MILKERS. Cow in Milk, Purebred. Lbs. Bntter- ' Milk. Test. fat. C. Morgan 20} 4.8 l<2l Joseph Billington ... 21- .4.1 .86 ,W. I. Lovelock 21} 2.8 .60 Cow in Milk. Lb,s. ButterMilk. Tost. ■• fat. J. I. Dudson 20 U 1.27 P. IMd 221- 3.0 .89 Heifer, Three Years, in Milk. Lbs. ButterMilk. Test. fat. C. Fairbrother 23J 4.1 1.03 Joseph Billingtoa ... 2Di 4.7 .06 Charles Keid ...': 23J 4.0 .94 Tiro-year Heifer. Lbs. Buttor- ■ Milk. Test. • fat. Jcwph Billington ... 21 4.0 .84 Charles Reid 10 3.8 .GO J. Monaghan 21 4.1 .49 Drv heifer—"W. C. Zabell, 1; Charles Zabe'll, 2. Two iieifors-C. Morgan, 1; W. M..BiekBcll, 2. Three yearling heifers—William Saywell, 1; AV. Henry Booth, 2; W. W. Bickncll, 3. One yearling heifer—C. Morgan, 1 and 2; H. Eayner, jun., 3. FAT CATTLE. Two export bullocks—W. C. Buchanan, 1. Bullock, over 4 yea-rs—W. C. Buchanan, 1, 2, and 3. Bullock, two years—W. Howard Booth, 1. Bullock, four years—AV. C. Buchanan, 1 and 2. Cow—W. C. Buchanan, 1 and 3; W. Howard Booth, 2. Heifer, not over three years—W. C. Buchanan, 1 and 2. .JHE AWARDS FOR HORSES. DRAUGHTS. . .. Stallion.-4 years and over—R. Faloon, lj c. arcuiiougk, 2. Colt, two years—Mrs. J. D. Ormond's Glenmarkie, 1 and champion; J. W. Harding, 2. Mare, with foal—Walter Tocker, 1; James Bourke, 2. Filly, two years— J. W. Harding's Brenda, 1 and champion; Mrs. J. D. Ornond, 2. Gelding, three years—WaHer Bonton, 1. Gelding, two years—Blachford Brothers, 1. Dry niare—Arthur Tookor, 1 and 2. Gelding—A. Tocker, 1 and 2; Walter Benton, 3. Plough pair—A, Tocker, 1; James Uonrke, 2. Plough trio—A. Tockar, 1; James Bourke, 2. Plough quartet—A. Tocker, 1; James Bourke, 2. Dray pair—A. Tocker, 1; James Bourke, 2. HACKS AND HARNESS. Stallion for carriage and trap-horses— ,W. W. Hercock, 1; A. Haxton, 2. Pony stallion-W. H. Atwood, 1; B. Liddington, 2. I'air bnggy ponies, under 13.2—Mrs. H. R. Bnnny, 1; Kay MTJaron, 2. Dog carter —W. D. Watson, 1; G. Sievers, 2; Miss K Booth, 3. horse—Kupert D. M. Morrison, I; W. 'J. Martin, 2. Gift horse, 15 hands—W. Redmond, 1; J. W. Compton, 2; A. B. Corlett, 3. Gig horse, 14.2—5. C. Baron, 1; E. Ryan, 8; AV. J. Martin, 3. Tony, 13.2—C. W. Dickinson, 1; Dudley Abbott, 2. . . . I'ony, 14.2—C. Morgan, 1; E. Ryan, 2; .W. J. Martin, 3. Fifteen-stone hack-«A. J. Stone-AVigg, 1; C. Skeet, 2; Jac.k Cooper, 3. Thirteen-stone hack—Jack Cooper, 1; Donald ATKenzie, 2; J. S. v Nelson, , 3. Kleven-stone liack—Colin Campbell, 1; W. M'Jvenzio, 2; J. 3. Jackson, 3. Kemount hack—W. D. Watson, 1; W. Howard Booth, 2; J. S. Nelson, 3. ■Cob— J. S. Nelson, 1; Mrs. David Donald, 2; J. W. ComptoTi. 3. Boy's pony. 12 hands— J. Johnson, 1; JIK-. Cicely Martin, 2. Bov's uonv. 13 hand.--.—HaroM C'rev/e, 1; W. F.iigle, 2; A. Daysh, 3. Hov's pnny, 14 hands—S. Rayner. 1; Miss Dorothy lipid. 2; J. T,. Bhindell, 3. Girl's nnny, 13 hands—W. D. Watson, 1; Mrs. JI. V. Bunny, 2; Frank Shaw. 3. Girl's pony. It hamls—Miss Dorothy J?<-id. 1; AV. A. Pike, 2. Lady's hoc!;— Donald M'Kenzie, 1; J. P. NVson, 2; J'. ('. Bunny, 3. Lady's and gentleman's hack (pair)— Donah , M'Kenzie, 1; C. Campbell, 2; J. S. Nelson, 3. Best hack-in the show—Jack Cooper's Ilaviuina. Farmer's spring carter—First award unavailable; George Warrington, 2; P. Callannn, 3. Tradesman's horse—Chamberlain and Son, 1; V. Callanan, 2; AA\ Booth and Co., 3. Milk carter—X'east Bros., 1; George AVarrington, 2; P. Callanan, 3. • THOKOI'GHBKEDS. Stallion, threo years and over—C. jrCullough's Conqueror,' 1 and' champion; Mr. L. Nix, 2; C. O'Donnel, 3.

DAIRY PRODUCE. DETAILS ABOUT THE CHEESE. Tho detailed results of tho cheese competitions are as follow: — Two Coloured Cheese.

DOG CLASSES. Collie doff—Mrs- J. Standcn, 1; O. A. Cadr.-alladcr. 2. Collie, bitch—AV. Archibald, jnnr., I; J. Standon, t Collie, pup— T,Y. H. Hannah, 1. Sinooth-linired she«p do? or bitch—W. A. Cave, 1; 11. Oates, 2 nad 3. Rough sheep dog or bitch—F. Meenkin. 1. Bea.rded sheep—E. J. Chapman, 1; Dudley .Abbott, 2; 0. A. Cad-.i-alladcr, 3. Cattle—F. H. Kofe, 1; H. Eayner, iiuir., 2; F. W. Biirlin?. 3. Retriever, do.?— J. M. Beechey, 1; F. Gronb?, 2; H. Campin, 3. Retriever, bitch— J. M. Beechev, 1; B. SeweU. 2. Pointer, do?—AV. H. Simmons, 1; C. A. Poll. 2; AA'. D. AVatsjn. 3Point?r, bitch—G. W. Schroder, 1. Fox terrier, dos—M. Gillies, 1; Mies Molly.Smart, 2; Mrs. C. H.v.rkc, 3. Fox terrier, bitch—H.'Madeley, 1; Mrs. Winter, 2 and 3. Greyhound, doe—Rov. Father Bov.-e, I; A(i:im Wright, 2"; I". A. Hercoek, 3. Greylionnd. bitch—Morris and Harvev, 1; T. H. Hughes. 2. Clumber spaniel, bitch—L. P. Hopkins, 1. Cocker spaniel, dog—Miss Phillis Skey, 1; D'Arcy Smith, 2; R. Crawford, 3. Cocker spaniel, bitch—Dayman and 'Wright, 1 and 2; AV. Hall, 3. Irish water spanie!—ilrs. E. Reading, 2. Fa-.rn pug, dog—Miss Beth Johnston, 1; Mrs. E. H. Hawker. 2; Miss Kennedy. 3. Black pug, dog—Mrs. Grou'oe, 1; T'. H. Hushes, 2. Bull dog-F. H. Sharp, 1. Bull bitch—F. H. Sharp, I. PIGEONS. Tumbler cock, short-faced— J. Billington, 1. Tumbler, lien, short-faced— J. Billiugton, 1. Tumbler, cock, muffled legs— J. Billington, 1. ' Fantail, cock-J. M. Nicholls, 1, 2, and 3. Fantail, hen-J. M. Nicholls, 1, 2, and 3. Owl, cock— J. M. Nicholls, 1, AA'orkin; homer, cock—AA r altor Rathboue, 1. AVorking homer, hen —Walter Rathbone, 1. Team of working homers-C. A'allor, 1. POULTRY. Old English game cock—P. C. Anderson, 1. Old English game hen—P. C. Anderson, 1. AVhite Leghorn, cock —T. A'ose, 1. AV.hite Leghorn, hen—T. A T ose, 1. "White Leghorn cuckorel—T. U'. Barnes, 1. White Leghorn pullet-C. K. P. Armstrong, 1; T. A'osj, 2. Brown Leghorn cockerel—T. AA : . Barnes, Brown Leghorn pullet—T. W. Barnc-s, 2. Black Leghorn female— A. J. Fisher, 1, 2, and 3. Minorca cock—R. J. Chapman, 1. Minorca hen—R. J. Chapman, 1 and 2. Minorca pullet—T, AV. Barnes, 1 and 2. Buff Orpington cock—C. B. P. Armstrong, 1 and 2. Buff Orpington hen—C. R. P. Armstrong, 1 and 2. Bulf Orpfngton cockerel—C. R. P. Armstrong, 1. Butt' Orpington puliet—C. E. P. Armstrong, 1 and 2. Black Orpington cock—AV. T. Hicks, 1; William Tueker. 2. Black Orpington lien—AV. T. Hicks, 1; William Tucker, 2. Black Orpington cockerel—AV. T. Hicks, Black Orpington pullet—AV. T. Hicks, 2. Spanish male—P. C. Anderson, 1, •», and 3. Spanish female—P. C. Anderson, 1, 2, Silver Wyandotto cock— R. J. Chapman, 1. Silver AVyandotte hen— J. Billington, 1; E. J. Chapman, 2 and 3. AVhite AVyandotte cock—T. B. HoldAVh'ite AVyandotte hen—T. B. Holdaway, 1; R. J. Chapman, 2. AVhite Wyandotte cockerel—T. B. Holda,Wh'ito. AVyandotte pullet-T. B. Holdaway, 1 and 2. Partridge AVyandotte cock—R. J. Chapniau, 1. Partridge AVyandotie hen—R. J. Chapman, 1 and j. Partridge Wyan<lotfc» cockerel—K. J. Chapman, 1. \ny other variety, cock—William Tucker, 1; R- J- Chapman, 2. •Vnotlier variety, hen—R. J. Chapman, 1 and 3; A. J. Fisier, 2. Sollimrton cock—T. B. Holdaway, 1; T. W. Barnes -. Selling class, cock—T. B. Holdaway, Rxiuen drake—T. AV. Barms, 1. Rouen duck-T AV. Barney 1, Indian runner drakn— J. It. Nicholls, 1. •\nv other variety, drake— J. Billinston, li'.l.'M. Xicholls. 2; Mrs. E. AV. Allen, .1. Any other variety, duck— J. Billiiißton, 1. Brc-nze turkey cock-J. Bilhngton, 1. Bronas turkey hen— J. Bulington, 1. Toiiloii-e gander— J. Billington, 1. COMPETITIONS. ITun+fVi , jumpine—B. E. AArestmorcland's itinotn. 1: Mr«. AV. Strang'* iVnte-?!"-nt»pu.n. 2; R. Monison's AA eary Bill. 3. "Best turn-nut (lo be driven by lady)— Rupert Morrison's Gentleman Bill, 1; G. SiPvcrV Dublin, 2. Tl'din? competition (for girls)—Mjss Mvrlie Watson. 1. Ri'liug competition (for bovp)—Arc'hi--' Cadwallador, 1; Hurli 2; Ed.lie .Taiiifs. X Cliampion jumping—W. D. Watson's Verist, I; H. K. Minota, 2; K. Morrison's AA'enry Bill, 3. AN INSTRUCTIVE EXHIBIT. An interesting and instructive display wa* made at the Carterton Show bv the Wellington Meat E .'port Co., Ltd. A splendid marquee wa.s erected for Hie exhibit, which comprised a unique collection of wool, pelts, and !lic innumerable by-uroilucts mannfic'.iircd at the company's works. Sheepskins were shown in various conditions from the freshly-cured pelt to imitations of chamois, morocco, and various other

fancy leathers, so' like tho genuine article as to deceive anybody but p.n expert. The collection of wool was one of tho most striking features, and it was displayed to advantage in a lai'Rp revolving show-caso o£ clever design. Practically every grade of wool grown in New Zenland was shown in all stages of preparation, from the uuscoured article, to the finished product ready fov the weaver's loom. Samples of wool from all parts of the world wore also included in tho collection. The display of by-products vias of such a comprehensive nature as to ftrikinirly demonstrate Shat every particle of cither sh-cep or ox which through the modem freezing works becomes a marketable product. The exhibit as a whole provided an ocular demonstration ol* what tho freezing industiy lias done to enhance the prc"=pprity of the farmers of New Zealand. J', appears the more remarkable when it is reir.csnljercd that but a few years ago, comparatively speaking, the only asset which fanners obtained from '.ho surplus stock which they slaughtered each year was the fkin and the tallow. The exhibit was under the charge of Mr. G.iurinr. and the marquee m= thronged with interested f.pretators, to whom tho display was quite a revelation.

3 -2 J a "3 .= "S „ . &< ri c O '* r< Grej-tou-n ,1G 2SJ 15 5 9iJ Bolvedere 45j 2SJ 15 5 fl-1 ParkTale 45 m 15 5 931 Gladstone «_! o S " 15 5 02-V raratuhi -i.ij 28} IS 5 92' ?»"" a ™ a I «' 2S 15 5 .11 Dalefield 43 23 15 5 91 ll.inpn.ram,i 43 27} 15 5 f)o.'< Woodville .13 27 14 5 89' Two White Choes. P-wkvale 4G 21) 15 U 9H Bolvcdcro 45! 28\ 15 0" 9i" Grcytown 45} 2SJ 15 5 !)4 Mefioltl 45 28J 15 5 S3i A\oodvillo 45 28 15 5 .03" Gladstone 44 28 15 5 !)9 Mangarama 44 28 15 5 32 ■ raratahi n 28 15 ,5 <)■;> S ara , n , la iSi - 2S 15 5 M E«itlale 43 28 15 5 9l" Six Export Chww. BpIvfvUre 4G 28} 15 5 9i\ Groytov/a 45} 28j 15 5 9i' Pnrkvale 45" 28 15 5 93 JVoodvillo 43-i 2S\ 15 5 !)2 Mangarama 4-i 27i 15 5 9H Tararua 43* 28" 15 5 9H TaroHhi ...: 43} 2S 15 5 9H Baleficld 42 28 15 5 90" Cheese to bo K«judge(l in London. Gr?ytown 4G 28J 15 5 91} ERlv«dore 451 2S\ 15 5 94 Woodville ;.. 45} 2?.! 15 5 <)t Ep.ttlalo 44' 2S" 15 5 9" DaMekl i?,\ 2S 15 5 9U J ara " ,a «i 2S 15 5 31} Tarahthi 43 28 15 5 91 Mangai'ama 43 271 15 5 noV Parkvale 43-} 27* 15 4} 001

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Dominion, Volume 5, Issue 1270, 27 October 1911, Page 8

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HONOURS. Dominion, Volume 5, Issue 1270, 27 October 1911, Page 8

HONOURS. Dominion, Volume 5, Issue 1270, 27 October 1911, Page 8