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, PROVINCIAL CHAMPIONSHIPS. TOTj'BNAIIENT BEGUN. : (By Tclegrapb.-Special Correspondent.) Mastcrton, January 22. ; With the exception of a rather -strong wind, tho weather was ideal on Saturday for tho opening day of the Wellington championship meeting, which is being well conducted by tho local officials. Thoro were, however, but few really closo or interesting games—a state of affairs which, will )>e vastly different to-day. . Tho Wellington entrants in tho men's championship singles are Bhmdcll, Fisher, Griffiths, Brown, Kedward, and the Parker Brothers. Fisher, Brown, and 11. A. Parker had practice games at the expanse of Bluudell, lleaton, and Redwnrd. "i'ho gamo between Goss and Cox was closely contested, and produced good tennis, Cox carrying just too many guns for the Canterbury veteran. Cox's low yolleys arc as clean and crisp as of old, but bo lacks staying power. Ollivier is reported to be confident of giving tho Danaovirke man a good game, and it will probabjy be the best single at tho meeting. Swaiiis-an has to meet Brown, and the latter Will have to play hard to qualiiy for the' next round, tho winner meeting Fisher. > . ,

. ,1 u the doubles, Parker, with Brown as his partner, had an easy victory over Gnfliths and J.- Blundell, and they have now to meet Ollivier and Gcss, who disposed of a young pair in Steel and Booth. ; J»ss Nunneley only allowed Miss Bell, of. Mson, to win nino aces in two &ets, but tho latter player was obviously seized with nervousness of her opponent, and is capable. of better .things, feho has a fine volley—a stroke which sho should cultivate, but which, of course, Miss Nunneley would not allow her t? use. jtfiss' G.. Ti°-° 'a put up a line performance against fluss Wellwood, taking tho first set (6—4) and the sccond by a similar margin. In tho third she tired palnablv, and her service went to pieces, Miss~Wollwood winning 6—l. Miss Travcrs and. Miss Wellwood meet next.l It is "said- that the tornicr has met with an injury to her foot; and, li. this bo true, Miss Wellwood -may n°-;° i?® 0 ' Miss Nunneley .in tho filial, liiuto the most interesting match of the day was played in tho .third .round, of. combined championships, when Fisher and Miss Wellwood disposed of Brown and Miss Nunneley. . This gamo .was cliieny jomarkable ior the great number of advantage games, no fewer than thirteen games running to deucc. Brown showed occasional flashes of brilliancy, -interspersed with failures to score a winnin" ace. Fisher;was playing very well, being very adroit in drawing his opponents out ot position for-a winning smash or drop phot, lhe first set went to Fisher (G—l), Brown s first servico being, tho only game ho and his partner, won. Miss Nunnelev was obviously disconcerted by Fisher's tactics, and her partner's inability to c<>po with tho moro subtlo work. With ■the score two all in the second set, Fisher smashed a heavy .ball, which Miss. Nunneley mack) a game but ineffectual attempt to return. Tho pace i>f the ball was such that Miss Nunneloy's own racket struck her in the face, inflictiii" a •rather painful bruise which caused a temporary cessation, of play. Qn resuming tho ex-champion s play improved, and Brown, in sympathy, was not so patchy. The games advanced evenly to four all, Miss Nunneley winning tho. only love game 011 her servico. iislicr .then won his service, and Brown lost his, both on advantage games. Miss Wellwood was very steady, and did not seem, disconcerted when Fisher got about from right" to left and back and forth, smashing, here and dropping-a-short ono here Several times-in tho second sot Miss 'Nunneley earned applause, for fine: ' recoveries, and winning . cross-court' strokes. . *

. Brown; Ivean, and Denniston still survive m the handicap singles, for which J. Blundc-)1 is tipped as a likely winner. The Parker Bros, would appear , to liavo a cortainty in tho'handicap doubles, tho younger brother's- abilities having been under-rated by the handicappers. Jliss Nunneley fought a great fight with and beat Jliss, Brewster in tho ladies' handicap , event, but Jliss;'Simpson, playing remarkably well, managed to avenge Miss Brewster by winning,. 75—02. THE CHAMPIONSHIP PLAY, , MEN'S SINGLES.. First Round.—J. G. Swainson beat T. E. Maunsel, G—2, 6—3; H. W. Brown.beat ■ J. D. S. Heatou, G —4, G—o; J-. Steel won by default from J. Mawley; 11. A. Parker(Wellington) beat E, Y. Redward (Wellington), 6—o, 6—o; G. Ollivior (Christchurch) beat J. B. Parker (Wellington), 6—3, t> —0; N. H." James (Jlasterton) beat N. Groves (Jlasterton), Gtt4, I—6, G—l; W. Goss (Christchurch) beat W. G. Groves (Masterton), C—o, 6—o; C. GV Cox (Dannevirke) beat E. B. Waddington (Jlasterton),. 6—0,. 6—l. Second Round.—F. 11. B. Fisher (Wellington) beat C. H. Blundell (Wellington), G—4, 7—5; H.. A. Parker beat ,T. Steelo by default; G. Ollivior beat N. H. James, 6-1, G—2; C. C. Cox beat W. Goss, 6-4, 7—5; G. G. Aitken (Masterton) beat B. Booth (Carterton), G—o, 6—4; L. Bennington (Cliristchurch) beat D. Cowan (Hastings), G—2, G—2. MEN'S DOUBLES. First Round.—H. Parker and H. W. .Brown (Wellington) - beat G. ' Griffiths. (Blenheim) and J. L. Blundell (Masterion), C —o, 6—l; Ollivior and Goss (Christchurch) beat J. Steel and B.' Booth" (Carterton), G—2, G—l. 1 ■ • • Second Round—C. C. Cox (Danncvirke) and G. G. Aitken (Masterton) beat W. G. and G. Groves (Masterton), 6—l, 6—l. LADIES' SINGLES. 1 First Round;— Miss L. Turton (Wellington) won by default from Miss L. Williams (Wellington); Miss K. M. Nunneley (Wellington) beat Miss D. Bell (Nelson),. G—o, C —o; Miss A. L. Brewster (New -Plymouth) beat Miss D. Booth (Carterton), G—2, G—l; Jliss E. Travers (Wellington) beat Miss E. Hughes (I'ahiatun), G—4, 6—l; Miss M. Simpson-(Wel-lington) beat Miss L. D. Hughes (Pahiatua), 6—3, G—2; Miss R. Wellwcod (Hastings) beat Miss L. K. Hughes (Pahiatua), G—2, G—2. Second Round.—Miss E. Travers ■ beat Miss 11. Simpson, 6—3, 6—2; Jliss Wellwood -beat Miss G. Booth (Carterton), G—i, G—l. LADIES' DOUBLES. Miss L. Turton--(Wellington) and iMiss A. Brewster (New Plymouth) beat Miss Bolton and Jliss L. K. Hughes (Pahiatua), G—4, 7—5. ... ' COMBINED DOUBLES. First Round.—Parker and Miss Travers beat Griffiths and Jliss Turton, G—2, G—o; A. Soundy (Dannevirkc) and Miss L. 11. Hughes b:at C. Blundell (Wellington) and Miss A. Brewster, S—G, 7—5; W. Goss and Jliss L. Williams beat D. Cowan and Jliss Bolton', G—2, G—o; J. G. Swainson and Jliss D. Booth beat G. G. Aitken and Jliss M. Simpson, -I—G, 6—3, 6—3; C. C. Cox and Jliss Hartgill baat E. Y. Redward and Jliss R. Hughes, 6—2, G—2; F. JI. B.' Fisher and Jliss Wellwocd beat Kempthorne (Nelson) and Jliss D. Bell, G—o, G—o; 11. W. Brown and Miss Nunnclcy beat J. Steel and Jliss G. Booth, G—o, 6-0. Second Round.—F. JI. B. Fisher and Miss Wellwood beat H. AV. Brown and Jliss'Nunneley, G—l, C—4. > THE HANDICAP GAMES. MEN'S SINGLES. ■ The A Grade. . First Round.—S. I(. Gawith beat B. Booth, 70—57; S. E. Maunsell (25) beat N. D. Bunting (35), 70—(il; A. Soundy (25) beat J. Steel (35), 70—56; L. Bonnington (scr.) beat S. lvempthorne (30), 70—56; E. B. AVaddington (30) beat E. Y. Redward (15), 70—63; 11. 11. Pavitt (35) beat J. R. Moodie (32), 70—6S; J. L. Blundell (25) beat J. B. Parker (25), 70-68; N- H. James won by default from G. Morleyj'D. JI. Kean (30) beat C. Griffiths (25), 70—GG; JI. E. Denniston (35) beat D. Cowan (25), 70—56; F. 11. Elcoate (25) beat C. Blundell (20), 70—15; J. G. Swainson (scr.) beat C!. A. Lawreno,e (30), 70—G7. . Second round.—L. Bonnington beat A. AV. Soundy, 70—68; D. JI. Kean beat N. H. Jafues, 70—65. ■ B Grade. . First Round—A. Caselberg.(2o) beat H. Langdon (10),' 70—G8'; J. Caselberg (18) beat 11. L. Thirtlo (20), 70—68; N. Groves (If) beat E. Jlackorsey (5); 70 —61; -N; Chatpberlain beat AV. G. Handnewton

(25), 70—19; IC. Groves (15) beat A- D. Low (5), 70—IS; P. 'E. iurner (scr.) beat 11. SI. Gordon (scr.), 70—(it); W, W. 1 Gabites won by default from G. Sellar; li. P. Perry (20) beat P. Welch (20), 70-48; W. Hendry (5) beat L. A. Cook (15), 70—51; C. Carley (5i beat J- V. Gordon (scr.), 70—50; A. (J. Gawitli (s)beat 11. \y. liishworth (scr.), 70—55. Second round.—ll. jl. Boddington beat W. G. Groves (10), 70—68; B. I'. Perry beat \Y. \V. Gabites (10), 70-G9; S. A. Noble Campbell (5) beat W. Drummond (10), 70—17. MEN'S DOUBLES. A Grade. G. Ollivier and IV. Moss (owe 25) beat I'. E. Maunsell and C. H. Blundcll (15), 70—61; 11. A. and J. A. Parker (owe Hi) beat L. Bennington and J. G. Swainson (owe 10), 70—13; H. 31. Gore and M. E. feiiniston (15) beat S. Kempthorne and K. Griffiths (25), 70—61; E. I'. Kedward and J. Blunclell (15) beat J. Steel and B. Booth (20), 70-63. B Grade. First round.—H. H. Pavitt and H. W. Kishworth (ser.) beat H. L. Thirtle and K. Groves (20), 70—53; Dr. Webb and Hev. Mr. M'Laverty (15) beat H. M. Gordon and G. Carley (10), 70—67; W'. U. and N. Groves (10) beat E. Chennels and O. M. Terry (2(1), 70—10. Second round.—W.. Hendry and .D. Hebenton (10) beat W. W. Gabites and S. A. Noble Campbell (5), 70—62. LADIES' SINGLES. ■ First Round.—Mrs. Hnlme (SO) beat Miss M. M'Lean (25), 50—39; Miss O. Caverhill (20) beat Miss Maginnity (20), 50—36; Miss L. Walters (IS) beat Miss F. Perry (30), 50—38; Miss L. D. Hughes (10) beat Miss AV. Perry (30), SM7; Miss L. K. Hughes beat Miss S. Bolton (10), 50—45; Miss L. Veitc.h (25) beat Miss Dixon (25), 50—45; Miss A. Perry (35) beat Miss Bell (15), 50—15; Miss Kobieson (30) beat Mrs. T. Evans (30),. 50—41. Second round.—Miss K. Nuuneley (owo 25)" beat Miss Brpwster (10), 76—74; Miss Jl. Simpson (10) beat Miss G. Booth (10), 50—30; Mrs, Hulmo beat Miss O. Caverhill, 50—46; Miss Ir. K. Hughes beat Miss Yoitcli, 50—38; Miss A. Pern* beat Miss ' Kobieson, 50—14; Miss I?. Hughes won by default from Miss E. Williams; Miss L. Turton (15) beat Miss D. Booth (10), 50—33.

! Third round.—Miss M. Simpson -beat Miss Niinneloy, 50—35; Miss A. Perry beat Miss L. K. Hughes,. 50—47; Mi's L Turton beat Miss 11. Hughes, 50—31.

LADIES' DOUBLES', ' ' and .Miss Hartgill (20) beat Misses If. and L. D. Hughes (bwa 5), 50—11; Misses F. and AY. Perry (30) beat' Miss Veitch and Miss M'Lean (25), 50-37.

. COMBINED DOUBLES. n Cox and Miss Hartgill (owe 15) beat J. Steel and Miss (J. Booth (15), 50—12; \V «6ss and Miss E. Williams (owe 15) beat C. Bhindell 'and Miss Brewster (10), 50— i 5 Cowan and Miss 8. Bolton (lij beat A. Caselberg and Miss-Dixon (25),J; L -Biundell and Miss D. Booth(10). beat E. Y. Redward and Miss Turton (8), 50—33; 0. G. Aitken and Miss Simpson (owe 5) beat E. Mackersev and Miss W. Perry (30), 50-43; T. E. Maunsell ,and. Miss D. Bell (10) beat A. D -Low and Mrs. T. Evans (30), 50—i-1.

THE LADIES AT CRICKET. . MATCH AGAINST CHRISTCHURCH. Tho patch between the Opawa (Clirist--fnirch) Ladies' Cricket Club and the Wellington Ladies' Cricket Club was commenced on ICelburno Park on . Saturday. Iho following'were the teams:— . Opawa Ladies' Cricket Club—Misses A. Scott (captain), C. Scott, O. -Jarden, - M.' Smart, p Wilkinson* L.. Button, I. Colim ?' J'- jKotriiisoii, G. Buttle, G. Allard, .and N. Sorrel. '

Wellington Ladies' Cricket Club.-Mrs. Swanson (captain), Mrs. Sutherland, Mrs. Do Chapeau; Misses A/Twohill, N. Twohill, lavendale, Booker, Mahony, Rivers, Henderson, and Wright.

.Tho visitors; winning tho toss,- sent the local team to the wickets and Wellington compiled. the respectablo total of 92 runs. 'Mrs. Do Chapeau gave' a dashing display for 26, treating all the bowling Anth freedom. Slio was . brilliantly caught. Mrs. Sutherland hit merrily and' often, in; notching 20, and got; out' iV-'ou-i deavouring to register throe, boundaries" in succession. Miss Mahony (20) combined defence with defiance and -made a valuablo stand towards tho eloso of the innings. Tho Opawa fielding was verv keen and the visitors are said to bo capable, of still better things. Tlio was good and Miss Ida Collins' at point -took a difficult catch in brilliant fashion. Miss C. Scott, eight wickets for SB runs, captured tho bowling honours. She varied both length- and pneo. with considerable judgment. Miss Robinson (two wickets) also bowled well. Tho Opawa ladies opened their innings. at 130 p.m., and at tho call of time had lost two wickets for 67 runs. Miss Robinson gave a correct exhibitionof batting in compiling 12. She was out on the call of* time. She showed a sound defence and much skill, in. placing her strokes. Miss' C., Scott- (23 -not: out) also gave-a .-commendable . display. Miss Mahony and Miss Booker each took a wicket, but the Wellington fielding was rather poor, being much below its. accustomed standard: The match will bo resumed at 11.30 a.m. to-day.-

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Dominion, Volume 4, Issue 1032, 23 January 1911, Page 6

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LAWN TENNIS. Dominion, Volume 4, Issue 1032, 23 January 1911, Page 6

LAWN TENNIS. Dominion, Volume 4, Issue 1032, 23 January 1911, Page 6