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6 V PHASES OF THE MOOS. OCTOBER. Hay. li. m. ]i Full moon 8 3 4! p.m. East quarter . 15 11 16 a.m. New moon '.'.'..... 22 3 39 p.m. First quarter 30 6 11 p.m. (I 1100.N T . Moon ri'Scs to-day, 7.18 a.m.; sols, 11-54 V p.m. ' 5 niGII WATER J, To-day, 8.8 a.m.; 8.44 p.m. To-morrow, 8.51 a.m.; 9.24 p.m. SUK. ( Sun rises to-day, 4.46 a.m.; sets, 6.24 p.m. ARRIVALS. THURSDAY, OCTOBER 26. MARAHOA, s.s,. (7.35 a.m.). 2598 tons, Man- C nine, from I.ytteltoii. Passengers: .Saloon ( -Misses Ward. Blythe, Good.-'ir, llcErtames ] Kliavliio, Spear, Davey, Kvans, Nielson, v ll'Kinley. Uoodsir anil child, I'nton, War- E liio, JfcsW.--. Davev. Milne. Xi-ilsoii, KUison. Burne.l.t, Gordon, 'Paton, Cameron, Pcrrail, Tomlinson, Pcrrand, BriEbane. llclyer. GDorler. JIMI, Paul, itirains. Pricne. Park-in-on, Norlhcott, Alxlalb.h, Familton, Captain Mawson: 30 steerage. WIMMKIIA, s.s. (10.25 a.m.), 3C22 tons, ' Waller, from Duiicdin and Lyttclton. Pas- • Mincers: Saloon-Misses Kliclton. Irney, htc- ; plK'iison. Jlcsdaracs Johnston, anil Du Hus- ' son. Messrs. King. Shand, Johnston, J Kwiiiß, O'Hrien, Hariiett, Lyoll, Miller, Charters, Williamson: 8 steeratio. KUMTOXA. s.s. (3.30 p.m.), 136 tons, FlcU J clicr, from Napier. j t DEPARTURES. i THURSDAY, OCTOBER 26. POJIKMM, <=.s. (12.10 p.m.), 1175 tons, Cameron, for Greymouth. . , AORKKE, e.s. (2.10 p.m.), 77 tons, Fislt, , for Patea. , OOIiINXA, s.s. (2.15 p.m.), 1271 tons, Cameron, for Xew Plymouth. UIiIMAHOA, s.s. (7.50 p.m.), 5777 tons, Wyllio. for soutkorn ports and Melbourne. MAUAROA. s.s. (8.5 p.m.), 2598 tons, Man- ] niiiß, for liyttclton. Passengers: Saloon ( Misses B. Browne and ma.i<l, Swede, Car- , m.UI, Wilson. Milne (2). Schilling Calvin, fiill. Cagyn (3), Stack. Armlidd (2), Forbes, . .Stevenson, Hooper, liennetl., Foy, Pritehanl, Orleviteh, Hopper, Fcrßiison. Groin, Etlioriiißton. Merle, Pearcc. ltcdniond, Walton. Smith Walker Burke, Colley, McEdnmes Ledger, Fisher, Gjedstod, Walesloii, Bull, Wright, JclVcry and child, Keith. ParU, Hill and child, Leslie, Stewart, iron. T. ' Smith, Mcssn;. 11.-ilfmir. Sims, Wntortmi. ! Lamb, llantock, lligginson, Harwell. Ledger .-iiul party, Hargreaves, Campbell. Stirling, Tiiesant, Hart, Maxwell, Middleton, Chase. Duff, Van Ilielt, Dean Rcgn.-iult, Ojc-dstod. Ciirmalt, Norris. Dallaslon, HIow«lt, Bewick, WriElit, Leslie, Holland, M'lntyre, 11. Stewart, Miikllin. Andrew, Neville, Witscr, Kcale, Connelly, Heinls, Campbell, lianna.tyno, Sadler, Parker, Sinclair, Walworth. Biimpff. Oarry, Burke, Caulton, Forsyth. Ralph, Williams, Caue. Stafford, Leslie. Testro.l'assmore, Hyan. Buckley, Laml), Spe-ncc, Zelman, Down. Christian (2), incliuliiis -Our slif6 Oibbs" Go. WIMMEIiA, p.b. (8.45 p.m.). 3022 tons, Waller, for northern ports and Sydney. EXPECTED ARRIVALS. Kia Orn, Muff, October 27. Maori. LytteUon, October 27. Tarawcra. Auckland, Gisbornc, Napier, October 27. Moana, Melbourne, via southern ports, October 27. llnupiri. Auckland, via East Coast ports. : October 27. Araliura, West Coast, Nelson, Picton, October 28. Aorere, Fatea. October 28. Mararoa, Lyttelton, October 28. Monowai. Duncdin. Lyttelton. October 29. P.inple, Napier, via coast. October 29. Poherua, Greymouth. October 29. Canopus, Westport, October 29. Hinemoa, Lyttelton, October 29. Tiirakina. London, via way ports, Oct. 31. Pukaki, Duncdin. via ports, November 2, PROJECTED DEPARTURES. Manpapapa, Karamea aud Wcstport, October 26. Komata. Greymouth, October 26. Maori. Lyttelton. October 27. Moana, Sydney direct, October 27. Tarawera, LylteHon and Dunedln, October 27. Pateena, Picton, Nelson, Oct. 27. Hinemoa, Lyttelton, October 27. Kitinoiiii, Wtwtpurt, October 28. Mararoa, Lyttelton. October 28. Araburn, Picton. Nelson, Westport, and GreymouMi. October 28. Aorere. Patea, October 30. Kini, Greymouth, October 30. Pateena, Piokm, and Nelson, Oct. 30 Rosamond, Now Plymouth aud Oncliunga, via Nelson, October 50. Monowai. Napier, Gisborne, and Auckland, October 30. Ripple, Napier, via coast, October 31. Mokoia, Lyttelton and Diiuediu, Oct. 31. INTERCOLONIAL SERVICE. • MOVEMENTS OF STEAMERS. MOANA, 8.5., left Melbourne October 18, for Hobart, southern ports, and Wellincton. Due Wellington to-day. Sails today for Sydney direct. Due Sydney October 31. MOEHAKI. s.s., leaves Sydney on October 28, for Wellington direct. Due Wellington November 1. Sails on November 2, for i Lyttelton, Duncdin, Uobart, and Mel- ' bourne. Due November 11. WAItRIMOO, s.s.. left Melbourne, October 25. for Hobart, southern ports, and Wellington. Duo Wellington November 3 ' Sails same day for Sydney direct. Due ' Sydney November 7. VICTORIA, s.s., left Sydney on October 2a, for Wellington, via Auckland, Napier ' and Gisbornc. Due Wellington November • 3. Sails same day for southern ports, and thence to Sydney, via Auckland. Due Sydney November 17. 1 I OVERSEA SHIPPINO. STEAMERS TO ARRIVE. ( From London. , NIWAItU (due about November 12), sail- ] ed September 4, via Australia, Auolc- 1 land and Napier. (Tyscr Lino, agents.) TURAKINA (due about October 30), sailed on September 11, via Oapo Town and ! Uobart. (Now Zealand Shipping Co J agents.) ATHENIO (due about October 31), sailed on September 14, via Capo Town and ' Hobart, (Shaw, Savill and Albion, Co 3 apents.) DEN OF AIKLIE (due about December f 18!, sailed on September 23, via Melbourne, \ Sydney, and New Zealand ports. (F.-H -S i Line, agents.) ] PAPAIiOA (duo about Novembor 19), t sailed on September 20, via Brisbane aud Auckland. (N.Z. Shipping Co., agents.) i ■REJIUERA (duo a.bout November 12), sailed on September 30, via Cape Town and Hobart. (New Zealand Shipping Co T agents.l " ! DELPHIC (due about November 27), sail- * ed on October 6, via Auckland. (Shaw, Sav- a ill. and Albion Co., agents.) STAR OF CANADA (due about December f 20,, sailed on October 10, via Melbourne, s Sydney, and Now Zealand ports. (Tysor I Line, agents.) . a MAIiEUE (due about December 3). sailed n October 1. via Melbourne and Sydney and New Zealand ports. (TyEor Line, t agents.) COKIXTHIO (duo about November 28). sailed on October 14, via Oape Town nnd P Hobart. (Shaw, Savill and Albion Co i 1 asentsj '' From Liverpool. w MOKAYSUIRE (duo about December 15), b Eailcd on October 7 for Now Zealand ports, l< (F.-H.-S. Line, agents.) AYRSHIRE (duo about November 6), sail- u ed on September 2. via. Sydney. Brisbane, and Auckland. (New Zealand Shipping t ] 6'PAWA (dno about December 6), sailed m on September 29, via St. Helena, Australia, & and Auckland. (New Zealand Shipping Co., ~ nsents.) u NEIit'HANA (due about November t), .. sailed on September 9, via Auckland. (Ty- '' ser Line, agents.) vr DKAYTON GRANGE (duo about Deccm- s1 bar 27), sailed on October 21, for New Zea- 6 land ports. (F.-H.-S. Line, agents.) cc From Montreal. ai WIIAKATANE (due about Novomber 3). st sailed on August 22, via Australia nnd Auckland. (New Zealand Shipping Co., m agents.) ' <j'i KUMARA (due about December 1«. sailed cc on October 10, via Australian and New Zoo- oi laud ports. (New Zealand Shipping Co., b< agents.) jj. From New York. CRANLEY (due about Noromber 18), Failed on August 27, via Australia and Auckland. (Tyser Line, aircuts.) From San Francisco. r AORANGI. s.s. (due nbout November 10), L " failed on October 18. via- Papeete aud Uarotonga. (Union S.S. Co., agents.) he ag BY TELEGRAPH. yo OVERSEA. LONDON, October 26. Sailed—Drnylon Grange, for Auckland. ca HOIIART, October 26. Arrived—Turakina (5 p.m.), from London, y, via Cape Town. " an COASTAL. THURSDAY, OCTOBER 26. NAPIKR. Sailed-Tarawera (2.30 p.m.), for WellingNEW PriYMOOTH. I» r Arrived—Rarawa (4.45 a.m.), from One- J l ' , hmiga. ~ I Hailed—Raraiva (8.25 p.m.), for One- J l< ! hunt'a, I tei

PICTON. Arrived—Pateena (6.10 p.m.), from Nelson. To Sail-Patccna (1 a.m., October 27), for Kai'lcii-Rosamond (1 p.m.), for Nelsou. NELSON. Arrived—Mapourika (7.20 a.m.), from Wellington. LYTTELTON. Sailed—Eunice, kcow, for Havelock; Maori (8.25 p.m.), for Wellington, with 125 pas-i,LSaHcii--.Moana (5 p.m.), for Sydney, via Wellington. Pa.Sfcni.'ers for Wellington: Messrs Morrison. Grillilh, and JfUaUie. Sailed-Maori, for Wullington, with 125 passengers. PORT CHALMERS. AiTived—Monowai, from Auckland; Ko(are, from Stewart Island. Sailed-Cape Corso 15.50 p.m.), for Port Pirie. CLAN ROSS. FltOM HUNIIUUY. Mr. G. 11. Scales, local agent for the Clan Lino of steamers, advises that, tho Clan Ro<s left lluuliury (W.A.t. for Auckland at 5 a.m. yesterday. Tho vessel, which is loaded with jarrah timber, tsubscqueiitly visits Wellington. WEST COAST WEATHER. Vessels in port at Westport and Greymoutli ye-terday did not move from their berths, and shipping was again at n standstill. Latest advices, however, slated that the weather conditions showed signs of im'"owi'iil - to the fact*; stated above, the Araliura is not expected to reach Wellington before to-morrow night. Arrangements have been made by the Union Company so as to enable the Kamonn, leaving Wellington for Westport at noon to-morrow, to take cargo lor that port, and the Kini leaving here at 3 p.m. on Monday, to take cargo for Greymouth direct. THE UINEMOA. At 2 p.m. to-day the Government steamer Hinemoa leaves port for Lyttclton. The vossel is to take his Excellency the Governor's household stall' down. She returns lo Wellington on Sunday, and, on Tuesday, leaves for The Brothers Lighthouse and Jackson Head licacon. About the end of next week the Hinemoa will leave Wellington on her northern lighthouse cruific, and calls at Castle Point, en route, to land material for erecting the new lighthouse there.. MOANA TAKES NO CARGO. No caj-go will be taken to Sydney by the Moaua, leaving Wellington at 5 p.m. today. This is owing to the wharf labourers, strike at the New South Wales port. No cargo waa shipped at southern porta owiti- to the same reasons. It will thus be teen that the strike on Uio other siuo is eeriously airccting New Zealand merchants. In addition to bunker coal, passengers' luggage will be tlie only "cargo taken by the Moana. Otherwise eho will be an empty ship. TUIUKINA AT HOBART. Advice received by tho local agents for the New Zealand Shipping Company states that K.M.S. Turakiim arrived at Hobart from London, via way ports, at 4 p.m. yesterday. Tho vessel is expected at Wellington on Tuesday afternoon. ATHENIC DUE TUESDAY. The local agents for the Shaw, Savill, and Albion Company are in receipt of advice, which states that R.M.S. Athcnie, im route from London to Wellington, was i=isrnaJled at Hobart yesterday afternoon. She was expected to make tho Tasmanian port before dark. The Athenio is due here on Tuesday afternoon, N.Z. SHIPPING CO.'S STEAMERS. On October 20 the Waimate left Port Adelaide for Albany. Whakatane, s.s., en route from Montreal to Wellington, arrived at Sydney on October 23. Cape Town reports that the Opawa, bound from West Coast of England ports to Wellington, passed there on October 20. November 17 is tho date on which tho Orari is expected to leave Frcniautle for London, via the Suez Canal. TOKOMAKIT LEAVES MONTREAL. Cable advice received announces the departure of the New Zealand Shipping Company's chartered steamer Tokomarii from Montreal to Wellington, via way ports, on October 22. The yewcl is due at Wellington about the beginning of January next. The following are the current, rates of freight per ton for coal cargoes from Newcastle to New Zealand ports:—Auckland, 9s ■ Gisbornc, 16s. Ed.; Napier, lCs. 6d.; Wellington, 9s 6d.; WangaJiui, Us.; Lyttclton, lCs • Timarn 10s. 6d.; Diincdin, lCs. 6d.; Bitift, 10s. 6d. Mr. Ca,h.sC!itine, late second oflicer of the Wliangape, has gone ashore to sit for his master's "ticket," and is being relieved meanwhile by Mr. 11. T. Crowe, late second officer of the Haupiri. At Port Chalmers on Tuesday tho Takapiina had her new rudder fitted, and the remainder of the repair? to stern plating are expected to bo finished in time to permit tho vessel to come out of dock this week. Upon completion of discharge of her Montreal cargo at Duncdin, the New Zealand Shipping Company's chartered steamer, Capo Corso, will proceed to Australia to load for Home, under the auspices of the Australian Union Line. She will not, however, visit cither Brisbane or Sydney, but will commence loading at Melbourne, subsequently going to Adelaide to complete. It is reported that the ship Queen Elizabeth has left New York for Wellington with case oil. Duo at Wellington from London, yia. way ports, on November 12, the Tyser liner Niwarn is bringing 1500 tons of general cargo for this port The Wc-stport Coal Company's collier Canopus is at present loading at Westport for Wellington and Lyttelton. Mr. L. Ward, purser of the- Mararoa, has been granted holiday leave. Mr. A. G. Familton, late of the Wakatipu, has taken Mr. Ward's place. Mr. S. Rothery, ehiof officer of the Komata, left the vessel at Wellington yesterday, his place being taken by Mr. A. Toten, late of the Faloona. Mr. V. Siepen, late third officer of the Kini-, proceeded to Auckland yesterday to join the Koroiniko in a similar capacity. Yesterday the crew of the disabled steamer Kini were paid off, and the vessel will be placed on the Patent Slip tli;-j morning for repairs and survey. Tho Harbour Board's dredge Whakarire came oil' the Slip yesterday afternoon, Rosamond, s.s., i-s expected to leave Onehiinga for Wellington direct on Monday. Shortly after noon yesterday tho Poherua left Wellington for Greymouth. She is expected to return on Sunday. The Komata leaves here for Westport to-day, and should be back on Monday. Messrs. Johnston and Co.. local agents for the Gracie, llcazlcy Line of sailing ships, advise that tho barque Antico left Liverpool on September 20 for Wellington and Duncdin, with a general cargo of merchandise , . Captain Carey, lato of the Pateena, is to take charge of the liakanoa at Auckland. To-day the Maoriland Steamship Company's steamer Lnuderdale leaves Kaipara for Hokianga, where she completes loading for Melbourne. Upon completion of discharge at the Victorian port the vessel will make a trip from Ncwcastlo to Melbourne with coal. ' The Lauderdale then loads at Newcastle for New Zealand. Kent, F.H.S. steamer, leaves the Bluff tomorrow for Avonmouth, via Sydney. What is said to be the largest steamer that has yet entered the river at Gisborno iu-rived there from Napier on Sunday last. This was tho Cinig Line steamer Inga, 942 tons gross. The vessel vs at present under charter to the Union Co. A wireless message received by the Wellington station from R.M.S. Marama, inward bound from Sydney to Auckland, stales that the vessel will make port at 6 a.m. to-day. This afternoon the Marama continues her journey to Vancouver. Captain Olsen. lato of the keteh Argns, is at present relieving Captain Elven, of the scow Ngarn. The Gazette published last night notifies mariners that the arc of visibility of the I'liahinc Point lighthouse has been alter:.d, and that the light will now be seen jver an an; of 222 degrees between the leaiings of S. 38 degrees W. round by Sorth to N. £0 degrees E. Ask tho sufferer from Rheumatism, jout, Sciatica, or Lumbago tho value of lealth. Ask what ho would givo lo igain move freely and without pain. Then ou have tho value of RIIEUMO. It lias urod thousands, for it removes tho auso of those diseases. Try a bottle, four chemist or storo sells it at 2s. Gil. ml l≤. Gd. s 11 A woman in Vienna has been foul to irisoii for llireo months for speaking disespeclfully of Maria Theresa, who has icon dead for 131 yrars. In Austrian law loyalty is protected from criticism, writen or siwkcn, for 200 yoara after death.

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Dominion, Volume 5, Issue 1270, 27 October 1911, Page 7

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SHIPPING NEWS. Dominion, Volume 5, Issue 1270, 27 October 1911, Page 7

SHIPPING NEWS. Dominion, Volume 5, Issue 1270, 27 October 1911, Page 7