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at'woodville. • . '.good present , and bright :.';_.;:; 'future. .'•Yesterday, tho nineteenth annual Show of the Bush' Districts '-Agricultural and Pastoral Association was held at Wood- , ville.'" Fine Weather .was ■ a factor in evening:, the attendance, .and in ■making a'visit to the'show' a very pleasant outing',/- •■•■•'' There.was-a good crowd,, present, particularly in the afternoon, when tho uttendahco from .• the -'country vr?.s reinforced from : tho town. ' Tho. association is not' possessor' of a showground,..and so the EJiowsare held on tho racecourse. Meantime: .it is the hope. of every enthusiast on : the association., to. have, ai property-.of its own at some day not far distant.' The entries this year were large.- ns compared with the numbers recorded- at previous shows. In some departments tho . carapetitiou'was rather poor, but in other •3'ctions-it was very been. The show apfeared, to be well managed and gavo the ■'impression that.there ore. bettor things ahead of" it. The secretary this year is Mr. Thomas E. Husband, who'filled the vacancy caused by the resignation of Mr. J; H.- Scott.--.Mr: Henry Gaisford, as president,, heads-the'iroll .of officers. ' ■ Tho-judges were as follow:— • Horses:—Thoroughbreds and hacks: ■Mγ. I 'Alex.-G. .Pilraer, Masterton. • Draughts, ponies, and light harness: Mr. James Jlacarn, Mastertpn. Competitions:.Messrs; , A; G, Filmerand J. Macara. ' ' Cattle:—Holstein, Jersey, Ayrshire, and dairy:' Mr. .T. -A : : M'Crea, Stoney Creek; • Palnierston North. . ■' j Sheep:—Lincoln,' Border •■and-; English-] Leicester: Mr. (J. Elliott, Hastings. Romnoy and crossbreds:. Mr. ■ E.-: Tanner, Longburn. . Shropshire ■ Downs and fat: Hr'.-W.D. Taylor, Pahiatua. ■ Pigs:—Mr. S. R. Lancaster, Palinerston K'orth.' ..•'.-," '-. . -,': :■•.' Produce:—Mr. J. A., Nash, Palmerston North.. . ■..•;-.•. ■'.••.. ~ -'• • ■•'•■ HORSES. - " ■ i '.:■ '■'.;': THE .THOROUGHBREDS. At very few North Island' shows- v -is there 'a' reasonably gosd muster of tholo'ughbred horses- for competition, and Wcodvillo has. not distinguished itself by ; becoming an exception.' Yesterday there were 'Only seven '■ thoroughbreds on tho ground. .The class for:mare with foal drew'seven entries, three »f which came irouVcme'owner 'Mr.. P. , W. Scally, who got .first, with-'Energy and third with Mottle. Details afo:--" ■ ';:':.;, Mare'with'foaU—P. \V. Scally's Energy, I;'D. Christie's Miss St. James, 2; P. U'. Sialics -Mottle, 3. Stallion , .— J. 11. Anderson's Briton's Pride,- I;--"- . -..'. . ■".-" .. . . ' ■ , 'Mare for,breeding weight-carriers.—D. Christie's Miss St. James, 1. . '■■'■' . THE HACKS.-, .■■ '- : The'hacks were a. jjcotT lot, and there Iras'.plenty, of competition. -It'iyas no-' ticeablo.tnat. the principal prizes were won by entries which figured as winners last. year. •. For instance,. Mr. .-.Sedcole's Caloola," who won several firsts at the last show;' was victorious" in two out" oi me hack-classes.! ArtemUs, .the winner of the-fifteen-stone-,, hacks' -competition yesterday; -*as -a-,Winner, at the. previous 'jVooilville show. , :;Jlr. J. S. Nelson's Dick.;was not as successful as it has been, at-previ-ous agricultural shows. The Jesuits in the hack'division were:— ' 10-Stoiie Hack.—F. • Armstrong's Artenius,.l; J. Doggctt's Strathbane, 2; J. Sweeney's Consul, 3. ' 13-Stone Hack.—W, H. Gaisfprd's Good. :Night, 1; \V.:'D. -Kemp's Pukeroa,\2; j/ •S. Nelson's DiSc, 3: .■'■'.' ' •<*» V s * ' 11-Stc-no'Hack.—W. J. Sedcole's Caloola, 1; W/. H: Gaisford's The Joker, 2; -T. Hughes's Lady Nettle,. 3. ■ Cobi—R. N. Barton's Mystery, 1; N. L. 'AveryV Rebel, 2. ■ ■■ ■.. ' Lady's Hack—W. J. Scdcolo's Caloola, 1; ,W. H. Gaisford's The Joker, 2; Mrs. 'J. M'Swecney's Leo Grand, , 3.' • ■ . , PONIES. .:' Ponies, ridden by- children under fif-teen-years of age, competed in fair numbers, but there were.only -three ,'Classes. Theclass for ponies H. 2 hands and under attracted,eight competitors, and .that for ponies 13.2.. hands .nine competitors. , -, Inboth classes .mentioned the, firsts, were awarded to P. G. L..M'Eenzie's .entries. Tko.results'were:—.'-.• '. '■'■'•- ' ■■ ' Ponies, .14.2 -hands.—P. G. L. Mlven-zie's-Rhone,- 1;. .Miss.'Gladys Guthris's •Mollie,'2; C. Stubb's, Stake, 3; W. Thoaias- Messenger, h.c. ' . Ponies, 13.2 hands.—P. G. L. M'Kenzie's Bonnie, 1; C. Marine's Starlight, "2; Beagley Brothers' Brownie, 3; K. B. Houghton's entry, h.c. Ponies, 12 hands.—Tom Husband's Marquis, 1; Mrs. H. Clark's Smiler, 2. HARNESS HORSES. The harness horse competition brought. out some fine animals, tno most successful of which was' The Baron, a bay geldin r> entered by Miss M. Gaisford. , .The Baron is not new to Woodville showgoers; last year he put up a somewhat similar performance to yesterday's. The awards wore inado as follow •—■■-..., , ■Dog-cart Hcrse.—John Doggett's Strathbane, 1; H. Gaisford's Commoner, 2. Bradley Horse, , 15.2 hands and under.— Miss-M.'Gaisford's The' Baron, 1; C. Stubb's-. Stake, 2; W. J.' Kedcole's Caloola,'3. - ■-■-,■■. .■"• -■ .■■'■■■ ,-'--....

Horse, for Lady.—Miss ill Gaisford's The Baron, 1; C. Stubb's Stake,: 2; R, B. Gold, 3. Pony.—Hiss .M. Gaisford's" The Baron,1; . C.. Stubb's Stake,' 2; - Hiss 1 O'advs Guth'rie's Molly, 3. ./. ..- ', - There were two classes for spring trap horses. The awards "were;— \ \ .For,, heavy , work.— J. Murray's, junr., Koany, 1; Mrs.-'H: Clarke's: My Pollv, 2; John Beadey's (Sip,.3. ' ■ • " '•_Por light .work.-Mr. John Kinane's. Bonnie, I.; W. : C. M'Cormick's Bhley,-2; James .Murray's Violet, 3; •Fi Balohin's Bill, h.c. •■.-.'■." ■■['-■■ . t.';> :k'7i. ■There were very small entries in the draught classes;-.the largest were four in a class. Tho results were—' • Stalliori.-D. p.. Smith's Glen Ophir, I'* -,u rUa ls Limited, entry (by .Prince Alexander-Rcsine) 2 Three .years Koidins or 'filly.-L Glennys Kobin, 1; Beagley 'Brothers' entry' 9 enf i s' n f -'-Vi m3r -°' ; dl ' irtn - _s - Boltc-n's Pair-.plough horses.-S. Bolton's .entry 1, THE CATTLE CLASSESV '" ;' ■'....... , HOLSTEINS. •. ■ ■■' i The.Holsteins.provided. the best display In the cattlo section, .but'-even in this jivisioh the competition was far from bi? a here were only four breeders represenied, , andi the best entry, numerically, in one. class was three. W. Remnant was the principal exhibitor, and the chief prizetdker; in tho five'classes ho secured four firsts, one of which carried with it tho ihampionship, and ■ was unbeaten in the section. Mr. J. B. Veale'got three seconds. The' champion bull, shown by Mr. Reninnnt, is'a.son of the State-owned Sir- de Kol Inka Pioterje. Details are:— : Bull,. any age--TF. Remnant's Pietertjo Boy, 1 and .champion. ... i Hull,'two years— J.. Murray's, 1.Cow— W: Remnant's Lady' Mclha, 1; J B. Vcaie'a Netherland Lass, 2. •Heifer-Calved since July, 1907—AV. Remnant's Lily, lj.J. B. Voale's Fraulein, 2. . Hoifer calved since July, 1309— W. Remnant's Tip Top, 1; J. B. Vealo's, 2. ■ . ATRSHIRES AND JERSEYS. The results in tho Ayrshire section were: Bull, any age-J. Andrew's Lord Kyle, :1. •. ■• • • ■ .Bull, two years—lt. Riehards's entry, 1. Jerseys were in very small numbers, except io the yearling hoifer class, in'which there were seven entries.. The male championship went to a youngster named Eur-y's Campanile, cvidcnHy.' a. son of the well-known Tnranaki bull, Campanile's Kliltai). The' ribbon • for the most select female was won' by a cow shown by Mr. S:R. Lancaster - , of Fitzhcrbcrt East. The awards wero: . . ' ; i>d 'buU-.-J. S. JSelson's. L

Bull, calved since July, 1908— E. S. Holdway's Fairy's Campanile, 1 and champion. Cow—S. l\. Lancaster's 1 ami champion; H. A. 'Rosenfcldt's Flossy, 2, ' Two-year heii'ci— K. It. Lancaster's, I^Yeaning heifer—S. R. Lancaster's, 1; J.'.JJ.' Vcale's Sunday, 2; J. B. Veale's Bushy, 3. ■ f ■;■ .. DAIRY CATTLE. Iu the dairy cattle classes there were much larger entries than there were in the pedigree, classes. In ono class fourteen' competed. S.. K.. Lancaster, with entries from his Jersey and grade Jersey stock at litzherbert East, was the most'successful exhibit*.' Tho places werb gained 1 as hereunder:— . . .. ' . ' Crossbred heifer, in milk', over 18 months H. Kichahls's, 1; S. E. Lancaster,' 2; li. (Jharmley, 3. i Crossbred heifer, in milk, over 27 months, —S; B;-Lancaster, 1; E. Charmley, 2; J. I'htch'or',' 3. Crossbred heifer, dry, under' two years rr-J.--8.. v;ealc, V and 2. ■ ■ ' -: ''Pure or crossbred, dry, not under 18 months— J. S. Nelson, 1; S. H. Lancaster, 2,"J.\8. Veale, 3. ' • ■ • Heifer, six months—S. B. Lancaster, 1: E. Charmley, 2; Mrs. W. E. Oliver, 3. .. BUTTEE-FAT COMPETITIONS. -The results of the butter-fat competition were:— • ■ ■ :• J.- Hurrahs; (Jersey) 431b. milk, C. test, 2.574 butter-fat, 1. - ;;E. Charmley's (Jersey) Polly, silb. milk,. 45 . test, .2.400 butter-fat, 2. ' J. Andrew's crossbred cow, COlb. milk, 3.8 test, 2.280 butter-fat, 3. ■E. Charmley's Jersey cow, ,381b. milk, 5.1 test, 2.052 butter-iat. -Thers were thirteen, entries. " : -<r' THE-SHEEP. GLASSES, !r.::>:U lincolns. vThere were fair -entries and fair quality. : in''the Lincoln sheep competition*; . The majority of the prizes went to li.Gaisford, who had entered freely. Theram championship was won by D. M'Kenzie and -the "ewo championship by D.' H'Ddnald. Tho results-were :— ' Wdve'■Months' Earn , .—H. .Gaisford, 1 and-2; D.-M'Donald, 3. ■ - '■ Twchly-ou6''--'llouths' Earn.—D. JUvenzie', 1 anil champion; H. Gaisford, 2;D. M'JJon'aia;-'3.' • ■ .Barn Lamb.—H. Gaisford, 1 and 2; H.R..Wilton, 3. ,; ■■■•.'■ Twelve Months Ewe.—H. Gaisford, T and 2; D. M'Donnld, 3..'- . 'Ewo Lamb.—H.~Gaisford, I'and 2; H. E. Wilton, 3. ' ■' ' ' Twenty-one Months Ewe.—D. M'Donald, , 1 and champion; H. Gaisford, 2 and- 3. LEICESTER AND ROMNEYS•'In tho Border 'Leice's'te'r classes the only breeder "ifho entered sheep was Hi B'. Blyth". , A first and second throughout 'the classes'and a championship for a twenty-one months ram wero awafded him. ■..."'. '.' S. E.' Lancaster, was the only breeder to : patronise the English Leicester' sec-' tiqn. He got firsts' and second throughout .and. two championships.' '-, In Komiiey Jfarsn J.' E. llewitt was practically unopposed. Ho -secured'' allthe firsts and seconds and both championships.

SOUTHDpWNS AND SHEOPSHIRES. In Southdowns ■ all the-first and ' both championships went to' S. R. Lancaster. J.-S. Nelson"-and H-.'E:; Wiltoii; were' the only exhibitors , of Shropshires. : ; Both' scored firsts and seconds. \. -' ( i First prizes in-crossbred were taken by H.vR. Wilton, Vf.: H. '.Nelson,- and J. Murray, jun. W. U. Nelson was the chief winner in fat sheep. S. Bolton, H. E. AVilton, and Miss Agnes Jlurray also got firsts. v :.THE PIGS.: . ,■■■■;■ ,'i wei*!- small;- entries v of pigs.. There was no entry in the classes provided for Berkshire boars. Tho sow championship went to an entry of C. W. Davison and Son. . : - James Andrews won. the boar championship in Yorkshires.. •'- FARM PRODUCE. ..-.:.'. : ..: All the grain and the grass prizes were won, by Williams and Kettle, unopposed. J. fi. Fletcher , won' the class for 'potatoes with S. Peck second. DAIRY PRODUCE,. .-..-For powdered butter" 'prizes were secured, by Mrs. A.'Holder'(Woodyille)'and Mrs. W. Henson (Rauinai). - -: .• • Tho best 'cheese was made by Mrs: E. M. Bowman,: yo whom the , Woodvillo Cheess Factory: was second. Other awards were-.—Extracted honey.— L. Glenny (Ruataniwha), 1.-.Comb honey. —E. Jenson, 1. • Hoine-made white bread. —Mrs. Jensen "(Ballance),'. 1. Brown bread—Mrs. H.Clarke, l; ( ; •

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Dominion, Volume 4, Issue 1035, 26 January 1911, Page 8

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BUSH DISTRICTS SHOW. Dominion, Volume 4, Issue 1035, 26 January 1911, Page 8

BUSH DISTRICTS SHOW. Dominion, Volume 4, Issue 1035, 26 January 1911, Page 8