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A LONG TOW TO LYTTELTON. The Wellington Steam Ferry ConiDany's steamer Duchess arrived back in Welling- &» £ i l ),n K y S, s J lo " iay from L.vttelton. The Duchess left Wellington with tho Ital- ? w n" 1 ™"" 0 hr ' n "» a ■" to ,w for Lyttolton at 2.30 p.m. on Saturday last. Light northM h r » iß ,? s pr "- ail « d ""til within: M miles of Lyttelton, when a "south-westerly" eamo up. There was a bis S.E. roll all the way down, as the result of tho recent heavy weather, makins a. very heavy strain on the tpw line. Lyttcltnn ftarbour was reached at 9 p.m. on Sunday, and the baroue dropped anchor in the stream soon afterward The Duchess .loft Lyttelton two ftour 3 later, and experienced light variable winds with a slight S.E. roll all tho wa° up the coast, arriving at Wellington after a. run of 17 hours. M>wVJi nc " used for tow' consisted of 50 fathoms of chain, EO fathoms of wire hawser, and 30 fathoou of coir spring. NEW GERJfAN-AUSTItALIAN LINER. ARRIVAL OF FREMANTLE. «3 e , larEest TB ssel of her line, and the list of seven steamers, of similar size and Mpe, intended for tho trade between Continental ports and the Commonwealth, the now GermaiKlustralian liner FreraanUe attracted special attention upon her arrival ■jL. M f lbo J u 7| c - °n July , 22 - Likc a " other \cs«ols of this fleet, the Premantle carries cargo only, no accommodation for passengers being provided. A splendidly-modcl-jed.Binslc-screw vessel, the Fremantle was built of steel at Uccstcmundo. Her dead-S-iJWI' i Cap?d !l y or is C(lual t0 9600 tons, whilst she is <69ft. long over all, with a Oeani of 57ft. Sin. Her equipment for the safe and rapid handling of freight is comnlete, and of the moat modern pattern. It includes 17 derricks and 15 winchos, one of tho winches being capable of lift'nVb ¥"}?• wh ! lc the average capacity of each of the others is seven tons. If required her engines are capable of driving the vessel at a speed of 14 nautical milc3 an hour, but ordinarily a speed of 13 knots an hour will be maintained. An excellent tost of her seafaring qualities were experienced by tho liner on her voyage to Melbourne, and Captain Madrcn, )i "> \",, c, i mmai,d ' 6i,ys thnt she more than fulfilled expectations. Throughout her passage across .the Southern Ocean, from Algoa. Ray, the vessel was almost continually buffeted by furious. ga! M and prodigious seae, in which, however she suffered no damage, comparatively littlo water being shinned. At Al"oa Bay the Fremantle was detained for two (lays tailing on board portion of the salved cargo from the Itzehoe. which was lost off Port Elizabeth some time ago. WEEK'S SYDNEY BOAT, bearing Sydney at 2 p.m. on Saturday for Wellington direct, thin week's boat-tho narnmoo-is bringing 150 passengers for New Zealand. Sho should arrive in port early to-morrow morning. Included in her passengers will be those who came out to Sydney by tho North Gorman Lloyd steamer Oocoen.

TOXGAEIBO FOJ! LONDON. Shortly after 6 a.m. yesterday the Jfcw ™v ? 7 r S t h \S" , n - K ? om VW'* R-M-S. Tonganro left Wellington, via way ports, for London, tills being her laet voyace as a direct mail steamer. On her siitiEcmient voyages to New Zealand she will be a °«go boat only. The vessel, which is due fn r L-destination on or about September •' . &? foUowini: cargo :-From Wol--1 ngton-1211 bales wool, 18 bales rabbitskins, 1 package greenstone, 21 package-, sundries, 9 cam honey, 376 orates chcojc 876 sacks copra. 16,174 carcasses mutton,' 8 bales basils » sacks hair, 15 sacks leather, low, 1915 bales hemp. From Lytteltoucasks tallow. 194 casks pelts. 632 bales wool, 30 casks oleo, C 6 hales skins, 30 cases sheep 8 tonguea. 4 casks casings, 3 casiis sweepings, 10 packages sundries. From Ti-maru-42 tallow. 15 casks nelts. 411 bales wool, 20 baics skins, 13 casks casine" 5289 carcasses mutton, 10.041 carcasses lamb* 1 package sundries. 1794 pieces mutton' From Oamani-17 bales skins. 3 bales woof From Duncdin-99 casks tallow. 78 bales wool. 120 baies sheepskins, 92 bales rabbitskins, 2m4 carcasses mutton, 2089 carcasses lamb, 1000 crates rabbits, 12 packages sundries. 169 crn,to3 kidneys, 4 crates sweetr breads. From BlulT-11l casks tallow U casks pelts, 563 bales wool, (1 bales skins 6 bales rabbits. 12 casks casings. 1516 carcasses mutton. 19.600 carcasses lamb. 138 hales hcrni), 1500 crates rabbits, 202 sacks fescue.

SUSSEX FliOM LIVERPOOL. Flue weather was experienced throughout the voyage of the F.-K.-S. Line's steamer Sussex, which arrived in tho stream from Liverpool on Sunday night, Tho only "incident was a big sra, which broke on board just before tho vessel reached Hobart. Several steam pipes on the after dock were thereby displaced and damaged, and the storc-hourc on tho port side amidships was a-Iso damaged.

Tho Sussex is in commaud of Oantain J. Clark (lat« of the Norfolk), and tho' officers associated wllh him aro-.-Chief. Mr. J. K. Crant; second. Mr. R. Oard; third, Mr. O. Young; fourth. Mr. It. Cockburn. Mr. R. Dick is chief engineer. Mr. W. Taylor fccond, Mr. R. Price third, Mr. W. Smith fourth, and Jfr. R. K!cy fifth, whilo the chief refriccraline cncinocr is Mr. R. BifFon and Mr, It. Griffith second, M>. t. Carter is Etaward-in-charge, and Mrs. Taylor Ptflwanlesf.

It is exnectod that the steamer will complete discharge, of the WclUncton portion of her cargo in time for her in continue her journey to Uvttclton ar.d Duncdin on Saturday. AXGLO-PATAGOKIAN. Messrs. Da.lgcty and loral acentp for the U.S. and A. I,ino, have received advice which states the steamer Anglo-P.atagnninji arrived a.f JTelbourno from Mew York on Wednesday lasl. She makes calls at Sydney and Auckland en route to Wellington, and is due hero about August 23. KEXT LEAVES MVEBPOOIi. Cable advire received bv the local agenta for the F.-11.-S. I.iun, intimates that. the. steamer Kent left Liverpool for' Wellington, vi.T Australian ports a.nd Auckland, on Saturday last. She is due at tho northern port on Scplember 2->. and should bo due horo a.hout October 3. KAITOXA LEAVES NF.WCASTI.E. The local office of tho Union Compa.ny j in receipt of advice from Newcastle, stating that (ho Knituna. cleared for X.ipier and Wellington nt 9 p.m. on Saturday. WAIMATK AT JIEIiDOUHNE. A Pros? Association message received from Melbourne is to the. effect that the New //cala.nd Shipping Company's steamer Waimate. bound from Montreal In Wellington, via wnv ports, .i.rrivei , . on Sinidoy She is due at, Wellington about. Anirust 19. lIELKX PENXVK VOYAGE. About 2.21) p.m. yesterday tho ha,rnue. Helen Honny, wliich arrival at. a,n anchorage in tho oh th" nrevious evoning berthed at. tho Railway Wharf to discharge her o-irgn of Newcastle e-onl. Captain Holm, tor master. /'lnto- that ho has experienced advoco winds all tho way across the Sci. Ho sichtod Firpwell Spit mi July Hi. hut could not gn| through Hie Strait, 110 was anohorri , . niid.-'r Sieohon'<: Island 'wind bound) for three days.' The passage occupied 22 dii.yc.

On Sunday, ,Tn'v 7.3, Hie Senoritn, reached Hobt-on's Bny. having left Whancane 24 days prEviouEly, She brought J2O,COMt. of fivm iauri and wttito ulna,

Heavy p>a!cs were a feature of the.last trip from Sew Zealand ol the baraucntino Senc-rita. In one of these she was driven far out of her course over towards the Tasmanian coast, which, of course, materially contributed to her somewhat protracted passage. llatipiri, s.s., is due at Wellington from Linvstono Island, via East Coast iwrts, to-day. It is expected to dispatch her for Westport this evening, .and she returns thence with coal. The Kowh-ii leaves nori for Ureymouth some time to-day. While at, Liverpool this trip, the P.-H.-S. steamer Sussex had her injured bow repaired. It will be remembered that the vessel was in collision at Las Palm.ns whilst outward bound on her previous vovaee. The repairs only took nine days

to"clfcct. Arrivinc at Greymouth from Wcllinffton, via. way ports, at 11 a.m. yesterday, the Arahura was to have left on the return trip at midnight. The Wanaka is scheduled to leave Westport at 12 to-nicht with a load of coal far WclHiißloii. To-morrow the To Anau withdraws from the WclliUßton-Pielon-Nclson pervice. and tho I'nlecna. takes up her old runninfj. The latter steamer makes a tnu to Greymouth and back. Wnitctnata. s.f.. leaves Timaru for Wellington riirrci to-day. She is snheaulcci to take her departure for Xanier, Gisbonie and Auckland 10-inorrow. Advice received at the local office of the Union Company states that Ihe Uaurolo, which was ilamatced whilst bcrihinc at tho Napicd , breakwater recently, leaves papier for Auckland direct to-day. She leaves tho northern port, acain for the iisunl KaM- Ooq-M, ports on Thursday, and ia Aue nl WcJlinctoß on Monday nest. She leaves acain on Hip sanio day for Lyttcliflii and Jhincdiu. Captain U. Kitchie, assumed command of the Jlapourika yesterday. Captain Anpus (lately in command! commoners duty as assistant surveyor of ships at ton to-dr.y. To-morrow (he Palea Khippim Company's slcamrr Arap.iwa comes oft" the Patent Slip, and Ihe Union Company s tup Te.rawhili will lie placed thereon. Following her, the Kn.piti rocs up for overhaul. The ketch Taylor is undercoinc repairs at Wellington. Her riecine and deck tittimrs are reccivinK attention. Due at Wellineton from London, via. Auckland and Nanier. on Saturday. Ihe Tyer slcamcr Muritai will (upon comnl'ction of discharge here) proceed to Australia, to load for Home. The Defender, is due in port, from Lytlelton to-morrow nicht. a-nd Jeavcn ou the following day for Karamca. Jlr. .1. Low has been eiiKaccd as second enViuecT 'if llin ftcatuor Kennedy. Captain Ha.rErcaven, of the Union Company's tim Natonc. has hecn ernntod holiday leave, and his place has been tjikon by Cnntuiii nvsui. On Friday next, the Zealand Shinpine Oompany's sle-imer Kaikonra, is lo leave London for lluncdin direct. She is Hue at the southern port about September

" An expected arrival a.t Wolliniston on Thnrrday i« I lie plcamci' Vuttki. from Timam n-iid Jij-ttelton. She lea-voi> on (ho L-nrae day for flriwniquth. Curtain Clarke late chief bfilcor of the r.-H.-S. liner Norfolk, lias hcon mnstCT of thr ftcamor Sussex, nnd Captain nmiter haii t.ikpn charirc of thn s.s. Kfjscx. while Captain JiobertFon lias been niuiointod t<l the Durham. The smn.ll ften.nier Clnn H<isp left X cw . ra.-st.lp on July 24 for Frcmantlc with J«0 lons of co.nj a.nd 500 tons of bunkers. After dischaigini? her enruo nt. FrcinanUp fhc vrU\ nroowd to Bunbury to ntain load Jarxah lor Kcw. Zealand porti<

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Dominion, Volume 4, Issue 1194, 1 August 1911, Page 7

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DUCHESS RETURNS. Dominion, Volume 4, Issue 1194, 1 August 1911, Page 7

DUCHESS RETURNS. Dominion, Volume 4, Issue 1194, 1 August 1911, Page 7