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Messrs. Dalgety and Co., Ltd., report having held their fortnightly stock salo at Upper Unit oil Thursday last. A large yarding of both shcop nml cattle was offered. Sheep were in good demand, and wo report a total clearance Cattle, however. were rather dull of sale, and several lines had to bo passed, owners' reserves not being reiclied. The following priccß were realised-.—Two-tooth f.f.m. owes, 7s. 7d. to Bs. Id.; f.m. owes, 65.; two and four-tooth wethers, 10s. 7d.; mixed lambs, 65.; fat wethers, 13s. 6d. to 13s. 9d.; fat ewes, ICe. Bd.; fat owes and wethers, 12s. 3d.; springing cows, £6 17s. 6d. to £7 10s.,- cows,calves at foot, £5 to £8 2s. 6d.; springing hcifere, £6 to £7 10s.; hcifera in calf, £3 12s. 6d. to £4 173. 6d.; fat cows, £5 2s. to £5 7s. 6d.; store cows, £1 12s.' 6d. to £2 17s. 6d.; yearling heifers, £2 55.; wcauer calvefl, 225.

. Messrs. Dalgety and Co., Ltd., Teport having held their usual weekly salo at Ekotahuna yesterday. Tho report states:—Wo ottered an exceptionally heavy yarding of both sheep and cattle to a fair attendance, hliecp dragged at auction, and in most cases vendors had to lower their reserves beforo wo could do business, but wo made practically a total clearance beforo the end of the day, Oattlo sold well at lato values. We quote:—Shcop; Two-tooth wethers,- 9a„ 9s. 6d.,' 10s.; 10s. 4d„ to lis. 7d.; two-tooth ewos, lis., lis. 10d., 12s. Id., to 12s. 6d.; ewes, 7s„ 7s. 6d., to 7s. 10d.; poorer sorts, 3s. 6d. to 6s. 9d.; storo lambs, 3s„ 3s. 7d., to ss. Sd.; rape lambs, 7s„ 7s. sd. to Bs. 3d. Cattlo: Springing heifers, £3 15s. to £4; mixed .weaners, 215.. 225. Cd„ 265. to 285.; fat cows, £4, £4 ss„ to £4 155.; empty cows, £2 120. 6d., £2 17s„ to £3. Messrs. Abraham and Williams, Ltd., report on their Johnsonrille sale, held on Wednesday, as follows;—A good yarding of cattle, and a heavy increase of sheep came forward, and sold at lato rates. Prime heavy bullocks, £9 17s. 6d. to £10; lighter, £8 15s. to £9 55.; light, £7 12s; 6d. to £8; vealers. 28s. to 305.; good wethers, 14s. Sd. to 15s. 3d.: good owes, 13s. 7d. to 145.; light do., 12s. 6d. to 135.; plain light, 10s. to lCs. 4d.; primo lambs, 12s. to 12s. Ud.; plain lambs, 9s. 6d. to 10s.; primo shorn, 10s. 6d. to lis.: plain. 7s. 6d. to Bs. Sd.

Messrs. Dalgcty and Co., Ltd. (Dannevirko branch) report on this week's sales as follows:—llonday: Wo held our fortnightly sale at Woodvillo yards, when there was only a small entry of stock, with one exception wo - elwrcd all the stock at the following prices:—Fat and forward ewes. 9s. 6d.: fat and forward lambs, 95.; f.f.m. ewes. 6s. to 6s. 9d.; 18month steers,' £3 55.: yearling steers, £1 183.. 6d. to £2 55.; light fat cows, £4 ss. Tuesday, Weber stock sale: .We yarded a eood 'entry of sheep anil a few cattle. There was, however, only a small attendance of buyers, and vendors were in most cases not prepared to accept prices offered, we sold shorn mixed lambs at ss. lid.; five-year Lincoln rams,' 2Ds. Wednesday: Wo held our fortnightly rale at the Makotuku yards. Our entry comprised a fair number of sheep and 112 head of cattle. With tho exception of three head, wo cleared all cattlo. but sheep wcro not in (Croat demand; four and five-year ewes sold at 63. 7d.; aged ewes, 3s. 7d.; acted ramß, 10s.,- fat heifers, £4 55.; fat and forward cows, £3 155.; storo cows, £2 10s. to £2 155.; cows-and-calves. £2 ss. to £3 IBs.; nged store cows. 20s. t6 305.; weaner steers, 275. 6d.; good Holstein cross weaner heifers, 375. 6d.; mixed weaners, • 255. to 265. 6d.; other weaner lieifors, 20s. to 245. Cd. Thursday: We held n, special rale of stock, on account of various clients, in Mr. L. 0. Breakwell's yards, Nfrapaeruni (kindly lent for tho occasion). Entries did not come up to' advertised numbers, but we yarded over 2CCO sheep and a few cattle, and. with two oxceotions, all shcop changed hands. Tho salo'was encouraeing to.both vendors and auctioneers, and it was decided to hold another in the same yards intho course, of a few weeks.' Fat ewes sold at 10s. 6d.: two, four,and wethers, lis. 2d.: two-tooth ewes, 12s. to 12s. 4d.; two-tooth to four-year • ewes, 9s. 9d. to 9s. 10d;: two-tooth'to five-year ewes, 6s. lbd. to 7s. Id.; small mixed two-tooths, Bs. 3d.; five-year, ewes,ss. 2d. to 6s. 10d.; culls, 2s. Id. tb 3s. 3d.; cull lambsv. 3s. to'3s.* 6d.: Southdown rams, £3 35.; Romncv ranis, 1} guineas; cows and 'calves, ■£4 15s. Ed.; 18month steers. £3 2s.'6d. •

Mcssn. Dalgety -find Co.. Ltd.; Teport as follows:—Jt our Dannevirko sale yesterdav wo offered a good entry of cattle, but only a few sh«ep camo forward. There was a good attendance of buyers,, and most line? changed hands. A better tone was noticeable throughout the r.alo thin was the case last week, but no appreciable advance in prices was notinoable. Shorn wether lambs'sold at.. ss. 9d.; culls. 35.; prime fat. cows, from Otopo Station, f-6 75.; others, £5 65.: storo rows, 453 ; Folsteinorots weaner heifers. 455.: others. 335. 6d.; oicliteon-mnnths steers. 50s. to 605.: twoyear heifers, 705.; porker pigs, 17s. to 255. 6d.

; Messrs. DdlkcUt and Co., Ltd., Tcport as follows:—We neld our monthly salo in tho Martinborough yards on Thursday. Tho yarding was chiefly composed ofewe3 of good and fair quality, and competition i for tho former was very keen. A featuro of tho salo was the annual draft of cwe3 from • Mr. J. M'Lcod's "Wliakapuni" flock. For tho past threo years, wo havo sold these ewc3 -by public auction, and competition on each occasion- has been exceptionally keen. Tho ewes camo forward in splendid order and condition', and record priccs (for this season) wero established for the different lots offered, 200 two-tooth ewes bringing 17s. 2d.; 250 flvo-ycar-old ewes, 15s. 7d.; 100 four-year-old owes, 14s. lid.; 100 ■ four-year ewe 3, 14s. 3d. Prices on a par with late rates wero also ruling, for all tho other lots offered, and, at tho end of i tho day. wo only passed out two lots unsold. Wo Quote as . follows:—Two-tooth owes. 12s. Ed.: B.m. ewes (on account of Mr. K. M'Leod), lis. 2d.: others, at from 9a. 3d. to 10s. Id.: cull owes, 4s. 9d.; twotooth wethers, lis. 3d.; medium woolly lambs, 7s. 9d.; small lambs, 3s. 2d. to 4s. 9d.

The New Zealand Loan and Mercantile Agency Co., Ltd., report for tho week ended February 25 as follows:—At Kimbolton, on Tuesday, a. good entry of sheep camo forward, but few cattle. Sheep met with a. dragging sale. Quotations:—F.F.M. owes, Ids. 4d.;. Inixed-agc owes, 9s. 3d.; wethor. lambs, 6s. 7d.; cull owes, 6s. 10d.; cull lambs, 3s. to 3s. 9d. At itangiwahia, on Wednesday, thero was a good entry of Bhecp and a small yarding or cattle. Bidding at auction was not brisk, but most of tho lines wero Quitted after the sale.' Quotations:—Sheep: B.M. owes, 75.; forward owes, Bs.; two-tooth ewes, 12s. to 13s. 6d.; two-tooth aether:-', 12s. Id.; small lambs, 3s. to 3s. 7d. Cattle: Dairy heifers, £3 17s. 6d.; weancr heifers, 345. At our annual Feilding fair on Friday we yarded just on SC-C0 sheep, and wo effected practically a clearance. The Quality of tho cheep yarded was very good, being much better than that submitted at the last few fairs, Tlio ircault was that buyers (many of ;whoin had como from outlying districts) operated freely. Wo quote :-On account of Mr. J. Palmer, 154 mixed-ago ewes,

Us. Id.; ditto, 96 two-tooth ewes, 13s. 9d.; on account of Mr. Alfred Kidd, 272 Romney owes, 16s. Sd.; on account of llowcn Bros-, 401 two-tooth owes, 13s. 6d.; on account of Mr. William Norton, 169 twp-tooth wethers, 12s. 3d.; ditto, 95 f.m. owes (poor), 6s. 10d.; on account of Mr. 0. Stern, 95 f.m. ewes, 7s. 4d.; on account of Mr. Kutherford, 161 two-tooth owes, 15s. Bd.; on account of William Morton, 106 two-tooth ewes, lis. 7d.; on account of John Williamson,. 119 rape lambs, 7s. <d.; on account of Stephens Bros., 74 lambs. ss; Id.; on account of Mr. T. A. Smith, 115 mixed-ago ewes, lis. 7d.; on account of Mr. F. E. Pickering, 204 Romney owes, 12s. 10d.; on account of Mr. A. Banks, 96 four-year ltomney owes, 15s. 6d.; on account of Mr. A. Banks, ICO aged owes, lis. 6d.: on account of Mr. A. Banks, 73 two-tooth Romney owes, IBs.; on account of Mr. 11. Smith, 144 mixed-ago ewes, 10s.; on account of' Messrs. Bowon Bros., 526 three and four-year owes. 12s. Sd.; ditto, 75, lis. 9d.; on account of Twig Bros., 13 twotooth ewes, 12s. 6i!.; on account of Mr. T. A. Smith, 15 two-tooth wethers, 12s. Bd.; on account of Mr. W. Held, 57 f.m. ewes, Bs.; on account of Mr. 0. Stern, 42 fourtooth ewes. 12s. Cd.; on account of Messrs. Stephons Bros., 81 mixed-ago ewes, Bs.: on account of Mr. W. E. -L. Banks, 70 twotooth owes, 13s. 6d.; on account of Mr. A. Gust, 162 uixed-age ewes. 6s, 7d.; on account of Mr. W. 13. L. Banks. 119 owes. Bs. 7d.; ditto, 71 aged owes, 9s. 2d.; on account of Mr. T.. S. Cornish, 102 two-tooth Romney owes, 165.; on account of Mr. H. P. Taylor. 9t two-tooth Lincoln ewes, 13s. 3d.: on account of Lovo Bros.. 189 ewes, Bs. Ed.; on account of Mr. D. Bell, 50 ewes, 95.; on account of Mr. 0. TurnbuU, 157 ewes, 9a. Also several smaller lines at ruling rates.

Mr. Newton King's weekly stock report Is as follows:—At Wniwakaiho, on Friday, February 17, weaners made 19s. to 21a. 6(1.; 15-months steers. 375.: two and a halfyear 6teors, £4 14s.| heifers, 1MV.8., £4 2s. to £4 12s. 6d.; storo cows, £3 ss. to £3 165.: cows In milk, £5 3s. to £5 4s. 6d.; springing heifers, £4 2a. 6(1., £5 155.; bulls, £3 ss. to £5; stag, £5 35.; woolly lambs, lis. 4i1.; f.ra. ewef, 9s. 9(1. At Douglas slioep fair, on Jloudny, there was a good yardins, with a largo attendance of buyers. Tho business was not very keen at tho hammer, but a fail - amount of business was effected afterwards. Lanius niado 7s. to B*. 2d.; f«t do., 10s. 4d.; oull lambs, 2s. 7d. to 4j. 6d.; two-tooth owes, 155.: small do., 9s. 9d.i four-tooth do., 9s.' 9d.; sixtooth to f.rn. ewes. 9s. 9d.; f.m.. do., ss. 6(1. to ss. 10(1,; cull do., 2s. 7d. to os. 9d.; fat do.. Its. Id.; two-tooth wethers, lis. 10d. to lis. lid.; fat ewes and wethers, lis. Bd.; two-tooth Itornnoy rams. 2gns. to 3gns.; four-tooth do., 2»gns.; f.m. do., H to 2Jgns.; two-tooth Lincoln ram?, 1J to 2igus.; twotooth Border Llncolns, 2J to 4gns.; old rams, ,7s. 6d.. to 10s. At Stratford, on Xuejday, I held a Treacci; iait in ooujuue-

tlon with my ordinary cattle sale, when there was a large yarding of young and store cattle, ana between "-400 . ana . 500 weaners were penned. ;;Bidding' for;.store cattlo was not, .but there was a good demand for wcaners, and most lines sold at prices ellglitly- in advanco of lato sales. Mired weaners made 21s. to 28s. 6(1.: weaner heifers, 30s. to 355.; stores,- 345.; Jersey-heifers, £2 155.; 18 to ZO-months steers; £3'175.. to £3 18.; 15-months heifers, £1 135.; store cows, £3 to £3 18s.; forward do.. £4 Is., to £4 103.; fat cows, £4 15a. to £5 25.; twj-year 8.W.8., £4 45.; steers, £3.45.'6 d.; bulls, £3 to £5; four pair working bullocks and dray, £55. At Stony River, on Wednesday, weaners made £2 2s. 6cl. to £3 65.; yearling to 15months heifers. £3 to £3 55.; 15-months steers, £3; store cows, £3 9s. to £3 155.; forward do., £4 to £4 125.; fat cows, £5 lis. to £5 155.; two-year • heifers 1t.W.8., £3 17s. 6d.> to . £4 12s. 6d.; springing cows, £5; bulls, to £5; a line of dairy , cows, sold on account of Mr. W. 8.-'-Smith,' rangedfrom £3 -to £6.155.;-, woolly- lambs,, lat, made, lis. Id.; four, and six-tooth fat wethers, 14s. Id!; fat ewes, 10s'.' 3d.; f.m..: ewes, Bs.; shorn lamb 3. 7s. Bs. ' At Waiwakaiho, on Thursday, I held my annual sheep fair, when there was a full yarding, and a fair amount" of business was done, either at the hammer, or afterwards. Woolly lambs made Bs.; shorn lambs, 4s. 9d.. to ss. 9d.; fat woolly lambs, 13s. 3d.; two-tooth ewes, 12s. to 155.; fourtooth to f.m.. .ewes, 10s.. 6d., f.m. ewes, 3s. 6d. to ss. Id.; cull ewes, 26. 2d. to 35.; fat ewes' and' wethers, 'lSs? 10d;; twotooth Lincoln rams,, li to ljgns.i six-tooth, [rams, 1 to lgn.; four and six-tooth P.B. Shropshire ewes, 305.; ltvmb ranis, 3gns.

■■■• HAM PAIR.'- •• Tho aimriaf ram fair was held - by ' the New Zealand Loan and Mercantile Agency Co., Ltd., .Abraham and Williams, Ltd., and Dalgety : and Co.. Ltd.-, at' the Palmcrston saleyards on Tuesday. The rams on tho whole were-not up to the average of previous years, due no doubt to the dry season,'and also to the largo number now disposed of privately.- ■ However, there were several good, pens of : Bomney and Lincolns that elicited keen - competition, and sold well at very'satisfactory prices. English and i Border Leicesters. wero not sought after,. and few buyers were prepared to pay bigh values for Southdowns and Shropshires.--.There .was a fair.attendance of buyers, and the greater- proportion of the rams offered were "sold. Sales wero mado on account of various vendors as under;— . 1 . .. • • - , ; Studs.. , .-■ , .. . Eomncys.—On account .of. W... A. Ellis, Marton, 5 to 171gns.; S. Standen, Feilding, 71 to 9ierrts.: E. J. Wilson, Johnaonville, 1 at Bgns.; H. E. AUen. Otaki, l at 63gns. " Flocks. "' "]?: -;. i-" ' English Leicesters.—On account : of Slack Bros., 2 to 2igns., averago 2}gns.' Border Leicesters—On account of Slack Bros., 2 to 2Jgns„ ,average,,2Jgns.;,„Yr. B. T. Pearce, 2J to 4gns., average 2igns.; J. B. Beid, ll~to''2|rnS.';-average'llgns.r'N: Neilsoif, .3gns„-average,,3gns., Southdown—On account of D. Jlunro, 6 to 6Jgns.," '&if6ra'ge7(ijgns'.'" : Shropshire:,.—On account of P. Bull, li to 4gns., average 2?gns.;- W.- o.'Davis, li gns., average ligns.; Wi B. Y. Poarce, 2i gns„ avorage -2}gns. ■— • . ■ Lincolns:—On acconnt of' JV-Balsillie, 1 to 3gns.i average. 2)gns,; L. O...Bremer, 1 to 2gns., average ljgns:; -W.- 0.. Davis,-1. to 2 gns., ;ligng.; i.L.-M'Kenzie; 15 to 7gns.,' average'3fgns.; J. Hastings.. 2J "to'. 7gns., average'4igns:; H. D. Buchanan, 1} to 2Jgns., itverage'lljgns.;' 0. T.'-"Ke«blo. J to ',3gns.,' average - 33gns.; -M'Kenzle's Estate, 3- to s}gno., average,;4gns. ": - Romneys.—On- account of 0 Bryant and Sons, 3 to..;4}gnsV average ,3;gns.; F. Kensington, U' to 23gn5.,. average ~21gn8.; -L. M'Kenzio" (bred by:J." o."Batchelar), :33 to 6}gns.,, average s}gns.;,H.' E. Allen,' 2 to Glens.; average232ns. VE. Tanner, : 3 'to .7 gns., average 43gns.-; Slack Bros., 2 to 4gns., averagi 23gns.; W. Voss, 11 to 63giis., average 4Jgns.; P.. E. Cresswell, ligns., average ligns.; OjuStratton, 23 to sgns„ averago 32gns.; ■E, Standen, 21 to 41gns„ average 33gns.: ILH-' M'Kenzie (bred by H. Harding), ,2.1 'tS-Sgns. l , average 23gns.; Bealey Bros., 2gns., average 2gns.; J. B. Eeid, 3 gns.,. average 3ghs.; S. J. Toxward,_ Jgns., average igna.; J. Harding, 3gns., average' 3gns.; Ladd and Co.; l)gn^,'average ligns.; J. O.- Batchelar, 25- to, 4gns.,; average:2|gns.

A boy of 13 informed-the St.' Pancras Coroner 'at''an. jiinuest/tKntJ;hfi",did, ; ji6t; know! wttit att'cath'vrns, .had.never; hejird of the Bible,", and iiicl' riot'know',Vliit/it was to sjje&k'/tlie truth.'/

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Dominion, Volume 4, Issue 1061, 25 February 1911, Page 13

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LIVE STOCK SALES. Dominion, Volume 4, Issue 1061, 25 February 1911, Page 13

LIVE STOCK SALES. Dominion, Volume 4, Issue 1061, 25 February 1911, Page 13