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KAEAMEA- HAKBOTJR AGAIN. Yesterday morning the Marino' Departeffect that, owing to the shoaling-up of the channel insido .the bar, both the MangaFipa and Wairau took the ground at the north beach on Tuesday. The Mangapapa was refloated yesterday morning, but the Wairau remained hard and fast. It'was. however, considered likely that she would be floated off on yesterday afternoon's tide. The telegram did not state whether the vessels had sustained any damage or not. The cca was said to be very smooth at the time of the mishap. . SHIPWRECK REPORT. DENIED. A statement which appeared in somo of the Australian as well as New Zealand papers to tho effect that tho Shaw, Savill, and Albion Company's steamer Athenic was standing by a shipwreck while cu routo from London to Hobart is denied by tho officers of tho Athenie now at Wellington. It was reported at the time that the Turakina, while at Cape Town on December 17, had received tho information, but that the nanio or whereabouts of the wreck was not given. ARRIVAL OF THE MOERAKI. : . At 8.10 a.m. yesterday this week's direct boat from Sydney—tho Moeraki—dropped anchor in the Stream at Wellington., The vessel left tho New South Wales port at 2.30 p.m. on Saturday last, and after a fino weather passage, which was characterised by light easterly winds and smooth seas, arrived as above. Tho Moeraki berthed at the Queen's Wharf No. 1 north to discharge her Wellington cargo, which consists of tho following lines :-205 packages tea, 195 bales kapok, 336 bags ricemeal, 2CBI boxes sultanas, 10 case.l phonographs, 24 cases Scott's emulsion, 980 bags pollard, 47 bundles spring steel, ,300 .cases wax. 214 packages printed matter, 644 cases fruit, 957 pieces timber, 50 drums sheep dip, 60 bags flour. 830 pockets sugar. 11 boxes leutils, 53 boxes haricol beans IB drums whito spirit, 10 drums pyrdine. JO drums wood spirit 34 cylinder C.0.Q.. 230 bags ochre, 20 boxes grease, 264 boxes soap, ,830 bags rice, 100 bags peanuts. 50 cases champagne. <8 cases sewing machines, 18 cases marble, 17 crates melons. 480 loose melons 19 cask 3 chemicals. 100 cases Schnapps. 22 bans clover seed, 54 packages strawboard:-. 147 cases gin 30 carboys acetic acid. 10 uruns acetic ,ii-id. 10 kegs'arscnit, and a large ouaniity of sundries. She brought transhipments ox the following vessels: China. Mantua, Van Waerwyck, Hymottus. Bombala, Aiisterlle. Gncicenau, Hamburg. Antwerp, Rotterdam, Marseilles, and Tlamin. la continuation of her journey to southern ports and Melbourne the Moeraki leaves port at 5 p.m. to-day. lONIC SAILS TO-DAY. HEK PASSENGER LIST. Passengers by the Shaw, Savill and Albion Company's K.M.S. lonic, which is to "il from the Glasgow Wharf at 3 p.m. to-day Tor London, aro requeued to have ihr\r lindane and elfccts alongside the '• earner by 11 a.m. to-day. The. following is a li=t of those who have booked pastsaee* —Saloon—Mcsdames liroadhead. Corver "iicad, F.. Heme, Herring, Israel, LorI raine S. M'Larra, Myers, Orr. Preston, Ronton, Sawers, Squire, Wayuiouth, Hisses Barnicoat, A. Bowcn, M. Bowen, Broadttoad, Burnett. Gillipa. Graham. Head. Mao.

kenzic, Heme, M.' C. M'Laren,- A. J. M'Larcn, Morris, Niven, Benton, •• Scott, Solomonsen, Waymouth, Wayn, ■ Masters Broadhead, Head, G. Mye-rs, It. Myers,. Lieut.-Col. H. F. Head, Drs. P. T. Herring, G. Guerin, Revs. Father Cooney, Maxwell. Messrs. Benjahn, H. Broadhead, H. D. Broadhead. B. A. Brcadhead, Corver, Cowling. Davy, J. Graham, A. Graham, Head, Howarth, 'israol, Lilico, -Mansbridge, MiUa, M'Laren, M. Myers, A. Myers, Orr. W. D. Preston, Pauchctt, ,D.. H.' .Preston, A..J).. Eoljertson, Squire, Waymouth. Third-class —Mesdames Corjtorphcnc, Culven. Frank,' Hamilton, Mickel, Mitchelll Morrish, Portsr( Misses Anthony, K. Corstorphens, A. Corstorphene, Earnshaw, Gillard, Hamilton, Long, Mitchell.. Morrish, Parker (2), Porter, Makers H. ilorrish, L. Morrish, A. Morrish. Messrs. Barnas. Barker, Byrno, David, Gibson, Ilazelgrove, Hunter, Holmes, Jones, Lee, Miller. Mitchell. Morrish. Parris. Porter. Roberts, Eobson, Bon-land, Smith, West. Williamson, Young. Ths vessel, which makes calls, at Monto VidM, Rio do Jsneiro, Teneriffe, and' Plymouth, is due at London on' March 10. AEEITAL OF THE ATHENIO; ■ ONE DAY LATE. The- B.M.S. Athcnic, from London, for Wellington, via i'lynioutn, Teneruie, Cape Town, ana Hobart, Ml me Koyal Albert Dock at i>.3o a.m. on December 1, ancliored at Uravoseud.v and embarkcu passeugers, leaving at 2.45 p.m. Had strung s.o.Vv. wind and clear weather down' Channel, arririnu at Plymouth 4.28 p.m. December ID. Departure was taken at 11.35 p.m. samo aay. Had strong S.S.W. mnd to moderate S.W. gale and high head seas crossing the. Bay, then moderate to light westerly winds and hue weather to Teneriue, arriving 11 p.m. December 15. Departure was taken from I'oneritt'e at 10.35 a.m. on December 16. Had moderate N.E. winds and tine weather to Bdeg. N.; light southerly winds to the Equator, which was crossed December 22; then moderate to fresh S.S.E. winds, with . moderate head sea and fino weather to Cape Town, arriving at 5.20 a.m. December 31. After coaling, departure was taken at 6.35 a.m. January 1, 1911. Had moderate to fresh westerly winds to 6udeg. E.; then moderate to fresh northerly winds, overcast, and cloudy to 140c!eg. E.; then moderate to fresh W.S.W. winds to the llcwstone, which was passed on January 20 arriving . at Hobart 8.41 aim."

■ At Hobart the Athenic landed 92 passingers, meetly, saloon, and a large gon-oi-al cargo and mails for Tasmania, and Australi.i. ■ Departure from Hobart was taken-at'l.4o p.m. January 21; had light, variable winds and calm, line cloudy weathor and smooth sea to . Cape Farewell, which was passed at 6.23 a.m. January 25, arriving at anchor at Wellington 4.50 p.m. Game day,, and berthing at Queen's Wharf at 6.55 p.m.

The Athcnic has 611' passengers for all parts of the Dominion, and a general cargo of over BCCO tons, besides 335 packages of mails and parcels. ' The following is a list of officers :-Captain, Chas. H. Kcmpson (Lieut., E.N.E.); Mr. J. Hughes, chief mate; Mr. Eobt. Bold, E.N.E.; chief engineer, Mr. S. C. J. Free-man-Matthews, purser; Mr. P. J... Doyle. E.N.R., first mate; Mr. F. J. Eurd, second mate; Mr, E. K. Irving, E.N.K., third mate.; Mr. P. Bell, fourth mate; Dr. Chas. H. Wilson, surgeon; Mr. D. Whiteford, second engineer; Mr. C. Newton, tat refrigerating engineer; Mr. L. E. Magncss, second refrigerating engineer; Mr. H. Eastwood, boilcrmaker; Mr. W. Hanlon, ■ electrician; besides six junior .engineers'; Mr. Eobt. J. Sidey, chief, steward.

Bosides'the list of'passenger already published in The dominion, tho following joined the vessel at Cape Town for New Zealand ports :-Ealoon—Miss C. Jf. Hathaway, Mies J. S. Potts, Miss M. B. Shaw, Mr. P. -Van Itoden, Master Van. Eoden Mr E. Jacot, Mrs. Jacot. Second saloon-3!r. E. Horley, Miss Jr. Popple, Mr. B. Heinemann,, Mr. W. Topnam, Mr; J. Galloway.' Miss E. llaync. Miss D. Eiync. - -Third-daes-Mr. C. Klingeristein, Mrs. E. Martin, Miss Eobinson, Mr; J. Roberts, Jin E Lindlay. From-Hobart-Mr. A. M. Bowman, Mrs. Bowman. Mr. G. -W. Dickinson, Mrs! Dickinson, Mi\ T. C Dickincon, Mr. E. C. Hebden, Mr. G. W. Hobson, Mr. E Eaves Mrs. E. Sheridan,. Mrs. E.' Tucker Mi's Tucker, Jfiss L. Wayn. Mr. D. Scott Mrs Scott, Miss Stewart, Mr. W. Whitchouro] Miss E. Perry, Miss E. Pai-ker, Miss K Parker. . ' ' Tho. Athenic commenced ■ discharge •at 8 6aUs Cl for th - She ■

: The Collector of Customs at Wollinefon held a. preliminary- . inquiry yesterday morning into circumstances surrounding the sinking of the. lerry. steamer Pilot at the. Ferry Wharf on Friday morning ? anuar / J 15 - The cvi(! ™<* taken has been forwarded to tho Marine Departmsnt for further consideration. The Komata left 'Wellington for Westport last meat, and the Kamonn got 3 to-day to Lyttelton. ,T,ho, W l aipqri,, icavo port for Westport to-mororw. ' At 6 p.m. yesterday, according to telegraphic advice received in Wellington, the Scales chartered steamer o!an Grant left Auckland with a general cargo .of New Zealand products for London. Mr. J. B. Pratt. ; rcconiT officer of the Durham, is at present on shore at Wellington on sick leave, and Dr. A. 11. Miller, who was surgeon on the vessel has sinned off the articles. - - -_■ On Wednesday next the Tyser Line's steamer llarcro is due here from Wanganui Hoadstead to complete Homeward loading. She is to Eai! for London, via Las Palmas, on the following day. . • ■ • •.Messrs. Johnston and Co., local agents for tho Putiki, state that■ she is expected to reach Wellington from Lyttelton tomorrow. She sails on tho same day for the French Pass, where she will load sheep for Westport.. '-Last evening the F.-H.-S. Line's steamer Durham sailed for Lyttelton, • whore she will discharge Homo cargo. Subsequently she visits Dunedin and Bluff to complete. It is expected to dispatch tho Nairnshire for Timam to-morrow. The vessel makes Lyttelton her final port in tho Dominion, leaving there for Avouinouth on January 31. Messrs. Bannatync and Co., local agents for the Tyser Line, advise tha: the new steamer Star of India jhould arrive at Wellington on Wednesday from London, via Australian ports and Auckland. TJopn completion of discharge here the vessel commences loading for Home. On tho run up tho coast fnoni Lyttcltan to Wellington tho schooner Amelia • Sims, which arrived in port at 11.30 a.m. yester. day, encountered calms for nearly three days. When about ten miles off Wellington Heads yesterday morning the little vessel ran into a heavy N.W. gals and big sea. and was knocked about considerably. However, no damage was sustained. Upon completion of the discharge of 14C0 sacks of produce at Wellington sho sails for Lyttelton to load produce for Motncka. Captain J. JI. Drewctte re-coainiisjioned the Koromiko al Wellington yesterday, ami has the fnUlowing officers with him:Ohief. Mr. J. Baldwin (!ato Mokoia); third Mr- J- Green. The chief engineer is Mr. T. 11. Wallace; third, Mr. W. S. Hall: and fourth, Mr. J. Gilmqur. The tecond officer and second engineer have yet to be appointed. The Koromiko leaves Wellington at noon to-ciay for Wed port, where she loads .Admiralty coal for Hobart. •From the latter port she proceeds to Newcastle to load coal for Kew Zealand.

Mr: "Matthews, purser of the Mocraki. loaves the vessel at Wellington to-day,: and returns to Sydney by the Warrimoo' to-morrow. It is understood that Mr., Murdoch, purser of the Monowai, relieved! 3lr. Matthews to-day. The steam trailer Countess cams off th/j Patent Klip yesterday after having been cleaned and painted. ' Due bad; again at Wellington on Frlday the Wavcrley,. which loft port last night, ia bringing 30 .hor:eS for transhipment to Sydney by tho Warrknoo. Caplau Graham, master of tho Anchor Line's steamer Kaitoa, now being overhauled at Kelson is u'c present on noliday leave. ■ . Included in the latest charters announced are those of the baroucs Rona and Solgran. They are to load one million' feet of kauri and whit* pine for Sydney at'Kaipara and Whangaparapara, (Great Barrier) respec-'. tively. ... ..' . . ■■■■■ ■ The barque Perfect ie reported to hare , been chartered tu load kauri, pine at Mercury Bay and. Great Barrier Isand for the United Kingdom. Mr. 31. Lindsay, purser of the Victoria, left the vessel at Sydney this trip, and Mr. L. Bechervaise, formerly assistant purser of the Zealandia, has joined the' Victoria as purccr. • \ The steamer Strathgyle, which arrived at Newcastle on Wednesday last from Manila, put up a record passage, complete ing the journey in. 15 days 35 micatesJThe vessel left Ho I!o on January 3, and experienced fine weather generally throughout the voyagft. ' :It is reported that the F.-H.-S. Line'e steamer • Susses is to be laid up at Port Chalmers. It will probably bo next month before she is docked at Port Chalmers foj cleaning, painting, and inspection.

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Dominion, Volume 4, Issue 1035, 26 January 1911, Page 7

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MANGAPAPA AND WAIRAU ASHORE. Dominion, Volume 4, Issue 1035, 26 January 1911, Page 7

MANGAPAPA AND WAIRAU ASHORE. Dominion, Volume 4, Issue 1035, 26 January 1911, Page 7