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SPLENDID SHEEP FARM, MASTERTON DISTRICT. oma ACRES Freehold, all in eras*, well subdivided, and well watered; good OI \f\} noiv House of 7 rooms, woolshed, yards, stables, and all necessary outbuildings, 100 acres flat, the balance undulating to hilly country. This property has just wintered 5000 sheep and COO head of cattle. PRICE, J® per acre. W. H. TURNBULL AND CO, Ve a i£M. APPLE LANDS FOP, SALE. RUDY BAY ESTA'iE, AIOUIKRE HILLS, NELSON. t OA ACRES in Sections from 1.1 to -10 acres on the following easy terms:—lo 4iOtl p S i- cent, deposit, 25 per cent, in threo months, and (lie balance on Mortgage for 5 years at 5 per cent., with right to pay off at any time. Per further particulars apply to N.Z. LOAN & WSERCAS«TtL,E-AGENCY CO., LTD., THROUGHOUT THE DOMINION. • SELECTED NORTHERN TARANAK! GRAZING RUNS. TSfOQ ACRES. Freehold, all in grass, except 100 acres in bush. Well fenced JlvMO and divided into convenient paddocks, flood dwelling house, woolshed, and night pens. Sheep and cattle yards, dip. etc. Fronting good metal road. Six miles to the township and saloyards, and IS miles to the railway and freezing works. Good papa land, carrying two Ghcep to tho aero. Price, £6 10s. per acre. Reasonable terms can be arranged. (1133) 1 9f>A ACRES, Freehold, 970 acre* in grass, rich papa land, and well grassed, '.tLvOy fenced, and subdivided into convenient paddocks. The balance of tho land is good easy bush country. Goad sheep yaVds, and dip; 7j miles from township. Price £"> 15s. per acre. Terms, .£2500 cash and tho balance 5 years at 5 per cent. (4170) 1QR(l ACRES, 0.R.P., at .CI acre, 500 acres in grass and .100 acres felled 001/ this season, and the balance good hush land. Access by good road. Opposite post office and store. Good •l-rconiod house and storeroom, woolshed, and sheepyards; good papa land, and when all in grass will winter 2 sheep to the acre. Price for goodwill, £3 2s. Od. per acre. This is a good property, and worth inspection. (325'.)) MfjA ACRES, Freehold. Good bush land. About 700 ncrcs in grass and tho tJXfVM balance heavy bush on papa formation. Price, £i 10s. per aero. My Land Register contains tho pick of tho Taranaki province, and land seekers can all be suited by calling on me. Dairy farms in areas from 50 to 500 acres; grazing runs from 750 to 0000 acres, at low prices and on easy terms. I havo also numerous town and suburban properties for sale; also businesses of every description. Clients- shown over properties freo of charge. Correspondence specially invited. Land Representatives: F. E. OEBELL, New Plymouth; J. M. HIGNETT, Stratford; V. K. MOOKE. Knponga. 17"¥W$P NKW PLYMOUTH. AUCTIONEER, JJ W 1 VIS 11111 JT, LAND AND FINANCIAL AGENT. GOOD FARMS FOR SALE AND FOR EXCHANGE. 1 p-/-v ACRES Freehold, rich flat land; handy to Palmcrston North; good house and jLdlj outbuildings; winters 75 dairy ooivs. Price, JMO per acre. Equity, .£3200. Will exchange for rent-producing property or smaller farm. JQf\ ACRES Freehold, rich land, handj- to Palmcrston North; new homo and .Ou outbuildings; winters 30 dairy cows. Price Ml) per aero. Equity, JC2500. Exchange for Town Property, or small farm, or would exchange with stock and plant as going concern. Equity about JC3OUO for other property and some cash. Q(\ ACRES, Freehold, all river tints, frco from flood; good buildings, well she!/j\J tered; winters 10 cows; would make splendid pig and poultry farm; only short distance to railway station and tow lisnip. Prico only .£875. Terms, J1250 cash. W. H. LAMBERT AND CO., 20 CUBA STREET, PALMERSTON NORTH. FIRST-CLASS DAIRY FARM LAND. 7 «T>7 ACRES, Best Drained Swamp, G miles from FEATTTERSTON, on main 1/* i road, close to butter factory and school; S-reomed Residence (modern) and Cottage, stables, liayshed, buggyshed, etc.; all ploughablo. CARRY 00 MILKERS EASILY. PRICE; .1:30 acre, .£IOOOO Cash required, balance term, at 5 per cent. Splendid Pasture Land. i ; -i qo ACRES, Otnki, very best land, good residence with' all farm outbuildings l/6vr and fences in lino order. Prico ,£3O acre. Terms arranged. SPLENDID DAIRYING-LAND. We "Strongly Recommend" the above Farms, guaranteed as described. No exchanges considered. W, H. MORRAH AND CO., WILLIS STREET. WELLINGTON. . ■A rAfi ACRES, 0.R.P.; 050 acres in grass, subdivided into 11 paddocks; 200 acres 101/U level land, balance easy country ; 1 mile from school; good house and woolshed. Prico £i 10s. per acre, with very easy terms. Only on market for very short time. 210 Acres,' splendid dairy farm, only U miles from Stratford Post Office, all level, well grassed, subdivided into 11 paddocks, handy to school aud factory; 7-roamed house, IG-bail cowshed with milking machine. This farm is very suitable for cutting up into smaller.sections; the' best investment in tho Dominion. Price only £26.per acre. cash; baluuce can bo arranged. Write nt once. C. AND E. JACKSON, ls D %g&s&&®B; £200 CASH, ' £2DO CASH. Tf/J ACRES,-5 roomed hnvse, cowshed. All level and ploughablo, 40 acres been it)4!l ploughed, 20 acres partly loggod up. All in grass; good fences; carry 30 cows. Pricp, XT2. £203 cash down, balance 5$ years at 5 -per cent. NOLAN AND CO., ' ' NEW PLYMOUTH. S. OU3COTT. Land Representative DOJM'T PASS THUS "BUY." owner will exchange. -j 0170 ACRES, Lease, with 3 years to run at paid yearly, with Purchasing J.tWO Clauso at J:i> 10s. at any lime, with JIIOOO cash, balance can remain for fl years at 5 per cent. Situate near TE IIORO (Manawatu Line); 000 acres in pood English grasses (200 acres new burn), balance in good milling bush. Divided iuto eight paddocks, well fenced, and watered by never-failing streams, 100 ncrcs flat, good chocolate lonin, balance good easy terraces; 50 or GO cows could easilv be milked on the front portion, and a creamery is 2\ miles distant, or for Wellington mill; supply 7d. per gallon is given for milk. The properly as a sheep farm would easily carry 2J sheep when all cleared. House cf li rooms, bathroom, pcullerv, etc., water laid on from stream, washhouso (copper set iu). cowshed, fowlhouse,"trapshed, New set of sheep and cattle yards, orchard, clc. Situated 5 miles from railway station, 20 chains from post office, telephone, etc.; school on the pro- ■ perty wjthiii 5 chains of the house. PRICE, including SSO good breeding ewes, with thtir increase given, only £2 10s. per acre, goodwill for cash. Cash required (including the above-mentioned stock), about .£3IOO, or better terms may be arranged. In the above property there are about 500 acres of good milling, Rimu bush, estimated by experts to contain over lO.OOtll't. to tho acre, easy of access, only i miles to railway station from proposed mill site, ■ and only about 20 chains of (ram required to reach tho timber from this site. The owner will sell this bush separately, with .£BOO cash, or would let on Royalty at Gd. per 100 ft. We have no hesitation in recommending this property as u good thing. For further particulars, apply only to BOWDEN AND SUTtJLIFFE, Practical Farm Agents, 21 MAIN STREET WEST, PALMEESTON NORTH. SHEEP COUNTRY, f\np ACRES FREEHOLD, SOO acres in grass, balance bush, carrying capnc «)t/t> ity 2 sheep, good water every paddock. Two-roomed whare and wool-. Ehcd; 13 miles Railway Wangauui District. Price, JIG 2s. Gd. Terms: ,£2OOO Cash. Full particulars from BAGGETT AND POTTS, WAMGANUI. TWO SOUND INVESTMENTS. 3rnr\ ACRES, Ilawke's Bay, conveniently situated for railway and school; /bll SHO acres ploughablc. Complete station buildings; permanently waterer. The winter stock of 3750 sheep and 275 cattle can I/O taken at valuation. Prico J'G 10s. per acre. fi (\{\ ACRES of good Dairy Land, about half is rich flat, and half warm, geutlo 11/vr slopes; d-roomed cottage; S-bail cowshed, ctc.;.l mile from sc!iool,'2 miles from creameries; .£22 10s. per acre; .£SOO cosh. Capable of much improvement. LATHAM AND CO., WOODVH.I.E LAND AGENCY, M'LEAN STREET, WOODYILLE. !!! 90 ACRES FOR £SOO. 11! !!( 00 ACRES FOR £800. !!! (TIITUATKD Close to LEVIN; all grassed; sandy soil; superb residential spot; kf) overlooks the picturesque ilorowhenua Lake; dry and healthy, yet well watered. No buildings. To anyone about to retire this is. aa ideal pleasure farm suitable for poultry and sheep. Apply to the Sole Agents, PAMKFJiI AND VINCKNT REAL ESTATE AGENTS, LEVIN. EXCHANGE FOR SMALL FARM, ■H Ana ACRES, Freehold situated 13 miles from railway, tcliool, and post 145:11 y uifice on property; 100'J acres well glassed und subdivided into 11 puddocks, watered by permanent streams; 100 acies rich river tlals, balance hilly. AH' rood healthy sheet) and cattle country; carrying 2(M> sheep, besides cattle; <J. roomed house, woolshed, sheep yards, dip, and other necessary buildings. PRICE, £7 per aero. EQCITV ,£332!1. Owner wishes to cxchinge tor sheep and agricultural larm irom 4UU to iiUuvue-res. For lull particulars apply e, P. M C NEILL & CO., 155 FKATHMRSIUN STREET. WELLINGTON. q*~ ACRES, Education Lease, perpetual right reuewal, compensation for improveGO menu, subdivided into 11 paddocks. GO acres stumped, 2 miles from factory and school; will carry 20 cows aud odd stock; 5-roomoa house, good shed, etc. Rent £22 Ws. Price ,£ls per acre for goodwill, .£SOO cash, balance arranged. -1 1. p ACRES, subdivided into S paddocKs, 10 acres ploughed, nil level, well fenced; JII.O ' 2 miles lrom factory and school, will carry 10 cows und odd stock; U-i-oomrd house, cowsi.ed, cuucreui floor, and ail necessary outbuildings. Price i3O per aert, iIUUO cash. YOI T Na ROMS AN!) CO., LAND AGENTS, STRATFORD AND ELTIIAM. FOB SALE~£34©O GASM. BALANCE FOR to YEARS AT 5 PER CENT. li~On ACRES .FREEHOLD, mostly undulating and oasv bills with somo flit lii Ai\y land, within G miles of good stock market, by good level metalled roi<l. Grows g-jod root and straw crops. Has just wintered SiiOO theep and f'J head of cattle Subdivided into 11 paddocks, well luiued. aud watered, l.uttage, woolshei, stables, sheep and cattle \Mrds. PRICE-- 1 :!) FEU ACRE, i'his property would subdivide well. Full particular?, from '!'• •S1 W r 'i" l\ x K f «' f r'-T TTI Tr? I? f•• Oii T?> f> Xi \ri Un 1 ili Ii 1 I•'*- • t .'J. 1 ! J! / A ,/j 3li -. : .; ij, Ali tS \J> i N, ■ TENNYSON STRCET, MAPItII. 9'"JO AC:t::S, Wellington district, clear- A <; N ,p ?''\y «'• ,« r:;ftl ; ; ." 1, ., ,r f , i'! , . v '" ~'':?:;.• rftl ACRE':, 13 m'ihs'from rnlea, and dw.lling onli'ijild u;-s: pu V ,.,\v cai- ;,?;)S adjoining I'a lea River, for Sale, rie., 150 sheep, la da:ry eo.vs s;vira. o];,, _ v )>L ,„,,. ..,. v . a || c i ( . am! |„, t hors.s and young saak. .lull poultry : a-ad , in IWCS . vk]] Ull ,j.ii : .,i lls , eounfrv. and 50 dueks; owner lias a carrying biisiti.*-, t . arr : os . o, 5 ; K11 ,,, !o acr ,,. ~ ;;. roomo ,l h.mso also mail delivery,, wlncn brijigv in .M j, ~t . w ir. ,f 01l „,,,,,,,,.„■, tosolher with largo ynar. Several nuns in district; is per s |, r d, dip, and she,-p'vards Price. £6 per acre for Freehold. Icrtns t roperl.i oun- ao , v C |- on n | i . l i rillr . 0 s !lcr cent, id by a widow, who cannot manage. Ap- n , nu ,,. , vj || s ,,i| fts n ., jnf , c . MQmx \m ply to F. P. Welch. Ivstate Agcm, .Mask-r s ] loP p at present on property. Apply ton. "Snip," "llniiiiiiion" Office.

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Dominion, Volume 4, Issue 1233, 15 September 1911, Page 10

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Page 10 Advertisements Column 7 Dominion, Volume 4, Issue 1233, 15 September 1911, Page 10

Page 10 Advertisements Column 7 Dominion, Volume 4, Issue 1233, 15 September 1911, Page 10