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LAND NOTICES. NEW SOSJTH WALES PROPERTJES. TfSTRi'Pi: to i:.ux;i:i;y m;oTiiKi!S, syijnev. who have vV I'KdI'MKTIKS FOU S\i,K iN A I.l* I'AItTS. THIIV KNOW THE COI'.NTI.'V. l-KdIM.K. \NiJ STUCK'. FL'I.L I'ARTICULAKS.UN AI'I'LICATION TO BADGBRY BROTHERS, STOQK PROPERTY SALESMAN, SYOKEV._ FARM POn SALE. HAV/KE'S DAY DISTT-ICT. Uft ACUKS, ,",;n ill'.! ai-res L.I.V. l'reeliild portion all bush e> — v clcarwl several yiars. Well ;:r;v--i-d, linieslonc and papa country, mostly undulating anil hilly. I'or Mvcra! Vi.-a'i ; ; wint-'m! about HiOU sheop ai;'l Mimo Ciitllc. All teiucil and MiUlivid'il.' llmi-e, ■-li<:!s, iilanUiticns, fruit and vc-Rotablo Bardc!!s; s!w|i dip on tiii-< y.ction. I'm* .-':I1 per acre. The 2011-acro yjcliou li.ii about CO nUmHic.-l and al-oiit i:; 0 acr-s am rjuito level, but no , , y.-: all ineparcil Jnr Hie pliush. Orows Uirnins and rape well. \\ niters 2 shooii per acre. I'ricc JM per acn-. Good ro;ul to iloor. Streams ou both sections. Particularly gocd for .selling. Applv R. AND G. HUNTER, FINANCIAL, INSn.'ANOI-:. \XJ) STATION ACENTS, 31 HUNTKI: STKKK'I", WKf.I.INUTON'. DAIRY FARM LEASE. TCIOE SALE, an IS yrars' Leas? of Dairy and Sliwp Farm, comprising COO Acres i in all; carryin;; 50 cows, SUD sheoii; 10-roomoil "HoiiFC, 5-roniijci! Cottaso, and all necessary outbuiidinss on ths properly; within "0 miles of Wellincton. Price, as n coins concern, indudins stock', iiiiplcinciits, etc., JJiaOU. Further particulars from S. GEORGE NATHAN. REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE, 113-115 CUSTOMHOUSE QUAY, WELLINGTON. EXCHANGE FOR 354EEP OR AGRiCULTURAL FARM Cfflf). ACHES, FKEKIIOLU, rich level dairying and croppin;; laud, subdivided n)\J\J into 12 padded;*, and watered by permanent streams. "0 aerra now in crop, 9-roomcil house, il-biiil cowshed with conurcie l'uor, li-stalled stables and other farm building. Carrying capacity 70 cows, besides vduiik slock. Situated 1 inilo from railway and factory. I'l,'ll'ii. .WS iier acrr. Kquily .WJO3. Owner v.-ill exchange for ViO -h-iv.: ji«rieulti:i - al land, or up to IjOU mires good sheep country. For full particulars, apply H. F. M C NEILL & CO,, 155 VEATIIKHSTON STIiMKT, WKLI.IMITON. 7~c Sea p~fa rW~ fA(\ ACRES, 3 miles factory, by jtood road. 1-mile school, i miles railway O^scU , station; riiis-io;icc<l and well subdivided; well watered; 2 houses of six roam?, woolshcd, etc.; all liat and pl'ju^liable when sluuipod; 00 acres under plough ut present. Prico, iIG per acre; terms arrajijjcd. Apply, at once, PARKSE AND VINCENT, KEAL EsTA'li: AGENTS, LEVIN. -f ri r* VC]!]^ ; , i iniks fro!:i Strsiford, Biiliilividcl into S pad<k'c!cs, watered bv it>o ci-H-s-i; frejhold. all !->wl, si) acres stuinped, ivoll fi-ncod; i wires; moiul road; U r.iiics from factory. Wintered 71) cows h-.t winter; carryins 100 bead at invent: S-roouie:! house. Price .L'S.l. Cov;s :\a<\ slock at variation. Crops au<l hay tiirov.n i:-.; .lIJHO cash is all thst is rcqi:ir;d for the purchase of 05 cows, 6 heifers, 3 bulls, horse, cart, etc. I'u'il'jNLt, iiUjo-iib Ail iJ \jO., PTKATrOJ.U AND Ei.TiiAM. TIP-TOP SHEEP COUNTRY FOtf SALE OR FOR EXCHANGE. tonf) ACP.E.S, of which GfD acres are Fr.rhold, and Go!i acros L.1.P.. at lod i/iUI? per acre. This l'rawrsj is v.cii farmed. Aluiit IUi!U acres ia good mixed grasses, and balance of about "oJ acios in Srst-ciass mixed bush. Tho area in" bush i- 5 '"• splendid by faUinj W to SIJ acres each year Iho fiirmer has good crops of rape and tuni:p:< so/ (uLlenins ami topping oft. Tho farm is hilly, but 1;i a 'l lidra'ulo, auti thcru is plenty of ploiiskable land tor connin;'. flock wintered are ±'M bi's shfep and CO head of taUio on IIICO uorea of Bi-osi. \<M for.cnJ »'"'• Mibdividc-il into puiddoeks. Wn'.orcd !;y permanent fitreains- Tie formation is io:i;u ot papa ai:d sfic.l i'o;-k, ami it produces a splendid c oio oi ~-rass. consist or good S-roo-.iiud Iwn=e, 3-roomed cotiayo, v-01-'hei! ;'. nct.i yards, stable, irayskod, and vvhcire. Only 1, miles to school, church, "post ofiicc, and tplejraph cSicc. Siiuntion: SO mi'ci to Stratford. U riil"s to Doujlas railway station and U nnlw; u> Te Wcra railway station. Motor '• r'-iad to Jirojil'i'ty. Thoie is a mori.Mje cf .tlOOtl at f> per cent., having 4! years j to run. Trice, only J-"J per nrrp. Equity about .'JCOiIO. Owner will Escha£?o for ' eir-allcr Tarns, lightly encumberc-d town property, or euniid mortgages. Apply • ijr'oiiipily lo f], [], LALViii-lic'-.'T tV:iti SSm PALjMEUSTOX NOIiTU. ! DAIiIYIivG On SHEEP COUNTRY. ACSES FEr.ETTOLI). Good homestead, wcolphqd, etc., all plonshable, j dUjfUit good cropping country, carrying capacity 1 sheep, or will dairy ono 1 cow tbruo acres, ijocd ciiltiiij up prepositien. - miies from railway, in Auctianel nmvi'ice- I'liiCE, £10 10b. per ucro- Tonus, XTiUC'U cash. BAGGBTT AND POTTS, AGENTS, WANGANUI. a qo ACHES pplcnd;d Pheeii well watorrd, f-plmididly fenced, S wires, 10 mi'es from school and post offieo. U.K..I'. Tillo at JJiU. Ill) breeding ewes E u with iavi-.i. l'ltlC'K, Jci as. ]w\- aero, llai-y term:-. f>o -J ACKEfi L.I.I 1 .. siO acres in grass, 15G acres ]u.=t frllod, well subdivided, well IMi fenced, v.cll wakrtd; li miies to factory, scliuol and post office. PKICE, XG 10?.. lias-.y Icru-.s. f. -R7Tr> J? J A .■nTfT'GI.O.AT Vvrito for our Laud Kogislcr. L. A±- LAND AGENT, STKATFOKD.

FOR SALE. f>o A ACRES, freehold. Hawko's Br.y, sJi(!)'<i IV miles freni railway; 'J uiik'> iroiu iniporlaut stock centre; i splendid soil, nearly all plough- I able, 130 acres in rape and oats, 13 pad- | I Oocks, well v.-atnrcd by stri-i:nis and ' liair.N carryins lf.ilU sheep, 200 calile, and 8 horses; ii-roomed house, vuolshcii, and complete uuildinKi; school on property. A new road is bciii;, , rk-ht this property, wliiih v;iU eiu off abuut •ifl'J acres suitable for dairying, and shculd realise -OK per acre. This is uno of the lit'ft farms in the district. I'rn.o ill per acre, and terms can bi arranged. TOR tXCHANGS. -f ,<->r> ACUF.S, i'foshuld, Fcildin;; illsJLtJiU , trict, H milfs from railway station school, etc. Sp'.cnilid agricultural lar"i all been ploughed; SO acres in oals, balance grass; '■> paddock-, well fcuetd and watered; K UC <I "-rconud hoii-e and) 5-rnoincd i'Ottaj,'i;, all outbuiUHiij.s. Prico i '■■•'O IBs per acre. Owm-r will <'xchnnsc | for smaller place, t.ii .Main Trunk lino ' prtforred. Must have gcod Lquiiy SELLER Miß RIsTTSR. LAND AND ESTATE AU3NTS. 35 PANAMA STItrXT. WELLINGTON. CIIOICH SMALL FARMS. iIANAWATU LINE. -f a ACRES, rich luvei laud, divid-d into JLV? i paudocts, i aci-os under cultivation, 1 acre naiiv Ijusli, >ie:l watcrcti; Mtuatu wiliiiu li miuuli-'o' v.-aik ol im- | portant runway jtalioi , . and i'.U. fi-ro;in- ; i'ii houK), batiiroom, v.aihhcnu,', ceppor, ; Uiito, etc., tomato huv.iv 51 x ■!■>, vnu.'y • : 4 x, l» i 'i! i -' towlhoiitt, LvOiivU-e, workshop, s:ororco:i>, one-rot,.' shed, "■•trjjlo. liaysiiod, cov/bail, etc., I Jar"- , oi-ciiard comprising Mi) pidiul Irtos, iuciiiriiiii' loii iK-t ar.;i.t.-, i.asli.-h and japar.i'bJ plums, l-r.-ucn ]irui:'.-.~, ;:;\;y.s l.vr.ioi.s, viM'S, oranges, pcaclies, and stniCl irnlts litocii iiicluuiM '•> ows, in iuli r;\>- »., l.or ; -c, cavl han:i-f.-- 'i p; , ,;-, l> „:.;, i,u Head p:u!ilry- i..t.i'. I-ncu, l ''">a) "US ""'MIV' C^r.fL , :'!!. I '-;"K AU"I-»°ali k-u-l land. L.LP., 11 i A.V miles from i'.U., i\:i;v.::y am! croaiiipry. U-rcoinwi hoihc, wurl:-,-hap, 2-i.tKli st:ibU', t i.:--d room, loi't, -I ■.•••iwuuils, toncrvlc, aiiU pi;; ni: , ., i-,rC")(li".' hou-J, l!i i'o'a-1 rnr.s, CK:, ,w.t o'.cha.'d, well v.-sto.-oii ai;,i ::u-i,-ioi;. '''■"ice, Xl3os) ir.cliuiiiv, , slocl; and p. ant, which o! 1 i-oiv.-. li:.i>a ami c.'.rt, .•i'/)U"h harrows, jiicuhaiurs, brooiloi.-, ;>Xoul iOO iowl> and 2M cliickfus, (jrit ii-.i!:. l'vrco. without ?iock, JMyiU. "Kariy appli-alion to AlVl-iUN. LANT-, ANU L^TATi-; AtIKNT. ISO FE.\'n!l.!i;ViuN SjJSLL'T, WKI.I.'NGTON. ■ FARM, loi-t-jrv ACKKS, 13 miles from mil, I 3110 Main Tniijic line, all ■| country, no gorges; ."ilnl aciv; in ;;r.-.5.., , i balance in K' buniir.K 2-,heop ! country when in s;rnssj i>, miles k'nciii;;, i woolshod and , yards; 2-roonu'd ll.ins.\ • , idi'p'.ione a;ij6iui!iß, sch-'ol .1 Ri-oii , j rcaclj.; 11 HO acr-r; Irociiold and lUflO acres I'.iiuc-iti'jn l.raso, rent ■{'.!•; cumix-iii-alioii up to t:i ptr acre. i'HICK, .t'> por acre Freehold, end £2 1-i. Gel. per acre for Lease. Slrons'iy rrcnmmpiidt'd. Terms lo powl tious; a Rood farnrniid a Rood invcsliiicm. AVoutd coi'.si-.k-r shop property or good houses as part payment. Apply LEWBS AKD CO., WANtiANUI. 1 ' MIXED DAIRY AND GRAZING . PKOi'ERTY. ' o \ A ACIU-IP, mostly flat and uiidiuat- ; i O^irl) , in.;' biish country, in splcr.d'il ] 'rast. Prai'-ticsUv nil ploiijhaWo when U-liiinpi-d, G ]>aihiocks. (,'ond |V:u:cp, v.-pi! ivnlercd. New j-rcomi-d ho.s-o, wa>.!iliouso, trai:s!ied. etc.; new i-ow?.iio-rl, c".".cvote Iloor: unoquallcd in this ili-trirt lor I mixed (lairyiu,' and ';r::.-.iiiß. Oniy 2 miles from factory, school, rail, pic; 31 miles. l'Vildins. I'rice and Tcriiis on a;i;ilif.'.tiun to A. H. ATHSK?;GS\3 Mm 1 GO,, LTD., AUCTIONEEKS AND VALUERS, FiIILDIN'G. j

FOR SALE. OftftA ACKES, L.T., 200 acres imj </<)<}</ proved, boundary fenced, creamery, posl cliice, and school 1J miles, railway S miles, 1110 acres lMucaticn Reserve bush l.'u'.il, lid. per acre, 21 years to run. Priw. i:j 10s. per aert. Ca«h cne-third, Ix-.'auco ii years at 5 per cuit.- No. 75 tyf\fj>i ACli'Ki, i.OO improved; will carry njKJiQ 1 cow U> 2i; acres improved; i> mires township mid railway; ring. fenced; j paddocks, well watered by spring and Uvll; fi-rounied houss, ctable and barn; 5builed cow byre; creamery, post office, and school l'j miles. I , rite, ill 50=. per aero, JL'l5O Cajh, balance 5 years at 5 per e-mt. No. 33 AC'KR.S, 10 unimproved, balance tr"L» ploughed and grass, gcod dairy euuntry, 'J miles from township, railway 1 chain, creamery 2 chains, post office ! and tchool 2 miics; 12 paddocks, watered j by creel:; S-roumed house and all outbiiildiujs. Trice, £A per acre; cash, XbOO. Ko. 23 "i A ,•< »? 1 ACEKS, Frcclio'd, GCO in grass. lifeOJ baJauco titriw andierii; all p!ou;;iial>k'; cither slieep or cattlo run; railway 5 miles, creamery H miles, post oviie* i miles, post n'.id wire fence and bounded by rivc-r, no buildings, l'rico J-: lUs. per acre. No. C 7 .<!C'7 A<JRi:S, Freehold, 420 in grass, ".£«-? I balance in shelter patches; 7rojmod lioufc, creamevy, post cilice- and hull -10 chains, school 2 miles, Kl-bailed cav.-ilnd, littiul for machine; miiking-plant and oil engine at valuation; bii^y-sheil, i staule, ami Price, SLYi. \ per .".ere. Catli .i'lbUO, balance 0 and 10 ! years :it 5 per ctnt. No. 21 '■'-"'v'7 290 cultivated, in grass 'Or*) and crops, 1 sheep to (Im acre; raiiway junction i miles, school and I I'.est uKicvj ■! l.'.iies; post and wire fenc\iv.[\ 12 paddecks. Tiiis is real good, iirste!.\:s latr.t, in a dairyin;.; <lisirict. This larni won id cut into three farms; ■!• r-jomeil cotlagi: and stabio. l'ricc, per aero, .ill R-;.; Freehold, .1:1000 cash; balance may be arrai!;?:! to suit buyer up lo ii years at j per cent. |G. M-'OAiWJUSH Si CO., I i,i:\l) ACIKN'i'iJ, HAMILTON. i n. j. and co., Auctioneers, l.r,:id and K&tatc Agents, Alain Street I'ost. I'alniorjton North. ; A'.'IIKH, Native Lca?e, -12 years, i j±.~ui)'U iii-r-t 21 ytsi-s, l=. Gd. per acre, rjooml, -1 years, Us. per aero; all open ciiii-.itry; \) ' luiles from railwny station. 1 I'riee, .L'2i)rtO. Agencies and Commissions ol' any kind undertaken. Prompt sales ■ aiKi (j'uiok returns. I /5,0 "AC'JTfS. QO- ~n<l ACKES Pastoral Run. at od. ! .V-i; I J<; > \y |, er : ,cre. iO.CuO Acres nt 3d. ' per ace, tiWi Acres i'.ducaUon lUscrve, : at Trl. per acre, leases lor about 21 years, , '< tin levuiiiiai'O!) of sanio tliev are to bp put i:;> lar nuctiun leaded with tenants' ■improvements. Valualiun of same to b? ' ; detern.ined by arbitration. The ini- ' j proveir.ents a!!;.'v.ei! are: Uuiliiings, plan--1 ; ialims, fc:i«p, oilier than rabbit-proof, (!i',-h<v, bowing grass, etc., and such 1 ! valuation shall ' tin based en the 1 : uvrtii of said iiKprovements to incoming , J li'iiant or tenants. A very large area is ■ plougliablo, balance easy "hill.i. Winter I'arryiu.: capucitv, 22,0C0 sheep, besides 100 caitle and Si) liorses. North Island >'ain Trunk line runs through the pro- ' )'o:-ty, and a .station is within a mil? of I'm t'o'.r.fjtttul. l!:iiiiiini;s consist of a frond iiine-rioiiied honies', woolshed, !).«ta]l;'d M-'tble, 2 lo;i-e boxes, clc, all cj!i';iavaliveiy niw aud subslamially l.'iiii'-, concrete dips, sevrral sets of sheep, hhjl.t ]:cns tn held ;iOOO sheep; abnut 22 ;:iile? of fencing, nil in good order. Tile pri-cii sleek consists of ifj.fii'.O grown sheen, BOniMobWO lambs, 1)6 : head of eaitlo. l:i horses. Plant: Wagons, i dray.<. iiiipU'irionts, etc., 10 stand U'olse- ■ It-y slie;.rin:,- plnm with C- li.p. Hornsbv I riigino. 1.-ar-t year's workings, which .'c.-iiijd be creatly iuerea:-ed, showing a net I i•■refit of iiear'.y .i.5009. Price, .ijia.CWO as a !,"cin.T concern. Further particulars from SMITH AND 11AIXO1IU.G. ALCTIONKiaiS. AUCKLAND. QTullV the J'roprirty Market.-Tho y.t Hack Page of "The Dominion" is a J.aud and Farm Directory. Auctioneers' Notices will also bo found un the tame pag*

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Dominion, Volume 5, Issue 1270, 27 October 1911, Page 10

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Page 10 Advertisements Column 5 Dominion, Volume 5, Issue 1270, 27 October 1911, Page 10

Page 10 Advertisements Column 5 Dominion, Volume 5, Issue 1270, 27 October 1911, Page 10